import hashlib import unicodedata import os from functools import reduce from collections import deque ###{standalone import sys, re import logging from io import open logger = logging.getLogger("lark") logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) # Set to highest level, since we have some warnings amongst the code # By default, we should not output any log messages logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) if sys.version_info[0]>2: from abc import ABC, abstractmethod else: from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class ABC(object): # Provide Python27 compatibility __slots__ = () __metclass__ = ABCMeta Py36 = (sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)) NO_VALUE = object() def classify(seq, key=None, value=None): d = {} for item in seq: k = key(item) if (key is not None) else item v = value(item) if (value is not None) else item if k in d: d[k].append(v) else: d[k] = [v] return d def _deserialize(data, namespace, memo): if isinstance(data, dict): if '__type__' in data: # Object class_ = namespace[data['__type__']] return class_.deserialize(data, memo) elif '@' in data: return memo[data['@']] return {key:_deserialize(value, namespace, memo) for key, value in data.items()} elif isinstance(data, list): return [_deserialize(value, namespace, memo) for value in data] return data class Serialize(object): """Safe-ish serialization interface that doesn't rely on Pickle Attributes: __serialize_fields__ (List[str]): Fields (aka attributes) to serialize. __serialize_namespace__ (list): List of classes that deserialization is allowed to instantiate. Should include all field types that aren't builtin types. """ def memo_serialize(self, types_to_memoize): memo = SerializeMemoizer(types_to_memoize) return self.serialize(memo), memo.serialize() def serialize(self, memo=None): if memo and memo.in_types(self): return {'@': memo.memoized.get(self)} fields = getattr(self, '__serialize_fields__') res = {f: _serialize(getattr(self, f), memo) for f in fields} res['__type__'] = type(self).__name__ if hasattr(self, '_serialize'): self._serialize(res, memo) return res @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data, memo): namespace = getattr(cls, '__serialize_namespace__', []) namespace = {c.__name__:c for c in namespace} fields = getattr(cls, '__serialize_fields__') if '@' in data: return memo[data['@']] inst = cls.__new__(cls) for f in fields: try: setattr(inst, f, _deserialize(data[f], namespace, memo)) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("Cannot find key for class", cls, e) if hasattr(inst, '_deserialize'): inst._deserialize() return inst class SerializeMemoizer(Serialize): "A version of serialize that memoizes objects to reduce space" __serialize_fields__ = 'memoized', def __init__(self, types_to_memoize): self.types_to_memoize = tuple(types_to_memoize) self.memoized = Enumerator() def in_types(self, value): return isinstance(value, self.types_to_memoize) def serialize(self): return _serialize(self.memoized.reversed(), None) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data, namespace, memo): return _deserialize(data, namespace, memo) try: STRING_TYPE = basestring except NameError: # Python 3 STRING_TYPE = str import types from functools import wraps, partial from contextlib import contextmanager Str = type(u'') try: classtype = types.ClassType # Python2 except AttributeError: classtype = type # Python3 def smart_decorator(f, create_decorator): if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType): return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f, True)) elif isinstance(f, (classtype, type, types.BuiltinFunctionType)): return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f, False)) elif isinstance(f, types.MethodType): return wraps(f)(create_decorator(f.__func__, True)) elif isinstance(f, partial): # wraps does not work for partials in 2.7: return wraps(f.func)(create_decorator(lambda *args, **kw: f(*args[1:], **kw), True)) else: return create_decorator(f.__func__.__call__, True) try: import regex except ImportError: regex = None import sre_parse import sre_constants categ_pattern = re.compile(r'\\p{[A-Za-z_]+}') def get_regexp_width(expr): if regex: # Since `sre_parse` cannot deal with Unicode categories of the form `\p{Mn}`, we replace these with # a simple letter, which makes no difference as we are only trying to get the possible lengths of the regex # match here below. regexp_final = re.sub(categ_pattern, 'A', expr) else: if, expr): raise ImportError('`regex` module must be installed in order to use Unicode categories.', expr) regexp_final = expr try: return [int(x) for x in sre_parse.parse(regexp_final).getwidth()] except sre_constants.error: if not regex: raise ValueError(expr) else: # sre_parse does not