from __future__ import absolute_import from lark.exceptions import ConfigurationError, assert_config import sys, os, pickle, hashlib from io import open import tempfile from warnings import warn from .utils import STRING_TYPE, Serialize, SerializeMemoizer, FS, isascii, logger, ABC, abstractmethod from .load_grammar import load_grammar, FromPackageLoader, Grammar, verify_used_files from .tree import Tree from .common import LexerConf, ParserConf from .lexer import Lexer, TraditionalLexer, TerminalDef, LexerThread from .parse_tree_builder import ParseTreeBuilder from .parser_frontends import get_frontend, _get_lexer_callbacks from .grammar import Rule import re try: import regex except ImportError: regex = None ###{standalone class LarkOptions(Serialize): """Specifies the options for Lark """ OPTIONS_DOC = """ **=== General Options ===** start The start symbol. Either a string, or a list of strings for multiple possible starts (Default: "start") debug Display debug information and extra warnings. Use only when debugging (default: False) When used with Earley, it generates a forest graph as "sppf.png", if 'dot' is installed. transformer Applies the transformer to every parse tree (equivalent to applying it after the parse, but faster) propagate_positions Propagates (line, column, end_line, end_column) attributes into all tree branches. Accepts ``False``, ``True``, or a callable, which will filter which nodes to ignore when propagating. maybe_placeholders When ``True``, the ``[]`` operator returns ``None`` when not matched. When ``False``, ``[]`` behaves like the ``?`` operator, and returns no value at all. (default= ``False``. Recommended to set to ``True``) cache Cache the results of the Lark grammar analysis, for x2 to x3 faster loading. LALR only for now. - When ``False``, does nothing (default) - When ``True``, caches to a temporary file in the local directory - When given a string, caches to the path pointed by the string regex When True, uses the ``regex`` module instead of the stdlib ``re``. g_regex_flags Flags that are applied to all terminals (both regex and strings) keep_all_tokens Prevent the tree builder from automagically removing "punctuation" tokens (default: False) tree_class Lark will produce trees comprised of instances of this class instead of the default ``lark.Tree``. **=== Algorithm Options ===** parser Decides which parser engine to use. Accepts "earley" or "lalr". (Default: "earley"). (there is also a "cyk" option for legacy) lexer Decides whether or not to use a lexer stage - "auto" (default): Choose for me based on the parser - "standard": Use a standard lexer - "contextual": Stronger lexer (only works with parser="lalr") - "dynamic": Flexible and powerful (only with parser="earley") - "dynamic_complete": Same as dynamic, but tries *every* variation of tokenizing possible. ambiguity Decides how to handle ambiguity in the parse. Only relevant if parser="earley" - "resolve": The parser will automatically choose the simplest derivation (it chooses consistently: greedy for tokens, non-greedy for rules) - "explicit": The parser will return all derivations wrapped in "_ambig" tree nodes (i.e. a forest). - "forest": The parser will return the root of the shared packed parse forest. **=== Misc. / Domain Specific Options ===** postlex Lexer post-processing (Default: None) Only works with the standard and contextual lexers. priority How priorities should be evaluated - auto, none, normal, invert (Default: auto) lexer_callbacks Dictionary of callbacks for the lexer. May alter tokens during lexing. Use with caution. use_bytes Accept an input of type ``bytes`` instead of ``str`` (Python 3 only). edit_terminals A callback for editing the terminals before parse. import_paths A List of either paths or loader functions to specify from where grammars are imported source_path Override the source of from where the grammar was loaded. Useful for relative imports and unconventional grammar loading **=== End of Options ===** """ if __doc__: __doc__ += OPTIONS_DOC # Adding a new option needs to be done in multiple places: # - In the dictionary below. This is the primary truth of which options `Lark.