- # The file was automatically generated by Lark v0.9.0
- #
- #
- # Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool
- # ----------------------------------
- # Generates a stand-alone LALR(1) parser with a standard lexer
- #
- # Git: https://github.com/erezsh/lark
- # Author: Erez Shinan (erezshin@gmail.com)
- #
- #
- # >>> LICENSE
- #
- # This tool and its generated code use a separate license from Lark,
- # and are subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
- # If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- #
- # If you wish to purchase a commercial license for this tool and its
- # generated code, you may contact me via email or otherwise.
- #
- # If MPL2 is incompatible with your free or open-source project,
- # contact me and we'll work it out.
- #
- #
- import os
- from io import open
- class LarkError(Exception):
- pass
- class GrammarError(LarkError):
- pass
- class ParseError(LarkError):
- pass
- class LexError(LarkError):
- pass
- class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError):
- def __init__(self, expected):
- self.expected = expected
- message = ("Unexpected end-of-input. Expected one of: \n\t* %s\n" % '\n\t* '.join(x.name for x in self.expected))
- super(UnexpectedEOF, self).__init__(message)
- class UnexpectedInput(LarkError):
- pos_in_stream = None
- def get_context(self, text, span=40):
- pos = self.pos_in_stream
- start = max(pos - span, 0)
- end = pos + span
- before = text[start:pos].rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
- after = text[pos:end].split('\n', 1)[0]
- return before + after + '\n' + ' ' * len(before) + '^\n'
- def match_examples(self, parse_fn, examples, token_type_match_fallback=False):
- """ Given a parser instance and a dictionary mapping some label with
- some malformed syntax examples, it'll return the label for the
- example that bests matches the current error.
- """
- assert self.state is not None, "Not supported for this exception"
- candidate = (None, False)
- for label, example in examples.items():
- assert not isinstance(example, STRING_TYPE)
- for malformed in example:
- try:
- parse_fn(malformed)
- except UnexpectedInput as ut:
- if ut.state == self.state:
- try:
- if ut.token == self.token: # Try exact match first
- return label
- if token_type_match_fallback:
- # Fallback to token types match
- if (ut.token.type == self.token.type) and not candidate[-1]:
- candidate = label, True
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if not candidate[0]:
- candidate = label, False
- return candidate[0]
- class UnexpectedCharacters(LexError, UnexpectedInput):
- def __init__(self, seq, lex_pos, line, column, allowed=None, considered_tokens=None, state=None, token_history=None):
- message = "No terminal defined for '%s' at line %d col %d" % (seq[lex_pos], line, column)
- self.line = line
- self.column = column
- self.allowed = allowed
- self.considered_tokens = considered_tokens
- self.pos_in_stream = lex_pos
- self.state = state
- message += '\n\n' + self.get_context(seq)
- if allowed:
- message += '\nExpecting: %s\n' % allowed
- if token_history:
- message += '\nPrevious tokens: %s\n' % ', '.join(repr(t) for t in token_history)
- super(UnexpectedCharacters, self).__init__(message)
- class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
- def __init__(self, token, expected, considered_rules=None, state=None, puppet=None):
- self.token = token
- self.expected = expected # XXX str shouldn't necessary
- self.line = getattr(token, 'line', '?')
- self.column = getattr(token, 'column', '?')
- self.considered_rules = considered_rules
- self.state = state
- self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'pos_in_stream', None)
- self.puppet = puppet
- message = ("Unexpected token %r at line %s, column %s.\n"
- "Expected one of: \n\t* %s\n"
- % (token, self.line, self.column, '\n\t* '.join(self.expected)))
- super(UnexpectedToken, self).__init__(message)
- class VisitError(LarkError):
- """VisitError is raised when visitors are interrupted by an exception
- It provides the following attributes for inspection:
- - obj: the tree node or token it was processing when the exception was raised
- - orig_exc: the exception that cause it to fail
- """
- def __init__(self, rule, obj, orig_exc):
- self.obj = obj
- self.orig_exc = orig_exc
- message = 'Error trying to process rule "%s":\n\n%s' % (rule, orig_exc)
- super(VisitError, self).__init__(message)
- def classify(seq, key=None, value=None):
- d = {}
- for item in seq:
- k = key(item) if (key is not None) else item
- v = value(item) if (value is not None) else item
- if k in d:
- d[k].append(v)
- else:
- d[k] = [v]
- return d
- def _deserialize(data, namespace, memo):
- if isinstance(data, dict):
- if '__type__' in data: # Object
- class_ = namespace[data['__type__']]
- return class_.deserialize(data, memo)
- elif '@' in data:
- return memo[data['@']]
- return {key:_deserialize(value, namespace, memo) for key, value in data.items()}
- elif isinstance(data, list):
- return [_deserialize(value, namespace, memo) for value in data]
- return data
- class Serialize(object):
- def memo_serialize(self, types_to_memoize):
- memo = SerializeMemoizer(types_to_memoize)
- return self.serialize(memo), memo.serialize()
- def serialize(self, memo=None):
- if memo and memo.in_types(self):
- return {'@': memo.memoized.get(self)}
- fields = getattr(self, '__serialize_fields__')
- res = {f: _serialize(getattr(self, f), memo) for f in fields}
- res['__type__'] = type(self).__name__
- postprocess = getattr(self, '_serialize', None)
- if postprocess:
- postprocess(res, memo)
- return res
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo):
- namespace = getattr(cls, '__serialize_namespace__', {})
- namespace = {c.__name__:c for c in namespace}
- fields = getattr(cls, '__serialize_fields__')
- if '@' in data:
- return memo[data['@']]
- inst = cls.__new__(cls)
- for f in fields:
- try:
- setattr(inst, f, _deserialize(data[f], namespace, memo))
- except KeyError as e:
- raise KeyError("Cannot find key for class", cls, e)
- postprocess = getattr(inst, '_deserialize', None)
- if postprocess:
- postprocess()
- return inst
- class SerializeMemoizer(Serialize):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'memoized',
- def __init__(self, types_to_memoize):
- self.types_to_memoize = tuple(types_to_memoize)
- self.memoized = Enumerator()
- def in_types(self, value):
- return isinstance(value, self.types_to_memoize)
- def serialize(self):
- return _serialize(self.memoized.reversed(), None)
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, namespace, memo):
- return _deserialize(data, namespace, memo)
- try:
- STRING_TYPE = basestring
- except NameError: # Python 3
- import types
- from functools import wraps, partial
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- Str = type(u'')
- try:
- classtype = types.ClassType # Python2
- except AttributeError:
- classtype = type # Python3
- def smart_decorator(f, create_decorator):
- if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType):
- return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f, True))
- elif isinstance(f, (classtype, type, types.BuiltinFunctionType)):
- return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f, False))
- elif isinstance(f, types.MethodType):
- return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f.__func__, True))
- elif isinstance(f, partial):
- # wraps does not work for partials in 2.7: https://bugs.python.org/issue3445
- return wraps(f.func)(create_decorator(lambda *args, **kw: f(*args[1:], **kw), True))
- else:
- return create_decorator(f.__func__.__call__, True)
- try:
- import regex
- except ImportError:
- regex = None
- import sys, re
- Py36 = (sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6))
- import sre_parse
- import sre_constants
- categ_pattern = re.compile(r'\\p{[A-Za-z_]+}')
- def get_regexp_width(expr):
- if regex:
- # Since `sre_parse` cannot deal with Unicode categories of the form `\p{Mn}`, we replace these with
- # a simple letter, which makes no difference as we are only trying to get the possible lengths of the regex
- # match here below.
- regexp_final = re.sub(categ_pattern, 'A', expr)
- else:
- if re.search(categ_pattern, expr):
- raise ImportError('`regex` module must be installed in order to use Unicode categories.', expr)
- regexp_final = expr
- try:
- return [int(x) for x in sre_parse.parse(regexp_final).getwidth()]
- except sre_constants.error:
- raise ValueError(expr)
- class Meta:
- def __init__(self):
- self.empty = True
- class Tree(object):
- def __init__(self, data, children, meta=None):
- self.data = data
- self.children = children
- self._meta = meta
- @property
- def meta(self):
- if self._meta is None:
- self._meta = Meta()
- return self._meta
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Tree(%s, %s)' % (self.data, self.children)
- def _pretty_label(self):
- return self.data
- def _pretty(self, level, indent_str):
- if len(self.children) == 1 and not isinstance(self.children[0], Tree):
- return [ indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\t', '%s' % (self.children[0],), '\n']
- l = [ indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\n' ]
- for n in self.children:
- if isinstance(n, Tree):
- l += n._pretty(level+1, indent_str)
- else:
- l += [ indent_str*(level+1), '%s' % (n,), '\n' ]
- return l
- def pretty(self, indent_str=' '):
- return ''.join(self._pretty(0, indent_str))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- try:
- return self.data == other.data and self.children == other.children
- except AttributeError:
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not (self == other)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.data, tuple(self.children)))
- def iter_subtrees(self):
- queue = [self]
- subtrees = OrderedDict()
- for subtree in queue:
- subtrees[id(subtree)] = subtree
- queue += [c for c in reversed(subtree.children)
- if isinstance(c, Tree) and id(c) not in subtrees]
- del queue
- return reversed(list(subtrees.values()))
- def find_pred(self, pred):
- "Find all nodes where pred(tree) == True"
- return filter(pred, self.iter_subtrees())
- def find_data(self, data):
- "Find all nodes where tree.data == data"
- return self.find_pred(lambda t: t.data == data)
- from inspect import getmembers, getmro
- class Discard(Exception):
- pass
- # Transformers
- class _Decoratable:
- @classmethod
- def _apply_decorator(cls, decorator, **kwargs):
- mro = getmro(cls)
- assert mro[0] is cls
- libmembers = {name for _cls in mro[1:] for name, _ in getmembers(_cls)}
- for name, value in getmembers(cls):
- # Make sure the function isn't inherited (unless it's overwritten)
- if name.startswith('_') or (name in libmembers and name not in cls.__dict__):
- continue
- if not callable(value):
- continue
- # Skip if v_args already applied (at the function level)
- if hasattr(cls.__dict__[name], 'vargs_applied') or hasattr(value, 'vargs_applied'):
- continue
- static = isinstance(cls.__dict__[name], (staticmethod, classmethod))
- setattr(cls, name, decorator(value, static=static, **kwargs))
- return cls
- def __class_getitem__(cls, _):
- return cls
- class Transformer(_Decoratable):
- """Visits the tree recursively, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up)
- Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to tree.data
- The returned value replaces the old one in the structure.
