This repo contains code to mirror other repos. It also contains the code that is getting mirrored.
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Main Features

  • Earley parser, capable of parsing any context-free grammar
    • Implements SPPF, for efficient parsing and storing of ambiguous grammars.
  • LALR(1) parser, limited in power of expression, but very efficient in space and performance (O(n)).
    • Implements a parse-aware lexer that provides a better power of expression than traditional LALR implementations (such as ply).
  • EBNF-inspired grammar, with extra features (See: Grammar Reference)
  • Builds a parse-tree (AST) automagically based on the grammar
  • Stand-alone parser generator - create a small independent parser to embed in your project. (read more)
  • Flexible error handling by using an interactive parser interface (LALR only)
  • Automatic line & column tracking (for both tokens and matched rules)
  • Automatic terminal collision resolution
  • Standard library of terminals (strings, numbers, names, etc.)
  • Unicode fully supported
  • Extensive test suite
  • MyPy support using type stubs
  • Python 2 & Python 3 compatible
  • Pure-Python implementation

Read more about the parsers

Extra features

  • Import rules and tokens from other Lark grammars, for code reuse and modularity.
  • Support for external regex module (see here)
  • Import grammars from Nearley.js (read more)
  • CYK parser
  • Visualize your parse trees as dot or png files (see_example)

Experimental features

  • Automatic reconstruction of input from parse-tree (see examples)

Planned features (not implemented yet)

  • Generate code in other languages than Python
  • Grammar composition
  • LALR(k) parser
  • Full regexp-collision support using NFAs