This repo contains code to mirror other repos. It also contains the code that is getting mirrored.
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  1. start: (_item | _NL)*
  2. _item: rule
  3. | token
  4. | statement
  5. rule: RULE priority? ":" expansions _NL
  6. token: TOKEN priority? ":" expansions _NL
  7. priority: "." NUMBER
  8. statement: "%ignore" expansions _NL -> ignore
  9. | "%import" import_args ["->" name] _NL -> import
  10. | "%declare" name+ -> declare
  11. import_args: "."? name ("." name)*
  12. ?expansions: alias (_VBAR alias)*
  13. ?alias: expansion ["->" RULE]
  14. ?expansion: expr*
  15. ?expr: atom [OP | "~" NUMBER [".." NUMBER]]
  16. ?atom: "(" expansions ")"
  17. | "[" expansions "]" -> maybe
  18. | STRING ".." STRING -> literal_range
  19. | name
  20. | (REGEXP | STRING) -> literal
  21. name: RULE
  22. | TOKEN
  23. _VBAR: _NL? "|"
  24. OP: /[+*][?]?|[?](?![a-z])/
  25. RULE: /!?[_?]?[a-z][_a-z0-9]*/
  26. TOKEN: /_?[A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*/
  27. STRING: _STRING "i"?
  28. REGEXP: /\/(?!\/)(\\\/|\\\\|[^\/\n])*?\/[imslux]*/
  29. _NL: /(\r?\n)+\s*/
  30. %import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> _STRING
  31. %import common.INT -> NUMBER
  32. %import common.WS_INLINE
  33. COMMENT: "//" /[^\n]/*
  34. %ignore WS_INLINE
  35. %ignore COMMENT