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Merge branch 'chsasank-sasank/sphinx-gallery'

Erez Sh 4 years ago
28 changed files with 235 additions and 184 deletions
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+ 2
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.gitignore View File

@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ tags

+ 6
- 1
docs/ View File

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ extensions = [

# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@@ -175,5 +176,9 @@ texinfo_documents = [

# -- Sphinx gallery config -------------------------------------------

sphinx_gallery_conf = {
'examples_dirs': ['../examples'],
'gallery_dirs': ['examples'],

+ 1
- 0
docs/index.rst View File

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Welcome to Lark's documentation!

.. toctree::

+ 2
- 0
docs/requirements.txt View File

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 0
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examples/ View File

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# Examples for Lark

#### How to run the examples

After cloning the repo, open the terminal into the root directory of the project, and run the following:

[lark]$ python -m examples.<name_of_example>

For example, the following will parse all the Python files in the standard library of your local installation:

[lark]$ python -m examples.python_parser

### Beginners

- []( - A simple example of a REPL calculator
- [json\]( - A simple JSON parser (comes with a tutorial, see docs)
- [indented\](indented\ - A demonstration of parsing indentation ("whitespace significant" language)
- []( - A demonstration of ambiguity
- [turtle\]( - Implements a LOGO-like toy language for Python's turtle, with interpreter.
- [lark\]( + [lark.lark](lark.lark) - A reference implementation of the Lark grammar (using LALR(1) + standard lexer)

### Advanced

- [error\_reporting\]( - A demonstration of example-driven error reporting with the LALR parser
- [python\]( - A fully-working Python 2 & 3 parser (but not production ready yet!)
- [python\]( - A toy example showing how to compile Python directly to bytecode
- [conf\]( - Demonstrates the power of LALR's contextual lexer on a toy configuration language
- [conf\]( - Demonstrates the power of Earley's dynamic lexer on a toy configuration language
- [custom\]( - Demonstrates using a custom lexer to parse a non-textual stream of data
- [reconstruct\]( - Demonstrates the experimental text-reconstruction feature

+ 21
- 0
examples/README.rst View File

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Examples for Lark

**How to run the examples**:

After cloning the repo, open the terminal into the root directory of the
project, and run the following:

.. code:: bash

[lark]$ python -m examples.<name_of_example>

For example, the following will parse all the Python files in the
standard library of your local installation:

.. code:: bash

[lark]$ python -m examples.python_parser

Beginner Examples

+ 2
- 0
examples/advanced/README.rst View File

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Advanced Examples

+ 44
- 0
examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Earley’s dynamic lexer

Demonstrates the power of Earley’s dynamic lexer on a toy configuration language

Using a lexer for configuration files is tricky, because values don't
have to be surrounded by delimiters. Using a standard lexer for this just won't work.

In this example we use a dynamic lexer and let the Earley parser resolve the ambiguity.

Another approach is to use the contextual lexer with LALR. It is less powerful than Earley,
but it can handle some ambiguity when lexing and it's much faster.
See examples/ for an example of that approach.

from lark import Lark

parser = Lark(r"""
start: _NL? section+
section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+
item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL
VALUE: /./+

%import common.CNAME -> NAME
%import common.NEWLINE -> _NL
%import common.WS_INLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", parser="earley")

def test():
sample_conf = """


r = parser.parse(sample_conf)
print (r.pretty())

if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 40
- 0
examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
LALR’s contextual lexer

Demonstrates the power of LALR’s contextual lexer on a toy configuration language.

The tokens NAME and VALUE match the same input. A standard lexer would arbitrarily
choose one over the other, which would lead to a (confusing) parse error.
However, due to the unambiguous structure of the grammar, Lark's LALR(1) algorithm knows
which one of them to expect at each point during the parse.
The lexer then only matches the tokens that the parser expects.
The result is a correct parse, something that is impossible with a regular lexer.

Another approach is to discard a lexer altogether and use the Earley algorithm.
It will handle more cases than the contextual lexer, but at the cost of performance.
See examples/ for an example of that approach.
from lark import Lark

parser = Lark(r"""
start: _NL? section+
section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+
item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL
VALUE: /./+

%import common.CNAME -> NAME
%import common.NEWLINE -> _NL
%import common.WS_INLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", parser="lalr")

sample_conf = """


examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# This example demonstrates using Lark with a custom lexer.
# You can use a custom lexer to tokenize text when the lexers offered by Lark
# are too slow, or not flexible enough.
# You can also use it (as shown in this example) to tokenize streams of objects.
Custom lexer

Demonstrates using a custom lexer to parse a non-textual stream of data

You can use a custom lexer to tokenize text when the lexers offered by Lark
are too slow, or not flexible enough.

You can also use it (as shown in this example) to tokenize streams of objects.
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
from lark.lexer import Lexer, Token

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# This example demonstrates error handling using a parsing puppet in LALR
# When the parser encounters an UnexpectedToken exception, it creates a
# parsing puppet with the current parse-state, and lets you control how
# to proceed step-by-step. When you've achieved the correct parse-state,
# you can resume the run by returning True.
Error handling with parsing puppet

This example demonstrates error handling using a parsing puppet in LALR

When the parser encounters an UnexpectedToken exception, it creates a
parsing puppet with the current parse-state, and lets you control how
to proceed step-by-step. When you've achieved the correct parse-state,
you can resume the run by returning True.

from lark import UnexpectedToken, Token

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# This demonstrates example-driven error reporting with the LALR parser
Example Driver Error Reporting

A demonstration of example-driven error reporting with the LALR parser

from lark import Lark, UnexpectedInput

from .json_parser import json_grammar # Using the grammar from the json_parser example

examples/python2.lark → examples/advanced/python2.lark View File

examples/python3.lark → examples/advanced/python3.lark View File

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# This is a toy example that compiles Python directly to bytecode, without generating an AST.
# It currently only works for very very simple Python code.
# It requires the 'bytecode' library. You can get it using
# $ pip install bytecode
Compile Python to Bytecode
A toy example that compiles Python directly to bytecode, without generating an AST.
It currently only works for very very simple Python code.

