from functools import wraps from .utils import smart_decorator from .tree import Tree from .exceptions import VisitError, GrammarError ###{standalone from inspect import getmembers, getmro class Discard(Exception): pass # Transformers class Transformer: """Visits the tree recursively, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up) Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to The returned value replaces the old one in the structure. Can be used to implement map or reduce. """ def _call_userfunc(self, tree, new_children=None): # Assumes tree is already transformed children = new_children if new_children is not None else tree.children try: f = getattr(self, except AttributeError: return self.__default__(, children, tree.meta) else: try: if getattr(f, 'meta', False): return f(children, tree.meta) elif getattr(f, 'inline', False): return f(*children) elif getattr(f, 'whole_tree', False): if new_children is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Doesn't work with the base Transformer class") return f(tree) else: return f(children) except (GrammarError, Discard): raise except Exception as e: raise VisitError(tree, e) def _transform_children(self, children): for c in children: try: yield self._transform_tree(c) if isinstance(c, Tree) else c except Discard: pass def _transform_tree(self, tree): children = list(self._transform_children(tree.children)) return self._call_userfunc(tree, children) def transform(self, tree): return self._transform_tree(tree) def __mul__(self, other): return TransformerChain(self, other) def __default__(self, data, children, meta): "Default operation on tree (for override)" return Tree(data, children, meta) @classmethod def _apply_decorator(cls, decorator, **kwargs): mro = getmro(cls) assert mro[0] is cls libmembers = {name for _cls in mro[1:] for name, _ in getmembers(_cls)} for name, value in getmembers(cls): if name.startswith('_') or name in libmembers: continue if not callable(cls.__dict__[name]): continue # Skip if v_args already applied (at the function level) if hasattr(cls.__dict__[name], 'vargs_applied'): continue static = isinstance(cls.__dict__[name], (staticmethod, classmethod)) setattr(cls, name, decorator(value, static=static, **kwargs)) return cls class InlineTransformer(Transformer): # XXX Deprecated def _call_userfunc(self, tree, new_children=None): # Assumes tree is already transformed children = new_children if new_children is not None else tree.children try: f = getattr(self, except AttributeError: return self.__default__(, children, tree.meta) else: return f(*children) class TransformerChain(object): def __init__(self, *transformers): self.transformers = transformers def transform(self, tree): for t in self.transformers: tree = t.transform(tree) return tree def __mul__(self, other): return TransformerChain(*self.transformers + (other,)) class Transformer_InPlace(Transformer): "Non-recursive. Changes the tree in-place instead of returning new instances" def _transform_tree(self, tree): # Cancel recursion return self._call_userfunc(tree) def transform(self, tree): for subtree in tree.iter_subtrees(): subtree.children = list(self._transform_children(subtree.children)) return self._transform_tree(tree) class Transformer_InPlaceRecursive(Transformer): "Recursive. Changes the tree in-place instead of returning new instances" def _transform_tree(self, tree): tree.children = list(self._transform_children(tree.children)) return self._call_userfunc(tree) # Visitors class VisitorBase: def _call_userfunc(self, tree): return getattr(self,, self.__default__)(tree) def __default__(self, tree): "Default operation on tree (for override)" return tree class Visitor(VisitorBase): """Bottom-up visitor, non-recursive Visits the tree, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up) Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to """ def visit(self, tree): for subtree in tree.iter_subtrees(): self._call_userfunc(subtree) return tree class Visitor_Recursive(VisitorBase): """Bottom-up visitor, recursive Visits the tree, starting with the leaves and finally the root (bottom-up) Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to """ def visit(self, tree): for child in tree.children: if isinstance(child, Tree): self.visit(child) f = getattr(self,, self.__default__) f(tree) return tree def visit_children_decor(func): "See Interpreter" @wraps(func) def inner(cls, tree): values = cls.visit_children(tree) return func(cls, values) return inner class Interpreter: """Top-down visitor, recursive Visits the tree, starting with the root and finally the leaves (top-down) Calls its methods (provided by user via inheritance) according to Unlike Transformer and Visitor, the Interpreter doesn't automatically visit its sub-branches. The user has to explicitly call visit_children, or use the @visit_children_decor """ def visit(self, tree): return getattr(self, def visit_children(self, tree): return [self.visit(child) if isinstance(child, Tree) else child for child in tree.children] def __getattr__(self, name): return self.__default__ def __default__(self, tree): return self.visit_children(tree) # Decorators def _apply_decorator(obj, decorator, **kwargs): try: _apply = obj._apply_decorator except AttributeError: return decorator(obj, **kwargs) else: return _apply(decorator, **kwargs) def _inline_args__func(func): @wraps(func) def create_decorator(_f, with_self): if with_self: def f(self, children): return _f(self, *children) else: def f(self, children): return _f(*children) return f return smart_decorator(func, create_decorator) def inline_args(obj): # XXX Deprecated return _apply_decorator(obj, _inline_args__func) def _visitor_args_func_dec(func, inline=False, meta=False, whole_tree=False, static=False): assert [whole_tree, meta, inline].count(True) <= 1 def create_decorator(_f, with_self): if with_self: def f(self, *args, **kwargs): return _f(self, *args, **kwargs) else: def f(self, *args, **kwargs): return _f(*args, **kwargs) return f if static: f = wraps(func)(create_decorator(func, False)) else: f = smart_decorator(func, create_decorator) f.vargs_applied = True f.inline = inline f.meta = meta f.whole_tree = whole_tree return f def v_args(inline=False, meta=False, tree=False): "A convenience decorator factory, for modifying the behavior of user-supplied visitor methods" if [tree, meta, inline].count(True) > 1: raise ValueError("Visitor functions can either accept tree, or meta, or be inlined. These cannot be combined.") def _visitor_args_dec(obj): return _apply_decorator(obj, _visitor_args_func_dec, inline=inline, meta=meta, whole_tree=tree) return _visitor_args_dec ###}