- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import re
- import unittest
- import logging
- import os
- import sys
- from copy import copy, deepcopy
- from lark.utils import Py36, isascii
- from lark import Token
- from lark.load_grammar import FromPackageLoader
- try:
- from cStringIO import StringIO as cStringIO
- except ImportError:
- # Available only in Python 2.x, 3.x only has io.StringIO from below
- cStringIO = None
- from io import (
- StringIO as uStringIO,
- BytesIO,
- open,
- )
- try:
- import regex
- except ImportError:
- regex = None
- import lark
- from lark import logger
- from lark.lark import Lark
- from lark.exceptions import GrammarError, ParseError, UnexpectedToken, UnexpectedInput, UnexpectedCharacters
- from lark.tree import Tree
- from lark.visitors import Transformer, Transformer_InPlace, v_args
- from lark.grammar import Rule
- from lark.lexer import TerminalDef, Lexer, TraditionalLexer
- from lark.indenter import Indenter
- __all__ = ['TestParsers']
- __path__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- def _read(n, *args):
- with open(os.path.join(__path__, n), *args) as f:
- return f.read()
- class TestParsers(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_big_list(self):
- Lark(r"""
- start: {}
- """.format(
- "|".join(['"%s"'%i for i in range(250)])
- ))
- def test_same_ast(self):
- "Tests that Earley and LALR parsers produce equal trees"
- g = Lark(r"""start: "(" name_list ("," "*" NAME)? ")"
- name_list: NAME | name_list "," NAME
- NAME: /\w+/ """, parser='lalr')
- l = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')
- g = Lark(r"""start: "(" name_list ("," "*" NAME)? ")"
- name_list: NAME | name_list "," NAME
- NAME: /\w/+ """)
- l2 = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')
- assert l == l2, '%s != %s' % (l.pretty(), l2.pretty())
- def test_infinite_recurse(self):
- g = """start: a
- a: a | "a"
- """
- self.assertRaises(GrammarError, Lark, g, parser='lalr')
- # TODO: should it? shouldn't it?
- # l = Lark(g, parser='earley', lexer='dynamic')
- # self.assertRaises(ParseError, l.parse, 'a')
- def test_propagate_positions(self):
- g = Lark("""start: a
- a: "a"
- """, propagate_positions=True)
- r = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].meta.line, 1 )
- g = Lark("""start: x
- x: a
- a: "a"
- """, propagate_positions=True)
- r = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].meta.line, 1 )
- def test_expand1(self):
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a: b
- b: "x"
- """)
- r = g.parse('x')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].data, "b" )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a: b -> c
- b: "x"
- """)
- r = g.parse('x')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].data, "c" )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a: B -> c
- B: "x"
- """)
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].data, "c" )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a: b b -> c
- b: "x"
- """)
- r = g.parse('xx')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].data, "c" )
- def test_comment_in_rule_definition(self):
- g = Lark("""start: a
- a: "a"
- // A comment
- // Another comment
- | "b"
- // Still more
- c: "unrelated"
- """)
- r = g.parse('b')
- self.assertEqual( r.children[0].data, "a" )
- def test_visit_tokens(self):
- class T(Transformer):
- def a(self, children):
- return children[0] + "!"
- def A(self, tok):
- return tok.update(value=tok.upper())
- # Test regular
- g = """start: a
- a : A
- A: "x"
- """
- p = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
- r = T(False).transform(p.parse("x"))
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["x!"] )
- r = T().transform(p.parse("x"))
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["X!"] )
- # Test internal transformer
- p = Lark(g, parser='lalr', transformer=T())
- r = p.parse("x")
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["X!"] )
- def test_vargs_meta(self):
- @v_args(meta=True)
- class T1(Transformer):
- def a(self, children, meta):
- assert not children
- return meta.line
- def start(self, children, meta):
- return children
- @v_args(meta=True, inline=True)
- class T2(Transformer):
- def a(self, meta):
- return meta.line
- def start(self, meta, *res):
- return list(res)
- for T in (T1, T2):
- for internal in [False, True]:
- try:
- g = Lark(r"""start: a+
- a : "x" _NL?
- _NL: /\n/+
- """, parser='lalr', transformer=T() if internal else None, propagate_positions=True)
- except NotImplementedError:
- assert internal
- continue
- res = g.parse("xx\nx\nxxx\n\n\nxx")
- assert not internal
- res = T().transform(res)
- self.assertEqual(res, [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6])
- def test_vargs_tree(self):
- tree = Lark('''
- start: a a a
- !a: "A"
- ''').parse('AAA')
- tree_copy = deepcopy(tree)
- @v_args(tree=True)
- class T(Transformer):
- def a(self, tree):
- return 1
- def start(self, tree):
- return tree.children
- res = T().transform(tree)
- self.assertEqual(res, [1, 1, 1])
- self.assertEqual(tree, tree_copy)
- def test_embedded_transformer(self):
- class T(Transformer):
- def a(self, children):
- return "<a>"
- def b(self, children):
- return "<b>"
- def c(self, children):
- return "<c>"
- # Test regular
- g = Lark("""start: a
- a : "x"
- """, parser='lalr')
- r = T().transform(g.parse("x"))
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<a>"] )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- a : "x"
- """, parser='lalr', transformer=T())
- r = g.parse("x")
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<a>"] )
- # Test Expand1
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a : b
- b : "x"
- """, parser='lalr')
- r = T().transform(g.parse("x"))
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<b>"] )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a : b
- b : "x"
- """, parser='lalr', transformer=T())
- r = g.parse("x")
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<b>"] )
- # Test Expand1 -> Alias
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a : b b -> c
- b : "x"
- """, parser='lalr')
- r = T().transform(g.parse("xx"))
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<c>"] )
- g = Lark("""start: a
- ?a : b b -> c
- b : "x"
- """, parser='lalr', transformer=T())
- r = g.parse("xx")
- self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<c>"] )
- def test_embedded_transformer_inplace(self):
- @v_args(tree=True)
- class T1(Transformer_InPlace):
- def a(self, tree):
- assert isinstance(tree, Tree), tree
- tree.children.append("tested")
- return tree
- def b(self, tree):
- return Tree(tree.data, tree.children + ['tested2'])
- @v_args(tree=True)
- class T2(Transformer):
- def a(self, tree):
- assert isinstance(tree, Tree), tree
- tree.children.append("tested")
- return tree
- def b(self, tree):
- return Tree(tree.data, tree.children + ['tested2'])
- class T3(Transformer):
- @v_args(tree=True)
- def a(self, tree):
- assert isinstance(tree, Tree)
- tree.children.append("tested")
- return tree
- @v_args(tree=True)
- def b(self, tree):
- return Tree(tree.data, tree.children + ['tested2'])
- for t in [T1(), T2(), T3()]:
- for internal in [False, True]:
- g = Lark("""start: a b
- a : "x"
- b : "y"
- """, parser='lalr', transformer=t if internal else None)
- r = g.parse("xy")
- if not internal:
- r = t.transform(r)
- a, b = r.children
- self.assertEqual(a.children, ["tested"])
- self.assertEqual(b.children, ["tested2"])
- def test_alias(self):
- Lark("""start: ["a"] "b" ["c"] "e" ["f"] ["g"] ["h"] "x" -> d """)
- def test_backwards_custom_lexer(self):
- class OldCustomLexer(Lexer):
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
- pass
- def lex(self, text):
- yield Token('A', 'A')
- p = Lark("""
- start: A
- %declare A
- """, parser='lalr', lexer=OldCustomLexer)
- r = p.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(r, Tree('start', [Token('A', 'A')]))
- def _make_full_earley_test(LEXER):
- def _Lark(grammar, **kwargs):
- return Lark(grammar, lexer=LEXER, parser='earley', propagate_positions=True, **kwargs)
- class _TestFullEarley(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_anon(self):
- # Fails an Earley implementation without special handling for empty rules,
- # or re-processing of already completed rules.
