- """
- Parsing Indentation
- ===================
- A demonstration of parsing indentation (“whitespace significant” language)
- and the usage of the Indenter class.
- Since indentation is context-sensitive, a postlex stage is introduced to
- manufacture INDENT/DEDENT tokens.
- It is crucial for the indenter that the NL_type matches
- the spaces (and tabs) after the newline.
- """
- from lark import Lark
- from lark.indenter import Indenter
- tree_grammar = r"""
- ?start: _NL* tree
- tree: NAME _NL [_INDENT tree+ _DEDENT]
- %import common.CNAME -> NAME
- %import common.WS_INLINE
- %declare _INDENT _DEDENT
- %ignore WS_INLINE
- _NL: /(\r?\n[\t ]*)+/
- """
- class TreeIndenter(Indenter):
- NL_type = '_NL'
- OPEN_PAREN_types = []
- CLOSE_PAREN_types = []
- INDENT_type = '_INDENT'
- DEDENT_type = '_DEDENT'
- tab_len = 8
- parser = Lark(tree_grammar, parser='lalr', postlex=TreeIndenter())
- test_tree = """
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- """
- def test():
- print(parser.parse(test_tree).pretty())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()