- Can be used to implement map or reduce.
- """
- __visit_tokens__ = True # For backwards compatibility
- def __init__(self, visit_tokens=True):
- self.__visit_tokens__ = visit_tokens
- def _call_userfunc(self, tree, new_children=None):
- # Assumes tree is already transformed
- children = new_children if new_children is not None else tree.children
- try:
- f = getattr(self, tree.data)
- except AttributeError:
- return self.__default__(tree.data, children, tree.meta)
- else:
- try:
- wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None)
- if wrapper is not None:
- return f.visit_wrapper(f, tree.data, children, tree.meta)
- else:
- return f(children)
- except (GrammarError, Discard):
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- raise VisitError(tree.data, tree, e)
- def _call_userfunc_token(self, token):
- try:
- f = getattr(self, token.type)
- except AttributeError:
- return self.__default_token__(token)
- else:
- try:
- return f(token)
- except (GrammarError, Discard):
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- raise VisitError(token.type, token, e)
- def _transform_children(self, children):
- for c in children:
- try:
- if isinstance(c, Tree):
- yield self._transform_tree(c)
- elif self.__visit_tokens__ and isinstance(c, Token):
- yield self._call_userfunc_token(c)
- else:
- yield c
- except Discard:
- pass
- def _transform_tree(self, tree):
- children = list(self._transform_children(tree.children))
- return self._call_userfunc(tree, children)
- def transform(self, tree):
- return self._transform_tree(tree)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return TransformerChain(self, other)
- def __default__(self, data, children, meta):
- "Default operation on tree (for override)"
- return Tree(data, children, meta)
- def __default_token__(self, token):
- "Default operation on token (for override)"
- return token
- class InlineTransformer(Transformer): # XXX Deprecated
- def _call_userfunc(self, tree, new_children=None):
- # Assumes tree is already transformed
- children = new_children if new_children is not None else tree.children
- try:
- f = getattr(self, tree.data)
- except AttributeError:
- return self.__default__(tree.data, children, tree.meta)
- else:
- return f(*children)
- class TransformerChain(object):
- def __init__(self, *transformers):
- self.transformers = transformers
- def transform(self, tree):
- for t in self.transformers:
- tree = t.transform(tree)
- return tree
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return TransformerChain(*self.transformers + (other,))
- class Transformer_InPlace(Transformer):
- "Non-recursive. Changes the tree in-place instead of returning new instances"
- def _transform_tree(self, tree): # Cancel recursion
- return self._call_userfunc(tree)
- def transform(self, tree):
- for subtree in tree.iter_subtrees():
- subtree.children = list(self._transform_children(subtree.children))
- return self._transform_tree(tree)
- class Transformer_NonRecursive(Transformer):
- "Non-recursive. Doesn't change the original tree."
- def transform(self, tree):
- # Tree to postfix
- rev_postfix = []
- q = [tree]
- while q:
- t = q.pop()
- rev_postfix.append( t )
- if isinstance(t, Tree):
- q += t.children
- # Postfix to tree
- stack = []
- for x in reversed(rev_postfix):
- if isinstance(x, Tree):
- size = len(x.children)
- if size:
- args = stack[-size:]
- del stack[-size:]
- else:
- args = []
- stack.append(self._call_userfunc(x, args))
- else:
- stack.append(x)
- t ,= stack # We should have only one tree remaining
- return t
- class Transformer_InPlaceRecursive(Transformer):
- "Recursive. Changes the tree in-place instead of returning new instances"
- def _transform_tree(self, tree):
- tree.children = list(self._transform_children(tree.children))
- return self._call_userfunc(tree)
- # Visitors
- class VisitorBase:
- def _call_userfunc(self, tree):
- return getattr(self, tree.data, self.__default__)(tree)
- def __default__(self, tree):
- "Default operation on tree (for override)"
- return tree
- def __class_getitem__(cls, _):
- return cls
- class Visitor(VisitorBase):
- """Bottom-up visitor, non-recursive
- Visits the tree, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up)
- Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to tree.data
- """
- def visit(self, tree):
- for subtree in tree.iter_subtrees():
- self._call_userfunc(subtree)
- return tree
- def visit_topdown(self,tree):
- for subtree in tree.iter_subtrees_topdown():
- self._call_userfunc(subtree)
- return tree
- class Visitor_Recursive(VisitorBase):
- """Bottom-up visitor, recursive
- Visits the tree, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up)
- Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to tree.data
- """
- def visit(self, tree):
- for child in tree.children:
- if isinstance(child, Tree):
- self.visit(child)
- self._call_userfunc(tree)
- return tree
- def visit_topdown(self,tree):
- self._call_userfunc(tree)
- for child in tree.children:
- if isinstance(child, Tree):
- self.visit_topdown(child)
- return tree
- def visit_children_decor(func):
- "See Interpreter"
- @wraps(func)
- def inner(cls, tree):
- values = cls.visit_children(tree)
- return func(cls, values)
- return inner
- class Interpreter(_Decoratable):
- """Top-down visitor, recursive
- Visits the tree, starting with the root and finally the leaves (top-down)
- Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to tree.data
- Unlike Transformer and Visitor, the Interpreter doesn't automatically visit its sub-branches.
- The user has to explicitly call visit, visit_children, or use the @visit_children_decor
- """
- def visit(self, tree):
- f = getattr(self, tree.data)
- wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None)
- if wrapper is not None:
- return f.visit_wrapper(f, tree.data, tree.children, tree.meta)
- else:
- return f(tree)
- def visit_children(self, tree):
- return [self.visit(child) if isinstance(child, Tree) else child
- for child in tree.children]
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return self.__default__
- def __default__(self, tree):
- return self.visit_children(tree)
- # Decorators
- def _apply_decorator(obj, decorator, **kwargs):
- try:
- _apply = obj._apply_decorator
- except AttributeError:
- return decorator(obj, **kwargs)
- else:
- return _apply(decorator, **kwargs)
- def _inline_args__func(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def create_decorator(_f, with_self):
- if with_self:
- def f(self, children):
- return _f(self, *children)
- else:
- def f(self, children):
- return _f(*children)
- return f
- return smart_decorator(func, create_decorator)
- def inline_args(obj): # XXX Deprecated
- return _apply_decorator(obj, _inline_args__func)
- def _visitor_args_func_dec(func, visit_wrapper=None, static=False):
- def create_decorator(_f, with_self):
- if with_self:
- def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return _f(self, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return _f(*args, **kwargs)
- return f
- if static:
- f = wraps(func)(create_decorator(func, False))
- else:
- f = smart_decorator(func, create_decorator)
- f.vargs_applied = True
- f.visit_wrapper = visit_wrapper
- return f
- def _vargs_inline(f, data, children, meta):
- return f(*children)
- def _vargs_meta_inline(f, data, children, meta):
- return f(meta, *children)
- def _vargs_meta(f, data, children, meta):
- return f(children, meta) # TODO swap these for consistency? Backwards incompatible!
- def _vargs_tree(f, data, children, meta):
- return f(Tree(data, children, meta))
- def v_args(inline=False, meta=False, tree=False, wrapper=None):
- "A convenience decorator factory, for modifying the behavior of user-supplied visitor methods"
- if tree and (meta or inline):
- raise ValueError("Visitor functions cannot combine 'tree' with 'meta' or 'inline'.")
- func = None
- if meta:
- if inline:
- func = _vargs_meta_inline
- else:
- func = _vargs_meta
- elif inline:
- func = _vargs_inline
- elif tree:
- func = _vargs_tree
- if wrapper is not None:
- if func is not None:
- raise ValueError("Cannot use 'wrapper' along with 'tree', 'meta' or 'inline'.")
