This repo contains code to mirror other repos. It also contains the code that is getting mirrored.
Não pode escolher mais do que 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

84 linhas
2.6 KiB

  1. """This module implements a LALR(1) Parser
  2. """
  3. # Author: Erez Shinan (2017)
  4. # Email :
  5. from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken
  6. from .lalr_analysis import LALR_Analyzer, ACTION_SHIFT
  7. class Parser(object):
  8. def __init__(self, parser_conf):
  9. assert all(o is None or o.priority is None for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules), "LALR doesn't yet support prioritization"
  10. self.analysis = LALR_Analyzer(parser_conf.rules, parser_conf.start)
  11. self.analysis.compute_lookahead()
  12. self.callbacks = {rule: getattr(parser_conf.callback, rule.alias or rule.origin, None)
  13. for rule in self.analysis.rules}
  14. def parse(self, seq, set_state=None):
  15. i = 0
  16. token = None
  17. stream = iter(seq)
  18. states_idx = self.analysis.states_idx
  19. state_stack = [self.analysis.init_state_idx]
  20. value_stack = []
  21. if set_state: set_state(self.analysis.init_state_idx)
  22. def get_action(key):
  23. state = state_stack[-1]
  24. try:
  25. return states_idx[state][key]
  26. except KeyError:
  27. expected = states_idx[state].keys()
  28. raise UnexpectedToken(token, expected, seq, i)
  29. def reduce(rule, size, end=False):
  30. if size:
  31. s = value_stack[-size:]
  32. del state_stack[-size:]
  33. del value_stack[-size:]
  34. else:
  35. s = []
  36. res = self.callbacks[rule](s)
  37. if end and len(state_stack) == 1 and rule.origin == self.analysis.start_symbol:
  38. return res
  39. _action, new_state = get_action(rule.origin)
  40. assert _action == ACTION_SHIFT
  41. state_stack.append(new_state)
  42. value_stack.append(res)
  43. # Main LALR-parser loop
  44. try:
  45. token = next(stream)
  46. i += 1
  47. while True:
  48. action, arg = get_action(token.type)
  49. if action == ACTION_SHIFT:
  50. state_stack.append(arg)
  51. value_stack.append(token)
  52. if set_state: set_state(arg)
  53. token = next(stream)
  54. i += 1
  55. else:
  56. reduce(*arg)
  57. except StopIteration:
  58. pass
  59. while True:
  60. _action, rule = get_action('$end')
  61. assert _action == 'reduce'
  62. res = reduce(*rule, end=True)
  63. if res:
  64. assert state_stack == [self.analysis.init_state_idx] and not value_stack, len(state_stack)
  65. return res