- """This module implements an Earley parser.
- The core Earley algorithm used here is based on Elizabeth Scott's implementation, here:
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571066108001497
- That is probably the best reference for understanding the algorithm here.
- The Earley parser outputs an SPPF-tree as per that document. The SPPF tree format
- is explained here: https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/sppf/sppf.html
- """
- from collections import deque
- from ..tree import Tree
- from ..visitors import Transformer_InPlace, v_args
- from ..exceptions import UnexpectedEOF, UnexpectedToken
- from ..utils import logger
- from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
- from ..grammar import NonTerminal
- from .earley_common import Item, TransitiveItem
- from .earley_forest import ForestSumVisitor, SymbolNode, ForestToParseTree
- class Parser:
- def __init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity=True, debug=False, tree_class=Tree):
- analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(parser_conf)
- self.parser_conf = parser_conf
- self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
- self.debug = debug
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.FIRST = analysis.FIRST
- self.NULLABLE = analysis.NULLABLE
- self.callbacks = parser_conf.callbacks
- self.predictions = {}
- ## These could be moved to the grammar analyzer. Pre-computing these is *much* faster than
- # the slow 'isupper' in is_terminal.
- self.TERMINALS = { sym for r in parser_conf.rules for sym in r.expansion if sym.is_term }
- self.NON_TERMINALS = { sym for r in parser_conf.rules for sym in r.expansion if not sym.is_term }
- self.forest_sum_visitor = None
- for rule in parser_conf.rules:
- if rule.origin not in self.predictions:
- self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]
- ## Detect if any rules have priorities set. If the user specified priority = "none" then
- # the priorities will be stripped from all rules before they reach us, allowing us to
- # skip the extra tree walk. We'll also skip this if the user just didn't specify priorities
- # on any rules.
- if self.forest_sum_visitor is None and rule.options.priority is not None:
- self.forest_sum_visitor = ForestSumVisitor
- self.term_matcher = term_matcher
- def predict_and_complete(self, i, to_scan, columns, transitives):
- """The core Earley Predictor and Completer.
- At each stage of the input, we handling any completed items (things
- that matched on the last cycle) and use those to predict what should
- come next in the input stream. The completions and any predicted
- non-terminals are recursively processed until we reach a set of,
- which can be added to the scan list for the next scanner cycle."""
- # Held Completions (H in E.Scotts paper).
- node_cache = {}
- held_completions = {}
- column = columns[i]
- # R (items) = Ei (column.items)
- items = deque(column)
- while items:
- item = items.pop() # remove an element, A say, from R
- ### The Earley completer
- if item.is_complete: ### (item.s == string)
- if item.node is None:
- label = (item.s, item.start, i)
- item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- item.node.add_family(item.s, item.rule, item.start, None, None)
- # create_leo_transitives(item.rule.origin, item.start)
- ###R Joop Leo right recursion Completer
- if item.rule.origin in transitives[item.start]:
- transitive = transitives[item.start][item.s]
- if transitive.previous in transitives[transitive.column]:
- root_transitive = transitives[transitive.column][transitive.previous]
- else:
- root_transitive = transitive
- new_item = Item(transitive.rule, transitive.ptr, transitive.start)
- label = (root_transitive.s, root_transitive.start, i)
- new_item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- new_item.node.add_path(root_transitive, item.node)
- if new_item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- # Add (B :: aC.B, h, y) to Q
- to_scan.add(new_item)
- elif new_item not in column:
- # Add (B :: aC.B, h, y) to Ei and R
- column.add(new_item)
- items.append(new_item)
- ###R Regular Earley completer
- else:
- # Empty has 0 length. If we complete an empty symbol in a particular
- # parse step, we need to be able to use that same empty symbol to complete
- # any predictions that result, that themselves require empty. Avoids
- # infinite recursion on empty symbols.
- # held_completions is 'H' in E.Scott's paper.
- is_empty_item = item.start == i
- if is_empty_item:
- held_completions[item.rule.origin] = item.node
- originators = [originator for originator in columns[item.start] if originator.expect is not None and originator.expect == item.s]
- for originator in originators:
- new_item = originator.advance()
- label = (new_item.s, originator.start, i)
- new_item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- new_item.node.add_family(new_item.s, new_item.rule, i, originator.node, item.node)
- if new_item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- # Add (B :: aC.B, h, y) to Q
- to_scan.add(new_item)
- elif new_item not in column:
- # Add (B :: aC.B, h, y) to Ei and R
- column.add(new_item)
- items.append(new_item)
- ### The Earley predictor
- elif item.expect in self.NON_TERMINALS: ### (item.s == lr0)
- new_items = []
- for rule in self.predictions[item.expect]:
- new_item = Item(rule, 0, i)
- new_items.append(new_item)
- # Process any held completions (H).
- if item.expect in held_completions:
- new_item = item.advance()
- label = (new_item.s, item.start, i)
- new_item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- new_item.node.add_family(new_item.s, new_item.rule, new_item.start, item.node, held_completions[item.expect])
- new_items.append(new_item)
- for new_item in new_items:
- if new_item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- to_scan.add(new_item)
- elif new_item not in column:
- column.add(new_item)
- items.append(new_item)
- def _parse(self, lexer, columns, to_scan, start_symbol=None):
- def is_quasi_complete(item):
- if item.is_complete:
- return True
- quasi = item.advance()
- while not quasi.is_complete:
- if quasi.expect not in self.NULLABLE:
- return False
- if quasi.rule.origin == start_symbol and quasi.expect == start_symbol:
- return False
- quasi = quasi.advance()
- return True
- def create_leo_transitives(origin, start):
- visited = set()
- to_create = []
- trule = None
- previous = None
- ### Recursively walk backwards through the Earley sets until we find the
- # first transitive candidate. If this is done continuously, we shouldn't
- # have to walk more than 1 hop.