- g = Lark(r"""start: B
- B: ("ab"|/[^b]/)+
- """, lexer=LEXER)
- self.assertEqual( g.parse('abc').children[0], 'abc')
- def test_earley(self):
- g = Lark("""start: A "b" c
- A: "a"+
- c: "abc"
- """, parser="earley", lexer=LEXER)
- x = g.parse('aaaababc')
- def test_earley2(self):
- grammar = """
- start: statement+
- statement: "r"
- | "c" /[a-z]/+
- %ignore " "
- """
- program = """c b r"""
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER)
- l.parse(program)
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER=='dynamic', "Only relevant for the dynamic_complete parser")
- def test_earley3(self):
- """Tests prioritization and disambiguation for pseudo-terminals (there should be only one result)
- By default, `+` should immitate regexp greedy-matching
- """
- grammar = """
- start: A A
- A: "a"+
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER)
- res = l.parse("aaa")
- self.assertEqual(set(res.children), {'aa', 'a'})
- # XXX TODO fix Earley to maintain correct order
- # i.e. terminals it imitate greedy search for terminals, but lazy search for rules
- # self.assertEqual(res.children, ['aa', 'a'])
- def test_earley4(self):
- grammar = """
- start: A A?
- A: "a"+
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER)
- res = l.parse("aaa")
- assert set(res.children) == {'aa', 'a'} or res.children == ['aaa']
- # XXX TODO fix Earley to maintain correct order
- # i.e. terminals it imitate greedy search for terminals, but lazy search for rules
- # self.assertEqual(res.children, ['aaa'])
- def test_earley_repeating_empty(self):
- # This was a sneaky bug!
- grammar = """
- !start: "a" empty empty "b"
- empty: empty2
- empty2:
- """
- parser = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER)
- res = parser.parse('ab')
- empty_tree = Tree('empty', [Tree('empty2', [])])
- self.assertSequenceEqual(res.children, ['a', empty_tree, empty_tree, 'b'])
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER=='standard', "Requires dynamic lexer")
- def test_earley_explicit_ambiguity(self):
- # This was a sneaky bug!
- grammar = """
- start: a b | ab
- a: "a"
- b: "b"
- ab: "ab"
- """
- parser = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER, ambiguity='explicit')
- ambig_tree = parser.parse('ab')
- self.assertEqual( ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual( len(ambig_tree.children), 2)
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER=='standard', "Requires dynamic lexer")
- def test_ambiguity1(self):
- grammar = """
- start: cd+ "e"
- !cd: "c"
- | "d"
- | "cd"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse('cde')
- assert ambig_tree.data == '_ambig', ambig_tree
- assert len(ambig_tree.children) == 2
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER=='standard', "Requires dynamic lexer")
- def test_ambiguity2(self):
- grammar = """
- ANY: /[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+/
- a.2: "A" b+
- b.2: "B"
- c: ANY
- start: (a|c)*
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', lexer=LEXER)
- res = l.parse('ABX')
- expected = Tree('start', [
- Tree('a', [
- Tree('b', [])
- ]),
- Tree('c', [
- 'X'
- ])
- ])
- self.assertEqual(res, expected)
- def test_ambiguous_intermediate_node(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc d?
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !bc: "B"? "C"
- !d: "D"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCD")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A']), Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']), Tree('d', ['D'])]),
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']), Tree('bc', ['C']), Tree('d', ['D'])])
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_ambiguous_symbol_and_intermediate_nodes(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc cd
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !bc: "B"? "C"?
- !cd: "C"? "D"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCD")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', ['C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', []),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B']),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D'])
- ]),
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_nested_ambiguous_intermediate_nodes(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc cd e?
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !bc: "B"? "C"?
- !cd: "C"? "D"
- !e: "E"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCDE")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', ['C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D']),
- Tree('e', ['E'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D']),
- Tree('e', ['E'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B']),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D']),
- Tree('e', ['E'])
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', []),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D']),
- Tree('e', ['E'])
- ]),
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_nested_ambiguous_intermediate_nodes2(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc cd de f
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !bc: "B"? "C"?
- !cd: "C"? "D"?
- !de: "D"? "E"
- !f: "F"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCDEF")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', ['C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D']),
- Tree('de', ['E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']),
- Tree('cd', ['D']),
- Tree('de', ['E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B']),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D']),
- Tree('de', ['E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B']),
- Tree('cd', ['C']),
- Tree('de', ['D', 'E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', "B"]),
- Tree('bc', []),
- Tree('cd', ['C']),
- Tree('de', ['D', 'E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A']),
- Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']),
- Tree('cd', []),
- Tree('de', ['D', 'E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', []),
- Tree('cd', ['C', 'D']),
- Tree('de', ['E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- Tree('start', [
- Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']),
- Tree('bc', ['C']),
- Tree('cd', []),
- Tree('de', ['D', 'E']),
- Tree('f', ['F']),
- ]),
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_ambiguous_intermediate_node_unnamed_token(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc "D"
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !bc: "B"? "C"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCD")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A']), Tree('bc', ['B', 'C'])]),
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']), Tree('bc', ['C'])])
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_ambiguous_intermediate_node_inlined_rule(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab _bc d?
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- _bc: "B"? "C"
- !d: "D"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCD")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A']), Tree('d', ['D'])]),
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']), Tree('d', ['D'])])
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_ambiguous_intermediate_node_conditionally_inlined_rule(self):
- grammar = """
- start: ab bc d?
- !ab: "A" "B"?
- !?bc: "B"? "C"
- !d: "D"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- ambig_tree = l.parse("ABCD")
- expected = {
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A']), Tree('bc', ['B', 'C']), Tree('d', ['D'])]),
- Tree('start', [Tree('ab', ['A', 'B']), 'C', Tree('d', ['D'])])
- }
- self.assertEqual(ambig_tree.data, '_ambig')
- self.assertEqual(set(ambig_tree.children), expected)
- def test_fruitflies_ambig(self):
- grammar = """
- start: noun verb noun -> simple
- | noun verb "like" noun -> comparative
- noun: adj? NOUN
- verb: VERB
- adj: ADJ
- NOUN: "flies" | "bananas" | "fruit"
- VERB: "like" | "flies"
- ADJ: "fruit"
- %import common.WS
- %ignore WS
- """
- parser = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = parser.parse('fruit flies like bananas')
- expected = Tree('_ambig', [
- Tree('comparative', [
- Tree('noun', ['fruit']),
- Tree('verb', ['flies']),
- Tree('noun', ['bananas'])
- ]),
- Tree('simple', [
- Tree('noun', [Tree('adj', ['fruit']), 'flies']),
- Tree('verb', ['like']),
- Tree('noun', ['bananas'])
- ])
- ])
- # self.assertEqual(tree, expected)
- self.assertEqual(tree.data, expected.data)
- self.assertEqual(set(tree.children), set(expected.children))
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER!='dynamic_complete', "Only relevant for the dynamic_complete parser")
- def test_explicit_ambiguity2(self):
- grammar = r"""
- start: NAME+
- NAME: /\w+/
- %ignore " "
- """
- text = """cat"""
- parser = _Lark(grammar, start='start', ambiguity='explicit')
- tree = parser.parse(text)
- self.assertEqual(tree.data, '_ambig')
- combinations = {tuple(str(s) for s in t.children) for t in tree.children}
- self.assertEqual(combinations, {
- ('cat',),
- ('ca', 't'),
- ('c', 'at'),
- ('c', 'a' ,'t')
- })
- def test_term_ambig_resolve(self):
- grammar = r"""
- !start: NAME+
- NAME: /\w+/
- %ignore " "
- """
- text = """foo bar"""
- parser = Lark(grammar)
- tree = parser.parse(text)
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['foo', 'bar'])
- def test_cycle(self):
- grammar = """
- start: start?
