A collection of recipes to use Lark and its various features
Use it to interface with the lexer as it generates tokens.
Accepts a dictionary of the form
{TOKEN_TYPE: callback}
Where callback is of type f(Token) -> Token
It only works with the standard and contextual lexers.
from lark import Lark, Token
def tok_to_int(tok):
return Token.new_borrow_pos(tok.type, int(tok), tok)
parser = Lark("""
start: INT*
%import common.INT
%ignore " "
""", parser="lalr", lexer_callbacks = {'INT': tok_to_int})
print(parser.parse('3 14 159'))
Prints out:
Tree(start, [Token(INT, 3), Token(INT, 14), Token(INT, 159)])
from lark import Lark
comments = []
parser = Lark("""
start: INT*
COMMENT: /#.*/
%import common (INT, WS)
%ignore COMMENT
%ignore WS
""", parser="lalr", lexer_callbacks={'COMMENT': comments.append})
1 2 3 # hello
# world
4 5 6
Prints out:
[Token(COMMENT, '# hello'), Token(COMMENT, '# world')]
Note: We don’t have to return a token, because comments are ignored