@@ -20,16 +20,21 @@ the same way as the basic part, building on the knowledge of the previous,
so it is recommended that you follow them in the listed order.
{# List all resources from a group, sort them by index and list their tags. #}
{# List all resources from a group, sort them by index and list their tags.
Sometimes you'll have to add HTML to a Markdown file for styling
or adding some special features, and Markdown is OK with that.
{% for res in resource.node.walk_resources_sorted_by_learning_order() %}
{{ loop.index }}. \
[{{ res.slug|capitalize|replace("-"," ") }}]({{ res.full_url }}) \
{% if res.name == "overview.html" %}*(this file)*{% endif %} \
Sometimes you'll have to add HTML tags to a Markdown file for styling
or adding some special features, and Markdown is OK with that.
res.slug|capitalize|replace("-"," ") is just an example of how different
commands can be chained together, but many times it will be much easier
just to use meta data if a resource has it, like here -> res.meta.title
<li><a href="{{ res.full_url }}">{{ res.meta.title }}</a>
{% if res.name == "overview.html" %}(this file) {% endif %}
<span class="tags">tags:
{% for tag in res.meta.tags %}
@@ -39,6 +44,8 @@ so it is recommended that you follow them in the listed order.
{{ tag }}{% if tag != res.meta.tags[-1] %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ macros.render_bottom_article_nav() }}