- from .exceptions import ConfigurationError, GrammarError, assert_config
- from .utils import get_regexp_width, Serialize
- from .parsers.grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
- from .lexer import LexerThread, TraditionalLexer, ContextualLexer, Lexer, Token, TerminalDef
- from .parsers import earley, xearley, cyk
- from .parsers.lalr_parser import LALR_Parser
- from .tree import Tree
- from .common import LexerConf, ParserConf
- try:
- import regex
- except ImportError:
- regex = None
- import re
- ###{standalone
- def _wrap_lexer(lexer_class):
- future_interface = getattr(lexer_class, '__future_interface__', False)
- if future_interface:
- return lexer_class
- else:
- class CustomLexerWrapper(Lexer):
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
- self.lexer = lexer_class(lexer_conf)
- def lex(self, lexer_state, parser_state):
- return self.lexer.lex(lexer_state.text)
- return CustomLexerWrapper
- class MakeParsingFrontend:
- def __init__(self, parser_type, lexer_type):
- self.parser_type = parser_type
- self.lexer_type = lexer_type
- def __call__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options):
- assert isinstance(lexer_conf, LexerConf)
- assert isinstance(parser_conf, ParserConf)
- parser_conf.parser_type = self.parser_type
- lexer_conf.lexer_type = self.lexer_type
- return ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options)
- @classmethod
- def deserialize_lexer_conf(cls, data, memo, options):
- # We need lexer_conf earley to have the terminals that we need to produce the callback list for paser_conf
- # So we split deserialize into two methods
- terminals = [item for item in memo.values() if isinstance(item, TerminalDef)]
- lexer_conf = LexerConf.deserialize(data['lexer_conf'], memo)
- lexer_conf.callbacks = _get_lexer_callbacks(options.transformer, terminals)
- lexer_conf.re_module = regex if options.regex else re
- lexer_conf.use_bytes = options.use_bytes
- lexer_conf.g_regex_flags = options.g_regex_flags
- lexer_conf.skip_validation = True
- lexer_conf.postlex = options.postlex
- return lexer_conf
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo, lexer_conf, callbacks, options):
- parser_conf = ParserConf.deserialize(data['parser_conf'], memo)
- parser = LALR_Parser.deserialize(data['parser'], memo, callbacks, options.debug)
- parser_conf.callbacks = callbacks
- return ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options, parser=parser)
- class ParsingFrontend(Serialize):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'lexer_conf', 'parser_conf', 'parser', 'options'
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options, parser=None):
- self.parser_conf = parser_conf
- self.lexer_conf = lexer_conf
- self.options = options
- # Set-up parser
- if parser: # From cache
- self.parser = parser
- else:
- create_parser = {
- 'lalr': create_lalr_parser,
- 'earley': create_earley_parser,
- 'cyk': CYK_FrontEnd,
- }[parser_conf.parser_type]
- self.parser = create_parser(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options)
- # Set-up lexer
- lexer_type = lexer_conf.lexer_type
- self.skip_lexer = False
- if lexer_type in ('dynamic', 'dynamic_complete'):
- self.skip_lexer = True
- return
- try:
- create_lexer = {
- 'standard': create_traditional_lexer,
- 'contextual': create_contextual_lexer,
- }[lexer_type]
- except KeyError:
- assert issubclass(lexer_type, Lexer), lexer_type
- self.lexer = _wrap_lexer(lexer_type)(lexer_conf)
- else:
- self.lexer = create_lexer(lexer_conf, self.parser, lexer_conf.postlex)
- if lexer_conf.postlex:
- self.lexer = PostLexConnector(self.lexer, lexer_conf.postlex)
- def parse(self, text, start=None, on_error=None):
- if start is None:
- start = self.parser_conf.start
- if len(start) > 1:
- raise ConfigurationError("Lark initialized with more than 1 possible start rule. Must specify which start rule to parse", start)
- start ,= start
- stream = text if self.skip_lexer else LexerThread(self.lexer, text)
- kw = {} if on_error is None else {'on_error': on_error}
- return self.parser.parse(stream, start, **kw)
- def get_frontend(parser, lexer):
- assert_config(parser, ('lalr', 'earley', 'cyk'))
- if not isinstance(lexer, type): # not custom lexer?
