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  1. "This module implements an Earley Parser"
  2. # The parser uses a parse-forest to keep track of derivations and ambiguations.
  3. # When the parse ends successfully, a disambiguation stage resolves all ambiguity
  4. # (right now ambiguity resolution is not developed beyond the needs of lark)
  5. # Afterwards the parse tree is reduced (transformed) according to user callbacks.
  6. # I use the no-recursion version of Transformer and Visitor, because the tree might be
  7. # deeper than Python's recursion limit (a bit absurd, but that's life)
  8. #
  9. # The algorithm keeps track of each state set, using a corresponding Column instance.
  10. # Column keeps track of new items using NewsList instances.
  11. #
  12. # Author: Erez Shinan (2017)
  13. # Email :
  14. from functools import cmp_to_key
  15. from ..utils import compare
  16. from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, Terminal
  17. from ..tree import Tree, Visitor_NoRecurse, Transformer_NoRecurse
  18. from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
  19. class EndToken:
  20. type = '$end'
  21. class Derivation(Tree):
  22. def __init__(self, rule, items=None):
  23. Tree.__init__(self, 'drv', items or [])
  24. self.rule = rule
  25. def _pretty_label(self): # Nicer pretty for debugging the parser
  26. return self.rule.origin if self.rule else
  27. END_TOKEN = EndToken()
  28. class Item(object):
  29. "An Earley Item, the atom of the algorithm."
  30. def __init__(self, rule, ptr, start, tree):
  31. self.rule = rule
  32. self.ptr = ptr
  33. self.start = start
  34. self.tree = tree if tree is not None else Derivation(self.rule)
  35. @property
  36. def expect(self):
  37. return self.rule.expansion[self.ptr]
  38. @property
  39. def is_complete(self):
  40. return self.ptr == len(self.rule.expansion)
  41. def advance(self, tree):
  42. assert == 'drv'
  43. new_tree = Derivation(self.rule, self.tree.children + [tree])
  44. return Item(self.rule, self.ptr+1, self.start, new_tree)
  45. def __eq__(self, other):
  46. return self.start is other.start and self.ptr == other.ptr and self.rule == other.rule
  47. def __hash__(self):
  48. return hash((self.rule, self.ptr, id(self.start)))
  49. def __repr__(self):
  50. before = list(map(str, self.rule.expansion[:self.ptr]))
  51. after = list(map(str, self.rule.expansion[self.ptr:]))
  52. return '<(%d) %s : %s * %s>' % (id(self.start), self.rule.origin, ' '.join(before), ' '.join(after))
  53. class NewsList(list):
  54. "Keeps track of newly added items (append-only)"
  55. def __init__(self, initial=None):
  56. list.__init__(self, initial or [])
  57. self.last_iter = 0
  58. def get_news(self):
  59. i = self.last_iter
  60. self.last_iter = len(self)
  61. return self[i:]
  62. class Column:
  63. "An entry in the table, aka Earley Chart. Contains lists of items."
  64. def __init__(self, i):
  65. self.i = i
  66. self.to_reduce = NewsList()
  67. self.to_predict = NewsList()
  68. self.to_scan = NewsList()
  69. self.item_count = 0
  70. self.added = set()
  71. self.completed = {}
  72. def add(self, items):
  73. """Sort items into scan/predict/reduce newslists
  74. Makes sure only unique items are added.
  75. """
  76. for item in items:
  77. if item.is_complete:
  78. # XXX Potential bug: What happens if there's ambiguity in an empty rule?
  79. if item.rule.expansion and item in self.completed:
  80. old_tree = self.completed[item].tree
  81. if != '_ambig':
  82. new_tree = old_tree.copy()
  83. new_tree.rule = old_tree.rule
  84. old_tree.set('_ambig', [new_tree])
  85. old_tree.rule = None # No longer a 'drv' node
  86. if item.tree.children[0] is old_tree: # XXX a little hacky!