__init__` accepts # - In the docstring above. It is used both for the docstring of `LarkOptions` and `Lark`, and in readthedocs # - In `lark-stubs/lark.pyi`: # - As attribute to `LarkOptions` # - As parameter to `Lark.__init__` # - Potentially in `_LOAD_ALLOWED_OPTIONS` below this class, when the option doesn't change how the grammar is loaded # - Potentially in ``, if it makes sense, and it can easily be passed as a cmd argument _defaults = { 'debug': False, 'keep_all_tokens': False, 'tree_class': None, 'cache': False, 'postlex': None, 'parser': 'earley', 'lexer': 'auto', 'transformer': None, 'start': 'start', 'priority': 'auto', 'ambiguity': 'auto', 'regex': False, 'propagate_positions': False, 'lexer_callbacks': {}, 'maybe_placeholders': False, 'edit_terminals': None, 'g_regex_flags': 0, 'use_bytes': False, 'import_paths': [], 'source_path': None, } def __init__(self, options_dict): o = dict(options_dict) options = {} for name, default in self._defaults.items(): if name in o: value = o.pop(name) if isinstance(default, bool) and name not in ('cache', 'use_bytes', 'propagate_positions'): value = bool(value) else: value = default options[name] = value if isinstance(options['start'], STRING_TYPE): options['start'] = [options['start']] self.__dict__['options'] = options assert_config(self.parser, ('earley', 'lalr', 'cyk', None)) if self.parser == 'earley' and self.transformer: raise ConfigurationError('Cannot specify an embedded transformer when using the Earley algorithm. ' 'Please use your transformer on the resulting parse tree, or use a different algorithm (i.e. LALR)') if o: raise ConfigurationError("Unknown options: %s" % o.keys()) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.__dict__['options'][name] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e) def __setattr__(self, name, value): assert_config(name, self.options.keys(), "%r isn't a valid option. Expected one of: %s") self.options[name] = value def serialize(self, memo): return self.options @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data, memo): return cls(data) # Options that can be passed to the Lark parser, even when it was loaded from cache/standalone. # These option are only used outside of `load_grammar`. _LOAD_ALLOWED_OPTIONS = {'postlex', 'transformer', 'lexer_callbacks', 'use_bytes', 'debug', 'g_regex_flags', 'regex', 'propagate_positions', 'tree_class'} _VALID_PRIORITY_OPTIONS = ('auto', 'normal', 'invert', None) _VALID_AMBIGUITY_OPTIONS = ('auto', 'resolve', 'explicit', 'forest') class PostLex(ABC): @abstractmethod def process(self, stream): return stream always_accept = () class Lark(Serialize): """Main interface for the library. It's mostly a thin wrapper for the many different parsers, and for the tree constructor. Parameters: grammar: a string or file-object containing the grammar spec (using Lark's ebnf syntax) options: a dictionary controlling various aspects of Lark. Example: >>> Lark(r'''start: "foo" ''') Lark(...) """ def __init__(self, grammar, **options): self.options = LarkOptions(options) # Set regex or re module use_regex = self.options.regex if use_regex: if regex: re_module = regex else: raise ImportError('`regex` module must be installed if calling `Lark(regex=True)`.') else: re_module = re # Some, but not all file-like objects have a 'name' attribute if self.options.source_path is None: try: self.source_path = except AttributeError: self.source_path = '' else: self.source_path = self.options.source_path # Drain file-like objects to get their contents try: read = except AttributeError: pass else: grammar = read() cache_fn = None cache_md5 = None if isinstance(grammar, STRING_TYPE): self.source_grammar = grammar if self.options.use_bytes: if not isascii(grammar): raise ConfigurationError("Grammar must be ascii only, when use_bytes=True") if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and self.options.use_bytes != 'force': raise ConfigurationError("`use_bytes=True` may