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='resolve', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('start', []))
- l = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('start', []))
- def test_cycles(self):
- grammar = """
- a: b
- b: c*
- c: a
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, start='a', ambiguity='resolve', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('b', [])]))
- l = Lark(grammar, start='a', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('b', [])]))
- def test_many_cycles(self):
- grammar = """
- start: a? | start start
- !a: "a"
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='resolve', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('start', [Tree('a', ['a'])]))
- l = Lark(grammar, ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('start', [Tree('a', ['a'])]))
- def test_cycles_with_child_filter(self):
- grammar = """
- a: _x
- _x: _x? b
- b:
- """
- grammar2 = """
- a: x
- x: x? b
- b:
- """
- l = Lark(grammar, start='a', ambiguity='resolve', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('b', [])]))
- l = Lark(grammar, start='a', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('');
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('b', [])]))
- l = Lark(grammar2, start='a', ambiguity='resolve', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('');
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('x', [Tree('b', [])])]))
- l = Lark(grammar2, start='a', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER)
- tree = l.parse('');
- self.assertEqual(tree, Tree('a', [Tree('x', [Tree('b', [])])]))
- # @unittest.skipIf(LEXER=='dynamic', "Not implemented in Dynamic Earley yet") # TODO
- # def test_not_all_derivations(self):
- # grammar = """
- # start: cd+ "e"
- # !cd: "c"
- # | "d"
- # | "cd"
- # """
- # l = Lark(grammar, parser='earley', ambiguity='explicit', lexer=LEXER, earley__all_derivations=False)
- # x = l.parse('cde')
- # assert x.data != '_ambig', x
- # assert len(x.children) == 1
- _NAME = "TestFullEarley" + LEXER.capitalize()
- _TestFullEarley.__name__ = _NAME
- globals()[_NAME] = _TestFullEarley
- __all__.append(_NAME)
- class CustomLexerNew(Lexer):
- """
- Purpose of this custom lexer is to test the integration,
- so it uses the traditionalparser as implementation without custom lexing behaviour.
- """
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
- self.lexer = TraditionalLexer(copy(lexer_conf))
- def lex(self, lexer_state, parser_state):
- return self.lexer.lex(lexer_state, parser_state)
- __future_interface__ = True
- class CustomLexerOld(Lexer):
- """
- Purpose of this custom lexer is to test the integration,
- so it uses the traditionalparser as implementation without custom lexing behaviour.
- """
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
- self.lexer = TraditionalLexer(copy(lexer_conf))
- def lex(self, text):
- ls = self.lexer.make_lexer_state(text)
- return self.lexer.lex(ls, None)
- __future_interface__ = False
- def _tree_structure_check(a, b):
- """
- Checks that both Tree objects have the same structure, without checking their values.
- """
- assert a.data == b.data and len(a.children) == len(b.children)
- for ca,cb in zip(a.children, b.children):
- assert type(ca) == type(cb)
- if isinstance(ca, Tree):
- _tree_structure_check(ca, cb)
- elif isinstance(ca, Token):
- assert ca.type == cb.type
- else:
- assert ca == cb
- class DualBytesLark:
- """
- A helper class that wraps both a normal parser, and a parser for bytes.
- It automatically transforms `.parse` calls for both lexer, returning the value from the text lexer
- It always checks that both produce the same output/error
- NOTE: Not currently used, but left here for future debugging.
- """
- def __init__(self, g, *args, **kwargs):
- self.text_lexer = Lark(g, *args, use_bytes=False, **kwargs)
- g = self.text_lexer.grammar_source.lower()
- if '\\u' in g or not isascii(g):
- # Bytes re can't deal with uniode escapes
- self.bytes_lark = None
- else:
- # Everything here should work, so use `use_bytes='force'`
- self.bytes_lark = Lark(self.text_lexer.grammar_source, *args, use_bytes='force', **kwargs)
- def parse(self, text, start=None):
- # TODO: Easy workaround, more complex checks would be beneficial
- if not isascii(text) or self.bytes_lark is None:
- return self.text_lexer.parse(text, start)
- try:
- rv = self.text_lexer.parse(text, start)
- except Exception as e:
- try:
- self.bytes_lark.parse(text.encode(), start)
- except Exception as be:
- assert type(e) == type(be), "Parser with and without `use_bytes` raise different exceptions"
- raise e
- assert False, "Parser without `use_bytes` raises exception, with doesn't"
- try:
- bv = self.bytes_lark.parse(text.encode(), start)
- except Exception as be:
- assert False, "Parser without `use_bytes` doesn't raise an exception, with does"
- _tree_structure_check(rv, bv)
- return rv
- @classmethod
- def open(cls, grammar_filename, rel_to=None, **options):
- if rel_to:
- basepath = os.path.dirname(rel_to)
- grammar_filename = os.path.join(basepath, grammar_filename)
- with open(grammar_filename, encoding='utf8') as f:
- return cls(f, **options)
- def save(self,f):
- self.text_lexer.save(f)
- if self.bytes_lark is not None:
- self.bytes_lark.save(f)
- def load(self,f):
- self.text_lexer = self.text_lexer.load(f)
- if self.bytes_lark is not None:
- self.bytes_lark.load(f)
- def _make_parser_test(LEXER, PARSER):
- lexer_class_or_name = {
- 'custom_new': CustomLexerNew,
- 'custom_old': CustomLexerOld,
- }.get(LEXER, LEXER)
- def _Lark(grammar, **kwargs):
- return Lark(grammar, lexer=lexer_class_or_name, parser=PARSER, propagate_positions=True, **kwargs)
- def _Lark_open(gfilename, **kwargs):
- return Lark.open(gfilename, lexer=lexer_class_or_name, parser=PARSER, propagate_positions=True, **kwargs)
- if (LEXER, PARSER) == ('standard', 'earley'):
- # Check that the `lark.lark` grammar represents can parse every example used in these tests.
- # Standard-Earley was an arbitrary choice, to make sure it only ran once.
- lalr_parser = Lark.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lark.__file__), 'grammars/lark.lark'), parser='lalr')
- def wrap_with_test_grammar(f):
- def _f(x, **kwargs):
- inst = f(x, **kwargs)
- lalr_parser.parse(inst.source_grammar) # Test after instance creation. When the grammar should fail, don't test it.
