@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from copy import copy, deepcopy
from io import open
import pkgutil
from ast import literal_eval
from numbers import Integral
from .utils import bfs, Py36, logger, classify_bool, is_id_continue, is_id_start
from .lexer import Token, TerminalDef, PatternStr, PatternRE
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ TERMINALS = {
'_IGNORE': r'%ignore',
'_OVERRIDE': r'%override',
'_DECLARE': r'%declare',
'_EXTEND': r'%extend',
'_IMPORT': r'%import',
'NUMBER': r'[+-]?\d+',
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ TERMINALS = {
'start': ['_list'],
'_list': ['_item', '_list _item'],
'_item': ['rule', 'term', 'statement ', '_NL'],
'_item': ['rule', 'term', 'ignore', 'import', 'declare', 'override', 'extend ', '_NL'],
'rule': ['RULE template_params _COLON expansions _NL',
'RULE template_params _DOT NUMBER _COLON expansions _NL'],
@@ -149,8 +151,10 @@ RULES = {
'term': ['TERMINAL _COLON expansions _NL',
'statement': ['ignore', 'import', 'declare', 'override_rule'],
'override_rule': ['_OVERRIDE rule'],
'override': ['_OVERRIDE rule',
'_OVERRIDE term'],
'extend': ['_EXTEND rule',
'_EXTEND term'],
'ignore': ['_IGNORE expansions _NL'],
'declare': ['_DECLARE _declare_args _NL'],
'import': ['_IMPORT _import_path _NL',
@@ -298,15 +302,6 @@ class RuleTreeToText(Transformer):
return expansion, alias.value
class CanonizeTree(Transformer_InPlace):
def tokenmods(self, *args):
if len(args) == 1:
return list(args)
tokenmods, value = args
return tokenmods + [value]
class PrepareAnonTerminals(Transformer_InPlace):
"""Create a unique list of anonymous terminals. Attempt to give meaningful names to them when we add them"""
@@ -546,10 +541,6 @@ class PrepareSymbols(Transformer_InPlace):
assert False
def _choice_of_rules(rules):
return ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [Token('RULE', name)]) for name in rules])
def nr_deepcopy_tree(t):
"""Deepcopy tree `t` without recursion"""
return Transformer_NonRecursive(False).transform(t)
@@ -736,69 +727,14 @@ class FromPackageLoader(object):
stdlib_loader = FromPackageLoader('lark', IMPORT_PATHS)
_imported_grammars = {}
def import_from_grammar_into_namespace(grammar, namespace, aliases):
"""Returns all rules and terminals of grammar, prepended
with a 'namespace' prefix, except for those which are aliased.
imported_terms = dict(grammar.term_defs)
imported_rules = {n:(n,p,deepcopy(t),o) for n,p,t,o in grammar.rule_defs}
term_defs = []
rule_defs = []
def rule_dependencies(symbol):
if symbol.type != 'RULE':
return []
_, params, tree,_ = imported_rules[symbol]
except KeyError:
raise GrammarError("Missing symbol '%s' in grammar %s" % (symbol, namespace))
return _find_used_symbols(tree) - set(params)
def get_namespace_name(name, params):
if params is not None:
return params[name]
except KeyError:
return aliases[name].value
except KeyError:
if name[0] == '_':
return '_%s__%s' % (namespace, name[1:])
return '%s__%s' % (namespace, name)
to_import = list(bfs(aliases, rule_dependencies))
for symbol in to_import:
if symbol.type == 'TERMINAL':
term_defs.append([get_namespace_name(symbol, None), imported_terms[symbol]])
assert symbol.type == 'RULE'
_, params, tree, options = imported_rules[symbol]
params_map = {p: ('%s__%s' if p[0]!='_' else '_%s__%s') % (namespace, p) for p in params}
for t in tree.iter_subtrees():
for i, c in enumerate(t.children):
if isinstance(c, Token) and c.type in ('RULE', 'TERMINAL'):
t.children[i] = Token(c.type, get_namespace_name(c, params_map))
params = [params_map[p] for p in params] # We can not rely on ordered dictionaries
rule_defs.append((get_namespace_name(symbol, params_map), params, tree, options))
return term_defs, rule_defs
def resolve_term_references(term_defs):
def resolve_term_references(term_dict):
# TODO Solve with transitive closure (maybe)
term_dict = {k:t for k, (t,_p) in term_defs}
assert len(term_dict) == len(term_defs), "Same name defined twice?"