- func = wrapper
- def _visitor_args_dec(obj):
- return _apply_decorator(obj, _visitor_args_func_dec, visit_wrapper=func)
- return _visitor_args_dec
- class Indenter:
- def __init__(self):
- self.paren_level = None
- self.indent_level = None
- assert self.tab_len > 0
- def handle_NL(self, token):
- if self.paren_level > 0:
- return
- yield token
- indent_str = token.rsplit('\n', 1)[1] # Tabs and spaces
- indent = indent_str.count(' ') + indent_str.count('\t') * self.tab_len
- if indent > self.indent_level[-1]:
- self.indent_level.append(indent)
- yield Token.new_borrow_pos(self.INDENT_type, indent_str, token)
- else:
- while indent < self.indent_level[-1]:
- self.indent_level.pop()
- yield Token.new_borrow_pos(self.DEDENT_type, indent_str, token)
- assert indent == self.indent_level[-1], '%s != %s' % (indent, self.indent_level[-1])
- def _process(self, stream):
- for token in stream:
- if token.type == self.NL_type:
- for t in self.handle_NL(token):
- yield t
- else:
- yield token
- if token.type in self.OPEN_PAREN_types:
- self.paren_level += 1
- elif token.type in self.CLOSE_PAREN_types:
- self.paren_level -= 1
- assert self.paren_level >= 0
- while len(self.indent_level) > 1:
- self.indent_level.pop()
- yield Token(self.DEDENT_type, '')
- assert self.indent_level == [0], self.indent_level
- def process(self, stream):
- self.paren_level = 0
- self.indent_level = [0]
- return self._process(stream)
- # XXX Hack for ContextualLexer. Maybe there's a more elegant solution?
- @property
- def always_accept(self):
- return (self.NL_type,)
- class Symbol(Serialize):
- __slots__ = ('name',)
- is_term = NotImplemented
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def __eq__(self, other):
- assert isinstance(other, Symbol), other
- return self.is_term == other.is_term and self.name == other.name
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not (self == other)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.name)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s(%r)' % (type(self).__name__, self.name)
- fullrepr = property(__repr__)
- class Terminal(Symbol):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'name', 'filter_out'
- is_term = True
- def __init__(self, name, filter_out=False):
- self.name = name
- self.filter_out = filter_out
- @property
- def fullrepr(self):
- return '%s(%r, %r)' % (type(self).__name__, self.name, self.filter_out)
- class NonTerminal(Symbol):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'name',
- is_term = False
- class RuleOptions(Serialize):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'keep_all_tokens', 'expand1', 'priority', 'template_source', 'empty_indices'
- def __init__(self, keep_all_tokens=False, expand1=False, priority=None, template_source=None, empty_indices=()):
- self.keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens
- self.expand1 = expand1
- self.priority = priority
- self.template_source = template_source
- self.empty_indices = empty_indices
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'RuleOptions(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
- self.keep_all_tokens,
- self.expand1,
- self.priority,
- self.template_source
- )
- class Rule(Serialize):
- """
- origin : a symbol
- expansion : a list of symbols
- order : index of this expansion amongst all rules of the same name
- """
- __slots__ = ('origin', 'expansion', 'alias', 'options', 'order', '_hash')
- __serialize_fields__ = 'origin', 'expansion', 'order', 'alias', 'options'
- __serialize_namespace__ = Terminal, NonTerminal, RuleOptions
- def __init__(self, origin, expansion, order=0, alias=None, options=None):
- self.origin = origin
- self.expansion = expansion
- self.alias = alias
- self.order = order
- self.options = options or RuleOptions()
- self._hash = hash((self.origin, tuple(self.expansion)))
- def _deserialize(self):
- self._hash = hash((self.origin, tuple(self.expansion)))
- def __str__(self):
- return '<%s : %s>' % (self.origin.name, ' '.join(x.name for x in self.expansion))
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Rule(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self.origin, self.expansion, self.alias, self.options)
- def __hash__(self):
- return self._hash
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, Rule):
- return False
- return self.origin == other.origin and self.expansion == other.expansion
- from copy import copy
- class Pattern(Serialize):
- def __init__(self, value, flags=()):
- self.value = value
- self.flags = frozenset(flags)
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(self.to_regexp())
- # Pattern Hashing assumes all subclasses have a different priority!
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((type(self), self.value, self.flags))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return type(self) == type(other) and self.value == other.value and self.flags == other.flags
- def to_regexp(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- if Py36:
- # Python 3.6 changed syntax for flags in regular expression
- def _get_flags(self, value):
- for f in self.flags:
- value = ('(?%s:%s)' % (f, value))
- return value
- else:
- def _get_flags(self, value):
- for f in self.flags:
- value = ('(?%s)' % f) + value
- return value
- class PatternStr(Pattern):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'value', 'flags'
- type = "str"
- def to_regexp(self):
- return self._get_flags(re.escape(self.value))
- @property
- def min_width(self):
- return len(self.value)
- max_width = min_width
- class PatternRE(Pattern):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'value', 'flags', '_width'
- type = "re"
- def to_regexp(self):
- return self._get_flags(self.value)
- _width = None
- def _get_width(self):
- if self._width is None:
- self._width = get_regexp_width(self.to_regexp())
- return self._width
- @property
- def min_width(self):
- return self._get_width()[0]
- @property
- def max_width(self):
- return self._get_width()[1]
- class TerminalDef(Serialize):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'name', 'pattern', 'priority'
- __serialize_namespace__ = PatternStr, PatternRE
- def __init__(self, name, pattern, priority=1):
- assert isinstance(pattern, Pattern), pattern
- self.name = name
- self.pattern = pattern
- self.priority = priority
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s(%r, %r)' % (type(self).__name__, self.name, self.pattern)
- class Token(Str):
- __slots__ = ('type', 'pos_in_stream', 'value', 'line', 'column', 'end_line', 'end_column', 'end_pos')
- def __new__(cls, type_, value, pos_in_stream=None, line=None, column=None, end_line=None, end_column=None, end_pos=None):
- try:
- self = super(Token, cls).__new__(cls, value)
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- # value = value.decode('latin1')
- value = value.decode("ascii", "backslashreplace")
- self = super(Token, cls).__new__(cls, value)
- self.type = type_
- self.pos_in_stream = pos_in_stream
- self.value = value
- self.line = line
- self.column = column
- self.end_line = end_line
- self.end_column = end_column
- self.end_pos = end_pos
- return self
- def update(self, type_=None, value=None):
- return Token.new_borrow_pos(
- type_ if type_ is not None else self.type,
- value if value is not None else self.value,
- self
- )
- @classmethod
- def new_borrow_pos(cls, type_, value, borrow_t):
- return cls(type_, value, borrow_t.pos_in_stream, borrow_t.line, borrow_t.column, borrow_t.end_line, borrow_t.end_column, borrow_t.end_pos)
- def __reduce__(self):
- return (self.__class__, (self.type, self.value, self.pos_in_stream, self.line, self.column, ))
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Token(%s, %r)' % (self.type, self.value)
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- return Token(self.type, self.value, self.pos_in_stream, self.line, self.column)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, Token) and self.type != other.type:
- return False
- return Str.__eq__(self, other)
- __hash__ = Str.__hash__
- class LineCounter:
- def __init__(self):
- self.newline_char = '\n'
- self.char_pos = 0
- self.line = 1
- self.column = 1
- self.line_start_pos = 0
- def feed(self, token, test_newline=True):
- """Consume a token and calculate the new line & column.
- As an optional optimization, set test_newline=False is token doesn't contain a newline.