- return inst
- return _f
- _Lark = wrap_with_test_grammar(_Lark)
- _Lark_open = wrap_with_test_grammar(_Lark_open)
- class _TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_basic1(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: a+ b a* "b" a*
- b: "b"
- a: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse('aaabaab')
- self.assertEqual( ''.join(x.data for x in r.children), 'aaabaa' )
- r = g.parse('aaabaaba')
- self.assertEqual( ''.join(x.data for x in r.children), 'aaabaaa' )
- self.assertRaises(ParseError, g.parse, 'aaabaa')
- def test_basic2(self):
- # Multiple parsers and colliding tokens
- g = _Lark("""start: B A
- B: "12"
- A: "1" """)
- g2 = _Lark("""start: B A
- B: "12"
- A: "2" """)
- x = g.parse('121')
- assert x.data == 'start' and x.children == ['12', '1'], x
- x = g2.parse('122')
- assert x.data == 'start' and x.children == ['12', '2'], x
- @unittest.skipIf(cStringIO is None, "cStringIO not available")
- def test_stringio_bytes(self):
- """Verify that a Lark can be created from file-like objects other than Python's standard 'file' object"""
- _Lark(cStringIO(b'start: a+ b a* "b" a*\n b: "b"\n a: "a" '))
- def test_stringio_unicode(self):
- """Verify that a Lark can be created from file-like objects other than Python's standard 'file' object"""
- _Lark(uStringIO(u'start: a+ b a* "b" a*\n b: "b"\n a: "a" '))
- def test_unicode(self):
- g = _Lark(u"""start: UNIA UNIB UNIA
- UNIA: /\xa3/
- UNIB: /\u0101/
- """)
- g.parse(u'\xa3\u0101\u00a3')
- def test_unicode2(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: UNIA UNIB UNIA UNIC
- UNIA: /\xa3/
- UNIB: "a\u0101b\ "
- UNIC: /a?\u0101c\n/
- """)
- g.parse(u'\xa3a\u0101b\\ \u00a3\u0101c\n')
- def test_unicode3(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: UNIA UNIB UNIA UNIC
- UNIA: /\xa3/
- UNIB: "\u0101"
- UNIC: /\u0203/ /\n/
- """)
- g.parse(u'\xa3\u0101\u00a3\u0203\n')
- def test_hex_escape(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: A B C
- A: "\x01"
- B: /\x02/
- C: "\xABCD"
- """)
- g.parse('\x01\x02\xABCD')
- def test_unicode_literal_range_escape(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: A+
- A: "\u0061".."\u0063"
- """)
- g.parse('abc')
- def test_hex_literal_range_escape(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: A+
- A: "\x01".."\x03"
- """)
- g.parse('\x01\x02\x03')
- @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info[0]==2 or sys.version_info[:2]==(3, 4),
- "bytes parser isn't perfect in Python2, exceptions don't work correctly")
- def test_bytes_utf8(self):
- g = r"""
- start: BOM? char+
- BOM: "\xef\xbb\xbf"
- char: CHAR1 | CHAR2 | CHAR3 | CHAR4
- CONTINUATION_BYTE: "\x80" .. "\xbf"
- CHAR1: "\x00" .. "\x7f"
- CHAR2: "\xc0" .. "\xdf" CONTINUATION_BYTE
- """
- g = _Lark(g, use_bytes=True)
- s = u"🔣 地? gurīn".encode('utf-8')
- self.assertEqual(len(g.parse(s).children), 10)
- for enc, j in [("sjis", u"地球の絵はグリーンでグッド? Chikyuu no e wa guriin de guddo"),
- ("sjis", u"売春婦"),
- ("euc-jp", u"乂鵬鵠")]:
- s = j.encode(enc)
- self.assertRaises(UnexpectedCharacters, g.parse, s)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "Takes forever")
- def test_stack_for_ebnf(self):
- """Verify that stack depth isn't an issue for EBNF grammars"""
- g = _Lark(r"""start: a+
- a : "a" """)
- g.parse("a" * (sys.getrecursionlimit()*2 ))
- def test_expand1_lists_with_one_item(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item+
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("a")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we only provided one element it should have expanded to 'item'
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('item',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- def test_expand1_lists_with_one_item_2(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item+ "!"
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("a!")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we only provided one element it should have expanded to 'item'
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('item',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- def test_dont_expand1_lists_with_multiple_items(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item+
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("aa")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided more than one element it should *not* have expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains the two 'item's we've given it
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ('item', 'item'))
- def test_dont_expand1_lists_with_multiple_items_2(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item+ "!"
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("aa!")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided more than one element it should *not* have expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains the two 'item's we've given it
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ('item', 'item'))
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_empty_expand1_list(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item*
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided less than one element (i.e. none) it should *not* have expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains no 'item's as we've given it none
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ())
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_empty_expand1_list_2(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- ?list: item* "!"?
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("")
- # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided less than one element (i.e. none) it should *not* have expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
- self.assertEqual(len(r.children), 1)
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains no 'item's as we've given it none
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ())
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_empty_flatten_list(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- list: | item "," list
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("")
- # Because 'list' is a flatten rule it's top-level element should *never* be expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains no 'item's as we've given it none
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ())
- @unittest.skipIf(True, "Flattening list isn't implemented (and may never be)")
- def test_single_item_flatten_list(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- list: | item "," list
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("a,")
- # Because 'list' is a flatten rule it's top-level element should *never* be expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains exactly the one 'item' we've given it
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ('item',))
- @unittest.skipIf(True, "Flattening list isn't implemented (and may never be)")
- def test_multiple_item_flatten_list(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: list
- #list: | item "," list
- item : A
- A: "a"
- """)
- r = g.parse("a,a,")
- # Because 'list' is a flatten rule it's top-level element should *never* be expanded
- self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.data for subtree in r.children], ('list',))
- # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains exactly the two 'item's we've given it
- [list] = r.children
- self.assertSequenceEqual([item.data for item in list.children], ('item', 'item'))
- @unittest.skipIf(True, "Flattening list isn't implemented (and may never be)")
- def test_recurse_flatten(self):
- """Verify that stack depth doesn't get exceeded on recursive rules marked for flattening."""
- g = _Lark(r"""start: a | start a
- a : A
- A : "a" """)
- # Force PLY to write to the debug log, but prevent writing it to the terminal (uses repr() on the half-built
- # STree data structures, which uses recursion).
- g.parse("a" * (sys.getrecursionlimit() // 4))
- def test_token_collision(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "Hello" NAME
- NAME: /\w/+
- %ignore " "
- """)
- x = g.parse('Hello World')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['World'])
- x = g.parse('Hello HelloWorld')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['HelloWorld'])
- def test_token_collision_WS(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "Hello" NAME
- NAME: /\w/+
- %import common.WS
- %ignore WS
- """)
- x = g.parse('Hello World')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['World'])
- x = g.parse('Hello HelloWorld')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['HelloWorld'])
- def test_token_collision2(self):
- g = _Lark("""
- !start: "starts"
- %import common.LCASE_LETTER
- """)
- x = g.parse("starts")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['starts'])
- def test_templates(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: "[" sep{NUMBER, ","} "]"
- sep{item, delim}: item (delim item)*
- NUMBER: /\d+/
- %ignore " "
- """)
- x = g.parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('sep', ['1', '2', '3', '4'])])
- x = g.parse("[1]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('sep', ['1'])])
- def test_templates_recursion(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: "[" _sep{NUMBER, ","} "]"
- _sep{item, delim}: item | _sep{item, delim} delim item
- NUMBER: /\d+/
- %ignore " "
- """)
- x = g.parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['1', '2', '3', '4'])
- x = g.parse("[1]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ['1'])
- def test_templates_import(self):
- g = _Lark_open("test_templates_import.lark", rel_to=__file__)
- x = g.parse("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('sep', ['1', '2', '3', '4'])])
- x = g.parse("[1]")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('sep', ['1'])])
- def test_templates_alias(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: expr{"C"}
- expr{t}: "A" t
- | "B" t -> b
- """)
- x = g.parse("AC")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('expr', [])])
- x = g.parse("BC")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('b', [])])
- def test_templates_modifiers(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: expr{"B"}
- !expr{t}: "A" t
- """)
- x = g.parse("AB")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('expr', ["A", "B"])])
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: _expr{"B"}
- !_expr{t}: "A" t
- """)
- x = g.parse("AB")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, ["A", "B"])
- g = _Lark(r"""
- start: expr{b}
- b: "B"
- ?expr{t}: "A" t
- """)
- x = g.parse("AB")
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('b',[])])
- def test_templates_templates(self):
- g = _Lark('''start: a{b}
- a{t}: t{"a"}
- b{x}: x''')
- x = g.parse('a')
- self.assertSequenceEqual(x.children, [Tree('a', [Tree('b',[])])])
- def test_g_regex_flags(self):
- g = _Lark("""
- start: "a" /b+/ C
- C: "C" | D
- D: "D" E
- E: "e"
- """, g_regex_flags=re.I)
- x1 = g.parse("ABBc")
- x2 = g.parse("abdE")
- # def test_string_priority(self):
- # g = _Lark("""start: (A | /a?bb/)+
- # A: "a" """)
- # x = g.parse('abb')
- # self.assertEqual(len(x.children), 2)
- # # This parse raises an exception because the lexer will always try to consume
- # # "a" first and will never match the regular expression
- # # This behavior is subject to change!!
