- from .exceptions import GrammarError, ConfigurationError
- from .lexer import Token
- from .tree import Tree
- from .visitors import InlineTransformer # XXX Deprecated
- from .visitors import Transformer_InPlace
- from .visitors import _vargs_meta, _vargs_meta_inline
- ###{standalone
- from functools import partial, wraps
- from itertools import repeat, product
- class ExpandSingleChild:
- def __init__(self, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- def __call__(self, children):
- if len(children) == 1:
- return children[0]
- else:
- return self.node_builder(children)
- class PropagatePositions:
- def __init__(self, node_builder, node_filter=None):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.node_filter = node_filter
- def __call__(self, children):
- res = self.node_builder(children)
- if isinstance(res, Tree):
- # Calculate positions while the tree is streaming, according to the rule:
- # - nodes start at the start of their first child's container,
- # and end at the end of their last child's container.
- # Containers are nodes that take up space in text, but have been inlined in the tree.
- res_meta = res.meta
- first_meta = self._pp_get_meta(children)
- if first_meta is not None:
- if not hasattr(res_meta, 'line'):
- # meta was already set, probably because the rule has been inlined (e.g. `?rule`)
- res_meta.line = getattr(first_meta, 'container_line', first_meta.line)
- res_meta.column = getattr(first_meta, 'container_column', first_meta.column)
- res_meta.start_pos = getattr(first_meta, 'container_start_pos', first_meta.start_pos)
- res_meta.empty = False
- res_meta.container_line = getattr(first_meta, 'container_line', first_meta.line)
- res_meta.container_column = getattr(first_meta, 'container_column', first_meta.column)
- last_meta = self._pp_get_meta(reversed(children))
- if last_meta is not None:
- if not hasattr(res_meta, 'end_line'):
- res_meta.end_line = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_line', last_meta.end_line)
- res_meta.end_column = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_column', last_meta.end_column)
- res_meta.end_pos = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_pos', last_meta.end_pos)
- res_meta.empty = False
- res_meta.container_end_line = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_line', last_meta.end_line)
- res_meta.container_end_column = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_column', last_meta.end_column)
- return res
- def _pp_get_meta(self, children):
- for c in children:
- if self.node_filter is not None and not self.node_filter(c):
- continue
- if isinstance(c, Tree):
- if not c.meta.empty:
- return c.meta
- elif isinstance(c, Token):
- return c
- def make_propagate_positions(option):
- if callable(option):
- return partial(PropagatePositions, node_filter=option)
- elif option is True:
- return PropagatePositions
- elif option is False:
- return None
- raise ConfigurationError('Invalid option for propagate_positions: %r' % option)
- class ChildFilter:
- def __init__(self, to_include, append_none, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.to_include = to_include
- self.append_none = append_none
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include:
- if add_none:
- filtered += [None] * add_none
- if to_expand:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- if self.append_none:
- filtered += [None] * self.append_none
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- class ChildFilterLALR(ChildFilter):
- """Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)"""
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include:
- if add_none:
- filtered += [None] * add_none
- if to_expand:
- if filtered:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else: # Optimize for left-recursion
- filtered = children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- if self.append_none:
- filtered += [None] * self.append_none
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- class ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders(ChildFilter):
- "Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)"
- def __init__(self, to_include, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.to_include = to_include
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand in self.to_include:
- if to_expand:
- if filtered:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else: # Optimize for left-recursion
- filtered = children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- def _should_expand(sym):
- return not sym.is_term and sym.name.startswith('_')
- def maybe_create_child_filter(expansion, keep_all_tokens, ambiguous, _empty_indices):
- # Prepare empty_indices as: How many Nones to insert at each index?
- if _empty_indices:
- assert _empty_indices.count(False) == len(expansion)
- s = ''.join(str(int(b)) for b in _empty_indices)
- empty_indices = [len(ones) for ones in s.split('0')]
- assert len(empty_indices) == len(expansion)+1, (empty_indices, len(expansion))
- else:
- empty_indices = [0] * (len(expansion)+1)
- to_include = []
- nones_to_add = 0
- for i, sym in enumerate(expansion):
- nones_to_add += empty_indices[i]
- if keep_all_tokens or not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out):
- to_include.append((i, _should_expand(sym), nones_to_add))
- nones_to_add = 0
- nones_to_add += empty_indices[len(expansion)]
- if _empty_indices or len(to_include) < len(expansion) or any(to_expand for i, to_expand,_ in to_include):
- if _empty_indices or ambiguous:
- return partial(ChildFilter if ambiguous else ChildFilterLALR, to_include, nones_to_add)
- else:
- # LALR without placeholders
- return partial(ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders, [(i, x) for i,x,_ in to_include])
- class AmbiguousExpander:
- """Deal with the case where we're expanding children ('_rule') into a parent but the children
- are ambiguous. i.e. (parent->_ambig->_expand_this_rule). In this case, make the parent itself
- ambiguous with as many copies as their are ambiguous children, and then copy the ambiguous children
- into the right parents in the right places, essentially shifting the ambiguity up the tree."""
- def __init__(self, to_expand, tree_class, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.to_expand = to_expand
- def __call__(self, children):
- def _is_ambig_tree(t):
- return hasattr(t, 'data') and t.data == '_ambig'
- # -- When we're repeatedly expanding ambiguities we can end up with nested ambiguities.
