- """"This module implements an SPPF implementation
- This is used as the primary output mechanism for the Earley parser
- in order to store complex ambiguities.
- Full reference and more details is here:
- http://www.bramvandersanden.com/post/2014/06/shared-packed-parse-forest/
- """
- from random import randint
- from math import isinf
- from collections import deque
- from operator import attrgetter
- from importlib import import_module
- from functools import partial
- from ..parse_tree_builder import AmbiguousIntermediateExpander
- from ..visitors import Discard
- from ..lexer import Token
- from ..utils import logger
- from ..tree import Tree
- class ForestNode(object):
- pass
- class SymbolNode(ForestNode):
- """
- A Symbol Node represents a symbol (or Intermediate LR0).
- Symbol nodes are keyed by the symbol (s). For intermediate nodes
- s will be an LR0, stored as a tuple of (rule, ptr). For completed symbol
- nodes, s will be a string representing the non-terminal origin (i.e.
- the left hand side of the rule).
- The children of a Symbol or Intermediate Node will always be Packed Nodes;
- with each Packed Node child representing a single derivation of a production.
- Hence a Symbol Node with a single child is unambiguous.
- :ivar s: A Symbol, or a tuple of (rule, ptr) for an intermediate node.
- :ivar start: The index of the start of the substring matched by this
- symbol (inclusive).
- :ivar end: The index of the end of the substring matched by this
- symbol (exclusive).
- :ivar is_intermediate: True if this node is an intermediate node.
- :ivar priority: The priority of the node's symbol.
- """
- __slots__ = ('s', 'start', 'end', '_children', 'paths', 'paths_loaded', 'priority', 'is_intermediate', '_hash')
- def __init__(self, s, start, end):
- self.s = s
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- self._children = set()
- self.paths = set()
- self.paths_loaded = False
- ### We use inf here as it can be safely negated without resorting to conditionals,
- # unlike None or float('NaN'), and sorts appropriately.
- self.priority = float('-inf')
- self.is_intermediate = isinstance(s, tuple)
- self._hash = hash((self.s, self.start, self.end))
- def add_family(self, lr0, rule, start, left, right):
- self._children.add(PackedNode(self, lr0, rule, start, left, right))
- def add_path(self, transitive, node):
- self.paths.add((transitive, node))
- def load_paths(self):
- for transitive, node in self.paths:
- if transitive.next_titem is not None:
- vn = SymbolNode(transitive.next_titem.s, transitive.next_titem.start, self.end)
- vn.add_path(transitive.next_titem, node)
- self.add_family(transitive.reduction.rule.origin, transitive.reduction.rule, transitive.reduction.start, transitive.reduction.node, vn)
- else:
- self.add_family(transitive.reduction.rule.origin, transitive.reduction.rule, transitive.reduction.start, transitive.reduction.node, node)
- self.paths_loaded = True
- @property
- def is_ambiguous(self):
- """Returns True if this node is ambiguous."""
- return len(self.children) > 1
- @property
- def children(self):
- """Returns a list of this node's children sorted from greatest to
- least priority."""
- if not self.paths_loaded: self.load_paths()
- return sorted(self._children, key=attrgetter('sort_key'))
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self._children)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, SymbolNode):
- return False
- return self is other or (type(self.s) == type(other.s) and self.s == other.s and self.start == other.start and self.end is other.end)
- def __hash__(self):
- return self._hash
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.is_intermediate:
- rule = self.s[0]
- ptr = self.s[1]
- before = ( expansion.name for expansion in rule.expansion[:ptr] )
- after = ( expansion.name for expansion in rule.expansion[ptr:] )
- symbol = "{} ::= {}* {}".format(rule.origin.name, ' '.join(before), ' '.join(after))
- else:
- symbol = self.s.name
- return "({}, {}, {}, {})".format(symbol, self.start, self.end, self.priority)
- class PackedNode(ForestNode):
- """
- A Packed Node represents a single derivation in a symbol node.
- :ivar rule: The rule associated with this node.
- :ivar parent: The parent of this node.