- """
- if test_newline:
- newlines = token.count(self.newline_char)
- if newlines:
- self.line += newlines
- self.line_start_pos = self.char_pos + token.rindex(self.newline_char) + 1
- self.char_pos += len(token)
- self.column = self.char_pos - self.line_start_pos + 1
- class _Lex:
- "Built to serve both Lexer and ContextualLexer"
- def __init__(self, lexer, state=None):
- self.lexer = lexer
- self.state = state
- def lex(self, stream, newline_types, ignore_types):
- newline_types = frozenset(newline_types)
- ignore_types = frozenset(ignore_types)
- line_ctr = LineCounter()
- last_token = None
- while line_ctr.char_pos < len(stream):
- lexer = self.lexer
- res = lexer.match(stream, line_ctr.char_pos)
- if not res:
- allowed = {v for m, tfi in lexer.mres for v in tfi.values()} - ignore_types
- if not allowed:
- allowed = {"<END-OF-FILE>"}
- raise UnexpectedCharacters(stream, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column, allowed=allowed, state=self.state, token_history=last_token and [last_token])
- value, type_ = res
- if type_ not in ignore_types:
- t = Token(type_, value, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)
- line_ctr.feed(value, type_ in newline_types)
- t.end_line = line_ctr.line
- t.end_column = line_ctr.column
- t.end_pos = line_ctr.char_pos
- if t.type in lexer.callback:
- t = lexer.callback[t.type](t)
- if not isinstance(t, Token):
- raise ValueError("Callbacks must return a token (returned %r)" % t)
- yield t
- last_token = t
- else:
- if type_ in lexer.callback:
- t2 = Token(type_, value, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)
- lexer.callback[type_](t2)
- line_ctr.feed(value, type_ in newline_types)
- class UnlessCallback:
- def __init__(self, mres):
- self.mres = mres
- def __call__(self, t):
- for mre, type_from_index in self.mres:
- m = mre.match(t.value)
- if m:
- t.type = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
- break
- return t
- class CallChain:
- def __init__(self, callback1, callback2, cond):
- self.callback1 = callback1
- self.callback2 = callback2
- self.cond = cond
- def __call__(self, t):
- t2 = self.callback1(t)
- return self.callback2(t) if self.cond(t2) else t2
- def _create_unless(terminals, g_regex_flags, re_):
- tokens_by_type = classify(terminals, lambda t: type(t.pattern))
- assert len(tokens_by_type) <= 2, tokens_by_type.keys()
- embedded_strs = set()
- callback = {}
- for retok in tokens_by_type.get(PatternRE, []):
- unless = [] # {}
- for strtok in tokens_by_type.get(PatternStr, []):
- if strtok.priority > retok.priority:
- continue
- s = strtok.pattern.value
- m = re_.match(retok.pattern.to_regexp(), s, g_regex_flags)
- if m and m.group(0) == s:
- unless.append(strtok)
- if strtok.pattern.flags <= retok.pattern.flags:
- embedded_strs.add(strtok)
- if unless:
- callback[retok.name] = UnlessCallback(build_mres(unless, g_regex_flags, re_, match_whole=True))
- terminals = [t for t in terminals if t not in embedded_strs]
- return terminals, callback
- def _build_mres(terminals, max_size, g_regex_flags, match_whole, re_):
- # Python sets an unreasonable group limit (currently 100) in its re module
- # Worse, the only way to know we reached it is by catching an AssertionError!
- # This function recursively tries less and less groups until it's successful.
- postfix = '$' if match_whole else ''
- mres = []
- while terminals:
- try:
- mre = re_.compile(u'|'.join(u'(?P<%s>%s)'%(t.name, t.pattern.to_regexp()+postfix) for t in terminals[:max_size]), g_regex_flags)
- except AssertionError: # Yes, this is what Python provides us.. :/
- return _build_mres(terminals, max_size//2, g_regex_flags, match_whole, re_)
- # terms_from_name = {t.name: t for t in terminals[:max_size]}
- mres.append((mre, {i:n for n,i in mre.groupindex.items()} ))
- terminals = terminals[max_size:]
- return mres
- def build_mres(terminals, g_regex_flags, re_, match_whole=False):
- return _build_mres(terminals, len(terminals), g_regex_flags, match_whole, re_)
- def _regexp_has_newline(r):
- r"""Expressions that may indicate newlines in a regexp:
- - newlines (\n)
- - escaped newline (\\n)
- - anything but ([^...])
- - any-char (.) when the flag (?s) exists
- - spaces (\s)
- """
- return '\n' in r or '\\n' in r or '\\s' in r or '[^' in r or ('(?s' in r and '.' in r)
- class Lexer(object):
- """Lexer interface
- Method Signatures:
- lex(self, stream) -> Iterator[Token]
- """
- lex = NotImplemented
- class TraditionalLexer(Lexer):
- def __init__(self, conf):
- terminals = list(conf.tokens)
- assert all(isinstance(t, TerminalDef) for t in terminals), terminals
- self.re = conf.re_module
- if not conf.skip_validation:
- # Sanitization
- for t in terminals:
- try:
- self.re.compile(t.pattern.to_regexp(), conf.g_regex_flags)
- except self.re.error:
- raise LexError("Cannot compile token %s: %s" % (t.name, t.pattern))
- if t.pattern.min_width == 0:
- raise LexError("Lexer does not allow zero-width terminals. (%s: %s)" % (t.name, t.pattern))
- assert set(conf.ignore) <= {t.name for t in terminals}
- # Init
- self.newline_types = [t.name for t in terminals if _regexp_has_newline(t.pattern.to_regexp())]
- self.ignore_types = list(conf.ignore)
- terminals.sort(key=lambda x:(-x.priority, -x.pattern.max_width, -len(x.pattern.value), x.name))
- self.terminals = terminals
- self.user_callbacks = conf.callbacks
- self.g_regex_flags = conf.g_regex_flags
- self._mres = None
- # self.build(g_regex_flags)
- def _build(self):
- terminals, self.callback = _create_unless(self.terminals, self.g_regex_flags, re_=self.re)
- assert all(self.callback.values())
- for type_, f in self.user_callbacks.items():
- if type_ in self.callback:
- # Already a callback there, probably UnlessCallback
- self.callback[type_] = CallChain(self.callback[type_], f, lambda t: t.type == type_)
- else:
- self.callback[type_] = f
- self._mres = build_mres(terminals, self.g_regex_flags, self.re)
- @property
- def mres(self):
- if self._mres is None:
- self._build()
- return self._mres
- def match(self, stream, pos):
- for mre, type_from_index in self.mres:
- m = mre.match(stream, pos)
- if m:
- return m.group(0), type_from_index[m.lastindex]
- def lex(self, stream):
- return _Lex(self).lex(stream, self.newline_types, self.ignore_types)
- class ContextualLexer(Lexer):
- def __init__(self, conf, states, always_accept=()):
- terminals = list(conf.tokens)
- tokens_by_name = {}
- for t in terminals:
- assert t.name not in tokens_by_name, t
- tokens_by_name[t.name] = t
- trad_conf = type(conf)(terminals, conf.re_module, conf.ignore, callbacks=conf.callbacks, g_regex_flags=conf.g_regex_flags, skip_validation=conf.skip_validation)
- lexer_by_tokens = {}
- self.lexers = {}
- for state, accepts in states.items():
- key = frozenset(accepts)
- try:
- lexer = lexer_by_tokens[key]
- except KeyError:
- accepts = set(accepts) | set(conf.ignore) | set(always_accept)
- state_tokens = [tokens_by_name[n] for n in accepts if n and n in tokens_by_name]
- lexer_conf = copy(trad_conf)
- lexer_conf.tokens = state_tokens
- lexer = TraditionalLexer(lexer_conf)
- lexer_by_tokens[key] = lexer
- self.lexers[state] = lexer
- assert trad_conf.tokens is terminals
- self.root_lexer = TraditionalLexer(trad_conf)
- def lex(self, stream, get_parser_state):
- parser_state = get_parser_state()
- l = _Lex(self.lexers[parser_state], parser_state)
- try:
- for x in l.lex(stream, self.root_lexer.newline_types, self.root_lexer.ignore_types):
- yield x
- parser_state = get_parser_state()
- l.lexer = self.lexers[parser_state]
- l.state = parser_state # For debug only, no need to worry about multithreading
- except UnexpectedCharacters as e:
- # In the contextual lexer, UnexpectedCharacters can mean that the terminal is defined,
- # but not in the current context.
- # This tests the input against the global context, to provide a nicer error.
- root_match = self.root_lexer.match(stream, e.pos_in_stream)
- if not root_match:
- raise
- value, type_ = root_match
- t = Token(type_, value, e.pos_in_stream, e.line, e.column)
- raise UnexpectedToken(t, e.allowed, state=e.state)
- class LexerConf(Serialize):
- __serialize_fields__ = 'tokens', 'ignore', 'g_regex_flags'
- __serialize_namespace__ = TerminalDef,
- def __init__(self, tokens, re_module, ignore=(), postlex=None, callbacks=None, g_regex_flags=0, skip_validation=False):
- self.tokens = tokens # TODO should be terminals
- self.ignore = ignore
- self.postlex = postlex
- self.callbacks = callbacks or {}
- self.g_regex_flags = g_regex_flags
- self.re_module = re_module
- self.skip_validation = skip_validation
- def _deserialize(self):
- self.callbacks = {} # TODO
- from functools import partial, wraps
- from itertools import repeat, product
- class ExpandSingleChild:
- def __init__(self, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- def __call__(self, children):
- if len(children) == 1:
- return children[0]
- else:
- return self.node_builder(children)
- class PropagatePositions:
- def __init__(self, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- def __call__(self, children):
- res = self.node_builder(children)
- # local reference to Tree.meta reduces number of presence checks
- if isinstance(res, Tree):
- res_meta = res.meta
- for c in children:
- if isinstance(c, Tree):
- child_meta = c.meta
- if not child_meta.empty:
- res_meta.line = child_meta.line
- res_meta.column = child_meta.column
- res_meta.start_pos = child_meta.start_pos
- res_meta.empty = False
- break
- elif isinstance(c, Token):
- res_meta.line = c.line
- res_meta.column = c.column
- res_meta.start_pos = c.pos_in_stream
- res_meta.empty = False
- break
- for c in reversed(children):
- if isinstance(c, Tree):
- child_meta = c.meta
- if not child_meta.empty:
- res_meta.end_line = child_meta.end_line
- res_meta.end_column = child_meta.end_column
- res_meta.end_pos = child_meta.end_pos
- res_meta.empty = False
- break
- elif isinstance(c, Token):
- res_meta.end_line = c.end_line
- res_meta.end_column = c.end_column
- res_meta.end_pos = c.end_pos
- res_meta.empty = False
- break
- return res
- class ChildFilter:
- def __init__(self, to_include, append_none, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.to_include = to_include
- self.append_none = append_none
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include:
- if add_none:
- filtered += [None] * add_none
- if to_expand:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- if self.append_none:
- filtered += [None] * self.append_none
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- class ChildFilterLALR(ChildFilter):
- "Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)"
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include:
- if add_none:
- filtered += [None] * add_none
- if to_expand:
- if filtered:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else: # Optimize for left-recursion
- filtered = children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- if self.append_none:
- filtered += [None] * self.append_none
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- class ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders(ChildFilter):
- "Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)"
- def __init__(self, to_include, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.to_include = to_include
- def __call__(self, children):
- filtered = []
- for i, to_expand in self.to_include:
- if to_expand:
- if filtered:
- filtered += children[i].children
- else: # Optimize for left-recursion
- filtered = children[i].children
- else:
- filtered.append(children[i])
- return self.node_builder(filtered)
- def _should_expand(sym):
- return not sym.is_term and sym.name.startswith('_')
- def maybe_create_child_filter(expansion, keep_all_tokens, ambiguous, _empty_indices):
- # Prepare empty_indices as: How many Nones to insert at each index?
