- try:
- from future_builtins import filter
- except ImportError:
- pass
- from copy import deepcopy
- ###{standalone
- from collections import OrderedDict
- class Meta:
- def __init__(self):
- self.empty = True
- class Tree(object):
- """The main tree class.
- Creates a new tree, and stores "data" and "children" in attributes of the same name.
- Trees can be hashed and compared.
- Parameters:
- data: The name of the rule or alias
- children: List of matched sub-rules and terminals
- meta: Line & Column numbers (if ``propagate_positions`` is enabled).
- meta attributes: line, column, start_pos, end_line, end_column, end_pos
- """
- def __init__(self, data, children, meta=None):
- self.data = data
- self.children = children
- self._meta = meta
- @property
- def meta(self):
- if self._meta is None:
- self._meta = Meta()
- return self._meta
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Tree(%r, %r)' % (self.data, self.children)
- def _pretty_label(self):
- return self.data
- def _pretty(self, level, indent_str):
- if len(self.children) == 1 and not isinstance(self.children[0], Tree):
- return [indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\t', '%s' % (self.children[0],), '\n']
- l = [indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\n']
- for n in self.children:
- if isinstance(n, Tree):
- l += n._pretty(level+1, indent_str)
- else:
- l += [indent_str*(level+1), '%s' % (n,), '\n']
- return l
- def pretty(self, indent_str=' '):
- """Returns an indented string representation of the tree.
- Great for debugging.
- """
- return ''.join(self._pretty(0, indent_str))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- try:
- return self.data == other.data and self.children == other.children
- except AttributeError:
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not (self == other)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.data, tuple(self.children)))
- def iter_subtrees(self):
- """Depth-first iteration.
- Iterates over all the subtrees, never returning to the same node twice (Lark's parse-tree is actually a DAG).
- """
- queue = [self]
- subtrees = OrderedDict()
- for subtree in queue:
- subtrees[id(subtree)] = subtree
- queue += [c for c in reversed(subtree.children)
- if isinstance(c, Tree) and id(c) not in subtrees]
- del queue
- return reversed(list(subtrees.values()))
- def find_pred(self, pred):
- """Returns all nodes of the tree that evaluate pred(node) as true."""
- return filter(pred, self.iter_subtrees())
- def find_data(self, data):
- """Returns all nodes of the tree whose data equals the given data."""
- return self.find_pred(lambda t: t.data == data)
- ###}
- def expand_kids_by_index(self, *indices):
- """Expand (inline) children at the given indices"""
- for i in sorted(indices, reverse=True): # reverse so that changing tail won't affect indices
- kid = self.children[i]
- self.children[i:i+1] = kid.children
- def expand_kids_by_data(self, *data_values):
- """Expand (inline) children with any of the given data values. Returns True if anything changed"""
- changed = False
- for i in range(len(self.children)-1, -1, -1):
- child = self.children[i]
- if isinstance(child, Tree) and child.data in data_values:
- self.children[i:i+1] = child.children
- changed = True
- return changed
- def scan_values(self, pred):
- """Return all values in the tree that evaluate pred(value) as true.
- This can be used to find all the tokens in the tree.
- Example:
- >>> all_tokens = tree.scan_values(lambda v: isinstance(v, Token))
- """
- for c in self.children:
- if isinstance(c, Tree):
- for t in c.scan_values(pred):
- yield t
- else:
- if pred(c):
- yield c
- def iter_subtrees_topdown(self):
- """Breadth-first iteration.
- Iterates over all the subtrees, return nodes in order like pretty() does.
- """
- stack = [self]
- while stack:
- node = stack.pop()
- if not isinstance(node, Tree):
- continue
- yield node
- for n in reversed(node.children):
- stack.append(n)
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- return type(self)(self.data, deepcopy(self.children, memo), meta=self._meta)
- def copy(self):
- return type(self)(self.data, self.children)
- def set(self, data, children):
- self.data = data
- self.children = children
- # XXX Deprecated! Here for backwards compatibility <0.6.0
- @property
- def line(self):
- return self.meta.line
- @property
- def column(self):
- return self.meta.column
- @property
- def end_line(self):
- return self.meta.end_line
- @property
- def end_column(self):
- return self.meta.end_column
- class SlottedTree(Tree):
- __slots__ = 'data', 'children', 'rule', '_meta'
- def pydot__tree_to_png(tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs):
- graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(tree, rankdir, **kwargs)
- graph.write_png(filename)
- def pydot__tree_to_dot(tree, filename, rankdir="LR", **kwargs):
- graph = pydot__tree_to_graph(tree, rankdir, **kwargs)
- graph.write(filename)
- def pydot__tree_to_graph(tree, rankdir="LR", **kwargs):
- """Creates a colorful image that represents the tree (data+children, without meta)
- Possible values for `rankdir` are "TB", "LR", "BT", "RL", corresponding to
- directed graphs drawn from top to bottom, from left to right, from bottom to
- top, and from right to left, respectively.
- `kwargs` can be any graph attribute (e. g. `dpi=200`). For a list of
- possible attributes, see https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html.
- """
- import pydot
- graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph', rankdir=rankdir, **kwargs)
- i = [0]
- def new_leaf(leaf):
- node = pydot.Node(i[0], label=repr(leaf))
- i[0] += 1
- graph.add_node(node)
- return node
- def _to_pydot(subtree):
- color = hash(subtree.data) & 0xffffff
- color |= 0x808080
- subnodes = [_to_pydot(child) if isinstance(child, Tree) else new_leaf(child)
- for child in subtree.children]
- node = pydot.Node(i[0], style="filled", fillcolor="#%x" % color, label=subtree.data)
- i[0] += 1
- graph.add_node(node)
- for subnode in subnodes:
- graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(node, subnode))
- return node
- _to_pydot(tree)
- return graph