- # # Thie won't happen with ambiguity handling.
- # g = _Lark("""start: (A | /a?ab/)+
- # A: "a" """)
- # self.assertRaises(LexError, g.parse, 'aab')
- def test_undefined_rule(self):
- self.assertRaises(GrammarError, _Lark, """start: a""")
- def test_undefined_token(self):
- self.assertRaises(GrammarError, _Lark, """start: A""")
- def test_rule_collision(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: "a"+ "b"
- | "a"+ """)
- x = g.parse('aaaa')
- x = g.parse('aaaab')
- def test_rule_collision2(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: "a"* "b"
- | "a"+ """)
- x = g.parse('aaaa')
- x = g.parse('aaaab')
- x = g.parse('b')
- def test_token_not_anon(self):
- """Tests that "a" is matched as an anonymous token, and not A.
- """
- g = _Lark("""start: "a"
- A: "a" """)
- x = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(len(x.children), 0, '"a" should be considered anonymous')
- g = _Lark("""start: "a" A
- A: "a" """)
- x = g.parse('aa')
- self.assertEqual(len(x.children), 1, 'only "a" should be considered anonymous')
- self.assertEqual(x.children[0].type, "A")
- g = _Lark("""start: /a/
- A: /a/ """)
- x = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(len(x.children), 1)
- self.assertEqual(x.children[0].type, "A", "A isn't associated with /a/")
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_maybe(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: ["a"] """)
- x = g.parse('a')
- x = g.parse('')
- def test_start(self):
- g = _Lark("""a: "a" a? """, start='a')
- x = g.parse('a')
- x = g.parse('aa')
- x = g.parse('aaa')
- def test_alias(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: "a" -> b """)
- x = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(x.data, "b")
- def test_token_ebnf(self):
- g = _Lark("""start: A
- A: "a"* ("b"? "c".."e")+
- """)
- x = g.parse('abcde')
- x = g.parse('dd')
- def test_backslash(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "\\" "a"
- """)
- x = g.parse(r'\a')
- g = _Lark(r"""start: /\\/ /a/
- """)
- x = g.parse(r'\a')
- def test_backslash2(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "\"" "-"
- """)
- x = g.parse('"-')
- g = _Lark(r"""start: /\// /-/
- """)
- x = g.parse('/-')
- def test_special_chars(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "\n"
- """)
- x = g.parse('\n')
- g = _Lark(r"""start: /\n/
- """)
- x = g.parse('\n')
- # def test_token_recurse(self):
- # g = _Lark("""start: A
- # A: B
- # B: A
- # """)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_empty(self):
- # Fails an Earley implementation without special handling for empty rules,
- # or re-processing of already completed rules.
- g = _Lark(r"""start: _empty a "B"
- a: _empty "A"
- _empty:
- """)
- x = g.parse('AB')
- def test_regex_quote(self):
- g = r"""
- """
- g = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual( g.parse('"hello"').children, ['"hello"'])
- self.assertEqual( g.parse("'hello'").children, ["'hello'"])
- @unittest.skipIf(not Py36, "Required re syntax only exists in python3.6+")
- def test_join_regex_flags(self):
- g = r"""
- start: A
- A: B C
- B: /./s
- C: /./
- """
- g = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(g.parse(" ").children,[" "])
- self.assertEqual(g.parse("\n ").children,["\n "])
- self.assertRaises(UnexpectedCharacters, g.parse, "\n\n")
- g = r"""
- start: A
- A: B | C
- B: "b"i
- C: "c"
- """
- g = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(g.parse("b").children,["b"])
- self.assertEqual(g.parse("B").children,["B"])
- self.assertEqual(g.parse("c").children,["c"])
- self.assertRaises(UnexpectedCharacters, g.parse, "C")
- def test_lexer_token_limit(self):
- "Python has a stupid limit of 100 groups in a regular expression. Test that we handle this limitation"
- tokens = {'A%d'%i:'"%d"'%i for i in range(300)}
- g = _Lark("""start: %s
- %s""" % (' '.join(tokens), '\n'.join("%s: %s"%x for x in tokens.items())))
- def test_float_without_lexer(self):
- expected_error = UnexpectedCharacters if 'dynamic' in LEXER else UnexpectedToken
- if PARSER == 'cyk':
- expected_error = ParseError
- g = _Lark("""start: ["+"|"-"] float
- float: digit* "." digit+ exp?
- | digit+ exp
- exp: ("e"|"E") ["+"|"-"] digit+
- digit: "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"
- """)
- g.parse("1.2")
- g.parse("-.2e9")
- g.parse("+2e-9")
- self.assertRaises( expected_error, g.parse, "+2e-9e")
- def test_keep_all_tokens(self):
- l = _Lark("""start: "a"+ """, keep_all_tokens=True)
- tree = l.parse('aaa')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['a', 'a', 'a'])
- def test_token_flags(self):
- l = _Lark("""!start: "a"i+
- """
- )
- tree = l.parse('aA')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['a', 'A'])
- l = _Lark("""!start: /a/i+
- """
- )
- tree = l.parse('aA')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['a', 'A'])
- # g = """!start: "a"i "a"
- # """
- # self.assertRaises(GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- # g = """!start: /a/i /a/
- # """
- # self.assertRaises(GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- g = """start: NAME "," "a"
- NAME: /[a-z_]/i /[a-z0-9_]/i*
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- tree = l.parse('ab,a')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['ab'])
- tree = l.parse('AB,a')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['AB'])
- def test_token_flags3(self):
- l = _Lark("""!start: ABC+
- ABC: "abc"i
- """
- )
- tree = l.parse('aBcAbC')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['aBc', 'AbC'])
- def test_token_flags2(self):
- g = """!start: ("a"i | /a/ /b/?)+
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- tree = l.parse('aA')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['a', 'A'])
- def test_token_flags_verbose(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: NL | ABC
- ABC: / [a-z] /x
- NL: /\n/
- """)
- x = g.parse('a')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['a'])
- def test_token_flags_verbose_multiline(self):
- g = _Lark(r"""start: ABC
- ABC: / a b c
- d
- e f
- /x
- """)
- x = g.parse('abcdef')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['abcdef'])
- def test_token_multiline_only_works_with_x_flag(self):
- g = r"""start: ABC
- ABC: / a b c
- d
- e f
- /i
- """
- self.assertRaises( GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_twice_empty(self):
- g = """!start: ("A"?)?