- while True:
- if origin in transitives[start]:
- previous = trule = transitives[start][origin]
- break
- is_empty_rule = not self.FIRST[origin]
- if is_empty_rule:
- break
- candidates = [ candidate for candidate in columns[start] if candidate.expect is not None and origin == candidate.expect ]
- if len(candidates) != 1:
- break
- originator = next(iter(candidates))
- if originator is None or originator in visited:
- break
- visited.add(originator)
- if not is_quasi_complete(originator):
- break
- trule = originator.advance()
- if originator.start != start:
- visited.clear()
- to_create.append((origin, start, originator))
- origin = originator.rule.origin
- start = originator.start
- # If a suitable Transitive candidate is not found, bail.
- if trule is None:
- return
- #### Now walk forwards and create Transitive Items in each set we walked through; and link
- # each transitive item to the next set forwards.
- while to_create:
- origin, start, originator = to_create.pop()
- titem = None
- if previous is not None:
- titem = previous.next_titem = TransitiveItem(origin, trule, originator, previous.column)
- else:
- titem = TransitiveItem(origin, trule, originator, start)
- previous = transitives[start][origin] = titem
- def scan(i, token, to_scan):
- """The core Earley Scanner.
- This is a custom implementation of the scanner that uses the
- Lark lexer to match tokens. The scan list is built by the
- Earley predictor, based on the previously completed tokens.
- This ensures that at each phase of the parse we have a custom
- lexer context, allowing for more complex ambiguities."""
- next_to_scan = set()
- next_set = set()
- columns.append(next_set)
- transitives.append({})
- node_cache = {}
- for item in set(to_scan):
- if match(item.expect, token):
- new_item = item.advance()
- label = (new_item.s, new_item.start, i)
- new_item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- new_item.node.add_family(new_item.s, item.rule, new_item.start, item.node, token)
- if new_item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- # add (B ::= Aai+1.B, h, y) to Q'
- next_to_scan.add(new_item)
- else:
- # add (B ::= Aa+1.B, h, y) to Ei+1
- next_set.add(new_item)
- if not next_set and not next_to_scan:
- expect = {i.expect.name for i in to_scan}
- raise UnexpectedToken(token, expect, considered_rules=set(to_scan), state=frozenset(i.s for i in to_scan))
- return next_to_scan
- # Define parser functions
- match = self.term_matcher
- # Cache for nodes & tokens created in a particular parse step.
- transitives = [{}]
- ## The main Earley loop.
- # Run the Prediction/Completion cycle for any Items in the current Earley set.
- # Completions will be added to the SPPF tree, and predictions will be recursively
- # processed down to terminals/empty nodes to be added to the scanner for the next
- # step.
- expects = {i.expect for i in to_scan}
- i = 0
- for token in lexer.lex(expects):
- self.predict_and_complete(i, to_scan, columns, transitives)
- to_scan = scan(i, token, to_scan)
- i += 1
- expects.clear()
- expects |= {i.expect for i in to_scan}
- self.predict_and_complete(i, to_scan, columns, transitives)
- ## Column is now the final column in the parse.
- assert i == len(columns)-1
- return to_scan
- def parse(self, lexer, start):
- assert start, start
- start_symbol = NonTerminal(start)
- columns = [set()]
- to_scan = set() # The scan buffer. 'Q' in E.Scott's paper.
- ## Predict for the start_symbol.
- # Add predicted items to the first Earley set (for the predictor) if they
- # result in a non-terminal, or the scanner if they result in a terminal.
- for rule in self.predictions[start_symbol]:
- item = Item(rule, 0, 0)
- if item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- to_scan.add(item)
- else:
- columns[0].add(item)
- to_scan = self._parse(lexer, columns, to_scan, start_symbol)
- # If the parse was successful, the start
- # symbol should have been completed in the last step of the Earley cycle, and will be in
- # this column. Find the item for the start_symbol, which is the root of the SPPF tree.
- solutions = [n.node for n in columns[-1] if n.is_complete and n.node is not None and n.s == start_symbol and n.start == 0]
- if not solutions:
- expected_terminals = [t.expect.name for t in to_scan]
- raise UnexpectedEOF(expected_terminals, state=frozenset(i.s for i in to_scan))
- if self.debug:
- from .earley_forest import ForestToPyDotVisitor
- try:
- debug_walker = ForestToPyDotVisitor()
- except ImportError:
- logger.warning("Cannot find dependency 'pydot', will not generate sppf debug image")
- else:
- debug_walker.visit(solutions[0], "sppf.png")
- if len(solutions) > 1:
- assert False, 'Earley should not generate multiple start symbol items!'
- if self.tree_class is not None:
- # Perform our SPPF -> AST conversion
- transformer = ForestToParseTree(self.tree_class, self.callbacks, self.forest_sum_visitor and self.forest_sum_visitor(), self.resolve_ambiguity)
- return transformer.transform(solutions[0])
- # return the root of the SPPF
- return solutions[0]
- class ApplyCallbacks(Transformer_InPlace):
- def __init__(self, postprocess):
- self.postprocess = postprocess
- @v_args(meta=True)
- def drv(self, children, meta):
- return self.postprocess[meta.rule](children)