- :ivar left: The left child of this node. ``None`` if one does not exist.
- :ivar right: The right child of this node. ``None`` if one does not exist.
- :ivar priority: The priority of this node.
- """
- __slots__ = ('parent', 's', 'rule', 'start', 'left', 'right', 'priority', '_hash')
- def __init__(self, parent, s, rule, start, left, right):
- self.parent = parent
- self.s = s
- self.start = start
- self.rule = rule
- self.left = left
- self.right = right
- self.priority = float('-inf')
- self._hash = hash((self.left, self.right))
- @property
- def is_empty(self):
- return self.left is None and self.right is None
- @property
- def sort_key(self):
- """
- Used to sort PackedNode children of SymbolNodes.
- A SymbolNode has multiple PackedNodes if it matched
- ambiguously. Hence, we use the sort order to identify
- the order in which ambiguous children should be considered.
- """
- return self.is_empty, -self.priority, self.rule.order
- @property
- def children(self):
- """Returns a list of this node's children."""
- return [x for x in [self.left, self.right] if x is not None]
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self.left
- yield self.right
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, PackedNode):
- return False
- return self is other or (self.left == other.left and self.right == other.right)
- def __hash__(self):
- return self._hash
- def __repr__(self):
- if isinstance(self.s, tuple):
- rule = self.s[0]
- ptr = self.s[1]
- before = ( expansion.name for expansion in rule.expansion[:ptr] )
- after = ( expansion.name for expansion in rule.expansion[ptr:] )
- symbol = "{} ::= {}* {}".format(rule.origin.name, ' '.join(before), ' '.join(after))
- else:
- symbol = self.s.name
- return "({}, {}, {}, {})".format(symbol, self.start, self.priority, self.rule.order)
- class ForestVisitor(object):
- """
- An abstract base class for building forest visitors.
- This class performs a controllable depth-first walk of an SPPF.
- The visitor will not enter cycles and will backtrack if one is encountered.
- Subclasses are notified of cycles through the ``on_cycle`` method.
- Behavior for visit events is defined by overriding the
- ``visit*node*`` functions.
- The walk is controlled by the return values of the ``visit*node_in``
- methods. Returning a node(s) will schedule them to be visited. The visitor
- will begin to backtrack if no nodes are returned.
- """
- def visit_token_node(self, node):
- """Called when a ``Token`` is visited. ``Token`` nodes are always leaves."""
- pass
- def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
- """Called when a symbol node is visited. Nodes that are returned
- will be scheduled to be visited. If ``visit_intermediate_node_in``
- is not implemented, this function will be called for intermediate
- nodes as well."""
- pass
- def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
- """Called after all nodes returned from a corresponding ``visit_symbol_node_in``
- call have been visited. If ``visit_intermediate_node_out``
- is not implemented, this function will be called for intermediate
- nodes as well."""
- pass
- def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
- """Called when a packed node is visited. Nodes that are returned
- will be scheduled to be visited. """
- pass
- def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
- """Called after all nodes returned from a corresponding ``visit_packed_node_in``
- call have been visited."""
- pass
- def on_cycle(self, node, path):
- """Called when a cycle is encountered.
- :param node: The node that causes a cycle.
- :param path: The list of nodes being visited: nodes that have been
- entered but not exited. The first element is the root in a forest
- visit, and the last element is the node visited most recently.
- ``path`` should be treated as read-only.
- """
- pass
- def get_cycle_in_path(self, node, path):
- """A utility function for use in ``on_cycle`` to obtain a slice of
- ``path`` that only contains the nodes that make up the cycle."""
- index = len(path) - 1
- while id(path[index]) != id(node):
- index -= 1
- return path[index:]
- def visit(self, root):
- # Visiting is a list of IDs of all symbol/intermediate nodes currently in
- # the stack. It serves two purposes: to detect when we 'recurse' in and out
- # of a symbol/intermediate so that we can process both up and down. Also,
- # since the SPPF can have cycles it allows us to detect if we're trying
- # to recurse into a node that's already on the stack (infinite recursion).