- if _empty_indices:
- assert _empty_indices.count(False) == len(expansion)
- s = ''.join(str(int(b)) for b in _empty_indices)
- empty_indices = [len(ones) for ones in s.split('0')]
- assert len(empty_indices) == len(expansion)+1, (empty_indices, len(expansion))
- else:
- empty_indices = [0] * (len(expansion)+1)
- to_include = []
- nones_to_add = 0
- for i, sym in enumerate(expansion):
- nones_to_add += empty_indices[i]
- if keep_all_tokens or not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out):
- to_include.append((i, _should_expand(sym), nones_to_add))
- nones_to_add = 0
- nones_to_add += empty_indices[len(expansion)]
- if _empty_indices or len(to_include) < len(expansion) or any(to_expand for i, to_expand,_ in to_include):
- if _empty_indices or ambiguous:
- return partial(ChildFilter if ambiguous else ChildFilterLALR, to_include, nones_to_add)
- else:
- # LALR without placeholders
- return partial(ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders, [(i, x) for i,x,_ in to_include])
- class AmbiguousExpander:
- """Deal with the case where we're expanding children ('_rule') into a parent but the children
- are ambiguous. i.e. (parent->_ambig->_expand_this_rule). In this case, make the parent itself
- ambiguous with as many copies as their are ambiguous children, and then copy the ambiguous children
- into the right parents in the right places, essentially shifting the ambiguiuty up the tree."""
- def __init__(self, to_expand, tree_class, node_builder):
- self.node_builder = node_builder
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.to_expand = to_expand
- def __call__(self, children):
- def _is_ambig_tree(child):
- return hasattr(child, 'data') and child.data == '_ambig'
- #### When we're repeatedly expanding ambiguities we can end up with nested ambiguities.
- # All children of an _ambig node should be a derivation of that ambig node, hence
- # it is safe to assume that if we see an _ambig node nested within an ambig node
- # it is safe to simply expand it into the parent _ambig node as an alternative derivation.
- ambiguous = []
- for i, child in enumerate(children):
- if _is_ambig_tree(child):
- if i in self.to_expand:
- ambiguous.append(i)
- to_expand = [j for j, grandchild in enumerate(child.children) if _is_ambig_tree(grandchild)]
- child.expand_kids_by_index(*to_expand)
- if not ambiguous:
- return self.node_builder(children)
- expand = [ iter(child.children) if i in ambiguous else repeat(child) for i, child in enumerate(children) ]
- return self.tree_class('_ambig', [self.node_builder(list(f[0])) for f in product(zip(*expand))])
- def maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(tree_class, expansion, keep_all_tokens):
- to_expand = [i for i, sym in enumerate(expansion)
- if keep_all_tokens or ((not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out)) and _should_expand(sym))]
- if to_expand:
- return partial(AmbiguousExpander, to_expand, tree_class)
- def ptb_inline_args(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- return func(*children)
- return f
- def inplace_transformer(func):
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- # function name in a Transformer is a rule name.
- tree = Tree(func.__name__, children)
- return func(tree)
- return f
- def apply_visit_wrapper(func, name, wrapper):
- if wrapper is _vargs_meta or wrapper is _vargs_meta_inline:
- raise NotImplementedError("Meta args not supported for internal transformer")
- @wraps(func)
- def f(children):
- return wrapper(func, name, children, None)
- return f
- class ParseTreeBuilder:
- def __init__(self, rules, tree_class, propagate_positions=False, keep_all_tokens=False, ambiguous=False, maybe_placeholders=False):
- self.tree_class = tree_class
- self.propagate_positions = propagate_positions
- self.always_keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens
- self.ambiguous = ambiguous
- self.maybe_placeholders = maybe_placeholders
- self.rule_builders = list(self._init_builders(rules))
- def _init_builders(self, rules):
- for rule in rules:
- options = rule.options
- keep_all_tokens = self.always_keep_all_tokens or options.keep_all_tokens
- expand_single_child = options.expand1
- wrapper_chain = list(filter(None, [
- (expand_single_child and not rule.alias) and ExpandSingleChild,
- maybe_create_child_filter(rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens, self.ambiguous, options.empty_indices if self.maybe_placeholders else None),
- self.propagate_positions and PropagatePositions,
- self.ambiguous and maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(self.tree_class, rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens),
- ]))
- yield rule, wrapper_chain
- def create_callback(self, transformer=None):
- callbacks = {}
- for rule, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders:
- user_callback_name = rule.alias or rule.options.template_source or rule.origin.name
- try:
- f = getattr(transformer, user_callback_name)
- # XXX InlineTransformer is deprecated!
- wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None)
- if wrapper is not None:
- f = apply_visit_wrapper(f, user_callback_name, wrapper)
- else:
- if isinstance(transformer, InlineTransformer):
- f = ptb_inline_args(f)
- elif isinstance(transformer, Transformer_InPlace):
- f = inplace_transformer(f)
- except AttributeError:
- f = partial(self.tree_class, user_callback_name)
- for w in wrapper_chain:
- f = w(f)
- if rule in callbacks:
- raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' already exists" % (rule,))
- callbacks[rule] = f
- return callbacks
- class LALR_Parser(object):
- def __init__(self, parser_conf, debug=False):
- assert all(r.options.priority is None for r in parser_conf.rules), "LALR doesn't yet support prioritization"
- analysis = LALR_Analyzer(parser_conf, debug=debug)
- analysis.compute_lalr()
- callbacks = parser_conf.callbacks
- self._parse_table = analysis.parse_table
- self.parser_conf = parser_conf
- self.parser = _Parser(analysis.parse_table, callbacks, debug)
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo, callbacks):
- inst = cls.__new__(cls)
- inst._parse_table = IntParseTable.deserialize(data, memo)
- inst.parser = _Parser(inst._parse_table, callbacks)
- return inst
- def serialize(self, memo):
- return self._parse_table.serialize(memo)
- def parse(self, *args):
- return self.parser.parse(*args)
- class _Parser:
- def __init__(self, parse_table, callbacks, debug=False):
- self.parse_table = parse_table
- self.callbacks = callbacks
- self.debug = debug
- def parse(self, seq, start, set_state=None, value_stack=None, state_stack=None):
- token = None
- stream = iter(seq)
- states = self.parse_table.states
- start_state = self.parse_table.start_states[start]
- end_state = self.parse_table.end_states[start]
- state_stack = state_stack or [start_state]
- value_stack = value_stack or []
- if set_state: set_state(start_state)
- def get_action(token):
- state = state_stack[-1]
- try:
- return states[state][token.type]
- except KeyError:
- expected = [s for s in states[state].keys() if s.isupper()]
- try:
- puppet = ParserPuppet(self, state_stack, value_stack, start, stream, set_state)
- except NameError:
- puppet = None
- raise UnexpectedToken(token, expected, state=state, puppet=puppet)
- def reduce(rule):
- size = len(rule.expansion)
- if size:
- s = value_stack[-size:]
- del state_stack[-size:]
- del value_stack[-size:]
- else:
- s = []
- value = self.callbacks[rule](s)
- _action, new_state = states[state_stack[-1]][rule.origin.name]
- assert _action is Shift
- state_stack.append(new_state)
- value_stack.append(value)
- # Main LALR-parser loop
- try:
- for token in stream:
- while True:
- action, arg = get_action(token)
- assert arg != end_state
- if action is Shift:
- state_stack.append(arg)
- value_stack.append(token)
- if set_state: set_state(arg)
- break # next token
- else:
- reduce(arg)
- except Exception as e:
- if self.debug:
- print("")
- print("----------------")
- for i, s in enumerate(state_stack):
- print('%d)' % i , s)
- print("")
- raise
- token = Token.new_borrow_pos('$END', '', token) if token else Token('$END', '', 0, 1, 1)
- while True:
- _action, arg = get_action(token)
- assert(_action is Reduce)
- reduce(arg)
- if state_stack[-1] == end_state:
- return value_stack[-1]
- class Action:
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- Shift = Action('Shift')
- Reduce = Action('Reduce')
- class ParseTable:
- def __init__(self, states, start_states, end_states):
- self.states = states
- self.start_states = start_states
- self.end_states = end_states
- def serialize(self, memo):
- tokens = Enumerator()
- rules = Enumerator()
- states = {
- state: {tokens.get(token): ((1, arg.serialize(memo)) if action is Reduce else (0, arg))
- for token, (action, arg) in actions.items()}
- for state, actions in self.states.items()
