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  1. #
  2. # This demonstrates example-driven error reporting with the LALR parser
  3. #
  4. from lark import Lark, UnexpectedToken
  5. from .json_parser import json_grammar # Using the grammar from the json_parser example
  6. json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr')
  7. class JsonSyntaxError(SyntaxError):
  8. def __str__(self):
  9. context, line, column = self.args
  10. return '%s at line %s, column %s.\n\n%s' % (self.label, line, column, context)
  11. class JsonMissingValue(JsonSyntaxError):
  12. label = 'Missing Value'
  13. class JsonMissingOpening(JsonSyntaxError):
  14. label = 'Missing Opening'
  15. class JsonMissingClosing(JsonSyntaxError):
  16. label = 'Missing Closing'
  17. class JsonMissingComma(JsonSyntaxError):
  18. label = 'Missing Comma'
  19. class JsonTrailingComma(JsonSyntaxError):
  20. label = 'Trailing Comma'
  21. def parse(json_text):
  22. try:
  23. j = json_parser.parse(json_text)
  24. except UnexpectedToken as ut:
  25. exc_class = ut.match_examples(json_parser.parse, {
  26. JsonMissingValue: ['{"foo": }'],
  27. JsonMissingOpening: ['{"foo": ]}',
  28. '{"foor": }}'],
  29. JsonMissingClosing: ['{"foo": [}',
  30. '{',
  31. '{"a": 1',
  32. '[1'],
  33. JsonMissingComma: ['[1 2]',
  34. '[false 1]',
  35. '["b" 1]',
  36. '{"a":true 1:4}',
  37. '{"a":1 1:4}',
  38. '{"a":"b" 1:4}'],
  39. JsonTrailingComma: ['[,]',
  40. '[1,]',
  41. '[1,2,]',
  42. '{"foo":1,}',
  43. '{"foo":false,"bar":true,}']
  44. })
  45. if not exc_class:
  46. raise
  47. raise exc_class(ut.get_context(json_text), ut.line, ut.column)
  48. def test():
  49. try:
  50. parse('{"key":')
  51. except JsonMissingValue:
  52. pass
  53. try:
  54. parse('{"key": "value"')
  55. except JsonMissingClosing:
  56. pass
  57. try:
  58. parse('{"key": ] ')
  59. except JsonMissingOpening:
  60. pass
  61. if __name__ == '__main__':
  62. test()