have issues on python2." "Use `use_bytes='force'` to use it at your own risk.") if self.options.cache: if self.options.parser != 'lalr': raise ConfigurationError("cache only works with parser='lalr' for now") unhashable = ('transformer', 'postlex', 'lexer_callbacks', 'edit_terminals') options_str = ''.join(k+str(v) for k, v in options.items() if k not in unhashable) from . import __version__ s = grammar + options_str + __version__ + str(sys.version_info[:2]) cache_md5 = hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() if isinstance(self.options.cache, STRING_TYPE): cache_fn = self.options.cache else: if self.options.cache is not True: raise ConfigurationError("cache argument must be bool or str") # Python2.7 doesn't support * syntax in tuples cache_fn = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/.lark_cache_%s_%s_%s.tmp' % ((cache_md5,) + sys.version_info[:2]) if FS.exists(cache_fn): logger.debug('Loading grammar from cache: %s', cache_fn) # Remove options that aren't relevant for loading from cache for name in (set(options) - _LOAD_ALLOWED_OPTIONS): del options[name] with, 'rb') as f: old_options = self.options try: file_md5 = f.readline().rstrip(b'\n') cached_used_files = pickle.load(f) if file_md5 == cache_md5.encode('utf8') and verify_used_files(cached_used_files): cached_parser_data = pickle.load(f) self._load(cached_parser_data, **options) return except Exception: # We should probably narrow done which errors we catch here. logger.exception("Failed to load Lark from cache: %r. We will try to carry on." % cache_fn) # In theory, the Lark instance might have been messed up by the call to `_load`. # In practice the only relevant thing that might have been overriden should be `options` self.options = old_options # Parse the grammar file and compose the grammars self.grammar, used_files = load_grammar(grammar, self.source_path, self.options.import_paths, self.options.keep_all_tokens) else: assert isinstance(grammar, Grammar) self.grammar = grammar if self.options.lexer == 'auto': if self.options.parser == 'lalr': self.options.lexer = 'contextual' elif self.options.parser == 'earley': if self.options.postlex is not None:"postlex can't be used with the dynamic lexer, so we use standard instead. " "Consider using lalr with contextual instead of earley") self.options.lexer = 'standard' else: self.options.lexer = 'dynamic' elif self.options.parser == 'cyk': self.options.lexer = 'standard' else: assert False, self.options.parser lexer = self.options.lexer if isinstance(lexer, type): assert issubclass(lexer, Lexer) # XXX Is this really important? Maybe just ensure interface compliance else: assert_config(lexer, ('standard', 'contextual', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_complete')) if self.options.postlex is not None and 'dynamic' in lexer: raise ConfigurationError("Can't use postlex with a dynamic lexer. Use standard or contextual instead") if self.options.ambiguity == 'auto': if self.options.parser == 'earley': self.options.ambiguity = 'resolve' else: assert_config(self.options.parser, ('earley', 'cyk'), "%r doesn't support disambiguation. Use one of these parsers instead: %s") if self.options.priority == 'auto': self.options.priority = 'normal' if self.options.priority not in _VALID_PRIORITY_OPTIONS: raise ConfigurationError("invalid priority option: %r. Must be one of %r" % (self.options.priority, _VALID_PRIORITY_OPTIONS)) assert self.options.ambiguity not in ('resolve__antiscore_sum', ), 'resolve__antiscore_sum has been replaced with the option priority="invert"' if self.options.ambiguity not in _VALID_AMBIGUITY_OPTIONS: raise ConfigurationError("invalid ambiguity option: %r. Must be one of %r" % (self.options.ambiguity, _VALID_AMBIGUITY_OPTIONS)) if self.options.postlex is not None: terminals_to_keep = set(self.options.postlex.always_accept) else: terminals_to_keep = set() # Compile the EBNF grammar into BNF self.terminals, self.rules, self.ignore_tokens = self.grammar.compile(self.options.start, terminals_to_keep) if self.options.edit_terminals: for t in self.terminals: self.options.edit_terminals(t) self._terminals_dict = { t for t in self.terminals} # If the user asked to invert the priorities, negate them all here. # This replaces the old 'resolve__antiscore_sum' option. if self.options.priority == 'invert': for rule in self.rules: if rule.options.priority is not None: rule.options.priority = -rule.options.priority # Else, if the user asked to disable priorities, strip them from the # rules. This allows the Earley parsers to skip an extra forest walk # for improved performance, if you don't need them (or didn't specify any). elif self.options.priority is None: for rule in self.rules: if rule.options.priority is not None: rule.options.priority = None # TODO Deprecate lexer_callbacks? self.lexer_conf = LexerConf( self.terminals, re_module, self.ignore_tokens, self.options.postlex, self.options.lexer_callbacks, self.options.g_regex_flags, use_bytes=self.options.use_bytes ) if self.options.parser: self.parser = self._build_parser() elif lexer: self.lexer = self._build_lexer() if cache_fn: logger.debug('Saving grammar to cache: %s', cache_fn) with, 'wb') as f: f.write(cache_md5.encode('utf8') + b'\n') pickle.dump(used_files, f) if __doc__: __doc__ += "\n\n" + LarkOptions.OPTIONS_DOC __serialize_fields__ = 'parser', 'rules', 'options' def _build_lexer(self, dont_ignore=False): lexer_conf = self.lexer_conf if dont_ignore: from copy import copy lexer_conf = copy(lexer_conf) lexer_conf.ignore = () return TraditionalLexer(lexer_conf) def _prepare_callbacks(self): self._callbacks = {} # we don't need these callbacks if we aren't building a tree if self.options.ambiguity != 'forest': self._parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder( self.rules, self.options.tree_class or Tree, self.options.propagate_positions, self.options.parser != 'lalr' and self.options.ambiguity == 'explicit', self.options.maybe_placeholders ) self._callbacks = self._parse_tree_builder.create_callback(self.options.transformer) self._callbacks.update(_get_lexer_callbacks(self.options.transformer, self.terminals)) def _build_parser(self): self._prepare_callbacks() parser_class = get_frontend(self.options.parser, self.options.lexer) parser_conf = ParserConf(self.rules, self._callbacks, self.options.start) return parser_class(self.lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=self.options) def save(self, f): """Saves the instance into the given file object Useful for caching and multiprocessing. """ data, m = self.memo_serialize([TerminalDef, Rule]) pickle.dump({'data': data, 'memo': m}, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) @classmethod def load(cls, f): """Loads an instance from the given file object Useful for caching and multiprocessing. """ inst = cls.__new__(cls) return inst._load(f) def _deserialize_lexer_conf(self, data, memo, options): lexer_conf = LexerConf.deserialize(data['lexer_conf'], memo) lexer_conf.callbacks = options.lexer_callbacks or {} lexer_conf.re_module = regex if options.regex else re lexer_conf.use_bytes = options.use_bytes lexer_conf.g_regex_flags = options.g_regex_flags lexer_conf.skip_validation = True lexer_conf.postlex = options.postlex return lexer_conf def _load(self, f, **kwargs): if isinstance(f, dict): d = f else: d = pickle.load(f) memo_json = d['memo'] data = d['data'] assert memo_json memo = SerializeMemoizer.deserialize(memo_json, {'Rule': Rule, 'TerminalDef': TerminalDef}, {}) options = dict(data['options']) if (set(kwargs) - _LOAD_ALLOWED_OPTIONS) & set(LarkOptions._defaults): raise ConfigurationError("Some options are not allowed when loading a Parser: {}" .format(set(kwargs) - _LOAD_ALLOWED_OPTIONS)) options.update(kwargs) self.options = LarkOptions.deserialize(options, memo) self.rules = [Rule.deserialize(r, memo) for r in data['rules']] self.source_path = '' parser_class = get_frontend(self.options.parser, self.options.lexer) self.lexer_conf = self._deserialize_lexer_conf(data['parser'], memo, self.options) self.terminals = self.lexer_conf.terminals self._prepare_callbacks() self._terminals_dict = { t for t in self.terminals} self.parser = parser_class.deserialize( data['parser'], memo, self.lexer_conf, self._callbacks, self.options, # Not all, but multiple attributes are used ) return self @classmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data, memo, **kwargs): inst = cls.