from typing import List from .exceptions import GrammarError, ConfigurationError from .lexer import Token from .tree import Tree from .visitors import Transformer_InPlace from .visitors import _vargs_meta, _vargs_meta_inline ###{standalone from functools import partial, wraps from itertools import repeat, product class ExpandSingleChild: def __init__(self, node_builder): self.node_builder = node_builder def __call__(self, children): if len(children) == 1: return children[0] else: return self.node_builder(children) class PropagatePositions: def __init__(self, node_builder, node_filter=None): self.node_builder = node_builder self.node_filter = node_filter def __call__(self, children): res = self.node_builder(children) if isinstance(res, Tree): # Calculate positions while the tree is streaming, according to the rule: # - nodes start at the start of their first child's container, # and end at the end of their last child's container. # Containers are nodes that take up space in text, but have been inlined in the tree. res_meta = res.meta first_meta = self._pp_get_meta(children) if first_meta is not None: if not hasattr(res_meta, 'line'): # meta was already set, probably because the rule has been inlined (e.g. `?rule`) res_meta.line = getattr(first_meta, 'container_line', first_meta.line) res_meta.column = getattr(first_meta, 'container_column', first_meta.column) res_meta.start_pos = getattr(first_meta, 'container_start_pos', first_meta.start_pos) res_meta.empty = False res_meta.container_line = getattr(first_meta, 'container_line', first_meta.line) res_meta.container_column = getattr(first_meta, 'container_column', first_meta.column) last_meta = self._pp_get_meta(reversed(children)) if last_meta is not None: if not hasattr(res_meta, 'end_line'): res_meta.end_line = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_line', last_meta.end_line) res_meta.end_column = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_column', last_meta.end_column) res_meta.end_pos = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_pos', last_meta.end_pos) res_meta.empty = False res_meta.container_end_line = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_line', last_meta.end_line) res_meta.container_end_column = getattr(last_meta, 'container_end_column', last_meta.end_column) return res def _pp_get_meta(self, children): for c in children: if self.node_filter is not None and not self.node_filter(c): continue if isinstance(c, Tree): if not c.meta.empty: return c.meta elif isinstance(c, Token): return c def make_propagate_positions(option): if callable(option): return partial(PropagatePositions, node_filter=option) elif option is True: return PropagatePositions elif option is False: return None raise ConfigurationError('Invalid option for propagate_positions: %r' % option) class ChildFilter: def __init__(self, to_include, append_none, node_builder): self.node_builder = node_builder self.to_include = to_include self.append_none = append_none def __call__(self, children): filtered = [] for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include: if add_none: filtered += [None] * add_none if to_expand: filtered += children[i].children else: filtered.append(children[i]) if self.append_none: filtered += [None] * self.append_none return self.node_builder(filtered) class ChildFilterLALR(ChildFilter): """Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)""" def __call__(self, children): filtered = [] for i, to_expand, add_none in self.to_include: if add_none: filtered += [None] * add_none if to_expand: if filtered: filtered += children[i].children else: # Optimize for left-recursion filtered = children[i].children else: filtered.append(children[i]) if self.append_none: filtered += [None] * self.append_none return self.node_builder(filtered) class ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders(ChildFilter): "Optimized childfilter for LALR (assumes no duplication in parse tree, so it's safe to change it)" def __init__(self, to_include, node_builder): self.node_builder = node_builder self.to_include = to_include def __call__(self, children): filtered = [] for i, to_expand in self.to_include: if to_expand: if filtered: filtered += children[i].children else: # Optimize for left-recursion filtered = children[i].children else: filtered.append(children[i]) return self.node_builder(filtered) def _should_expand(sym): return not sym.is_term and'_') def maybe_create_child_filter(expansion, keep_all_tokens, ambiguous, _empty_indices: List[bool]): # Prepare empty_indices as: How many Nones to insert at each index? if _empty_indices: assert _empty_indices.count(False) == len(expansion) s = ''.join(str(int(b)) for b in _empty_indices) empty_indices = [len(ones) for ones in s.split('0')] assert len(empty_indices) == len(expansion)+1, (empty_indices, len(expansion)) else: empty_indices = [0] * (len(expansion)+1) to_include = [] nones_to_add = 0 for i, sym in enumerate(expansion): nones_to_add += empty_indices[i] if keep_all_tokens or not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out): to_include.append((i, _should_expand(sym), nones_to_add)) nones_to_add = 0 nones_to_add += empty_indices[len(expansion)] if _empty_indices or len(to_include) < len(expansion) or any(to_expand for i, to_expand,_ in to_include): if _empty_indices or ambiguous: return partial(ChildFilter if ambiguous else ChildFilterLALR, to_include, nones_to_add) else: # LALR without placeholders return partial(ChildFilterLALR_NoPlaceholders, [(i, x) for i,x,_ in to_include]) class AmbiguousExpander: """Deal with the case where we're expanding children ('_rule') into a parent but the children are ambiguous. i.e. (parent->_ambig->_expand_this_rule). In this case, make the parent itself ambiguous with as many copies as their are ambiguous children, and then copy the ambiguous children into the right parents in the right places, essentially shifting the ambiguity up the tree.""" def __init__(self, to_expand, tree_class, node_builder): self.node_builder = node_builder self.tree_class = tree_class self.to_expand = to_expand def __call__(self, children): def _is_ambig_tree(t): return hasattr(t, 'data') and == '_ambig' # -- When we're repeatedly expanding ambiguities we can end up with nested ambiguities. # All children of an _ambig node should be a derivation of that ambig node, hence # it is safe to assume that if we see an _ambig node nested within an ambig node # it is safe to simply expand it into the parent _ambig node as an alternative derivation. ambiguous = [] for i, child in enumerate(children): if _is_ambig_tree(child): if i in self.to_expand: ambiguous.append(i) child.expand_kids_by_data('_ambig') if not ambiguous: return self.node_builder(children) expand = [iter(child.children) if i in ambiguous else repeat(child) for i, child in enumerate(children)] return self.tree_class('_ambig', [self.node_builder(list(f[0])) for f in product(zip(*expand))]) def maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(tree_class, expansion, keep_all_tokens): to_expand = [i for i, sym in enumerate(expansion) if keep_all_tokens or ((not (sym.is_term and sym.filter_out)) and _should_expand(sym))] if to_expand: return partial(AmbiguousExpander, to_expand, tree_class) class AmbiguousIntermediateExpander: """ Propagate ambiguous intermediate nodes and their derivations up to the current rule. In general, converts rule _iambig _inter someChildren1 ... _inter someChildren2 ... someChildren3 ... to _ambig rule someChildren1 ... someChildren3 ... rule someChildren2 ... someChildren3 ... rule childrenFromNestedIambigs ... someChildren3 ... ... propagating up any nested '_iambig' nodes along the way. """ def __init__(self, tree_class, node_builder): self.node_builder = node_builder self.tree_class = tree_class def __call__(self, children): def _is_iambig_tree(child): return hasattr(child, 'data') and == '_iambig' def _collapse_iambig(children): """ Recursively flatten the derivations of the parent of an '_iambig' node. Returns a list of '_inter' nodes guaranteed not to contain any nested '_iambig' nodes, or None if children does not contain an '_iambig' node. """ # Due to the structure of the SPPF, # an '_iambig' node can only appear as the first child if children and _is_iambig_tree(children[0]): iambig_node = children[0] result = [] for grandchild in iambig_node.children: collapsed = _collapse_iambig(grandchild.children) if collapsed: for child in collapsed: child.children += children[1:] result += collapsed else: new_tree = self.tree_class('_inter', grandchild.children + children[1:]) result.append(new_tree) return result collapsed = _collapse_iambig(children) if collapsed: processed_nodes = [self.node_builder(c.children) for c in collapsed] return self.tree_class('_ambig', processed_nodes) return self.node_builder(children) def inplace_transformer(func): @wraps(func) def f(children): # function name in a Transformer is a rule name. tree = Tree(func.__name__, children) return func(tree) return f def apply_visit_wrapper(func, name, wrapper): if wrapper is _vargs_meta or wrapper is _vargs_meta_inline: raise NotImplementedError("Meta args not supported for internal transformer") @wraps(func) def f(children): return wrapper(func, name, children, None) return f class ParseTreeBuilder: def __init__(self, rules, tree_class, propagate_positions=False, ambiguous=False, maybe_placeholders=False): self.tree_class = tree_class self.propagate_positions = propagate_positions self.ambiguous = ambiguous self.maybe_placeholders = maybe_placeholders self.rule_builders = list(self._init_builders(rules)) def _init_builders(self, rules): propagate_positions = make_propagate_positions(self.propagate_positions) for rule in rules: options = rule.options keep_all_tokens = options.keep_all_tokens expand_single_child = options.expand1 wrapper_chain = list(filter(None, [ (expand_single_child and not rule.alias) and ExpandSingleChild, maybe_create_child_filter(rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens, self.ambiguous, options.empty_indices if self.maybe_placeholders else None), propagate_positions, self.ambiguous and maybe_create_ambiguous_expander(self.tree_class, rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens), self.ambiguous and partial(AmbiguousIntermediateExpander, self.tree_class) ])) yield rule, wrapper_chain def create_callback(self, transformer=None): callbacks = {} for rule, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders: user_callback_name = rule.alias or rule.options.template_source or try: f = getattr(transformer, user_callback_name) wrapper = getattr(f, 'visit_wrapper', None) if wrapper is not None: f = apply_visit_wrapper(f, user_callback_name, wrapper) elif isinstance(transformer, Transformer_InPlace): f = inplace_transformer(f) except AttributeError: f = partial(self.tree_class, user_callback_name) for w in wrapper_chain: f = w(f) if rule in callbacks: raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' already exists" % (rule,)) callbacks[rule] = f return callbacks ###}