- visiting = set()
- # a list of nodes that are currently being visited
- # used for the `on_cycle` callback
- path = []
- # We do not use recursion here to walk the Forest due to the limited
- # stack size in python. Therefore input_stack is essentially our stack.
- input_stack = deque([root])
- # It is much faster to cache these as locals since they are called
- # many times in large parses.
- vpno = getattr(self, 'visit_packed_node_out')
- vpni = getattr(self, 'visit_packed_node_in')
- vsno = getattr(self, 'visit_symbol_node_out')
- vsni = getattr(self, 'visit_symbol_node_in')
- vino = getattr(self, 'visit_intermediate_node_out', vsno)
- vini = getattr(self, 'visit_intermediate_node_in', vsni)
- vtn = getattr(self, 'visit_token_node')
- oc = getattr(self, 'on_cycle')
- while input_stack:
- current = next(reversed(input_stack))
- try:
- next_node = next(current)
- except StopIteration:
- input_stack.pop()
- continue
- except TypeError:
- ### If the current object is not an iterator, pass through to Token/SymbolNode
- pass
- else:
- if next_node is None:
- continue
- if id(next_node) in visiting:
- oc(next_node, path)
- continue
- input_stack.append(next_node)
- continue
- if not isinstance(current, ForestNode):
- vtn(current)
- input_stack.pop()
- continue
- current_id = id(current)
- if current_id in visiting:
- if isinstance(current, PackedNode):
- vpno(current)
- elif current.is_intermediate:
- vino(current)
- else:
- vsno(current)
- input_stack.pop()
- path.pop()
- visiting.remove(current_id)
- continue
- else:
- visiting.add(current_id)
- path.append(current)
- if isinstance(current, PackedNode):
- next_node = vpni(current)
- elif current.is_intermediate:
- next_node = vini(current)
- else:
- next_node = vsni(current)
- if next_node is None:
- continue
- if not isinstance(next_node, ForestNode) and \
- not isinstance(next_node, Token):
- next_node = iter(next_node)
- elif id(next_node) in visiting:
- oc(next_node, path)
- continue
- input_stack.append(next_node)
- continue
- class ForestTransformer(ForestVisitor):
- """The base class for a bottom-up forest transformation. Most users will
- want to use ``TreeForestTransformer`` instead as it has a friendlier
- interface and covers most use cases.
- Transformations are applied via inheritance and overriding of the
- ``transform*node`` methods.
- ``transform_token_node`` receives a ``Token`` as an argument.
- All other methods receive the node that is being transformed and
- a list of the results of the transformations of that node's children.
- The return value of these methods are the resulting transformations.
- If ``Discard`` is raised in a node's transformation, no data from that node
- will be passed to its parent's transformation.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- # results of transformations
- self.data = dict()
- # used to track parent nodes
- self.node_stack = deque()
- def transform(self, root):
- """Perform a transformation on an SPPF."""
- self.node_stack.append('result')
- self.data['result'] = []
- self.visit(root)
- assert len(self.data['result']) <= 1
- if self.data['result']:
- return self.data['result'][0]
- def transform_symbol_node(self, node, data):
- """Transform a symbol node."""
- return node
- def transform_intermediate_node(self, node, data):
- """Transform an intermediate node."""
- return node
- def transform_packed_node(self, node, data):
- """Transform a packed node."""
- return node
- def transform_token_node(self, node):
- """Transform a ``Token``."""
- return node
- def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
- self.node_stack.append(id(node))
- self.data[id(node)] = []
- return node.children
- def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
- self.node_stack.append(id(node))
- self.data[id(node)] = []
- return node.children
- def visit_token_node(self, node):
- try:
- transformed = self.transform_token_node(node)
- except Discard:
- pass
- else:
- self.data[self.node_stack[-1]].append(transformed)
- def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
- self.node_stack.pop()
- try:
- transformed = self.transform_symbol_node(node, self.data[id(node)])
- except Discard:
- pass
- else:
- self.data[self.node_stack[-1]].append(transformed)
- finally:
- del self.data[id(node)]
- def visit_intermediate_node_out(self, node):
- self.node_stack.pop()
- try:
- transformed = self.transform_intermediate_node(node, self.data[id(node)])
- except Discard:
- pass
- else:
- self.data[self.node_stack[-1]].append(transformed)
- finally:
- del self.data[id(node)]
- def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
- self.node_stack.pop()
- try:
- transformed = self.transform_packed_node(node, self.data[id(node)])
- except Discard:
- pass
- else:
- self.data[self.node_stack[-1]].append(transformed)
- finally:
- del self.data[id(node)]
- class ForestSumVisitor(ForestVisitor):
- """
- A visitor for prioritizing ambiguous parts of the Forest.
