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84 linhas
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  1. #
  2. # This example demonstrates usage of the included Python grammars
  3. #
  4. import sys
  5. import os, os.path
  6. from io import open
  7. import glob, time
  8. from lark import Lark
  9. from lark.indenter import Indenter
  10. # __path__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
  11. class PythonIndenter(Indenter):
  12. NL_type = '_NEWLINE'
  13. OPEN_PAREN_types = ['__LPAR', '__LSQB', '__LBRACE']
  14. CLOSE_PAREN_types = ['__RPAR', '__RSQB', '__RBRACE']
  15. INDENT_type = '_INDENT'
  16. DEDENT_type = '_DEDENT'
  17. tab_len = 8
  18. kwargs = dict(rel_to=__file__, postlex=PythonIndenter(), start='file_input')
  19. python_parser2 ='python2.g', parser='lalr', **kwargs)
  20. python_parser3 ='python3.g',parser='lalr', **kwargs)
  21. python_parser2_earley ='python2.g', parser='earley', lexer='standard', **kwargs)
  22. print(python_parser3)
  23. def _read(fn, *args):
  24. kwargs = {'encoding': 'iso-8859-1'}
  25. with open(fn, *args, **kwargs) as f:
  26. return
  27. def _get_lib_path():
  28. if == 'nt':
  29. if 'PyPy' in sys.version:
  30. return os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib-python', sys.winver)
  31. else:
  32. return os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib')
  33. else:
  34. return [x for x in sys.path if x.endswith('%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])][0]
  35. def test_python_lib():
  36. path = _get_lib_path()
  37. start = time.time()
  38. files = glob.glob(path+'/*.py')
  39. for f in files:
  40. print( f )
  41. try:
  42. # print list(python_parser.lex(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n'))
  43. try:
  44. xrange
  45. except NameError:
  46. python_parser3.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n')
  47. else:
  48. python_parser2.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n')
  49. except:
  50. print ('At %s' % f)
  51. raise
  52. end = time.time()
  53. print( "test_python_lib (%d files), time: %s secs"%(len(files), end-start) )
  54. def test_earley_equals_lalr():
  55. path = _get_lib_path()
  56. files = glob.glob(path+'/*.py')
  57. for f in files:
  58. print( f )
  59. tree1 = python_parser2.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n')
  60. tree2 = python_parser2_earley.parse(_read(os.path.join(path, f)) + '\n')
  61. assert tree1 == tree2
  62. if __name__ == '__main__':
  63. test_python_lib()
  64. # test_earley_equals_lalr()
  65. # python_parser3.parse(_read(sys.argv[1]) + '\n')