- """This module implements an experimental Earley parser with a dynamic lexer
- The core Earley algorithm used here is based on Elizabeth Scott's implementation, here:
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571066108001497
- That is probably the best reference for understanding the algorithm here.
- The Earley parser outputs an SPPF-tree as per that document. The SPPF tree format
- is better documented here:
- http://www.bramvandersanden.com/post/2014/06/shared-packed-parse-forest/
- Instead of running a lexer beforehand, or using a costy char-by-char method, this parser
- uses regular expressions by necessity, achieving high-performance while maintaining all of
- Earley's power in parsing any CFG.
- """
- from collections import defaultdict
- from ..exceptions import UnexpectedCharacters
- from ..lexer import Token
- from ..grammar import Terminal
- from .earley import Parser as BaseParser
- from .earley_forest import SymbolNode
- class Parser(BaseParser):
- def __init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity=True, ignore = (), complete_lex = False, debug=False):
- BaseParser.__init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity, debug)
- self.ignore = [Terminal(t) for t in ignore]
- self.complete_lex = complete_lex
- def _parse(self, stream, columns, to_scan, start_symbol=None):
- def scan(i, to_scan):
- """The core Earley Scanner.
- This is a custom implementation of the scanner that uses the
- Lark lexer to match tokens. The scan list is built by the
- Earley predictor, based on the previously completed tokens.
- This ensures that at each phase of the parse we have a custom
- lexer context, allowing for more complex ambiguities."""
- node_cache = {}
- # 1) Loop the expectations and ask the lexer to match.
- # Since regexp is forward looking on the input stream, and we only
- # want to process tokens when we hit the point in the stream at which
- # they complete, we push all tokens into a buffer (delayed_matches), to
- # be held possibly for a later parse step when we reach the point in the
- # input stream at which they complete.
- for item in set(to_scan):
- m = match(item.expect, stream, i)
- if m:
- t = Token(item.expect.name, m.group(0), i, text_line, text_column)
- delayed_matches[m.end()].append( (item, i, t) )
- if self.complete_lex:
- s = m.group(0)
- for j in range(1, len(s)):
- m = match(item.expect, s[:-j])
- if m:
- t = Token(item.expect.name, m.group(0), i, text_line, text_column)
- delayed_matches[i+m.end()].append( (item, i, t) )
- # Remove any items that successfully matched in this pass from the to_scan buffer.
- # This ensures we don't carry over tokens that already matched, if we're ignoring below.
- to_scan.remove(item)
- # 3) Process any ignores. This is typically used for e.g. whitespace.
- # We carry over any unmatched items from the to_scan buffer to be matched again after
- # the ignore. This should allow us to use ignored symbols in non-terminals to implement
- # e.g. mandatory spacing.
- for x in self.ignore:
- m = match(x, stream, i)
- if m:
- # Carry over any items still in the scan buffer, to past the end of the ignored items.
- delayed_matches[m.end()].extend([(item, i, None) for item in to_scan ])
- # If we're ignoring up to the end of the file, # carry over the start symbol if it already completed.
- delayed_matches[m.end()].extend([(item, i, None) for item in columns[i] if item.is_complete and item.s == start_symbol])
- next_to_scan = set()
- next_set = set()
- columns.append(next_set)
- transitives.append({})
- ## 4) Process Tokens from delayed_matches.
- # This is the core of the Earley scanner. Create an SPPF node for each Token,
- # and create the symbol node in the SPPF tree. Advance the item that completed,
- # and add the resulting new item to either the Earley set (for processing by the
- # completer/predictor) or the to_scan buffer for the next parse step.
- for item, start, token in delayed_matches[i+1]:
- if token is not None:
- token.end_line = text_line
- token.end_column = text_column + 1
- token.end_pos = i + 1
- new_item = item.advance()
- label = (new_item.s, new_item.start, i)
- new_item.node = node_cache[label] if label in node_cache else node_cache.setdefault(label, SymbolNode(*label))
- new_item.node.add_family(new_item.s, item.rule, new_item.start, item.node, token)
- else:
- new_item = item
- if new_item.expect in self.TERMINALS:
- # add (B ::= Aai+1.B, h, y) to Q'
- next_to_scan.add(new_item)
- else:
- # add (B ::= Aa+1.B, h, y) to Ei+1
- next_set.add(new_item)
- del delayed_matches[i+1] # No longer needed, so unburden memory
- if not next_set and not delayed_matches and not next_to_scan:
- raise UnexpectedCharacters(stream, i, text_line, text_column, {item.expect.name for item in to_scan}, set(to_scan))
- return next_to_scan
- delayed_matches = defaultdict(list)
- match = self.term_matcher
- # Cache for nodes & tokens created in a particular parse step.
- transitives = [{}]
- text_line = 1
- text_column = 1
- ## The main Earley loop.
- # Run the Prediction/Completion cycle for any Items in the current Earley set.
- # Completions will be added to the SPPF tree, and predictions will be recursively
- # processed down to terminals/empty nodes to be added to the scanner for the next
- # step.
- i = 0
- for token in stream:
- self.predict_and_complete(i, to_scan, columns, transitives)
- to_scan = scan(i, to_scan)
- if token == '\n':
- text_line += 1
- text_column = 1
- else:
- text_column += 1
- i += 1
- self.predict_and_complete(i, to_scan, columns, transitives)
- ## Column is now the final column in the parse.
- assert i == len(columns)-1
- return to_scan