- This visitor is used when support for explicit priorities on
- rules is requested (whether normal, or invert). It walks the
- forest (or subsets thereof) and cascades properties upwards
- from the leaves.
- It would be ideal to do this during parsing, however this would
- require processing each Earley item multiple times. That's
- a big performance drawback; so running a forest walk is the
- lesser of two evils: there can be significantly more Earley
- items created during parsing than there are SPPF nodes in the
- final tree.
- """
- def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
- yield node.left
- yield node.right
- def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
- return iter(node.children)
- def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
- priority = node.rule.options.priority if not node.parent.is_intermediate and node.rule.options.priority else 0
- priority += getattr(node.right, 'priority', 0)
- priority += getattr(node.left, 'priority', 0)
- node.priority = priority
- def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
- node.priority = max(child.priority for child in node.children)
- class PackedData():
- """Used in transformationss of packed nodes to distinguish the data
- that comes from the left child and the right child.
- """
- class _NoData():
- pass
- NO_DATA = _NoData()
- def __init__(self, node, data):
- self.left = self.NO_DATA
- self.right = self.NO_DATA
- if data:
- if node.left is not None:
- self.left = data[0]
- if len(data) > 1:
- self.right = data[1]
- else:
- self.right = data[0]
- class ForestToParseTree(ForestTransformer):
- """Used by the earley parser when ambiguity equals 'resolve' or
- 'explicit'. Transforms an SPPF into an (ambiguous) parse tree.
- tree_class: The tree class to use for construction
- callbacks: A dictionary of rules to functions that output a tree
- prioritizer: A ``ForestVisitor`` that manipulates the priorities of
- ForestNodes
- resolve_ambiguity: If True, ambiguities will be resolved based on
- priorities. Otherwise, `_ambig` nodes will be in the resulting
- tree.
- """
- def __init__(self, tree_class=Tree, callbacks=dict(), prioritizer=ForestSumVisitor(), resolve_ambiguity=True):
- super(ForestToParseTree, self).__init__()
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.callbacks = callbacks
- self.prioritizer = prioritizer
- self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
- self._on_cycle_retreat = False
- self._cycle_node = None
- self._successful_visits = set()
- def on_cycle(self, node, path):
- logger.debug("Cycle encountered in the SPPF at node: %s. "
- "As infinite ambiguities cannot be represented in a tree, "
- "this family of derivations will be discarded.", node)
- self._cycle_node = node
- self._on_cycle_retreat = True
- def _check_cycle(self, node):
- if self._on_cycle_retreat:
- if id(node) == id(self._cycle_node) or id(node) in self._successful_visits:
- self._cycle_node = None
- self._on_cycle_retreat = False
- return
- raise Discard()
- def _collapse_ambig(self, children):
- new_children = []
- for child in children:
- if hasattr(child, 'data') and child.data == '_ambig':
- new_children += child.children
- else:
- new_children.append(child)
- return new_children
- def _call_rule_func(self, node, data):
- # called when transforming children of symbol nodes
- # data is a list of trees or tokens that correspond to the
- # symbol's rule expansion
- return self.callbacks[node.rule](data)
- def _call_ambig_func(self, node, data):
- # called when transforming a symbol node
- # data is a list of trees where each tree's data is
- # equal to the name of the symbol or one of its aliases.
