- "My name is Earley"
- from .utils import classify
- class MatchFailed(object):
- pass
- class AbortParseMatch(Exception):
- pass
- class Rule(object):
- def __init__(self, name, symbols, postprocess):
- self.name = name
- self.symbols = symbols
- self.postprocess = postprocess
- class State(object):
- def __init__(self, rule, expect, reference, data=None):
- self.rule = rule
- self.expect = expect
- self.reference = reference
- self.data = data or []
- self.is_complete = (self.expect == len(self.rule.symbols))
- if not self.is_complete:
- self.expect_symbol = self.rule.symbols[self.expect]
- self.is_literal = isinstance(self.expect_symbol, dict)
- if self.is_literal:
- self.expect_symbol = self.expect_symbol['literal']
- assert isinstance(self.expect_symbol, (str, unicode)), self.expect_symbol
- def next_state(self, data):
- return State(self.rule, self.expect+1, self.reference, self.data + [data])
- def consume_terminal(self, inp):
- if not self.is_complete and self.is_literal:
- # PORT: originally tests regexp
- if self.expect_symbol == inp.type:
- return self.next_state(inp)
- def consume_nonterminal(self, inp):
- if not self.is_complete and not self.is_literal:
- if self.expect_symbol == inp:
- return self.next_state(inp)
- def process(self, location, ind, table, rules, added_rules):
- if self.is_complete:
- # Completed a rule
- if self.rule.postprocess:
- try:
- # self.data = self.rule.postprocess(self.data, self.reference)
- # import pdb
- # pdb.set_trace()
- self.data = self.rule.postprocess(self.data)
- except AbortParseMatch:
- self.data = MatchFailed
- if self.data is not MatchFailed:
- for s in table[self.reference]:
- x = s.consume_nonterminal(self.rule.name)
- if x:
- x.data[-1] = self.data
- x.epsilon_closure(location, ind, table)
- else:
- exp = self.rule.symbols[self.expect]
- if isinstance(exp, dict):
- return
- for r in rules[exp]:
- assert r.name == exp
- if r not in added_rules:
- if r.symbols:
- added_rules.add(r)
- State(r, 0, location).epsilon_closure(location, ind, table)
- else:
- # Empty rule
- new_copy = self.consume_nonterminal(r.name)
- if r.postprocess:
- new_copy.data[-1] = r.postprocess([])
- # new_copy.data[-1] = r.postprocess([], self.reference)
- else:
- new_copy.data[-1] = []
- new_copy.epsilon_closure(location, ind, table)
- def epsilon_closure(self, location, ind, table, result=None):
- col = table[location]
- if not result:
- result = col
- result.append(self)
- if not self.is_complete:
- for i in xrange(ind):
- state = col[i]
- if state.is_complete and state.reference == location:
- x = self.consume_nonterminal(state.rule.name)
- if x:
- x.data[-1] = state.data
- x.epsilon_closure(location, ind, table)
- class Parser(object):
- def __init__(self, rules, start=None):
- self.rules = [Rule(r['name'], r['symbols'], r.get('postprocess', None)) for r in rules]
- self.rules_by_name = classify(self.rules, lambda r: r.name)
- self.start = start or self.rules[0].name
- def advance_to(self, table, n, added_rules):
- for w, s in enumerate(table[n]):
- s.process(n, w, table, self.rules_by_name, added_rules)
- def parse(self, stream):
- initial_rules = set(self.rules_by_name[self.start])
- table = [[State(r, 0, 0) for r in initial_rules]]
- self.advance_to(table, 0, initial_rules)
- for pos, token in enumerate(stream):
- table.append([])
- for s in table[pos]:
- x = s.consume_terminal(token)
- if x:
- table[pos + 1].append(x)
- self.advance_to(table, pos + 1, set())
- if not table[-1]:
- raise Exception('Error at line {t.line}:{t.column}'.format(t=stream[pos]))
- return list(self.finish(table))
- def finish(self, table):
- for t in table[-1]:
- if (t.rule.name == self.start
- and t.expect == len(t.rule.symbols)
- and t.reference == 0
- and t.data != MatchFailed):
- yield t.data