  87. raise ParseError("Infinite recursion in grammar! (Rule %s)" % item.rule)
  88. old_tree.children.append(item.tree)
  89. else:
  90. self.completed[item] = item
  91. self.to_reduce.append(item)
  92. else:
  93. if item not in self.added:
  94. self.added.add(item)
  95. if isinstance(item.expect, Terminal):
  96. self.to_scan.append(item)
  97. else:
  98. self.to_predict.append(item)
  99. self.item_count += 1 # Only count if actually added
  100. def __nonzero__(self):
  101. return bool(self.item_count)
  102. class Parser:
  103. def __init__(self, rules, start_symbol, callback, resolve_ambiguity=True):
  104. self.analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(rules, start_symbol)
  105. self.start_symbol = start_symbol
  106. self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
  107. self.postprocess = {}
  108. self.predictions = {}
  109. for rule in self.analysis.rules:
  110. if rule.origin != '$root': # XXX kinda ugly
  111. a = rule.alias
  112. self.postprocess[rule] = a if callable(a) else (a and getattr(callback, a))
  113. self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in self.analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]
  114. def parse(self, stream, start_symbol=None):
  115. # Define parser functions
  116. start_symbol = start_symbol or self.start_symbol
  117. def predict(nonterm, column):
  118. assert not isinstance(nonterm, Terminal), nonterm
  119. return [Item(rule, 0, column, None) for rule in self.predictions[nonterm]]
  120. def complete(item):
  121. name = item.rule.origin
  122. return [i.advance(item.tree) for i in item.start.to_predict if i.expect == name]
  123. def predict_and_complete(column):
  124. while True:
  125. to_predict = {x.expect for x in column.to_predict.get_news()
  126. if x.ptr} # if not part of an already predicted batch
  127. to_reduce = column.to_reduce.get_news()
  128. if not (to_predict or to_reduce):
  129. break
  130. for nonterm in to_predict:
  131. column.add( predict(nonterm, column) )
  132. for item in to_reduce:
  133. column.add( complete(item) )
  134. def scan(i, token, column):
  135. to_scan = column.to_scan.get_news()
  136. next_set = Column(i)
  137. next_set.add(item.advance(token) for item in to_scan if item.expect.match(token))
  138. if not next_set:
  139. expect = {i.expect for i in column.to_scan}
  140. raise UnexpectedToken(token, expect, stream, i)
  141. return next_set
  142. # Main loop starts
  143. column0 = Column(0)
  144. column0.add(predict(start_symbol, column0))
  145. column = column0
  146. for i, token in enumerate(stream):
  147. predict_and_complete(column)
  148. column = scan(i, token, column)
  149. predict_and_complete(column)
  150. # Parse ended. Now build a parse tree
  151. solutions = [n.tree for n in column.to_reduce
  152. if n.rule.origin==start_symbol and n.start is column0]
  153. if not solutions:
  154. raise ParseError('Incomplete parse: Could not find a solution to input')
  155. elif len(solutions) == 1:
  156. tree = solutions[0]
  157. else:
  158. tree = Tree('_ambig', solutions)
  159. if self.resolve_ambiguity:
  160. ResolveAmbig().visit(tree)
  161. return ApplyCallbacks(self.postprocess).transform(tree)
  162. class ApplyCallbacks(Transformer_NoRecurse):
  163. def __init__(self, postprocess):
  164. self.postprocess = postprocess
  165. def drv(self, tree):
  166. children = tree.children
  167. callback = self.postprocess[tree.rule]
  168. if callback:
  169. return callback(children)
  170. else:
  171. return Tree(rule.origin, children)
  172. def _compare_rules(rule1, rule2):
  173. assert rule1.origin == rule2.origin
  174. c = compare( len(rule1.expansion), len(rule2.expansion))
  175. if rule1.origin.startswith('__'): # XXX hack! We need to set priority in parser, not here
  176. c = -c
  177. return c
  178. def _compare_drv(tree1, tree2):
  179. if not (isinstance(tree1, Tree) and isinstance(tree2, Tree)):
  180. return compare(tree1, tree2)
  181. try:
  182. rule1, rule2 = tree1.rule, tree2.rule
  183. except AttributeError:
  184. # Probably trees that don't take part in this parse (better way to distinguish?)
  185. return compare(tree1, tree2)
  186. # XXX These artifacts can appear due to imperfections in the ordering of Visitor_NoRecurse,
  187. # when confronted with duplicate (same-id) nodes. Fixing this ordering is possible, but would be
  188. # computationally inefficient. So we handle it here.
  189. if == '_ambig':
  190. _resolve_ambig(tree1)
  191. if == '_ambig':
  192. _resolve_ambig(tree2)
  193. c = _compare_rules(tree1.rule, tree2.rule)
  194. if c:
  195. return c
  196. # rules are "equal", so compare trees
  197. for t1, t2 in zip(tree1.children, tree2.children):
  198. c = _compare_drv(t1, t2)
  199. if c:
  200. return c
  201. return compare(len(tree1.children), len(tree2.children))
  202. def _resolve_ambig(tree):
  203. assert == '_ambig'
  204. best = min(tree.children, key=cmp_to_key(_compare_drv))
  205. assert == 'drv'
  206. tree.set('drv', best.children)
  207. tree.rule = best.rule # needed for applying callbacks
  208. assert != '_ambig'
  209. class ResolveAmbig(Visitor_NoRecurse):
  210. def _ambig(self, tree):
  211. _resolve_ambig(tree)
  212. # RULES = [
  213. # ('a', ['d']),
  214. # ('d', ['b']),
  215. # ('b', ['C']),
  216. # ('b', ['b', 'C']),
  217. # ('b', ['C', 'b']),
  218. # ]
  219. # p = Parser(RULES, 'a')
  220. # for x in p.parse('CC'):
  221. # print x.pretty()
  222. #---------------
  223. # RULES = [
  224. # ('s', ['a', 'a']),
  225. # ('a', ['b', 'b']),
  226. # ('b', ['C'], lambda (x,): x),
  227. # ('b', ['b', 'C']),
  228. # ]
  229. # p = Parser(RULES, 's', {})
  230. # print p.parse('CCCCC').pretty()