- if len(data) > 1:
- return self.tree_class('_ambig', data)
- elif data:
- return data[0]
- raise Discard()
- def transform_symbol_node(self, node, data):
- if id(node) not in self._successful_visits:
- raise Discard()
- self._check_cycle(node)
- self._successful_visits.remove(id(node))
- data = self._collapse_ambig(data)
- return self._call_ambig_func(node, data)
- def transform_intermediate_node(self, node, data):
- if id(node) not in self._successful_visits:
- raise Discard()
- self._check_cycle(node)
- self._successful_visits.remove(id(node))
- if len(data) > 1:
- children = [self.tree_class('_inter', c) for c in data]
- return self.tree_class('_iambig', children)
- return data[0]
- def transform_packed_node(self, node, data):
- self._check_cycle(node)
- if self.resolve_ambiguity and id(node.parent) in self._successful_visits:
- raise Discard()
- children = []
- assert len(data) <= 2
- data = PackedData(node, data)
- if data.left is not PackedData.NO_DATA:
- if node.left.is_intermediate and isinstance(data.left, list):
- children += data.left
- else:
- children.append(data.left)
- if data.right is not PackedData.NO_DATA:
- children.append(data.right)
- if node.parent.is_intermediate:
- return children
- return self._call_rule_func(node, children)
- def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
- super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_symbol_node_in(node)
- if self._on_cycle_retreat:
- return
- if self.prioritizer and node.is_ambiguous and isinf(node.priority):
- self.prioritizer.visit(node)
- return node.children
- def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
- self._on_cycle_retreat = False
- to_visit = super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_packed_node_in(node)
- if not self.resolve_ambiguity or id(node.parent) not in self._successful_visits:
- return to_visit
- def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
- super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_packed_node_out(node)
- if not self._on_cycle_retreat:
- self._successful_visits.add(id(node.parent))
- def handles_ambiguity(func):
- """Decorator for methods of subclasses of ``TreeForestTransformer``.
- Denotes that the method should receive a list of transformed derivations."""
- func.handles_ambiguity = True
- return func
- class TreeForestTransformer(ForestToParseTree):
- """A ``ForestTransformer`` with a tree ``Transformer``-like interface.
- By default, it will construct a tree.
- Methods provided via inheritance are called based on the rule/symbol
- names of nodes in the forest.
- Methods that act on rules will receive a list of the results of the
- transformations of the rule's children. By default, trees and tokens.
- Methods that act on tokens will receive a token.
- Alternatively, methods that act on rules may be annotated with
- ``handles_ambiguity``. In this case, the function will receive a list
- of all the transformations of all the derivations of the rule.
- By default, a list of trees where each tree.data is equal to the
- rule name or one of its aliases.
- Non-tree transformations are made possible by override of
- ``__default__``, ``__default_token__``, and ``__default_ambig__``.
- .. note::
- Tree shaping features such as inlined rules and token filtering are
- not built into the transformation. Positions are also not
- propagated.
- :param tree_class: The tree class to use for construction
- :param prioritizer: A ``ForestVisitor`` that manipulates the priorities of
- nodes in the SPPF.
- :param resolve_ambiguity: If True, ambiguities will be resolved based on
- priorities.
- """
- def __init__(self, tree_class=Tree, prioritizer=ForestSumVisitor(), resolve_ambiguity=True):
- super(TreeForestTransformer, self).__init__(tree_class, dict(), prioritizer, resolve_ambiguity)
- def __default__(self, name, data):
- """Default operation on tree (for override).
- Returns a tree with name with data as children.
- """
- return self.tree_class(name, data)
- def __default_ambig__(self, name, data):
- """Default operation on ambiguous rule (for override).
- Wraps data in an '_ambig_' node if it contains more than
- one element.
- """
- if len(data) > 1:
- return self.tree_class('_ambig', data)
- elif data:
- return data[0]
- raise Discard()
- def __default_token__(self, node):
- """Default operation on ``Token`` (for override).
- Returns ``node``.
