@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
**tl;dr** Good (code + tests + commit message) = Great Pull Request. |
********************************************************************* |
How do the pull requests get merged? |
------------------------------------ |
The following points are considered as part of merging pull requests |
after it is deemed necessary. |
1. Is there an issue tagged in the commit? |
2. Do the existing tests pass? |
3. Are there new tests added to verify any new functionality / issue? |
4. Is the authors list up to date? |
5. Is the changelog updated? |
6. Is the version updated? |
7. Does this require any changes to the documentation? |
Guidelines |
---------- |
If the following guidelines are observed as much as possible, it will |
immensely help in verifying and merging the pull requests. |
1. One pull request = One feature or One bug. |
2. Always tag an issue in the commit. If an issue does not exist for |
a feature or a bug, please add one. |
3. Use topic / feature branches. |
4. Make sure a test exists to verify the committed code. A good way |
to think about it is: if these commits were reversed and only the |
test were added back in, it ought to fail. |
5. Make the `commit message`_ as verbose as possible. |
6. Add yourself to `Authors`_ list and update your contribution. |
7. Cross update `Changelog`_ list as well. |
8. If the change was complicated and resulted in a lot of commits, |
consider ``rebase -i`` to squash and/or rearrange them to make it |
easier to review. |
9. Update the `Readme`_. |
.. _commit message: http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html |
.. _Changelog: CHANGELOG.rst |
.. _Authors: AUTHORS.rst |
.. _Readme: README.rst |