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- tree = l.parse('A')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['A'])
- tree = l.parse('')
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, [])
- def test_undefined_ignore(self):
- g = """!start: "A"
- %ignore B
- """
- self.assertRaises( GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- def test_alias_in_terminal(self):
- g = """start: TERM
- TERM: "a" -> alias
- """
- self.assertRaises( GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- def test_line_and_column(self):
- g = r"""!start: "A" bc "D"
- !bc: "B\nC"
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- a, bc, d = l.parse("AB\nCD").children
- self.assertEqual(a.line, 1)
- self.assertEqual(a.column, 1)
- bc ,= bc.children
- self.assertEqual(bc.line, 1)
- self.assertEqual(bc.column, 2)
- self.assertEqual(d.line, 2)
- self.assertEqual(d.column, 2)
- # if LEXER != 'dynamic':
- self.assertEqual(a.end_line, 1)
- self.assertEqual(a.end_column, 2)
- self.assertEqual(bc.end_line, 2)
- self.assertEqual(bc.end_column, 2)
- self.assertEqual(d.end_line, 2)
- self.assertEqual(d.end_column, 3)
- def test_reduce_cycle(self):
- """Tests an edge-condition in the LALR parser, in which a transition state looks exactly like the end state.
- It seems that the correct solution is to explicitely distinguish finalization in the reduce() function.
- """
- l = _Lark("""
- term: A
- | term term
- A: "a"
- """, start='term')
- tree = l.parse("aa")
- self.assertEqual(len(tree.children), 2)
- @unittest.skipIf(LEXER != 'standard', "Only standard lexers care about token priority")
- def test_lexer_prioritization(self):
- "Tests effect of priority on result"
- grammar = """
- start: A B | AB
- A.2: "a"
- B: "b"
- AB: "ab"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("ab")
- self.assertEqual(res.children, ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertNotEqual(res.children, ['ab'])
- grammar = """
- start: A B | AB
- A: "a"
- B: "b"
- AB.3: "ab"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("ab")
- self.assertNotEqual(res.children, ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertEqual(res.children, ['ab'])
- grammar = """
- start: A B | AB
- A: "a"
- B.-20: "b"
- AB.-10: "ab"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("ab")
- self.assertEqual(res.children, ['a', 'b'])
- grammar = """
- start: A B | AB
- A.-99999999999999999999999: "a"
- B: "b"
- AB: "ab"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("ab")
- self.assertEqual(res.children, ['ab'])
- def test_import(self):
- grammar = """
- start: NUMBER WORD
- %import common.NUMBER
- %import common.WORD
- %import common.WS
- %ignore WS
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- x = l.parse('12 elephants')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'elephants'])
- def test_import_rename(self):
- grammar = """
- start: N W
- %import common.NUMBER -> N
- %import common.WORD -> W
- %import common.WS
- %ignore WS
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- x = l.parse('12 elephants')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'elephants'])
- def test_relative_import(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_import.lark', rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('12 lions')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'lions'])
- def test_relative_import_unicode(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_import_unicode.lark', rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse(u'Ø')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, [u'Ø'])
- def test_relative_import_rename(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_import_rename.lark', rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('12 lions')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'lions'])
- def test_relative_rule_import(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_rule_import.lark', rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('xaabby')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, [
- 'x',
- Tree('expr', ['a', Tree('expr', ['a', 'b']), 'b']),
- 'y'])
- def test_relative_rule_import_drop_ignore(self):
- # %ignore rules are dropped on import
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_rule_import_drop_ignore.lark',
- rel_to=__file__)
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput),
- l.parse, 'xa abby')
- def test_relative_rule_import_subrule(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_rule_import_subrule.lark',
- rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('xaabby')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, [
- 'x',
- Tree('startab', [
- Tree('grammars__ab__expr', [
- 'a', Tree('grammars__ab__expr', ['a', 'b']), 'b',
- ]),
- ]),
- 'y'])
- def test_relative_rule_import_subrule_no_conflict(self):
- l = _Lark_open(
- 'test_relative_rule_import_subrule_no_conflict.lark',
- rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('xaby')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, [Tree('expr', [
- 'x',
- Tree('startab', [
- Tree('grammars__ab__expr', ['a', 'b']),
- ]),
- 'y'])])
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput),
- l.parse, 'xaxabyby')
- def test_relative_rule_import_rename(self):
- l = _Lark_open('test_relative_rule_import_rename.lark',
- rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('xaabby')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, [
- 'x',
- Tree('ab', ['a', Tree('ab', ['a', 'b']), 'b']),
- 'y'])
- def test_multi_import(self):
- grammar = """
- start: NUMBER WORD
- %import common (NUMBER, WORD, WS)
- %ignore WS
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- x = l.parse('12 toucans')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'toucans'])
- def test_relative_multi_import(self):
- l = _Lark_open("test_relative_multi_import.lark", rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('12 capybaras')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'capybaras'])
- def test_relative_import_preserves_leading_underscore(self):
- l = _Lark_open("test_relative_import_preserves_leading_underscore.lark", rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('Ax')
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('c')).children, ['A'])
- def test_relative_import_of_nested_grammar(self):
- l = _Lark_open("grammars/test_relative_import_of_nested_grammar.lark", rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('N')
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('rule_to_import')).children, ['N'])
- def test_relative_import_rules_dependencies_imported_only_once(self):
- l = _Lark_open("test_relative_import_rules_dependencies_imported_only_once.lark", rel_to=__file__)
- x = l.parse('AAA')
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('a')).children, ['A'])
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('b')).children, ['A'])
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('d')).children, ['A'])
- def test_import_errors(self):
- grammar = """
- start: NUMBER WORD
- %import .grammars.bad_test.NUMBER
- """
- self.assertRaises(IOError, _Lark, grammar)
- grammar = """
- start: NUMBER WORD
- %import bad_test.NUMBER
- """
- self.assertRaises(IOError, _Lark, grammar)
- @unittest.skipIf('dynamic' in LEXER, "%declare/postlex doesn't work with dynamic")
- def test_postlex_declare(self): # Note: this test does a lot. maybe split it up?
- class TestPostLexer:
- def process(self, stream):
- for t in stream:
- if t.type == 'A':
- t.type = 'B'
- yield t
- else:
- yield t
- always_accept = ('A',)
- parser = _Lark("""
- start: B
- A: "A"
- %declare B
- """, postlex=TestPostLexer())
- test_file = "A"
- tree = parser.parse(test_file)
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, [Token('B', 'A')])
- @unittest.skipIf('dynamic' in LEXER, "%declare/postlex doesn't work with dynamic")
- def test_postlex_indenter(self):
- class CustomIndenter(Indenter):
- NL_type = 'NEWLINE'
- OPEN_PAREN_types = []
- CLOSE_PAREN_types = []
- INDENT_type = 'INDENT'
- DEDENT_type = 'DEDENT'
- tab_len = 8
- grammar = r"""
- NEWLINE: ( /\r?\n */ )+
- %ignore " "+
- %declare INDENT DEDENT
- """
- parser = _Lark(grammar, postlex=CustomIndenter())
- parser.parse("a\n b\n")
- def test_import_custom_sources(self):
- custom_loader = FromPackageLoader('tests', ('grammars', ))
- grammar = """
- start: startab
- %import ab.startab
- """
- p = _Lark(grammar, import_paths=[custom_loader])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse('ab'),
- Tree('start', [Tree('startab', [Tree('ab__expr', [Token('ab__A', 'a'), Token('ab__B', 'b')])])]))
- grammar = """
- start: rule_to_import
- %import test_relative_import_of_nested_grammar__grammar_to_import.rule_to_import
- """
- p = _Lark(grammar, import_paths=[custom_loader])
- x = p.parse('N')
- self.assertEqual(next(x.find_data('rule_to_import')).children, ['N'])
- custom_loader2 = FromPackageLoader('tests')
- grammar = """
- %import .test_relative_import (start, WS)
- %ignore WS
- """
- p = _Lark(grammar, import_paths=[custom_loader2], source_path=__file__) # import relative to current file
- x = p.parse('12 capybaras')
- self.assertEqual(x.children, ['12', 'capybaras'])
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "Doesn't work for CYK")
- def test_prioritization(self):
- "Tests effect of priority on result"
- grammar = """
- start: a | b
- a.1: "a"
- b.2: "a"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("a")
- self.assertEqual(res.children[0].data, 'b')
- grammar = """
- start: a | b
- a.2: "a"
- b.1: "a"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("a")
- self.assertEqual(res.children[0].data, 'a')
- grammar = """
- start: a | b
- a.2: "A"+
- b.1: "A"+ "B"?