- """
- return node
- def transform_token_node(self, node):
- return getattr(self, node.type, self.__default_token__)(node)
- def _call_rule_func(self, node, data):
- name = node.rule.alias or node.rule.options.template_source or node.rule.origin.name
- user_func = getattr(self, name, self.__default__)
- if user_func == self.__default__ or hasattr(user_func, 'handles_ambiguity'):
- user_func = partial(self.__default__, name)
- if not self.resolve_ambiguity:
- wrapper = partial(AmbiguousIntermediateExpander, self.tree_class)
- user_func = wrapper(user_func)
- return user_func(data)
- def _call_ambig_func(self, node, data):
- name = node.s.name
- user_func = getattr(self, name, self.__default_ambig__)
- if user_func == self.__default_ambig__ or not hasattr(user_func, 'handles_ambiguity'):
- user_func = partial(self.__default_ambig__, name)
- return user_func(data)
- class ForestToPyDotVisitor(ForestVisitor):
- """
- A Forest visitor which writes the SPPF to a PNG.
- The SPPF can get really large, really quickly because
- of the amount of meta-data it stores, so this is probably
- only useful for trivial trees and learning how the SPPF
- is structured.
- """
- def __init__(self, rankdir="TB"):
- self.pydot = import_module('pydot')
- self.graph = self.pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph', rankdir=rankdir)
- def visit(self, root, filename):
- super(ForestToPyDotVisitor, self).visit(root)
- try:
- self.graph.write_png(filename)
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- logger.error("Could not write png: ", e)
- def visit_token_node(self, node):
- graph_node_id = str(id(node))
- graph_node_label = "\"{}\"".format(node.value.replace('"', '\\"'))
- graph_node_color = 0x808080
- graph_node_style = "\"filled,rounded\""
- graph_node_shape = "diamond"
- graph_node = self.pydot.Node(graph_node_id, style=graph_node_style, fillcolor="#{:06x}".format(graph_node_color), shape=graph_node_shape, label=graph_node_label)
- self.graph.add_node(graph_node)
- def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
- graph_node_id = str(id(node))
- graph_node_label = repr(node)
- graph_node_color = 0x808080
- graph_node_style = "filled"
- graph_node_shape = "diamond"
- graph_node = self.pydot.Node(graph_node_id, style=graph_node_style, fillcolor="#{:06x}".format(graph_node_color), shape=graph_node_shape, label=graph_node_label)
- self.graph.add_node(graph_node)
- yield node.left
- yield node.right
- def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
- graph_node_id = str(id(node))
- graph_node = self.graph.get_node(graph_node_id)[0]
- for child in [node.left, node.right]:
- if child is not None:
- child_graph_node_id = str(id(child))
- child_graph_node = self.graph.get_node(child_graph_node_id)[0]
- self.graph.add_edge(self.pydot.Edge(graph_node, child_graph_node))
- else:
- #### Try and be above the Python object ID range; probably impl. specific, but maybe this is okay.
- child_graph_node_id = str(randint(100000000000000000000000000000,123456789012345678901234567890))
- child_graph_node_style = "invis"
- child_graph_node = self.pydot.Node(child_graph_node_id, style=child_graph_node_style, label="None")
- child_edge_style = "invis"
- self.graph.add_node(child_graph_node)
- self.graph.add_edge(self.pydot.Edge(graph_node, child_graph_node, style=child_edge_style))
- def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
- graph_node_id = str(id(node))
- graph_node_label = repr(node)
- graph_node_color = 0x808080
- graph_node_style = "\"filled\""
- if node.is_intermediate:
- graph_node_shape = "ellipse"
- else:
- graph_node_shape = "rectangle"
- graph_node = self.pydot.Node(graph_node_id, style=graph_node_style, fillcolor="#{:06x}".format(graph_node_color), shape=graph_node_shape, label=graph_node_label)
- self.graph.add_node(graph_node)
- return iter(node.children)
- def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
- graph_node_id = str(id(node))
- graph_node = self.graph.get_node(graph_node_id)[0]
- for child in node.children:
- child_graph_node_id = str(id(child))
- child_graph_node = self.graph.get_node(child_graph_node_id)[0]
- self.graph.add_edge(self.pydot.Edge(graph_node, child_graph_node))