__new__(cls) return inst._load({'data': data, 'memo': memo}, **kwargs) @classmethod def open(cls, grammar_filename, rel_to=None, **options): """Create an instance of Lark with the grammar given by its filename If ``rel_to`` is provided, the function will find the grammar filename in relation to it. Example: >>>"grammar_file.lark", rel_to=__file__, parser="lalr") Lark(...) """ if rel_to: basepath = os.path.dirname(rel_to) grammar_filename = os.path.join(basepath, grammar_filename) with open(grammar_filename, encoding='utf8') as f: return cls(f, **options) @classmethod def open_from_package(cls, package, grammar_path, search_paths=("",), **options): """Create an instance of Lark with the grammar loaded from within the package `package`. This allows grammar loading from zipapps. Imports in the grammar will use the `package` and `search_paths` provided, through `FromPackageLoader` Example: Lark.open_from_package(__name__, "example.lark", ("grammars",), parser=...) """ package_loader = FromPackageLoader(package, search_paths) full_path, text = package_loader(None, grammar_path) options.setdefault('source_path', full_path) options.setdefault('import_paths', []) options['import_paths'].append(package_loader) return cls(text, **options) def __repr__(self): return 'Lark(open(%r), parser=%r, lexer=%r, ...)' % (self.source_path, self.options.parser, self.options.lexer) def lex(self, text, dont_ignore=False): """Only lex (and postlex) the text, without parsing it. Only relevant when lexer='standard' When dont_ignore=True, the lexer will return all tokens, even those marked for %ignore. :raises UnexpectedCharacters: In case the lexer cannot find a suitable match. """ if not hasattr(self, 'lexer') or dont_ignore: lexer = self._build_lexer(dont_ignore) else: lexer = self.lexer lexer_thread = LexerThread(lexer, text) stream = lexer_thread.lex(None) if self.options.postlex: return self.options.postlex.process(stream) return stream def get_terminal(self, name): """Get information about a terminal""" return self._terminals_dict[name] def parse_interactive(self, text=None, start=None): """Start an interactive parsing session. Parameters: text (str, optional): Text to be parsed. Required for ``resume_parse()``. start (str, optional): Start symbol Returns: A new InteractiveParser instance. See Also: ``Lark.parse()`` """ return self.parser.parse_interactive(text, start=start) def parse(self, text, start=None, on_error=None): """Parse the given text, according to the options provided. Parameters: text (str): Text to be parsed. start (str, optional): Required if Lark was given multiple possible start symbols (using the start option). on_error (function, optional): if provided, will be called on UnexpectedToken error. Return true to resume parsing. LALR only. See examples/advanced/ for an example of how to use on_error. Returns: If a transformer is supplied to ``__init__``, returns whatever is the result of the transformation. Otherwise, returns a Tree instance. :raises UnexpectedInput: On a parse error, one of these sub-exceptions will rise: ``UnexpectedCharacters``, ``UnexpectedToken``, or ``UnexpectedEOF``. For convenience, these sub-exceptions also inherit from ``ParserError`` and ``LexerError``. """ return self.parser.parse(text, start=start, on_error=on_error) @property def source(self): warn("Attribute Lark.source was renamed to Lark.source_path", DeprecationWarning) return self.source_path @source.setter def source(self, value): self.source_path = value @property def grammar_source(self): warn("Attribute Lark.grammar_source was renamed to Lark.source_grammar", DeprecationWarning) return self.source_grammar @grammar_source.setter def grammar_source(self, value): self.source_grammar = value ###}