A fork of hyde, the static site generation. Some patches will be pushed upstream.

AUTHORS.rst 3.3 KiB

13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
  1. Hyde is developed and maintained by `Lakshmi Vyasarajan`_. The new version of
  2. Hyde is sponsored by `Flowplayer`_ and `Tero Piirainen`_.
  3. This version would not exist without the contributions from the
  4. `original hyde project`_.
  5. Contributors
  6. ------------
  7. - |theevocater|_
  8. * Fixed Authors link in README
  9. - |tcheneau|_
  10. * Added support for AsciiDoc.
  11. - |gr3dman|_
  12. * Added paginator plugin and tests
  13. - |benallard|_
  14. * Added restructuredText plugin
  15. * Added restructuredText filter
  16. * Added traceback support for errors when server is running
  17. - |stiell|_
  18. * Bug Fix: Better mime type support in hyde server
  19. * Bug Fix: Support empty extension in tagger archives
  20. - |gfuchedzhy|_
  21. * Bug Fix: Hyde server now takes the url cleaner plugin into account.
  22. * Bug Fix: Sorter excludes items that do not have sorting attributes.
  23. * Bug Fix: CLTransformer now gracefully handles arguments that have "=".
  24. * Bug Fix: All occurrences of `str` replaced with `unicode`.
  25. * Bug Fix: Support for encoded urls.
  26. - |merlinrebrovic|_
  27. * Hyde starter kit
  28. - |vincentbernat|_
  29. * Bug Fix: Made sorting tests more predictable
  30. * Bug Fix: Added more standard paths for executables
  31. * Added Combine files plugin
  32. * Added ignore option in site configuration to igore based on wildcards
  33. * Added silent, compress and optimization parameter support for less css plugin
  34. * Fixed plugin chaining issues
  35. * Added Language(translation) plugin
  36. * Added support for parameters with `=` to `CLTransformer`
  37. * Added JPEGOptim plugin
  38. * Bug Fix: Ensure image sizer plugin handles external urls properly.
  39. - |pestaa|_
  40. * Added support for `UTF8` keys in `metadata` and `config`
  41. - |rfk|_
  42. * Bug fix: LessCSSPlugin: return original text if not a .less file
  43. * Added 'use_figure' configuration option for syntax tag
  44. * PyFS publisher with `mtime` and `etags` support
  45. * Added PyPI publisher
  46. * Bug fix: Made `site.full_url` ignore fully qualified paths
  47. * Added Sphinx Plugin
  48. * Bug fix: PyFS publisher now checks if the pyfs module is installed.
  49. - |tinnet|_
  50. * Bug fixes (Default template, `Syntax` template tag)
  51. .. _Lakshmi Vyasarajan: http://twitter.com/lakshmivyas
  52. .. _Flowplayer: http://flowplayer.org
  53. .. _Tero Piirainen: http://cloudpanic.com
  54. .. _original hyde project: https://github.com/lakshmivyas/hyde
  55. .. |rfk| replace:: Ryan Kelly
  56. .. _rfk: https://github.com/rfk
  57. .. |tinnet| replace:: Tinnet Coronam
  58. .. _tinnet: https://github.com/tinnet
  59. .. |pestaa| replace:: pestaa
  60. .. _pestaa: https://github.com/pestaa
  61. .. |vincentbernat| replace:: Vincent Bernat
  62. .. _vincentbernat: https://github.com/vincentbernat
  63. .. |merlinrebrovic| replace:: Merlin Rebrović
  64. .. _merlinrebrovic: https://github.com/merlinrebrovic
  65. .. |gfuchedzhy| replace:: Grygoriy Fuchedzhy
  66. .. _gfuchedzhy: https://github.com/gfuchedzhy
  67. .. |stiell| replace:: Stian Ellingsen
  68. .. _stiell: https://github.com/stiell
  69. .. |benallard| replace:: Benoît Allard
  70. .. _benallard: https://github.com/benallard
  71. .. |gr3dman| replace:: Gareth Redman
  72. .. _gr3dman: https://github.com/gr3dman
  73. .. |tcheneau| replace:: Tony Cheneau
  74. .. _tcheneau: https://github.com/tcheneau/
  75. .. |theevocater| replace:: Jacob Kaufman
  76. .. _theevocater: https://github.com/theevocater