Version 0.8.6 A brand new **hyde** ==================== This is the new version of `hyde`_ under active development. `Hyde documentation`_ is a work in progress. `Hyde starter kit`_ by `merlinrebrovic`_ is a really nice way to get started with hyde. `Hyde layout for bootstrap`_ by `auzigog`_ is also a good alternative if you like Twitter's `bootstrap framework`_. You can also take a look at `Hyde Powered Websites`_ for inspiration and reference. Installation ------------ To get the latest released version: :: pip install hyde For the current trunk: :: pip install -e git:// Creating a new hyde site ------------------------ The following command: :: hyde -s ~/test_site create will create a new hyde site using the test layout. Generating the hyde site ------------------------ :: cd ~/test_site hyde gen Serving the website ------------------- :: cd ~/test_site hyde serve open http://localhost:8080 Publishing the website ---------------------- :: cd ~/test_site hyde publish -p github Hyde supports extensible publishers. Github ~~~~~~~ The hyde documentation is published to github pages using this command with the following configuration: :: publisher: github: type: hyde.ext.publishers.dvcs.Git path: ../ url: .. Note:: Currently, the initial path must have clone of the repository already in place for this command to work. PyFS ~~~~~~~ Hyde also has a publisher that acts as a frontend to the awesome `PyFS library`_ (thanks to `rfk`_). Here are a few configuration options for some PyFS backends: :: publisher: zip: type: hyde.ext.publishers.pyfs.PyFS url: zip://~/deploy/hyde/ s3: type: hyde.ext.publishers.pyfs.PyFS url: s3://hyde/docs sftp: type: hyde.ext.publishers.pyfs.PyFS url: .. Note:: PyFS is not installed with hyde. In order to use the PyFS publisher, you need to install pyfs separately. Any PyFS dependencies (Example: `boto` for S3 publishing) need to be installed separately as well. :: pip install fs pip install boto To get additional help on PyFS backends, you can run the following command once PyFS is installed: :: fsls --listopeners Examples -------- 1. `Hyde Documentation Source`_ 2. `Cloudpanic`_ 3. `Ringce`_ A brief list of features -------------------------- 1. Evented Plugins: The Plugin hooks allow plugins to listen to events that occur during different times in the lifecycle and respond accordingly. 2. Metadata: Hyde now supports hierarchical metadata. You can specify and override variables at the site, node or the page level and access them in the templates. 3. Organization: The sorter, grouper and tagger plugins provide rich meta-data driven organizational capabilities to hyde sites. 4. Publishing: Hyde sites can be published to variety of targets including github pages, Amazon S3 & SFTP. Links ----- 1. `Changelog`_ 2. `Authors`_ .. _hyde: .. _Hyde documentation: .. _Hyde Documentation Source: .. _Cloudpanic: .. _Ringce: .. _Authors: .. _Changelog: .. _Hyde starter kit: .. _merlinrebrovic: .. _rfk: .. _PyFS library: .. _Hyde layout for bootstrap: .. _auzigog: .. _bootstrap framework: .. _Hyde Powered Websites: