###{standalone # # # Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool # ---------------------------------- # Generates a stand-alone LALR(1) parser with a standard lexer # # Git: https://github.com/erezsh/lark # Author: Erez Shinan (erezshin@gmail.com) # # # >>> LICENSE # # This tool and its generated code use a separate license from Lark. # # It is licensed under GPLv2 or above. # # If you wish to purchase a commercial license for this tool and its # generated code, contact me via email. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See . # # ###} import codecs import sys import os from pprint import pprint from os import path from collections import defaultdict import lark from lark import Lark from lark.parsers.lalr_analysis import Shift, Reduce from ..grammar import Rule __dir__ = path.dirname(__file__) __larkdir__ = path.join(__dir__, path.pardir) EXTRACT_STANDALONE_FILES = [ 'tools/standalone.py', 'utils.py', 'common.py', 'tree.py', 'indenter.py', 'lexer.py', 'parse_tree_builder.py', 'parsers/lalr_parser.py', ] def extract_sections(lines): section = None text = [] sections = defaultdict(list) for l in lines: if l.startswith('###'): if l[3] == '{': section = l[4:].strip() elif l[3] == '}': sections[section] += text section = None text = [] else: raise ValueError(l) elif section: text.append(l) return {name:''.join(text) for name, text in sections.items()} class LexerAtoms: def __init__(self, lexer): self.mres = [(p.pattern,d) for p,d in lexer.mres] self.newline_types = lexer.newline_types self.ignore_types = lexer.ignore_types self.callback = {name:[(p.pattern,d) for p,d in c.mres] for name, c in lexer.callback.items()} def print_python(self): print('import re') print('MRES = (') pprint(self.mres) print(')') print('LEXER_CALLBACK = (') pprint(self.callback) print(')') print('NEWLINE_TYPES = %s' % self.newline_types) print('IGNORE_TYPES = %s' % self.ignore_types) print('class LexerRegexps: pass') print('lexer_regexps = LexerRegexps()') print('lexer_regexps.mres = [(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in MRES]') print('lexer_regexps.callback = {n: UnlessCallback([(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in mres])') print(' for n, mres in LEXER_CALLBACK.items()}') print('lexer = _Lex(lexer_regexps)') print('def lex(stream):') print(' return lexer.lex(stream, NEWLINE_TYPES, IGNORE_TYPES)') class GetRule: def __init__(self, rule_id): self.rule_id = rule_id def __repr__(self): return 'RULES[%d]' % self.rule_id rule_ids = {} token_types = {} def _get_token_type(token_type): if token_type not in token_types: token_types[token_type] = len(token_types) return token_types[token_type] class ParserAtoms: def __init__(self, parser): self.parse_table = parser._parse_table def print_python(self): print('class ParseTable: pass') print('parse_table = ParseTable()') print('STATES = {') for state, actions in self.parse_table.states.items(): print(' %r: %r,' % (state, {_get_token_type(token): ((1, rule_ids[arg]) if action is Reduce else (0, arg)) for token, (action, arg) in actions.items()})) print('}') print('TOKEN_TYPES = (') pprint({v:k for k, v in token_types.items()}) print(')') print('parse_table.states = {s: {TOKEN_TYPES[t]: (a, RULES[x] if a is Reduce else x) for t, (a, x) in acts.items()}') print(' for s, acts in STATES.items()}') print('parse_table.start_state = %s' % self.parse_table.start_state) print('parse_table.end_state = %s' % self.parse_table.end_state) print('class Lark_StandAlone:') print(' def __init__(self, transformer=None, postlex=None):') print(' callback = parse_tree_builder.create_callback(transformer=transformer)') print(' callbacks = {rule: getattr(callback, rule.alias or rule.origin, None) for rule in RULES.values()}') print(' self.parser = _Parser(parse_table, callbacks)') print(' self.postlex = postlex') print(' def parse(self, stream):') print(' tokens = lex(stream)') print(' if self.postlex: tokens = self.postlex.process(tokens)') print(' return self.parser.parse(tokens)') class TreeBuilderAtoms: def __init__(self, lark): self.rules = lark.rules self.ptb = lark._parse_tree_builder def print_python(self): print('RULES = {') for i, r in enumerate(self.rules): rule_ids[r] = i print(' %d: Rule(%r, %r, %r, %r),' % (i, r.origin, r.expansion, self.ptb.user_aliases[r], r.options )) print('}') print('parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(RULES.values(), Tree)') def main(fobj, start): lark_inst = Lark(fobj, parser="lalr", lexer="standard", start=start) lexer_atoms = LexerAtoms(lark_inst.parser.lexer) parser_atoms = ParserAtoms(lark_inst.parser.parser) tree_builder_atoms = TreeBuilderAtoms(lark_inst) print('# The file was automatically generated by Lark v%s' % lark.__version__) for pyfile in EXTRACT_STANDALONE_FILES: with open(os.path.join(__larkdir__, pyfile)) as f: print (extract_sections(f)['standalone']) with open(os.path.join(__larkdir__, 'grammar.py')) as grammar_py: print(grammar_py.read()) print('Shift = 0') print('Reduce = 1') lexer_atoms.print_python() tree_builder_atoms.print_python() parser_atoms.print_python() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool") print("Usage: python -m lark.tools.standalone []") sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 3: fn, start = sys.argv[1:] elif len(sys.argv) == 2: fn, start = sys.argv[1], 'start' else: assert False, sys.argv with codecs.open(fn, encoding='utf8') as f: main(f, start)