while True:
changed = False
for name, (token_tree, _p) in term_defs :
for name, token_tree in term_dict.items():
if token_tree is None: # Terminal added through %declare
for exp in token_tree.find_data('value'):
@@ -859,8 +795,25 @@ def _find_used_symbols(tree):
for t in x.scan_values(lambda t: t.type in ('RULE', 'TERMINAL'))}
class GrammarLoader:
def _get_parser():
return _get_parser.cache
except AttributeError:
terminals = [TerminalDef(name, PatternRE(value)) for name, value in TERMINALS.items()]
rules = [options_from_rule(name, None, x) for name, x in RULES.items()]
rules = [Rule(NonTerminal(r), symbols_from_strcase(x.split()), i, None, o)
for r, _p, xs, o in rules for i, x in enumerate(xs)]
callback = ParseTreeBuilder(rules, ST).create_callback()
import re
lexer_conf = LexerConf(terminals, re, ['WS', 'COMMENT'])
parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, ['start'])
lexer_conf.lexer_type = 'standard'
parser_conf.parser_type = 'lalr'
_get_parser.cache = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, {})
return _get_parser.cache
('Unclosed parenthesis', ['a: (\n']),
('Unmatched closing parenthesis', ['a: )\n', 'a: [)\n', 'a: (]\n']),
('Expecting rule or terminal definition (missing colon)', ['a\n', 'A\n', 'a->\n', 'A->\n', 'a A\n']),
@@ -874,120 +827,202 @@ class GrammarLoader:
('%ignore expects a value', ['%ignore %import\n']),
def __init__(self, global_keep_all_tokens):
terminals = [TerminalDef(name, PatternRE(value)) for name, value in TERMINALS.items()]
def _parse_grammar(text, name, start='start'):
tree = _get_parser().parse(text + '\n', start)
except UnexpectedCharacters as e:
context = e.get_context(text)
raise GrammarError("Unexpected input at line %d column %d in %s: \n\n%s" %
(e.line, e.column, name, context))
except UnexpectedToken as e:
context = e.get_context(text)
error = e.match_examples(_get_parser().parse, GRAMMAR_ERRORS, use_accepts=True)
if error:
raise GrammarError("%s, at line %s column %s\n\n%s" % (error, e.line, e.column, context))
elif 'STRING' in e.expected:
raise GrammarError("Expecting a value at line %s column %s\n\n%s" % (e.line, e.column, context))
return PrepareGrammar().transform(tree)
def _get_mangle(prefix, aliases, base_mangle=None):
def mangle(s):
if s in aliases:
s = aliases[s]
if s[0] == '_':
s = '_%s__%s' % (prefix, s[1:])
s = '%s__%s' % (prefix, s)
if base_mangle is not None:
s = base_mangle(s)
return s
return mangle
def _mangle_exp(exp, mangle):
if mangle is None:
return exp
exp = deepcopy(exp) # TODO: is this needed
for t in exp.iter_subtrees():
for i, c in enumerate(t.children):
if isinstance(c, Token) and c.type in ('RULE', 'TERMINAL'):
t.children[i] = Token(c.type, mangle(c.value))
return exp
class GrammarBuilder:
def __init__(self, global_keep_all_tokens=False, import_paths=None):
self.global_keep_all_tokens = global_keep_all_tokens
self.import_paths = import_paths or []
self._definitions = {}
self._ignore_names = []
def _is_term(self, name):
# Imported terminals are of the form `Path__to__Grammar__file__TERMINAL_NAME`
# Only the last part is the actual name, and the rest might contain mixed case
return name.rpartition('__')[-1].isupper()
def _grammar_error(self, msg, *names):
args = {}
for i, name in enumerate(names, start=1):
postfix = '' if i == 1 else str(i)
args['name' + postfix] = name
args['type' + postfix] = lowercase_type = ("rule", "terminal")[self._is_term(name)]
args['Type' + postfix] = lowercase_type.title()
raise GrammarError(msg.format(**args))
def _check_options(self, name, options):
if self._is_term(name):
if options is None:
options = 1
# if we don't use Integral here, we run into python2.7/python3 problems with long vs int
elif not isinstance(options, Integral):
raise GrammarError("Terminal require a single int as 'options' (e.g. priority), got %s" % (type(options),))
if options is None:
options = RuleOptions()
elif not isinstance(options, RuleOptions):
raise GrammarError("Rules require a RuleOptions instance as 'options'")
if self.global_keep_all_tokens:
options.keep_all_tokens = True
return options
def _define(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None, override=False):
if name in self._definitions:
if not override:
self._grammar_error("{Type} '{name}' defined more than once", name)
elif override:
self._grammar_error("Cannot override a nonexisting {type} {name}", name)
if name.startswith('__'):
self._grammar_error('Names starting with double-underscore are reserved (Error at {name})', name)
self._definitions[name] = (params, exp, self._check_options(name, options))
def _extend(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None):
if name not in self._definitions:
self._grammar_error("Can't extend {type} {name} as it wasn't defined before", name)
if tuple(params) != tuple(self._definitions[name][0]):
self._grammar_error("Cannot extend {type} with different parameters: {name}", name)
# TODO: think about what to do with 'options'
base = self._definitions[name][1]
while len(base.children) == 2:
assert isinstance(base.children[0], Tree) and base.children[0].data == 'expansions', base
base = base.children[0]
base.children.insert(0, exp)
def _ignore(self, exp_or_name):
if isinstance(exp_or_name, str):
assert isinstance(exp_or_name, Tree)
t = exp_or_name
if t.data == 'expansions' and len(t.children) == 1:
t2 ,= t.children
if t2.data=='expansion' and len(t2.children) == 1:
item ,= t2.children
if item.data == 'value':
item ,= item.children
if isinstance(item, Token) and item.type == 'TERMINAL':
rules = [options_from_rule(name, None, x) for name, x in RULES.items()]
rules = [Rule(NonTerminal(r), symbols_from_strcase(x.split()), i, None, o)
for r, _p, xs, o in rules for i, x in enumerate(xs)]
callback = ParseTreeBuilder(rules, ST).create_callback()
import re
lexer_conf = LexerConf(terminals, re, ['WS', 'COMMENT'])
parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, ['start'])
lexer_conf.lexer_type = 'standard'
parser_conf.parser_type = 'lalr'
self.parser = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, {})
name = '__IGNORE_%d'% len(self._ignore_names)
self._definitions[name] = ((), t, 1)
self.canonize_tree = CanonizeTree()
self.global_keep_all_tokens = global_keep_all_tokens
def _declare(self, *names):
for name in names:
self._define(name, None)
def import_grammar(self, grammar_path, base_path=None, import_paths=[]):
if grammar_path not in _imported_grammars:
# import_paths take priority over base_path since they should handle relative imports and ignore everything else.
to_try = import_paths + ([base_path] if base_path is not None else []) + [stdlib_loader]
for source in to_try:
def _unpack_import(self, stmt, grammar_name):
if len(stmt.children) > 1:
path_node, arg1 = stmt.children
path_node, = stmt.children
arg1 = None
if isinstance(arg1, Tree): # Multi import
dotted_path = tuple(path_node.children)
names = arg1.children
aliases = dict(zip(names, names)) # Can't have aliased multi import, so all aliases will be the same as names
else: # Single import
dotted_path = tuple(path_node.children[:-1])
if not dotted_path:
name ,= path_node.children
raise GrammarError("Nothing was imported from grammar `%s`" % name)
name = path_node.children[-1] # Get name from dotted path
aliases = {name.value: (arg1 or name).value} # Aliases if exist
if path_node.data == 'import_lib': # Import from library
base_path = None
else: # Relative import
if grammar_name == '<string>': # Import relative to script file path if grammar is coded in script
if callable(source):
joined_path, text = source(base_path, grammar_path)
joined_path = os.path.join(source, grammar_path)
with open(joined_path, encoding='utf8') as f:
text = f.read()
except IOError:
grammar = self.load_grammar(text, joined_path, import_paths)
_imported_grammars[grammar_path] = grammar
base_file = os.path.abspath(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__)
except AttributeError:
base_file = None
# Search failed. Make Python throw a nice error.
open(grammar_path, encoding='utf8')
assert False
return _imported_grammars[grammar_path]
def load_grammar(self, grammar_text, grammar_name='<?>', import_paths=[]):
"""Parse grammar_text, verify, and create Grammar object. Display nice messages on error."""
tree = self.canonize_tree.transform(self.parser.parse(grammar_text+'\n'))
except UnexpectedCharacters as e:
context = e.get_context(grammar_text)
raise GrammarError("Unexpected input at line %d column %d in %s: \n\n%s" %
(e.line, e.column, grammar_name, context))
except UnexpectedToken as e:
context = e.get_context(grammar_text)
error = e.match_examples(self.parser.parse, self.ERRORS, use_accepts=True)
if error:
raise GrammarError("%s, at line %s column %s\n\n%s" % (error, e.line, e.column, context))
elif 'STRING' in e.expected:
raise GrammarError("Expecting a value at line %s column %s\n\n%s" % (e.line, e.column, context))
tree = PrepareGrammar().transform(tree)
# Extract grammar items
defs = classify(tree.children, lambda c: c.data, lambda c: c.children)
term_defs = defs.pop('term', [])
rule_defs = defs.pop('rule', [])
statements = defs.pop('statement', [])
assert not defs
term_defs = [td if len(td)==3 else (td[0], 1, td[1]) for td in term_defs]
term_defs = [(name.value, (t, int(p))) for name, p, t in term_defs]
rule_defs = [options_from_rule(*x) for x in rule_defs]
# Execute statements
ignore, imports = [], {}
overriding_rules = []
for (stmt,) in statements:
if stmt.data == 'ignore':
t ,= stmt.children
elif stmt.data == 'import':
if len(stmt.children) > 1:
path_node, arg1 = stmt.children
base_file = grammar_name # Import relative to grammar file path if external grammar file
if base_file:
if isinstance(base_file, PackageResource):
base_path = PackageResource(base_file.pkg_name, os.path.split(base_file.path)[0])
path_node ,= stmt.children
arg1 = None
if isinstance(arg1, Tree): # Multi import
dotted_path = tuple(path_node.children)
names = arg1.children
aliases = dict(zip(names, names)) # Can't have aliased multi import, so all aliases will be the same as names
else: # Single import
dotted_path = tuple(path_node.children[:-1])
name = path_node.children[-1] # Get name from dotted path
aliases = {name: arg1 or name} # Aliases if exist
if path_node.data == 'import_lib': # Import from library
base_path = None
else: # Relative import
if grammar_name == '<string>': # Import relative to script file path if grammar is coded in script
base_file = os.path.abspath(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__)
except AttributeError:
base_file = None
base_file = grammar_name # Import relative to grammar file path if external grammar file
if base_file:
if isinstance(base_file, PackageResource):
base_path = PackageResource(base_file.pkg_name, os.path.split(base_file.path)[0])
base_path = os.path.split(base_file)[0]
base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
base_path = os.path.split(base_file)[0]
base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
return dotted_path, base_path, aliases
def _unpack_definition(self, tree, mangle):
if tree.data == 'rule':
name, params, exp, opts = options_from_rule(*tree.children)
name = tree.children[0].value
params = () # TODO terminal templates
opts = int(tree.children[1]) if len(tree.children) == 3 else 1 # priority
exp = tree.children[-1]
if mangle is not None:
params = tuple(mangle(p) for p in params)
name = mangle(name)
exp = _mangle_exp(exp, mangle)
return name, exp, params, opts
def load_grammar(self, grammar_text, grammar_name="<?>", mangle=None, dotted_path=None):
tree = _parse_grammar(grammar_text, grammar_name)
imports = {}
for stmt in tree.children:
if stmt.data == 'import':
dotted_path, base_path, aliases = self._unpack_import(stmt, grammar_name)
import_base_path, import_aliases = imports[dotted_path]
assert base_path == import_base_path, 'Inconsistent base_path for %s.' % '.'.join(dotted_path)
@@ -995,110 +1030,126 @@ class GrammarLoader:
except KeyError:
imports[dotted_path] = base_path, aliases
elif stmt.data == 'declare':