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("AAAA")
- self.assertEqual(res.children[0].data, 'a')
- l = _Lark(grammar)
- res = l.parse("AAAB")
- self.assertEqual(res.children[0].data, 'b')
- l = _Lark(grammar, priority="invert")
- res = l.parse("AAAA")
- self.assertEqual(res.children[0].data, 'b')
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER != 'earley' or 'dynamic' not in LEXER, "Currently only Earley supports priority sum in rules")
- def test_prioritization_sum(self):
- "Tests effect of priority on result"
- grammar = """
- start: ab_ b_ a_ | indirection
- indirection: a_ bb_ a_
- a_: "a"
- b_: "b"
- ab_: "ab"
- bb_.1: "bb"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar, priority="invert")
- res = l.parse('abba')
- self.assertEqual(''.join(child.data for child in res.children), 'ab_b_a_')
- grammar = """
- start: ab_ b_ a_ | indirection
- indirection: a_ bb_ a_
- a_: "a"
- b_: "b"
- ab_.1: "ab"
- bb_: "bb"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar, priority="invert")
- res = l.parse('abba')
- self.assertEqual(''.join(child.data for child in res.children), 'indirection')
- grammar = """
- start: ab_ b_ a_ | indirection
- indirection: a_ bb_ a_
- a_.2: "a"
- b_.1: "b"
- ab_.3: "ab"
- bb_.3: "bb"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar, priority="invert")
- res = l.parse('abba')
- self.assertEqual(''.join(child.data for child in res.children), 'ab_b_a_')
- grammar = """
- start: ab_ b_ a_ | indirection
- indirection: a_ bb_ a_
- a_.1: "a"
- b_.1: "b"
- ab_.4: "ab"
- bb_.3: "bb"
- """
- l = _Lark(grammar, priority="invert")
- res = l.parse('abba')
- self.assertEqual(''.join(child.data for child in res.children), 'indirection')
- def test_utf8(self):
- g = u"""start: a
- a: "±a"
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'±a'), Tree('start', [Tree('a', [])]))
- g = u"""start: A
- A: "±a"
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'±a'), Tree('start', [u'\xb1a']))
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER == 'cyk', "No empty rules")
- def test_ignore(self):
- grammar = r"""
- COMMENT: /(!|(\/\/))[^\n]*/
- %ignore COMMENT
- %import common.WS -> _WS
- %import common.INT
- start: "INT"i _WS+ INT _WS*
- """
- parser = _Lark(grammar)
- tree = parser.parse("int 1 ! This is a comment\n")
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['1'])
- tree = parser.parse("int 1 ! This is a comment") # A trailing ignore token can be tricky!
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['1'])
- parser = _Lark(r"""
- start : "a"*
- %ignore "b"
- """)
- tree = parser.parse("bb")
- self.assertEqual(tree.children, [])
- def test_regex_escaping(self):
- g = _Lark("start: /[ab]/")
- g.parse('a')
- g.parse('b')
- self.assertRaises( UnexpectedInput, g.parse, 'c')
- _Lark(r'start: /\w/').parse('a')
- g = _Lark(r'start: /\\w/')
- self.assertRaises( UnexpectedInput, g.parse, 'a')
- g.parse(r'\w')
- _Lark(r'start: /\[/').parse('[')
- _Lark(r'start: /\//').parse('/')
- _Lark(r'start: /\\/').parse('\\')
- _Lark(r'start: /\[ab]/').parse('[ab]')
- _Lark(r'start: /\\[ab]/').parse('\\a')
- _Lark(r'start: /\t/').parse('\t')
- _Lark(r'start: /\\t/').parse('\\t')
- _Lark(r'start: /\\\t/').parse('\\\t')
- _Lark(r'start: "\t"').parse('\t')
- _Lark(r'start: "\\t"').parse('\\t')
- _Lark(r'start: "\\\t"').parse('\\\t')
- def test_ranged_repeat_rules(self):
- g = u"""!start: "A"~3
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AAA'), Tree('start', ["A", "A", "A"]))
- self.assertRaises(ParseError, l.parse, u'AA')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAA')
- g = u"""!start: "A"~0..2
- """
- if PARSER != 'cyk': # XXX CYK currently doesn't support empty grammars
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u''), Tree('start', []))
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'A'), Tree('start', ['A']))
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AA'), Tree('start', ['A', 'A']))
- self.assertRaises((UnexpectedToken, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAA')
- g = u"""!start: "A"~3..2
- """
- self.assertRaises(GrammarError, _Lark, g)
- g = u"""!start: "A"~2..3 "B"~2
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AABB'), Tree('start', ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']))
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AAABB'), Tree('start', ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B']))
- self.assertRaises(ParseError, l.parse, u'AAAB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAABBB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'ABB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAABB')
- def test_ranged_repeat_terms(self):
- g = u"""!start: AAA
- AAA: "A"~3
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AAA'), Tree('start', ["AAA"]))
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AA')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAA')
- g = u"""!start: AABB CC
- AABB: "A"~0..2 "B"~2
- CC: "C"~1..2
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AABBCC'), Tree('start', ['AABB', 'CC']))
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'BBC'), Tree('start', ['BB', 'C']))
- self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'ABBCC'), Tree('start', ['ABB', 'CC']))
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAABBB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'ABB')
- self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAABB')
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER=='earley', "Priority not handled correctly right now") # TODO XXX
- def test_priority_vs_embedded(self):
- g = """
- A.2: "a"
- WORD: ("a".."z")+
- start: (A | WORD)+
- """
- l = _Lark(g)
- t = l.parse('abc')
- self.assertEqual(t.children, ['a', 'bc'])
- self.assertEqual(t.children[0].type, 'A')
- def test_line_counting(self):
- p = _Lark("start: /[^x]+/")
- text = 'hello\nworld'
- t = p.parse(text)
- tok = t.children[0]
- self.assertEqual(tok, text)
- self.assertEqual(tok.line, 1)
- self.assertEqual(tok.column, 1)
- # if _LEXER != 'dynamic':
- self.assertEqual(tok.end_line, 2)
- self.assertEqual(tok.end_column, 6)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER=='cyk', "Empty rules")
- def test_empty_end(self):
- p = _Lark("""
- start: b c d
- b: "B"
- c: | "C"
- d: | "D"
- """)
- res = p.parse('B')
- self.assertEqual(len(res.children), 3)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER=='cyk', "Empty rules")
- def test_maybe_placeholders(self):
- # Anonymous tokens shouldn't count
- p = _Lark("""start: ["a"] ["b"] ["c"] """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("").children, [])
- # Unless keep_all_tokens=True
- p = _Lark("""start: ["a"] ["b"] ["c"] """, maybe_placeholders=True, keep_all_tokens=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("").children, [None, None, None])
- # All invisible constructs shouldn't count
- p = _Lark("""start: [A] ["b"] [_c] ["e" "f" _c]
- A: "a"