- expected = {
- 'lalr': ('standard', 'contextual'),
- 'earley': ('standard', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_complete'),
- 'cyk': ('standard', ),
- }[parser]
- assert_config(lexer, expected, 'Parser %r does not support lexer %%r, expected one of %%s' % parser)
- return MakeParsingFrontend(parser, lexer)
- def _get_lexer_callbacks(transformer, terminals):
- result = {}
- for terminal in terminals:
- callback = getattr(transformer, terminal.name, None)
- if callback is not None:
- result[terminal.name] = callback
- return result
- class PostLexConnector:
- def __init__(self, lexer, postlexer):
- self.lexer = lexer
- self.postlexer = postlexer
- def make_lexer_state(self, text):
- return self.lexer.make_lexer_state(text)
- def lex(self, lexer_state, parser_state):
- i = self.lexer.lex(lexer_state, parser_state)
- return self.postlexer.process(i)
- def create_traditional_lexer(lexer_conf, parser, postlex):
- return TraditionalLexer(lexer_conf)
- def create_contextual_lexer(lexer_conf, parser, postlex):
- states = {idx:list(t.keys()) for idx, t in parser._parse_table.states.items()}
- always_accept = postlex.always_accept if postlex else ()
- return ContextualLexer(lexer_conf, states, always_accept=always_accept)
- def create_lalr_parser(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
- debug = options.debug if options else False
- return LALR_Parser(parser_conf, debug=debug)
- create_earley_parser = NotImplemented
- CYK_FrontEnd = NotImplemented
- ###}
- class EarleyRegexpMatcher:
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
- self.regexps = {}
- for t in lexer_conf.terminals:
- if t.priority != 1:
- raise GrammarError("Dynamic Earley doesn't support weights on terminals", t, t.priority)
- regexp = t.pattern.to_regexp()
- try:
- width = get_regexp_width(regexp)[0]
- except ValueError:
- raise GrammarError("Bad regexp in token %s: %s" % (t.name, regexp))
- else:
- if width == 0:
- raise GrammarError("Dynamic Earley doesn't allow zero-width regexps", t)
- if lexer_conf.use_bytes:
- regexp = regexp.encode('utf-8')
- self.regexps[t.name] = lexer_conf.re_module.compile(regexp, lexer_conf.g_regex_flags)
- def match(self, term, text, index=0):
- return self.regexps[term.name].match(text, index)
- def create_earley_parser__dynamic(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None, **kw):
- earley_matcher = EarleyRegexpMatcher(lexer_conf)
- return xearley.Parser(parser_conf, earley_matcher.match, ignore=lexer_conf.ignore, **kw)
- def _match_earley_basic(term, token):
- return term.name == token.type
- def create_earley_parser__basic(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options, **kw):
- return earley.Parser(parser_conf, _match_earley_basic, **kw)
- def create_earley_parser(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options):
- resolve_ambiguity = options.ambiguity == 'resolve'
- debug = options.debug if options else False
- tree_class = options.tree_class or Tree if options.ambiguity != 'forest' else None
- extra = {}
- if lexer_conf.lexer_type == 'dynamic':
- f = create_earley_parser__dynamic
- elif lexer_conf.lexer_type == 'dynamic_complete':
- extra['complete_lex'] =True
- f = create_earley_parser__dynamic
- else:
- f = create_earley_parser__basic
- return f(lexer_conf, parser_conf, options, resolve_ambiguity=resolve_ambiguity, debug=debug, tree_class=tree_class, **extra)
- class CYK_FrontEnd:
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
- self._analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(parser_conf)
- self.parser = cyk.Parser(parser_conf.rules)
- self.callbacks = parser_conf.callbacks
- def parse(self, lexer_thread, start):
- tokens = list(lexer_thread.lex(None))
- tree = self.parser.parse(tokens, start)
- return self._transform(tree)
- def _transform(self, tree):
- subtrees = list(tree.iter_subtrees())
- for subtree in subtrees:
- subtree.children = [self._apply_callback(c) if isinstance(c, Tree) else c for c in subtree.children]
- return self._apply_callback(tree)
- def _apply_callback(self, tree):
- return self.callbacks[tree.rule](tree.children)