for t in stmt.children:
term_defs.append([t.value, (None, None)])
elif stmt.data == 'override_rule':
for dotted_path, (base_path, aliases) in imports.items():
self.do_import(dotted_path, base_path, aliases, mangle)
for stmt in tree.children:
if stmt.data in ('term', 'rule'):
self._define(*self._unpack_definition(stmt, mangle))
elif stmt.data == 'override':
r ,= stmt.children
self._define(*self._unpack_definition(r, mangle), override=True)
elif stmt.data == 'extend':
r ,= stmt.children
self._extend(*self._unpack_definition(r, mangle))
elif stmt.data == 'ignore':
# if mangle is not None, we shouldn't apply ignore, since we aren't in a toplevel grammar
if mangle is None:
elif stmt.data == 'declare':
names = [t.value for t in stmt.children]
if mangle is None:
self._declare(*map(mangle, names))
elif stmt.data == 'import':
assert False, stmt
# import grammars
for dotted_path, (base_path, aliases) in imports.items():
grammar_path = os.path.join(*dotted_path) + EXT
g = self.import_grammar(grammar_path, base_path=base_path, import_paths=import_paths)
new_td, new_rd = import_from_grammar_into_namespace(g, '__'.join(dotted_path), aliases)
term_defs += new_td
rule_defs += new_rd
# replace rules by overridding rules, according to name
for r in overriding_rules:
name = r[0]
# remove overridden rule from rule_defs
overridden, rule_defs = classify_bool(rule_defs, lambda r: r[0] == name) # FIXME inefficient
if not overridden:
raise GrammarError("Cannot override a nonexisting rule: %s" % name)
## Handle terminals
# Verify correctness 1
for name, _ in term_defs:
if name.startswith('__'):
raise GrammarError('Names starting with double-underscore are reserved (Error at %s)' % name)
# Handle ignore tokens
# XXX A slightly hacky solution. Recognition of %ignore TERMINAL as separate comes from the lexer's
# inability to handle duplicate terminals (two names, one value)
ignore_names = []
for t in ignore:
if t.data=='expansions' and len(t.children) == 1:
t2 ,= t.children
if t2.data=='expansion' and len(t2.children) == 1:
item ,= t2.children
if item.data == 'value':
item ,= item.children
if isinstance(item, Token) and item.type == 'TERMINAL':
name = '__IGNORE_%d'% len(ignore_names)
term_defs.append((name, (t, 1)))
term_defs = { name: exp
for name, (_params, exp, _options) in self._definitions.items()
if self._is_term(name)
# Verify correctness 2
terminal_names = set()
for name, _ in term_defs:
if name in terminal_names:
raise GrammarError("Terminal '%s' defined more than once" % name)
if set(ignore_names) > terminal_names:
raise GrammarError("Terminals %s were marked to ignore but were not defined!" % (set(ignore_names) - terminal_names))
def _remove_unused(self, used):
def rule_dependencies(symbol):
if self._is_term(symbol):
return []
params, tree,_ = self._definitions[symbol]
return _find_used_symbols(tree) - set(params)
_used = set(bfs(used, rule_dependencies))
self._definitions = {k: v for k, v in self._definitions.items() if k in _used}
## Handle rules
rule_names = {}
for name, params, _x, option in rule_defs:
# We can't just simply not throw away the tokens later, we need option.keep_all_tokens to correctly generate maybe_placeholders
if self.global_keep_all_tokens:
option.keep_all_tokens = True
def do_import(self, dotted_path, base_path, aliases, base_mangle=None):
assert dotted_path
mangle = _get_mangle('__'.join(dotted_path), aliases, base_mangle)
grammar_path = os.path.join(*dotted_path) + EXT
to_try = self.import_paths + ([base_path] if base_path is not None else []) + [stdlib_loader]
for source in to_try:
if callable(source):
joined_path, text = source(base_path, grammar_path)
joined_path = os.path.join(source, grammar_path)
with open(joined_path, encoding='utf8') as f:
text = f.read()
except IOError:
gb = GrammarBuilder(self.global_keep_all_tokens, self.import_paths)
gb.load_grammar(text, joined_path, mangle, dotted_path)
gb._remove_unused(map(mangle, aliases))
for name in gb._definitions:
if name in self._definitions:
raise GrammarError("Cannot import '%s' from '%s': Symbol already defined." % (name, grammar_path))
