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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from types import ModuleType
  3. from typing import (
  4. TypeVar, Type, Tuple, List, Dict, Iterator, Collection, Callable, Optional, FrozenSet, Any,
  5. Pattern as REPattern,
  6. )
  7. from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
  8. _T = TypeVar('_T')
  9. class Pattern(ABC):
  10. value: str
  11. flags: Collection[str]
  12. raw: str
  13. def __init__(self, value: str, flags: Collection[str] = ...):
  14. ...
  15. @property
  16. @abstractmethod
  17. def type(self) -> str:
  18. ...
  19. @abstractmethod
  20. def to_regexp(self) -> str:
  21. ...
  22. @property
  23. @abstractmethod
  24. def min_width(self) -> int:
  25. ...
  26. @property
  27. @abstractmethod
  28. def max_width(self) -> int:
  29. ...
  30. class PatternStr(Pattern):
  31. type: str = ...
  32. def to_regexp(self) -> str:
  33. ...
  34. @property
  35. def min_width(self) -> int:
  36. ...
  37. @property
  38. def max_width(self) -> int:
  39. ...
  40. class PatternRE(Pattern):
  41. type: str = ...
  42. def to_regexp(self) -> str:
  43. ...
  44. @property
  45. def min_width(self) -> int:
  46. ...
  47. @property
  48. def max_width(self) -> int:
  49. ...
  50. class TerminalDef:
  51. name: str
  52. pattern: Pattern
  53. priority: int
  54. def __init__(self, name: str, pattern: Pattern, priority: int = ...):
  55. ...
  56. def user_repr(self) -> str: ...
  57. class Token(str):
  58. type: str
  59. pos_in_stream: int
  60. value: Any
  61. line: int
  62. column: int
  63. end_line: int
  64. end_column: int
  65. end_pos: int
  66. def __init__(self, type_: str, value: Any, pos_in_stream: int = None, line: int = None, column: int = None, end_line: int = None, end_column: int = None, end_pos: int = None):
  67. ...
  68. def update(self, type_: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> Token:
  69. ...
  70. @classmethod
  71. def new_borrow_pos(cls: Type[_T], type_: str, value: Any, borrow_t: Token) -> _T:
  72. ...
  73. _Callback = Callable[[Token], Token]
  74. class Lexer(ABC):
  75. lex: Callable[..., Iterator[Token]]
  76. class LexerConf:
  77. tokens: Collection[TerminalDef]
  78. re_module: ModuleType
  79. ignore: Collection[str] = ()
  80. postlex: Any =None
  81. callbacks: Optional[Dict[str, _Callback]] = None
  82. g_regex_flags: int = 0
  83. skip_validation: bool = False
  84. use_bytes: bool = False
  85. class TraditionalLexer(Lexer):
  86. terminals: Collection[TerminalDef]
  87. ignore_types: FrozenSet[str]
  88. newline_types: FrozenSet[str]
  89. user_callbacks: Dict[str, _Callback]
  90. callback: Dict[str, _Callback]
  91. mres: List[Tuple[REPattern, Dict[int, str]]]
  92. re: ModuleType
  93. def __init__(
  94. self,
  95. conf: LexerConf
  96. ):
  97. ...
  98. def build(self) -> None:
  99. ...
  100. def match(self, stream: str, pos: int) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
  101. ...
  102. def lex(self, stream: str) -> Iterator[Token]:
  103. ...
  104. def next_token(self, lex_state: Any, parser_state: Any = None) -> Token:
  105. ...
  106. class ContextualLexer(Lexer):
  107. lexers: Dict[str, TraditionalLexer]
  108. root_lexer: TraditionalLexer
  109. def __init__(
  110. self,
  111. terminals: Collection[TerminalDef],
  112. states: Dict[str, Collection[str]],
  113. re_: ModuleType,
  114. ignore: Collection[str] = ...,
  115. always_accept: Collection[str] = ...,
  116. user_callbacks: Dict[str, _Callback] = ...,
  117. g_regex_flags: int = ...
  118. ):
  119. ...
  120. def lex(self, stream: str, get_parser_state: Callable[[], str]) -> Iterator[Token]:
  121. ...