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  1. """
  2. Turtle DSL
  3. ==========
  4. Implements a LOGO-like toy language for Python’s turtle, with interpreter.
  5. """
  6. try:
  7. input = raw_input # For Python2 compatibility
  8. except NameError:
  9. pass
  10. import turtle
  11. from lark import Lark
  12. turtle_grammar = """
  13. start: instruction+
  14. instruction: MOVEMENT NUMBER -> movement
  15. | "c" COLOR [COLOR] -> change_color
  16. | "fill" code_block -> fill
  17. | "repeat" NUMBER code_block -> repeat
  18. code_block: "{" instruction+ "}"
  19. MOVEMENT: "f"|"b"|"l"|"r"
  21. %import common.LETTER
  22. %import common.INT -> NUMBER
  23. %import common.WS
  24. %ignore WS
  25. """
  26. parser = Lark(turtle_grammar)
  27. def run_instruction(t):
  28. if == 'change_color':
  29. turtle.color(*t.children) # We just pass the color names as-is
  30. elif == 'movement':
  31. name, number = t.children
  32. { 'f': turtle.fd,
  33. 'b': turtle.bk,
  34. 'l':,
  35. 'r': turtle.rt, }[name](int(number))
  36. elif == 'repeat':
  37. count, block = t.children
  38. for i in range(int(count)):
  39. run_instruction(block)
  40. elif == 'fill':
  41. turtle.begin_fill()
  42. run_instruction(t.children[0])
  43. turtle.end_fill()
  44. elif == 'code_block':
  45. for cmd in t.children:
  46. run_instruction(cmd)
  47. else:
  48. raise SyntaxError('Unknown instruction: %s' %
  49. def run_turtle(program):
  50. parse_tree = parser.parse(program)
  51. for inst in parse_tree.children:
  52. run_instruction(inst)
  53. def main():
  54. while True:
  55. code = input('> ')
  56. try:
  57. run_turtle(code)
  58. except Exception as e:
  59. print(e)
  60. def test():
  61. text = """
  62. c red yellow
  63. fill { repeat 36 {
  64. f200 l170
  65. }}
  66. """
  67. run_turtle(text)
  68. if __name__ == '__main__':
  69. # test()
  70. main()