- from .utils import STRING_TYPE
- ###{standalone
- class LarkError(Exception):
- pass
- class GrammarError(LarkError):
- pass
- class ParseError(LarkError):
- pass
- class LexError(LarkError):
- pass
- class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError):
- def __init__(self, expected):
- self.expected = expected
- message = ("Unexpected end-of-input. Expected one of: \n\t* %s\n" % '\n\t* '.join(x.name for x in self.expected))
- super(UnexpectedEOF, self).__init__(message)
- class UnexpectedInput(LarkError):
- pos_in_stream = None
- def get_context(self, text, span=40):
- pos = self.pos_in_stream
- start = max(pos - span, 0)
- end = pos + span
- if not isinstance(text, bytes):
- before = text[start:pos].rsplit('\n', 1)[-1]
- after = text[pos:end].split('\n', 1)[0]
- return before + after + '\n' + ' ' * len(before) + '^\n'
- else:
- before = text[start:pos].rsplit(b'\n', 1)[-1]
- after = text[pos:end].split(b'\n', 1)[0]
- return (before + after + b'\n' + b' ' * len(before) + b'^\n').decode("ascii", "backslashreplace")
- def match_examples(self, parse_fn, examples, token_type_match_fallback=False):
- """ Given a parser instance and a dictionary mapping some label with
- some malformed syntax examples, it'll return the label for the
- example that bests matches the current error.
- """
- assert self.state is not None, "Not supported for this exception"
- candidate = (None, False)
- for label, example in examples.items():
- assert not isinstance(example, STRING_TYPE)
- for malformed in example:
- try:
- parse_fn(malformed)
- except UnexpectedInput as ut:
- if ut.state == self.state:
- try:
- if ut.token == self.token: # Try exact match first
- return label
- if token_type_match_fallback:
- # Fallback to token types match
- if (ut.token.type == self.token.type) and not candidate[-1]:
- candidate = label, True
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if not candidate[0]:
- candidate = label, False
- return candidate[0]
- class UnexpectedCharacters(LexError, UnexpectedInput):
- def __init__(self, seq, lex_pos, line, column, allowed=None, considered_tokens=None, state=None, token_history=None):
- if isinstance(seq, bytes):
- message = "No terminal defined for '%s' at line %d col %d" % (seq[lex_pos:lex_pos+1].decode("ascii", "backslashreplace"), line, column)
- else:
- message = "No terminal defined for '%s' at line %d col %d" % (seq[lex_pos], line, column)
- self.line = line
- self.column = column
- self.allowed = allowed
- self.considered_tokens = considered_tokens
- self.pos_in_stream = lex_pos
- self.state = state
- message += '\n\n' + self.get_context(seq)
- if allowed:
- message += '\nExpecting: %s\n' % allowed
- if token_history:
- message += '\nPrevious tokens: %s\n' % ', '.join(repr(t) for t in token_history)
- super(UnexpectedCharacters, self).__init__(message)
- class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
- def __init__(self, token, expected, considered_rules=None, state=None, puppet=None):
- self.token = token
- self.expected = expected # XXX str shouldn't necessary
- self.line = getattr(token, 'line', '?')
- self.column = getattr(token, 'column', '?')
- self.considered_rules = considered_rules
- self.state = state
- self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'pos_in_stream', None)
- self.puppet = puppet
- message = ("Unexpected token %r at line %s, column %s.\n"
- "Expected one of: \n\t* %s\n"
- % (token, self.line, self.column, '\n\t* '.join(self.expected)))
- super(UnexpectedToken, self).__init__(message)
- class VisitError(LarkError):
- """VisitError is raised when visitors are interrupted by an exception
- It provides the following attributes for inspection:
- - obj: the tree node or token it was processing when the exception was raised
- - orig_exc: the exception that cause it to fail
- """
- def __init__(self, rule, obj, orig_exc):
- self.obj = obj
- self.orig_exc = orig_exc
- message = 'Error trying to process rule "%s":\n\n%s' % (rule, orig_exc)
- super(VisitError, self).__init__(message)
- ###}