# Search failed. Make Python throw a nice error.
open(grammar_path, encoding='utf8')
assert False, "Couldn't import grammar %s, but a corresponding file was found at a place where lark doesn't search for it" % (dotted_path,)
if name.startswith('__'):
raise GrammarError('Names starting with double-underscore are reserved (Error at %s)' % name)
if name in rule_names:
raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' defined more than once" % name)
rule_names[name] = len(params)
for name, params , expansions, _o in rule_defs:
def validate(self):
for name, (params, exp, _options) in self._definitions.items():
for i, p in enumerate(params):
if p in rule_names:
if p in self._definitions:
raise GrammarError("Template Parameter conflicts with rule %s (in template %s)" % (p, name))
if p in params[:i]:
raise GrammarError("Duplicate Template Parameter %s (in template %s)" % (p, name))
for temp in expansions.find_data('template_usage'):
if exp is None: # Remaining checks don't apply to abstract rules/terminals
for temp in exp.find_data('template_usage'):
sym = temp.children[0]
args = temp.children[1:]
if sym not in params:
if sym not in rule_names:
raise GrammarError("Template '%s' used but not defined (in rule %s)" % (sym, name))
if len(args) != rule_names[sym]:
raise GrammarError("Wrong number of template arguments used for %s "
"(expected %s, got %s) (in rule %s)" % (sym, rule_names[sym], len(args), name))
for sym in _find_used_symbols(expansions):
if sym.type == 'TERMINAL':
if sym not in terminal_names:
raise GrammarError("Token '%s' used but not defined (in rule %s)" % (sym, name))
if sym not in rule_names and sym not in params:
raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' used but not defined (in rule %s)" % (sym, name))
return Grammar(rule_defs, term_defs, ignore_names)
if sym not in self._definitions:
self._grammar_error("Template '%s' used but not defined (in {type} {name})" % sym, name)
if len(args) != len(self._definitions[sym][0]):
expected, actual = len(self._definitions[sym][0]), len(args)
self._grammar_error("Wrong number of template arguments used for {name} "
"(expected %s, got %s) (in {type2} {name2})" % (expected, actual), sym, name)
for sym in _find_used_symbols(exp):
if sym not in self._definitions and sym not in params:
self._grammar_error("{Type} '{name}' used but not defined (in {type2} {name2})", sym, name)
if not set(self._definitions).issuperset(self._ignore_names):
raise GrammarError("Terminals %s were marked to ignore but were not defined!" % (set(self._ignore_names) - set(self._definitions)))
def build(self):
rule_defs = []
term_defs = []
for name, (params, exp, options) in self._definitions.items():
if self._is_term(name):
assert len(params) == 0
term_defs.append((name, (exp, options)))
rule_defs.append((name, params, exp, options))
# resolve_term_references(term_defs)
return Grammar(rule_defs, term_defs, self._ignore_names)
def load_grammar(grammar, source, import_paths, global_keep_all_tokens):
return GrammarLoader(global_keep_all_tokens).load_grammar(grammar, source, import_paths)
builder = GrammarBuilder(global_keep_all_tokens, import_paths)
builder.load_grammar(grammar, source)
return builder.build()