- # All children of an _ambig node should be a derivation of that ambig node, hence
- # it is safe to assume that if we see an _ambig node nested within an ambig node
- # it is safe to simply expand it into the parent _ambig node as an alternative derivation.
- ambiguous = []
- for i, child in enumerate(children):
- if _is_ambig_tree(child):
- if i in self.to_expand:
- ambiguous.append(i)
- to_expand = [j for j, grandchild in enumerate(child.children) if _is_ambig_tree(grandchild)]
- child.expand_kids_by_index(*to_expand)
- if not ambiguous:
- return self.node_builder(children)
- expand = [iter(child.children) if i in ambiguous else repeat(child) for i, child in enumerate(children)]
- return self.tree_class('_ambig', [self.node_builder(list(f[0])) for f in product(zip(*expand))])
- def maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(tree_class, expansion, keep_all_tokens):
- to_expand = [i for i, sym in enumerate(expansion)
- if keep_all_tokens or ((not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out)) and _should_expand(sym))]
- if to_expand:
- return partial(AmbiguousExpander, to_expand, tree_class)
- class AmbiguousIntermediateExpander:
- """
- Propagate ambiguous intermediate nodes and their derivations up to the
- current rule.
- In general, converts
- rule
- _iambig
- _inter
- someChildren1
- ...
- _inter
- someChildren2
- ...
- someChildren3
- ...
- to
- _ambig
- rule
- someChildren1
- ...
- someChildren3
- ...
- rule
- someChildren2
- ...
- someChildren3
- ...
- rule
- childrenFromNestedIambigs
- ...
- someChildren3
- ...
- ...
- propagating up any nested '_iambig' nodes along the way.
- """
- def __init__(self, tree_class, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- def __call__(self, children):
- def _is_iambig_tree(child):
- return hasattr(child, 'data') and child.data == '_iambig'
- def _collapse_iambig(children):
- """
- Recursively flatten the derivations of the parent of an '_iambig'
- node. Returns a list of '_inter' nodes guaranteed not
- to contain any nested '_iambig' nodes, or None if children does
- not contain an '_iambig' node.
- """
- # Due to the structure of the SPPF,
- # an '_iambig' node can only appear as the first child
- if children and _is_iambig_tree(children[0]):
- iambig_node = children[0]
- result = []
- for grandchild in iambig_node.children:
- collapsed = _collapse_iambig(grandchild.children)
- if collapsed:
- for child in collapsed:
- child.children += children[1:]
- result += collapsed
- else:
- new_tree = self.tree_class('_inter', grandchild.children + children[1:])
- result.append(new_tree)
- return result
- collapsed = _collapse_iambig(children)
- if collapsed:
- processed_nodes = [self.node_builder(c.children) for c in collapsed]
- return self.tree_class('_ambig', processed_nodes)
- return self.node_builder(children)
- def ptb_inline_args(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- return func(*children)
- return f
- def inplace_transformer(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- # function name in a Transformer is a rule name.
- tree = Tree(func.__name__, children)
- return func(tree)
- return f
- def apply_visit_wrapper(func, name, wrapper):
- if wrapper is _vargs_meta or wrapper is _vargs_meta_inline:
- raise NotImplementedError("Meta args not supported for internal transformer")
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- return wrapper(func, name, children, None)
- return f
- class ParseTreeBuilder:
- def __init__(self, rules, tree_class, propagate_positions=False, ambiguous=False, maybe_placeholders=False):
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.propagate_positions = propagate_positions
- self.ambiguous = ambiguous
- self.maybe_placeholders = maybe_placeholders
- self.rule_builders = list(self._init_builders(rules))
- def _init_builders(self, rules):
- propagate_positions = make_propagate_positions(self.propagate_positions)
- for rule in rules:
- options = rule.options
- keep_all_tokens = options.keep_all_tokens
- expand_single_child = options.expand1
- wrapper_chain = list(filter(None, [
- (expand_single_child and not rule.alias) and ExpandSingleChild,
- maybe_create_child_filter(rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens, self.ambiguous, options.empty_indices if self.maybe_placeholders else None),
- propagate_positions,
- self.ambiguous and maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(self.tree_class, rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens),
- self.ambiguous and partial(AmbiguousIntermediateExpander, self.tree_class)
- ]))
- yield rule, wrapper_chain
- def create_callback(self, transformer=None):
- callbacks = {}
- for rule, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders:
- user_callback_name = rule.alias or rule.options.template_source or rule.origin.name
- try:
- f = getattr(transformer, user_callback_name)
- # XXX InlineTransformer is deprecated!
- wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None)
- if wrapper is not None:
- f = apply_visit_wrapper(f, user_callback_name, wrapper)
- else:
- if isinstance(transformer, InlineTransformer):
- f = ptb_inline_args(f)
- elif isinstance(transformer, Transformer_InPlace):
- f = inplace_transformer(f)
- except AttributeError:
- f = partial(self.tree_class, user_callback_name)
- for w in wrapper_chain:
- f = w(f)
- if rule in callbacks:
- raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' already exists" % (rule,))
- callbacks[rule] = f
- return callbacks
- ###}