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No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.

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  1. try:
  2. import regex as re
  3. except ImportError:
  4. import re
  5. from setuptools import find_packages, setup
  6. __version__ ,= re.findall('__version__ = "(.*)"', open('lark/').read())
  7. setup(
  8. name = "lark-parser",
  9. version = __version__,
  10. packages = ['lark', 'lark.parsers', '', 'lark.grammars', 'lark.__pyinstaller', 'lark-stubs'],
  11. requires = [],
  12. install_requires = [],
  13. extras_require = {
  14. "regex": ["regex"],
  15. "nearley": ["js2py"],
  16. "atomic_cache": ["atomicwrites"],
  17. },
  18. package_data = {'': ['*.md', '*.lark'], 'lark-stubs': ['*.pyi']},
  19. test_suite = 'tests.__main__',
  20. # metadata for upload to PyPI
  21. author = "Erez Shinan",
  22. author_email = "",
  23. description = "a modern parsing library",
  24. license = "MIT",
  25. keywords = "Earley LALR parser parsing ast",
  26. url = "",
  27. download_url = "",
  28. long_description='''
  29. Lark is a modern general-purpose parsing library for Python.
  30. With Lark, you can parse any context-free grammar, efficiently, with very little code.
  31. Main Features:
  32. - Builds a parse-tree (AST) automagically, based on the structure of the grammar
  33. - Earley parser
  34. - Can parse all context-free grammars
  35. - Full support for ambiguous grammars
  36. - LALR(1) parser
  37. - Fast and light, competitive with PLY
  38. - Can generate a stand-alone parser
  39. - CYK parser, for highly ambiguous grammars
  40. - EBNF grammar
  41. - Unicode fully supported
  42. - Automatic line & column tracking
  43. - Standard library of terminals (strings, numbers, names, etc.)
  44. - Import grammars from Nearley.js
  45. - Extensive test suite
  46. - And much more!
  47. Since version 1.0, only Python versions 3.6 and up are supported.
  48. ''',
  49. classifiers=[
  50. "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
  51. "Intended Audience :: Developers",
  52. "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
  53. "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
  54. "Topic :: Text Processing :: General",
  55. "Topic :: Text Processing :: Linguistic",
  56. "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
  57. ],
  58. entry_points = {
  59. 'pyinstaller40': [
  60. 'hook-dirs = lark.__pyinstaller:get_hook_dirs'
  61. ]
  62. },
  63. )