- _c: "c" """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("").children, [None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("c").children, [None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("aefc").children, ['a'])
- # ? shouldn't apply
- p = _Lark("""!start: ["a"] "b"? ["c"] """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("").children, [None, None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("b").children, [None, 'b', None])
- p = _Lark("""!start: ["a"] ["b"] ["c"] """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("").children, [None, None, None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("a").children, ['a', None, None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("b").children, [None, 'b', None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("c").children, [None, None, 'c'])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("ab").children, ['a', 'b', None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("ac").children, ['a', None, 'c'])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("bc").children, [None, 'b', 'c'])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("abc").children, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
- p = _Lark("""!start: (["a"] "b" ["c"])+ """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("b").children, [None, 'b', None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("bb").children, [None, 'b', None, None, 'b', None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("abbc").children, ['a', 'b', None, None, 'b', 'c'])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("babbcabcb").children,
- [None, 'b', None,
- 'a', 'b', None,
- None, 'b', 'c',
- 'a', 'b', 'c',
- None, 'b', None])
- p = _Lark("""!start: ["a"] ["c"] "b"+ ["a"] ["d"] """, maybe_placeholders=True)
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("bb").children, [None, None, 'b', 'b', None, None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("bd").children, [None, None, 'b', None, 'd'])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("abba").children, ['a', None, 'b', 'b', 'a', None])
- self.assertEqual(p.parse("cbbbb").children, [None, 'c', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', None, None])
- def test_escaped_string(self):
- "Tests common.ESCAPED_STRING"
- grammar = r"""
- %import common (WS_INLINE, ESCAPED_STRING)
- %ignore WS_INLINE
- """
- parser = _Lark(grammar)
- parser.parse(r'"\\" "b" "c"')
- parser.parse(r'"That" "And a \"b"')
- def test_meddling_unused(self):
- "Unless 'unused' is removed, LALR analysis will fail on reduce-reduce collision"
- grammar = """
- start: EKS* x
- x: EKS
- unused: x*
- EKS: "x"
- """
- parser = _Lark(grammar)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER!='lalr' or 'custom' in LEXER, "Serialize currently only works for LALR parsers without custom lexers (though it should be easy to extend)")
- def test_serialize(self):
- grammar = """
- start: _ANY b "C"
- _ANY: /./
- b: "B"
- """
- parser = _Lark(grammar)
- s = BytesIO()
- parser.save(s)
- s.seek(0)
- parser2 = Lark.load(s)
- self.assertEqual(parser2.parse('ABC'), Tree('start', [Tree('b', [])]) )
- def test_multi_start(self):
- parser = _Lark('''
- a: "x" "a"?
- b: "x" "b"?
- ''', start=['a', 'b'])
- self.assertEqual(parser.parse('xa', 'a'), Tree('a', []))
- self.assertEqual(parser.parse('xb', 'b'), Tree('b', []))
- def test_lexer_detect_newline_tokens(self):
- # Detect newlines in regular tokens
- g = _Lark(r"""start: "go" tail*
- !tail : SA "@" | SB "@" | SC "@" | SD "@"
- SA : "a" /\n/
- SB : /b./s
- SC : "c" /[^a-z]/
- SD : "d" /\s/
- """)
- a,b,c,d = [x.children[1] for x in g.parse('goa\n@b\n@c\n@d\n@').children]
- self.assertEqual(a.line, 2)
- self.assertEqual(b.line, 3)
- self.assertEqual(c.line, 4)
- self.assertEqual(d.line, 5)
- # Detect newlines in ignored tokens
- for re in ['/\\n/', '/[^a-z]/', '/\\s/']:
- g = _Lark('''!start: "a" "a"
- %ignore {}'''.format(re))
- a, b = g.parse('a\na').children
- self.assertEqual(a.line, 1)
- self.assertEqual(b.line, 2)
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER=='cyk' or LEXER=='custom_old', "match_examples() not supported for CYK/old custom lexer")
- def test_match_examples(self):
- p = _Lark(r"""
- start: "a" "b" "c"
- """)
- def match_error(s):
- try:
- _ = p.parse(s)
- except UnexpectedInput as u:
- return u.match_examples(p.parse, {
- 0: ['abe'],
- 1: ['ab'],
- 2: ['cbc', 'dbc'],
- })
- assert False
- assert match_error("abe") == 0
- assert match_error("ab") == 1
- assert match_error("bbc") == 2
- assert match_error("cbc") == 2
- self.assertEqual( match_error("dbc"), 2 )
- self.assertEqual( match_error("ebc"), 2 )
- @unittest.skipIf(not regex or sys.version_info[0] == 2, 'Unicode and Python 2 do not place nicely together.')
- def test_unicode_class(self):
- "Tests that character classes from the `regex` module work correctly."
- g = _Lark(r"""?start: NAME
- ID_START: /[\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}_]+/
- ID_CONTINUE: ID_START | /[\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}]+/""", regex=True)
- self.assertEqual(g.parse('வணக்கம்'), 'வணக்கம்')
- @unittest.skipIf(not regex or sys.version_info[0] == 2, 'Unicode and Python 2 do not place nicely together.')
- def test_unicode_word(self):
- "Tests that a persistent bug in the `re` module works when `regex` is enabled."
- g = _Lark(r"""?start: NAME
- NAME: /[\w]+/
- """, regex=True)
- self.assertEqual(g.parse('வணக்கம்'), 'வணக்கம்')
- @unittest.skipIf(PARSER!='lalr', "Puppet error handling only works with LALR for now")
- def test_error_with_puppet(self):
- def ignore_errors(e):
- if isinstance(e, UnexpectedCharacters):
- # Skip bad character
- return True
- # Must be UnexpectedToken
- if e.token.type == 'COMMA':
- # Skip comma
- return True
- elif e.token.type == 'SIGNED_NUMBER':
- # Try to feed a comma and retry the number
- e.puppet.feed_token(Token('COMMA', ','))
- e.puppet.feed_token(e.token)
- return True
- # Unhandled error. Will stop parse and raise exception
- return False
- g = _Lark(r'''
- start: "[" num ("," num)* "]"
- %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
- %ignore " "
- ''')
- s = "[0 1, 2,, 3,,, 4, 5 6 ]"
- tree = g.parse(s, on_error=ignore_errors)
- res = [int(x) for x in tree.children]
- assert res == list(range(7))
- s = "[0 1, 2,@, 3,,, 4, 5 6 ]$"
- tree = g.parse(s, on_error=ignore_errors)
- _NAME = "Test" + PARSER.capitalize() + LEXER.capitalize()
- _TestParser.__name__ = _NAME
- _TestParser.__qualname__ = "tests.test_parser." + _NAME
- globals()[_NAME] = _TestParser
- __all__.append(_NAME)
- _TO_TEST = [
- ('standard', 'earley'),
- ('standard', 'cyk'),
- ('standard', 'lalr'),
- ('dynamic', 'earley'),
- ('dynamic_complete', 'earley'),
- ('contextual', 'lalr'),
- ('custom_new', 'lalr'),
- ('custom_new', 'cyk'),
- ('custom_old', 'earley'),
- ]
- for _LEXER, _PARSER in _TO_TEST:
- _make_parser_test(_LEXER, _PARSER)
- for _LEXER in ('dynamic', 'dynamic_complete'):
- _make_full_earley_test(_LEXER)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()