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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from typing import Dict, Iterable, Callable, Union, TypeVar, Tuple, Any, List, Set
  3. from .tree import Tree
  4. from .lexer import Token
  5. from .parsers.lalr_puppet import ParserPuppet
  6. class LarkError(Exception):
  7. pass
  8. class ConfigurationError(LarkError, ValueError):
  9. pass
  10. class GrammarError(LarkError):
  11. pass
  12. class ParseError(LarkError):
  13. pass
  14. class LexError(LarkError):
  15. pass
  16. T = TypeVar('T')
  17. class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError):
  18. expected: List[Token]
  19. class UnexpectedInput(LarkError):
  20. line: int
  21. column: int
  22. pos_in_stream: int
  23. state: Any
  24. def get_context(self, text: str, span: int = ...):
  25. ...
  26. def match_examples(
  27. self,
  28. parse_fn: Callable[[str], Tree],
  29. examples: Union[Dict[T, Iterable[str]], Iterable[Tuple[T, Iterable[str]]]],
  30. token_type_match_fallback: bool = False,
  31. use_accepts: bool = False,
  32. ) -> T:
  33. ...
  34. class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
  35. expected: Set[str]
  36. considered_rules: Set[str]
  37. puppet: ParserPuppet
  38. accepts: Set[str]
  39. class UnexpectedCharacters(LexError, UnexpectedInput):
  40. allowed: Set[str]
  41. considered_tokens: Set[Any]
  42. class VisitError(LarkError):
  43. obj: Union[Tree, Token]
  44. orig_exc: Exception