- "Converts between Lark and Nearley grammars. Work in progress!"
- import os.path
- import sys
- from lark import Lark, InlineTransformer, Transformer
- nearley_grammar = r"""
- start: (ruledef|directive)+
- directive: "@" NAME (STRING|NAME)
- | "@" JS -> js_code
- ruledef: NAME "->" expansions
- | NAME REGEXP "->" expansions -> macro
- expansions: expansion ("|" expansion)*
- expansion: expr+ js
- ?expr: item [":" /[+*?]/]
- ?item: rule|string|regexp
- | "(" expansions ")"
- rule: NAME
- string: STRING
- regexp: REGEXP
- JS: /(?s){%.*?%}/
- js: JS?
- NAME: /[a-zA-Z_$]\w*/
- COMMENT: /\#[^\n]*/
- REGEXP: /\[.*?\]/
- STRING: /".*?"/
- %import common.WS
- %ignore WS
- %ignore COMMENT
- """
- nearley_grammar_parser = Lark(nearley_grammar, parser='earley', lexer='standard')
- def _get_rulename(name):
- name = {'_': '_ws_maybe', '__':'_ws'}.get(name, name)
- return 'n_' + name.replace('$', '__DOLLAR__').lower()
- class NearleyToLark(InlineTransformer):
- def __init__(self):
- self._count = 0
- self.extra_rules = {}
- self.extra_rules_rev = {}
- self.alias_js_code = {}
- def _new_function(self, code):
- name = 'alias_%d' % self._count
- self._count += 1
- self.alias_js_code[name] = code
- return name
- def _extra_rule(self, rule):
- if rule in self.extra_rules_rev:
- return self.extra_rules_rev[rule]
- name = 'xrule_%d' % len(self.extra_rules)
- assert name not in self.extra_rules
- self.extra_rules[name] = rule
- self.extra_rules_rev[rule] = name
- return name
- def rule(self, name):
- return _get_rulename(name)
- def ruledef(self, name, exps):
- return '!%s: %s' % (_get_rulename(name), exps)
- def expr(self, item, op):
- rule = '(%s)%s' % (item, op)
- return self._extra_rule(rule)
- def regexp(self, r):
- return '/%s/' % r
- def string(self, s):
- return self._extra_rule(s)
- def expansion(self, *x):
- x, js = x[:-1], x[-1]
- if js.children:
- js_code ,= js.children
- js_code = js_code[2:-2]
- alias = '-> ' + self._new_function(js_code)
- else:
- alias = ''
- return ' '.join(x) + alias
- def expansions(self, *x):
- return '%s' % ('\n |'.join(x))
- def start(self, *rules):
- return '\n'.join(filter(None, rules))
- def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l, js_code):
- rule_defs = []
- tree = nearley_grammar_parser.parse(g)
- for statement in tree.children:
- if statement.data == 'directive':
- directive, arg = statement.children
- if directive == 'builtin':
- with open(os.path.join(builtin_path, arg[1:-1])) as f:
- text = f.read()
- rule_defs += _nearley_to_lark(text, builtin_path, n2l, js_code)
- else:
- assert False, directive
- elif statement.data == 'js_code':
- code ,= statement.children
- code = code[2:-2]
- js_code.append(code)
- elif statement.data == 'macro':
- pass # TODO Add support for macros!
- elif statement.data == 'ruledef':
- rule_defs.append( n2l.transform(statement) )
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown statement: %s" % statement)
- return rule_defs
- def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path):
- import js2py
- emit_code = []
- def emit(x=None):
- if x:
- emit_code.append(x)
- emit_code.append('\n')
- js_code = ['function id(x) {return x[0];}']
- n2l = NearleyToLark()
- lark_g = '\n'.join(_nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l, js_code))
- lark_g += '\n'+'\n'.join('!%s: %s' % item for item in n2l.extra_rules.items())
- emit('from lark import Lark, Transformer')
- emit()
- emit('grammar = ' + repr(lark_g))
- emit()
- for alias, code in n2l.alias_js_code.items():
- js_code.append('%s = (%s);' % (alias, code))
- emit(js2py.translate_js('\n'.join(js_code)))
- emit('class TranformNearley(Transformer):')
- for alias in n2l.alias_js_code:
- emit(" %s = var.get('%s').to_python()" % (alias, alias))
- emit(" __default__ = lambda self, n, c: c if c else None")
- emit()
- emit('parser = Lark(grammar, start="n_%s")' % start)
- emit('def parse(text):')
- emit(' return TranformNearley().transform(parser.parse(text))')
- return ''.join(emit_code)
- def test():
- css_example_grammar = """
- # http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#colorunits
- @builtin "whitespace.ne"
- @builtin "number.ne"
- @builtin "postprocessors.ne"
- csscolor -> "#" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit {%
- function(d) {
- return {
- "r": parseInt(d[1]+d[2], 16),
- "g": parseInt(d[3]+d[4], 16),
- "b": parseInt(d[5]+d[6], 16),
- }
- }
- %}
- | "#" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit {%
- function(d) {
- return {
- "r": parseInt(d[1]+d[1], 16),
- "g": parseInt(d[2]+d[2], 16),
- "b": parseInt(d[3]+d[3], 16),
- }
- }
- %}
- | "rgb" _ "(" _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ ")" {% $({"r": 4, "g": 8, "b": 12}) %}
- | "hsl" _ "(" _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ ")" {% $({"h": 4, "s": 8, "l": 12}) %}
- | "rgba" _ "(" _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ decimal _ ")" {% $({"r": 4, "g": 8, "b": 12, "a": 16}) %}
- | "hsla" _ "(" _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ colnum _ "," _ decimal _ ")" {% $({"h": 4, "s": 8, "l": 12, "a": 16}) %}
- hexdigit -> [a-fA-F0-9]
- colnum -> unsigned_int {% id %} | percentage {%
- function(d) {return Math.floor(d[0]*255); }
- %}
- """
- code = create_code_for_nearley_grammar(css_example_grammar, 'csscolor', '/home/erez/nearley/builtin')
- d = {}
- exec (code, d)
- parse = d['parse']
- print(parse('#a199ff'))
- print(parse('rgb(255, 70%, 3)'))
- def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- print("Reads Nearley grammar (with js functions) outputs an equivalent lark parser.")
- print("Usage: %s <nearley_grammar_path> <start_rule> <nearley_lib_path>" % sys.argv[0])
- return
- fn, start, nearley_lib = sys.argv[1:]
- with open(fn) as f:
- grammar = f.read()
- print(create_code_for_nearley_grammar(grammar, start, os.path.join(nearley_lib, 'builtin')))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- # test()