- }
- return {
- 'tokens': tokens.reversed(),
- 'states': states,
- 'start_states': self.start_states,
- 'end_states': self.end_states,
- }
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo):
- tokens = data['tokens']
- states = {
- state: {tokens[token]: ((Reduce, Rule.deserialize(arg, memo)) if action==1 else (Shift, arg))
- for token, (action, arg) in actions.items()}
- for state, actions in data['states'].items()
- }
- return cls(states, data['start_states'], data['end_states'])
- class IntParseTable(ParseTable):
- @classmethod
- def from_ParseTable(cls, parse_table):
- enum = list(parse_table.states)
- state_to_idx = {s:i for i,s in enumerate(enum)}
- int_states = {}
- for s, la in parse_table.states.items():
- la = {k:(v[0], state_to_idx[v[1]]) if v[0] is Shift else v
- for k,v in la.items()}
- int_states[ state_to_idx[s] ] = la
- start_states = {start:state_to_idx[s] for start, s in parse_table.start_states.items()}
- end_states = {start:state_to_idx[s] for start, s in parse_table.end_states.items()}
- return cls(int_states, start_states, end_states)
- def get_frontend(parser, lexer):
- if parser=='lalr':
- if lexer is None:
- raise ValueError('The LALR parser requires use of a lexer')
- elif lexer == 'standard':
- return LALR_TraditionalLexer
- elif lexer == 'contextual':
- return LALR_ContextualLexer
- elif issubclass(lexer, Lexer):
- return partial(LALR_CustomLexer, lexer)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown lexer: %s' % lexer)
- elif parser=='earley':
- if lexer=='standard':
- return Earley
- elif lexer=='dynamic':
- return XEarley
- elif lexer=='dynamic_complete':
- return XEarley_CompleteLex
- elif lexer=='contextual':
- raise ValueError('The Earley parser does not support the contextual parser')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown lexer: %s' % lexer)
- elif parser == 'cyk':
- if lexer == 'standard':
- return CYK
- else:
- raise ValueError('CYK parser requires using standard parser.')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown parser: %s' % parser)
- class _ParserFrontend(Serialize):
- def _parse(self, input, start, *args):
- if start is None:
- start = self.start
- if len(start) > 1:
- raise ValueError("Lark initialized with more than 1 possible start rule. Must specify which start rule to parse", start)
- start ,= start
- return self.parser.parse(input, start, *args)
- class WithLexer(_ParserFrontend):
- lexer = None
- parser = None
- lexer_conf = None
- start = None
- __serialize_fields__ = 'parser', 'lexer_conf', 'start'
- __serialize_namespace__ = LexerConf,
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
- self.lexer_conf = lexer_conf
- self.start = parser_conf.start
- self.postlex = lexer_conf.postlex
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo, callbacks, postlex, re_module):
- inst = super(WithLexer, cls).deserialize(data, memo)
- inst.postlex = postlex
- inst.parser = LALR_Parser.deserialize(inst.parser, memo, callbacks)
- inst.lexer_conf.re_module = re_module
- inst.lexer_conf.skip_validation=True
- inst.init_lexer()
- return inst
- def _serialize(self, data, memo):
- data['parser'] = data['parser'].serialize(memo)
- def lex(self, *args):
- stream = self.lexer.lex(*args)
- return self.postlex.process(stream) if self.postlex else stream
- def parse(self, text, start=None):
- token_stream = self.lex(text)
- return self._parse(token_stream, start)
- def init_traditional_lexer(self):
- self.lexer = TraditionalLexer(self.lexer_conf)
- class LALR_WithLexer(WithLexer):
- def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
- debug = options.debug if options else False
- self.parser = LALR_Parser(parser_conf, debug=debug)
- WithLexer.__init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options)
- self.init_lexer()
- def init_lexer(self, **kw):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- class LALR_TraditionalLexer(LALR_WithLexer):
- def init_lexer(self):
- self.init_traditional_lexer()
- class LALR_ContextualLexer(LALR_WithLexer):
- def init_lexer(self):
- states = {idx:list(t.keys()) for idx, t in self.parser._parse_table.states.items()}
- always_accept = self.postlex.always_accept if self.postlex else ()
- self.lexer = ContextualLexer(self.lexer_conf, states, always_accept=always_accept)
- def parse(self, text, start=None):
- parser_state = [None]
- def set_parser_state(s):
- parser_state[0] = s
- token_stream = self.lex(text, lambda: parser_state[0])
- return self._parse(token_stream, start, set_parser_state)
- class LarkOptions(Serialize):
- """Specifies the options for Lark
- """
- # General
- start - The start symbol. Either a string, or a list of strings for
- multiple possible starts (Default: "start")
- debug - Display debug information, such as warnings (default: False)
- transformer - Applies the transformer to every parse tree (equivlent to
- applying it after the parse, but faster)
- propagate_positions - Propagates (line, column, end_line, end_column)
- attributes into all tree branches.
- maybe_placeholders - When True, the `[]` operator returns `None` when not matched.
- When `False`, `[]` behaves like the `?` operator,
- and returns no value at all.
- (default=`False`. Recommended to set to `True`)
- regex - When True, uses the `regex` module instead of the stdlib `re`.
- cache - Cache the results of the Lark grammar analysis, for x2 to x3 faster loading.
- LALR only for now.
- When `False`, does nothing (default)
- When `True`, caches to a temporary file in the local directory
- When given a string, caches to the path pointed by the string
- g_regex_flags - Flags that are applied to all terminals
- (both regex and strings)
- keep_all_tokens - Prevent the tree builder from automagically
- removing "punctuation" tokens (default: False)
- # Algorithm
- parser - Decides which parser engine to use
- Accepts "earley" or "lalr". (Default: "earley")
- (there is also a "cyk" option for legacy)
- lexer - Decides whether or not to use a lexer stage
- "auto" (default): Choose for me based on the parser
- "standard": Use a standard lexer
- "contextual": Stronger lexer (only works with parser="lalr")
- "dynamic": Flexible and powerful (only with parser="earley")
- "dynamic_complete": Same as dynamic, but tries *every* variation
- of tokenizing possible.
- ambiguity - Decides how to handle ambiguity in the parse.
- Only relevant if parser="earley"
- "resolve": The parser will automatically choose the simplest
- derivation (it chooses consistently: greedy for
- tokens, non-greedy for rules)
- "explicit": The parser will return all derivations wrapped
- in "_ambig" tree nodes (i.e. a forest).
- # Domain Specific
- postlex - Lexer post-processing (Default: None) Only works with the
- standard and contextual lexers.
- priority - How priorities should be evaluated - auto, none, normal,
- invert (Default: auto)
- lexer_callbacks - Dictionary of callbacks for the lexer. May alter
- tokens during lexing. Use with caution.
- edit_terminals - A callback
- """
- if __doc__:
- __doc__ += OPTIONS_DOC
- _defaults = {
- 'debug': False,
- 'keep_all_tokens': False,
- 'tree_class': None,
- 'cache': False,
- 'postlex': None,
- 'parser': 'earley',
- 'lexer': 'auto',
- 'transformer': None,
- 'start': 'start',
- 'priority': 'auto',
- 'ambiguity': 'auto',
- 'regex': False,
- 'propagate_positions': False,
- 'lexer_callbacks': {},
- 'maybe_placeholders': False,
- 'edit_terminals': None,
- 'g_regex_flags': 0,
- }
- def __init__(self, options_dict):
- o = dict(options_dict)
- options = {}
- for name, default in self._defaults.items():
- if name in o:
- value = o.pop(name)
- if isinstance(default, bool) and name != 'cache':
- value = bool(value)
- else:
- value = default
- options[name] = value
- if isinstance(options['start'], STRING_TYPE):
- options['start'] = [options['start']]
- self.__dict__['options'] = options
- assert self.parser in ('earley', 'lalr', 'cyk', None)
- if self.parser == 'earley' and self.transformer:
- raise ValueError('Cannot specify an embedded transformer when using the Earley algorithm.'
- 'Please use your transformer on the resulting parse tree, or use a different algorithm (i.e. LALR)')
- if o:
- raise ValueError("Unknown options: %s" % o.keys())
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- try:
- return self.options[name]
- except KeyError as e:
- raise AttributeError(e)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- assert name in self.options
- self.options[name] = value
- def serialize(self, memo):
- return self.options
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data, memo):
- return cls(data)
- class Lark(Serialize):
- def __init__(self, grammar, **options):
- """
- grammar : a string or file-object containing the grammar spec (using Lark's ebnf syntax)
- options : a dictionary controlling various aspects of Lark.