support the new features in regex. To not completely fail in that case, # we manually test for the most important info (whether the empty string is matched) c = regex.compile(regexp_final) if c.match('') is None: return 1, sre_constants.MAXREPEAT else: return 0, sre_constants.MAXREPEAT ###} _ID_START = 'Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Mn', 'Mc', 'Pc' _ID_CONTINUE = _ID_START + ('Nd', 'Nl',) def _test_unicode_category(s, categories): if len(s) != 1: return all(_test_unicode_category(char, categories) for char in s) return s == '_' or unicodedata.category(s) in categories def is_id_continue(s): """ Checks if all characters in `s` are alphanumeric characters (Unicode standard, so diacritics, indian vowels, non-latin numbers, etc. all pass). Synonymous with a Python `ID_CONTINUE` identifier. See PEP 3131 for details. """ return _test_unicode_category(s, _ID_CONTINUE) def is_id_start(s): """ Checks if all characters in `s` are alphabetic characters (Unicode standard, so diacritics, indian vowels, non-latin numbers, etc. all pass). Synonymous with a Python `ID_START` identifier. See PEP 3131 for details. """ return _test_unicode_category(s, _ID_START) def dedup_list(l): """Given a list (l) will removing duplicates from the list, preserving the original order of the list. Assumes that the list entries are hashable.""" dedup = set() return [x for x in l if not (x in dedup or dedup.add(x))] try: from contextlib import suppress # Python 3 except ImportError: @contextmanager def suppress(*excs): '''Catch and dismiss the provided exception >>> x = 'hello' >>> with suppress(IndexError): ... x = x[10] >>> x 'hello' ''' try: yield except excs: pass class Enumerator(Serialize): def __init__(self): self.enums = {} def get(self, item): if item not in self.enums: self.enums[item] = len(self.enums) return self.enums[item] def __len__(self): return len(self.enums) def reversed(self): r = {v: k for k, v in self.enums.items()} assert len(r) == len(self.enums) return r def combine_alternatives(lists): """ Accepts a list of alternatives, and enumerates all their possible concatinations. Examples: >>> combine_alternatives([range(2), [4,5]]) [[0, 4], [0, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5]] >>> combine_alternatives(["abc", "xy", '$']) [['a', 'x', '$'], ['a', 'y', '$'], ['b', 'x', '$'], ['b', 'y', '$'], ['c', 'x', '$'], ['c', 'y', '$']] >>> combine_alternatives([]) [[]] """ if not lists: return [[]] assert all(l for l in lists), lists init = [[x] for x in lists[0]] return reduce(lambda a,b: [i+[j] for i in a for j in b], lists[1:], init) try: import atomicwrites except ImportError: atomicwrites = None class FS: exists = os.path.exists @staticmethod def open(name, mode="r", **kwargs): if atomicwrites and "w" in mode: return atomicwrites.atomic_write(name, mode=mode, overwrite=True, **kwargs) else: return open(name, mode, **kwargs) def isascii(s): """ str.isascii only exists in python3.7+ """ try: return s.isascii() except AttributeError: try: s.encode('ascii') return True except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): return False class fzset(frozenset): def __repr__(self): return '{%s}' % ', '.join(map(repr, self)) def classify_bool(seq, pred): true_elems = [] false_elems = [] for elem in seq: if pred(elem): true_elems.append(elem) else: false_elems.append(elem) return true_elems, false_elems def bfs(initial, expand): open_q = deque(list(initial)) visited = set(open_q) while open_q: node = open_q.popleft() yield node for next_node in expand(node): if next_node not in visited: visited.add(next_node) open_q.append(next_node) def bfs_all_unique(initial, expand): "bfs, but doesn't keep track of visited (aka seen), because there can be no repetitions" open_q = deque(list(initial)) while open_q: node = open_q.popleft() yield node open_q += expand(node) def _serialize(value, memo): if isinstance(value, Serialize): return value.serialize(memo) elif isinstance(value, list): return [_serialize(elem, memo) for elem in value] elif isinstance(value, frozenset): return list(value) # TODO reversible? elif isinstance(value, dict): return {key:_serialize(elem, memo) for key, elem in value.items()} # assert value is None or isinstance(value, (int, float, str, tuple)), value return value def small_factors(n, max_factor): """ Splits n up into smaller factors and summands <= max_factor. Returns a list of [(a, b), ...] so that the following code returns n: n = 1 for a, b in values: n = n * a + b Currently, we also keep a + b <= max_factor, but that might change """ assert n >= 0 assert max_factor > 2 if n <= max_factor: return [(n, 0)] for a in range(max_factor, 1, -1): r, b = divmod(n, a) if a + b <= max_factor: return small_factors(r, max_factor) + [(a, b)] assert False, "Failed to factorize %s" % n