- """
- self.options = LarkOptions(options)
- # Set regex or re module
- use_regex = self.options.regex
- if use_regex:
- if regex:
- re_module = regex
- else:
- raise ImportError('`regex` module must be installed if calling `Lark(regex=True)`.')
- else:
- re_module = re
- # Some, but not all file-like objects have a 'name' attribute
- try:
- self.source = grammar.name
- except AttributeError:
- self.source = '<string>'
- # Drain file-like objects to get their contents
- try:
- read = grammar.read
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- grammar = read()
- assert isinstance(grammar, STRING_TYPE)
- cache_fn = None
- if self.options.cache:
- if self.options.parser != 'lalr':
- raise NotImplementedError("cache only works with parser='lalr' for now")
- if isinstance(self.options.cache, STRING_TYPE):
- cache_fn = self.options.cache
- else:
- if self.options.cache is not True:
- raise ValueError("cache must be bool or str")
- unhashable = ('transformer', 'postlex', 'lexer_callbacks', 'edit_terminals')
- from . import __version__
- options_str = ''.join(k+str(v) for k, v in options.items() if k not in unhashable)
- s = grammar + options_str + __version__
- md5 = hashlib.md5(s.encode()).hexdigest()
- cache_fn = '.lark_cache_%s.tmp' % md5
- if FS.exists(cache_fn):
- logging.debug('Loading grammar from cache: %s', cache_fn)
- with FS.open(cache_fn, 'rb') as f:
- self._load(f, self.options.transformer, self.options.postlex)
- return
- if self.options.lexer == 'auto':
- if self.options.parser == 'lalr':
- self.options.lexer = 'contextual'
- elif self.options.parser == 'earley':
- self.options.lexer = 'dynamic'
- elif self.options.parser == 'cyk':
- self.options.lexer = 'standard'
- else:
- assert False, self.options.parser
- lexer = self.options.lexer
- assert lexer in ('standard', 'contextual', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_complete') or issubclass(lexer, Lexer)
- if self.options.ambiguity == 'auto':
- if self.options.parser == 'earley':
- self.options.ambiguity = 'resolve'
- else:
- disambig_parsers = ['earley', 'cyk']
- assert self.options.parser in disambig_parsers, (
- 'Only %s supports disambiguation right now') % ', '.join(disambig_parsers)
- if self.options.priority == 'auto':
- if self.options.parser in ('earley', 'cyk', ):
- self.options.priority = 'normal'
- elif self.options.parser in ('lalr', ):
- self.options.priority = None
- elif self.options.priority in ('invert', 'normal'):
- assert self.options.parser in ('earley', 'cyk'), "priorities are not supported for LALR at this time"
- assert self.options.priority in ('auto', None, 'normal', 'invert'), 'invalid priority option specified: {}. options are auto, none, normal, invert.'.format(self.options.priority)
- assert self.options.ambiguity not in ('resolve__antiscore_sum', ), 'resolve__antiscore_sum has been replaced with the option priority="invert"'
- assert self.options.ambiguity in ('resolve', 'explicit', 'auto', )
- # Parse the grammar file and compose the grammars (TODO)
- self.grammar = load_grammar(grammar, self.source, re_module)
- # Compile the EBNF grammar into BNF
- self.terminals, self.rules, self.ignore_tokens = self.grammar.compile(self.options.start)
- if self.options.edit_terminals:
- for t in self.terminals:
- self.options.edit_terminals(t)
- self._terminals_dict = {t.name:t for t in self.terminals}
- # If the user asked to invert the priorities, negate them all here.
- # This replaces the old 'resolve__antiscore_sum' option.
- if self.options.priority == 'invert':
- for rule in self.rules:
- if rule.options.priority is not None:
- rule.options.priority = -rule.options.priority
- # Else, if the user asked to disable priorities, strip them from the
- # rules. This allows the Earley parsers to skip an extra forest walk
- # for improved performance, if you don't need them (or didn't specify any).
- elif self.options.priority == None:
- for rule in self.rules:
- if rule.options.priority is not None:
- rule.options.priority = None
- # TODO Deprecate lexer_callbacks?
- lexer_callbacks = dict(self.options.lexer_callbacks)
- if self.options.transformer:
- t = self.options.transformer
- for term in self.terminals:
- if hasattr(t, term.name):
- lexer_callbacks[term.name] = getattr(t, term.name)
- self.lexer_conf = LexerConf(self.terminals, re_module, self.ignore_tokens, self.options.postlex, lexer_callbacks, self.options.g_regex_flags)
- if self.options.parser:
- self.parser = self._build_parser()
- elif lexer:
- self.lexer = self._build_lexer()
- if cache_fn:
- logging.debug('Saving grammar to cache: %s', cache_fn)
- with FS.open(cache_fn, 'wb') as f:
- self.save(f)
- if __init__.__doc__:
- __init__.__doc__ += "\nOptions:\n" + LarkOptions.OPTIONS_DOC
- __serialize_fields__ = 'parser', 'rules', 'options'
- def _build_lexer(self):
- return TraditionalLexer(self.lexer_conf)
- def _prepare_callbacks(self):
- self.parser_class = get_frontend(self.options.parser, self.options.lexer)
- self._parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(self.rules, self.options.tree_class or Tree, self.options.propagate_positions, self.options.keep_all_tokens, self.options.parser!='lalr' and self.options.ambiguity=='explicit', self.options.maybe_placeholders)
- self._callbacks = self._parse_tree_builder.create_callback(self.options.transformer)
- def _build_parser(self):
- self._prepare_callbacks()
- parser_conf = ParserConf(self.rules, self._callbacks, self.options.start)
- return self.parser_class(self.lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=self.options)
- def save(self, f):
- data, m = self.memo_serialize([TerminalDef, Rule])
- pickle.dump({'data': data, 'memo': m}, f)
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, f):
- inst = cls.__new__(cls)
- return inst._load(f)
- def _load(self, f, transformer=None, postlex=None):
- if isinstance(f, dict):
- d = f
- else:
- d = pickle.load(f)
- memo = d['memo']
- data = d['data']
- assert memo
- memo = SerializeMemoizer.deserialize(memo, {'Rule': Rule, 'TerminalDef': TerminalDef}, {})
- options = dict(data['options'])
- if transformer is not None:
- options['transformer'] = transformer
- if postlex is not None:
- options['postlex'] = postlex
- self.options = LarkOptions.deserialize(options, memo)
- re_module = regex if self.options.regex else re
- self.rules = [Rule.deserialize(r, memo) for r in data['rules']]
- self.source = '<deserialized>'
- self._prepare_callbacks()
- self.parser = self.parser_class.deserialize(data['parser'], memo, self._callbacks, self.options.postlex, re_module)
- return self
- @classmethod
- def _load_from_dict(cls, data, memo, transformer=None, postlex=None):
- inst = cls.__new__(cls)
- return inst._load({'data': data, 'memo': memo}, transformer, postlex)
- @classmethod
- def open(cls, grammar_filename, rel_to=None, **options):
- """Create an instance of Lark with the grammar given by its filename
- If rel_to is provided, the function will find the grammar filename in relation to it.
- Example:
- >>> Lark.open("grammar_file.lark", rel_to=__file__, parser="lalr")
- Lark(...)
- """
- if rel_to:
- basepath = os.path.dirname(rel_to)
- grammar_filename = os.path.join(basepath, grammar_filename)
- with open(grammar_filename, encoding='utf8') as f:
- return cls(f, **options)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Lark(open(%r), parser=%r, lexer=%r, ...)' % (self.source, self.options.parser, self.options.lexer)
- def lex(self, text):
- "Only lex (and postlex) the text, without parsing it. Only relevant when lexer='standard'"
- if not hasattr(self, 'lexer'):
- self.lexer = self._build_lexer()
- stream = self.lexer.lex(text)
- if self.options.postlex:
- return self.options.postlex.process(stream)
- return stream
- def get_terminal(self, name):
- "Get information about a terminal"
- return self._terminals_dict[name]
- def parse(self, text, start=None, on_error=None):
- """Parse the given text, according to the options provided.
- Parameters:
- start: str - required if Lark was given multiple possible start symbols (using the start option).
- on_error: function - if provided, will be called on UnexpectedToken error. Return true to resume parsing. LALR only.
- Returns a tree, unless specified otherwise.
- """
- try:
- return self.parser.parse(text, start=start)
- except UnexpectedToken as e:
- if on_error is None:
- raise
- while True:
- if not on_error(e):
- raise e
- try:
- return e.puppet.resume_parse()
- except UnexpectedToken as e2:
- e = e2
- DATA = (
- {'rules': [{'@': 23}, {'@': 31}, {'@': 26}, {'@': 13}, {'@': 24}, {'@': 19}, {'@': 14}, {'@': 27}, {'@': 28}, {'@': 16}, {'@': 29}, {'@': 12}, {'@': 25}, {'@': 30}, {'@': 20}, {'@': 22}, {'@': 15}, {'@': 21}, {'@': 17}, {'@': 18}], 'parser': {'lexer_conf': {'tokens': [{'@': 0}, {'@': 1}, {'@': 2}, {'@': 3}, {'@': 4}, {'@': 5}, {'@': 6}, {'@': 7}, {'@': 8}, {'@': 9}, {'@': 10}, {'@': 11}], 'ignore': [u'WS'], 'g_regex_flags': 0, '__type__': 'LexerConf'}, 'parser': {'tokens': {0: 'COMMA', 1: 'RSQB', 2: 'RBRACE', 3: '$END', 4: 'LBRACE', 5: u'FALSE', 6: u'string', 7: u'object', 8: u'NULL', 9: u'SIGNED_NUMBER', 10: u'value', 11: u'array', 12: u'ESCAPED_STRING', 13: u'TRUE', 14: 'LSQB', 15: 'COLON', 16: u'pair', 17: u'__array_star_0', 18: u'__object_star_1', 19: 'start'}, 'states': {0: {0: (1, {'@': 12}), 1: (1, {'@': 12}), 2: (1, {'@': 12}), 3: (1, {'@': 12})}, 1: {1: (0, 29), 4: (0, 33), 5: (0, 8), 6: (0, 5), 7: (0, 31), 8: (0, 27), 9: (0, 24), 10: (0, 6), 11: (0, 26), 12: (0, 21), 13: (0, 16), 14: (0, 1)}, 2: {0: (0, 23), 2: (0, 0)}, 3: {15: (0, 12)}, 4: {16: (0, 13), 12: (0, 21), 6: (0, 3)}, 5: {0: (1, {'@': 13}), 1: (1, {'@': 13}), 2: (1, {'@': 13}), 3: (1, {'@': 13})}, 6: {0: (0, 7), 1: (0, 11), 17: (0, 17)}, 7: {4: (0, 33), 5: (0, 8), 6: (0, 5), 7: (0, 31), 8: (0, 27), 9: (0, 24), 10: (0, 9), 11: (0, 26), 12: (0, 21), 13: (0, 16), 14: (0, 1)}, 8: {0: (1, {'@': 14}), 1: (1, {'@': 14}), 2: (1, {'@': 14}), 3: (1, {'@': 14})}, 9: {0: (1, {'@': 15}), 1: (1, {'@': 15})}, 10: {4: (0, 33), 5: (0, 8), 6: (0, 5), 7: (0, 31), 8: (0, 27), 9: (0, 24), 10: (0, 20), 11: (0, 26), 12: (0, 21), 13: (0, 16), 14: (0, 1)}, 11: {0: (1, {'@': 16}), 1: (1, {'@': 16}), 2: (1, {'@': 16}), 3: (1, {'@': 16})}, 12: {4: (0, 33), 5: (0, 8), 6: (0, 5), 7: (0, 31), 8: (0, 27), 9: (0, 24), 10: (0, 18), 11: (0, 26), 12: (0, 21), 13: (0, 16), 14: (0, 1)}, 13: {0: (1, {'@': 17}), 2: (1, {'@': 17})}, 14: {}, 15: {0: (1, {'@': 18}), 2: (1, {'@': 18})}, 16: {0: (1, {'@': 19}), 1: (1, {'@': 19}), 2: (1, {'@': 19}), 3: (1, {'@': 19})}, 17: {0: (0, 10), 1: (0, 28)}, 18: {0: (1, {'@': 20}), 2: (1, {'@': 20})}, 19: {0: (0, 4), 18: (0, 2), 2: (0, 25)}, 20: {0: (1, {'@': 21}), 1: (1, {'@': 21})}, 21: {0: (1, {'@': 22}), 1: (1, {'@': 22}), 2: (1, {'@': 22}), 3: (1, {'@': 22}), 15: (1, {'@': 22})}, 22: {3: (1, {'@': 23})}, 23: {16: (0, 15), 12: (0, 21), 6: (0, 3)}, 24: {0: (1, {'@': 24}), 1: (1, {'@': 24}), 2: (1, {'@': 24}), 3: (1, {'@': 24})}, 25: {0: (1, {'@': 25}), 1: (1, {'@': 25}), 2: (1, {'@': 25}), 3: (1, {'@': 25})}, 26: {0: (1, {'@': 26}), 1: (1, {'@': 26}), 2: (1, {'@': 26}), 3: (1, {'@': 26})}, 27: {0: (1, {'@': 27}), 1: (1, {'@': 27}), 2: (1, {'@': 27}), 3: (1, {'@': 27})}, 28: {0: (1, {'@': 28}), 1: (1, {'@': 28}), 2: (1, {'@': 28}), 3: (1, {'@': 28})}, 29: {0: (1, {'@': 29}), 1: (1, {'@': 29}), 2: (1, {'@': 29}), 3: (1, {'@': 29})}, 30: {0: (1, {'@': 30}), 1: (1, {'@': 30}), 2: (1, {'@': 30}), 3: (1, {'@': 30})}, 31: {0: (1, {'@': 31}), 1: (1, {'@': 31}), 2: (1, {'@': 31}), 3: (1, {'@': 31})}, 32: {4: (0, 33), 5: (0, 8), 6: (0, 5), 7: (0, 31), 8: (0, 27), 9: (0, 24), 10: (0, 22), 11: (0, 26), 12: (0, 21), 13: (0, 16), 14: (0, 1), 19: (0, 14)}, 33: {16: (0, 19), 2: (0, 30), 12: (0, 21), 6: (0, 3)}}, 'end_states': {'start': 14}, 'start_states': {'start': 32}}, '__type__': 'LALR_ContextualLexer', 'start': ['start']}, '__type__': 'Lark', 'options': {'regex': False, 'transformer': None, 'lexer': 'contextual', 'lexer_callbacks': {}, 'start': ['start'], 'debug': False, 'postlex': None, 'parser': 'lalr', 'tree_class': None, 'priority': None, 'cache': False, 'g_regex_flags': 0, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'ambiguity': 'auto', 'edit_terminals': None, 'propagate_positions': False, 'maybe_placeholders': False}}
- )
- MEMO = (
- {0: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternRE', '_width': [2, 4294967295], 'flags': [], 'value': u'\\".*?(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*?\\"'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'ESCAPED_STRING'}, 1: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternRE', '_width': [1, 4294967295], 'flags': [], 'value': u'(?:[ \t\x0c\r\n])+'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'WS'}, 2: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternRE', '_width': [1, 4294967295], 'flags': [], 'value': u'(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:(?:(?:[0-9])+(?:e|E)(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:[0-9])+|(?:(?:[0-9])+\\.(?:(?:[0-9])+)?|\\.(?:[0-9])+)(?:(?:e|E)(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:[0-9])+)?)|(?:[0-9])+)'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'SIGNED_NUMBER'}, 3: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'true'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'TRUE'}, 4: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'false'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'FALSE'}, 5: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'null'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': u'NULL'}, 6: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u','}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'COMMA'}, 7: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'['}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'LSQB'}, 8: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u']'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'RSQB'}, 9: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'{'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'LBRACE'}, 10: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u'}'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'RBRACE'}, 11: {'priority': 1, 'pattern': {'__type__': 'PatternStr', 'flags': [], 'value': u':'}, '__type__': 'TerminalDef', 'name': 'COLON'}, 12: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'object'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'LBRACE'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'pair'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__object_star_1'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'RBRACE'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 13: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'string'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': None, 'order': 2}, 14: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': u'FALSE'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 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'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'COMMA'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'pair'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 18: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__object_star_1'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__object_star_1'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'COMMA'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'pair'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 1}, 19: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': u'TRUE'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': u'true', 'order': 4}, 20: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'pair'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'string'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'COLON'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 21: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__array_star_0'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__array_star_0'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'COMMA'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 1}, 22: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'string'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': False, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': u'ESCAPED_STRING'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 23: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'start'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 24: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': False, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': u'SIGNED_NUMBER'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': u'number', 'order': 3}, 25: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'object'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'LBRACE'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'pair'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'RBRACE'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 1}, 26: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'array'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': None, 'order': 1}, 27: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': u'NULL'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': u'null', 'order': 6}, 28: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'array'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'LSQB'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'__array_star_0'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'RSQB'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}, 29: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'array'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'LSQB'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'RSQB'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': [False, True, False], 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 2}, 30: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'object'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'LBRACE'}, {'filter_out': True, '__type__': 'Terminal', 'name': 'RBRACE'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': [False, True, False], 'expand1': False}, 'alias': None, 'order': 2}, 31: {'origin': {'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'value'}, '__type__': 'Rule', 'expansion': [{'__type__': 'NonTerminal', 'name': u'object'}], 'options': {'template_source': None, '__type__': 'RuleOptions', 'priority': None, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'empty_indices': (), 'expand1': True}, 'alias': None, 'order': 0}}
- )
- Shift = 0
- Reduce = 1
- def Lark_StandAlone(transformer=None, postlex=None):
- return Lark._load_from_dict(DATA, MEMO, transformer=transformer, postlex=postlex)