It requires the 'bytecode' library. You can get it using

$ pip install bytecode

from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
from lark.indenter import Indenter

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
# This example demonstrates usage of the included Python grammars
Real Python Parser

A fully-working Python 2 & 3 parser (but not production ready yet!)

This example demonstrates usage of the included Python grammars
import sys
import os, os.path
from io import open

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
# This example shows how to write a syntax-highlighted editor with Qt and Lark
# Requirements:
# PyQt5==5.10.1
# QScintilla==2.10.4
Syntax Highlighting

This example shows how to write a syntax-highlighted editor with Qt and Lark



import sys
import textwrap

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# This example demonstrates an experimental feature: Text reconstruction
# The Reconstructor takes a parse tree (already filtered from punctuation, of course),
# and reconstructs it into correct text, that can be parsed correctly.
# It can be useful for creating "hooks" to alter data before handing it to other parsers. You can also use it to generate samples from scratch.
Reconstruct a JSON

Demonstrates the experimental text-reconstruction feature

The Reconstructor takes a parse tree (already filtered from punctuation, of course),
and reconstructs it into correct text, that can be parsed correctly.
It can be useful for creating "hooks" to alter data before handing it to other parsers. You can also use it to generate samples from scratch.

import json

examples/template_lark.lark → examples/advanced/template_lark.lark View File

examples/ → examples/advanced/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# This example shows how to use Lark's templates to achieve cleaner grammars

This example shows how to use Lark's templates to achieve cleaner grammars

from lark import Lark

grammar = r"""

+ 7
- 3
examples/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
# This example shows how to write a basic calculator with variables.
Basic calculator

A simple example of a REPL calculator

This example shows how to write a basic calculator with variables.
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args

+ 0
- 42
examples/ View File

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# This example demonstrates parsing using the dynamic-lexer earley frontend
# Using a lexer for configuration files is tricky, because values don't
# have to be surrounded by delimiters. Using a standard lexer for this just won't work.
# In this example we use a dynamic lexer and let the Earley parser resolve the ambiguity.
# Another approach is to use the contextual lexer with LALR. It is less powerful than Earley,
# but it can handle some ambiguity when lexing and it's much faster.
# See examples/ for an example of that approach.

from lark import Lark

parser = Lark(r"""
start: _NL? section+
section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+
item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL
VALUE: /./+

%import common.CNAME -> NAME
%import common.NEWLINE -> _NL
%import common.WS_INLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", parser="earley")

def test():
sample_conf = """


r = parser.parse(sample_conf)
print (r.pretty())

if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 0
- 38
examples/ View File

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# This example demonstrates the power of the contextual lexer, by parsing a config file.
# The tokens NAME and VALUE match the same input. A standard lexer would arbitrarily
# choose one over the other, which would lead to a (confusing) parse error.
# However, due to the unambiguous structure of the grammar, Lark's LALR(1) algorithm knows
# which one of them to expect at each point during the parse.
# The lexer then only matches the tokens that the parser expects.
# The result is a correct parse, something that is impossible with a regular lexer.
# Another approach is to discard a lexer altogether and use the Earley algorithm.
# It will handle more cases than the contextual lexer, but at the cost of performance.
# See examples/ for an example of that approach.

from lark import Lark

parser = Lark(r"""
start: _NL? section+
section: "[" NAME "]" _NL item+
item: NAME "=" VALUE? _NL
VALUE: /./+

%import common.CNAME -> NAME
%import common.NEWLINE -> _NL
%import common.WS_INLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", parser="lalr")

sample_conf = """


+ 8
- 3
examples/ View File

@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# This example shows how to use get explicit ambiguity from Lark's Earley parser.
Handling Ambiguity

A demonstration of ambiguity

This example shows how to use get explicit ambiguity from Lark's Earley parser.

import sys
from lark import Lark, tree

+ 12
- 9
examples/ View File

@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
# This example demonstrates usage of the Indenter class.
# Since indentation is context-sensitive, a postlex stage is introduced to
# manufacture INDENT/DEDENT tokens.
# It is crucial for the indenter that the NL_type matches
# the spaces (and tabs) after the newline.
Parsing Indentation

A demonstration of parsing indentation (“whitespace significant” language)
and the usage of the Indenter class.

Since indentation is context-sensitive, a postlex stage is introduced to
manufacture INDENT/DEDENT tokens.

It is crucial for the indenter that the NL_type matches
the spaces (and tabs) after the newline.
from lark import Lark
from lark.indenter import Indenter

+ 6
- 6
examples/ View File

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# This example shows how to write a basic JSON parser
# The code is short and clear, and outperforms every other parser (that's written in Python).
# For an explanation, check out the JSON parser tutorial at /docs/
Simple JSON Parser

The code is short and clear, and outperforms every other parser (that's written in Python).
For an explanation, check out the JSON parser tutorial at /docs/
import sys

from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args

+ 6
- 0
examples/ View File

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Lark Grammar

A reference implementation of the Lark grammar (using LALR(1))
from lark import Lark

parser = Lark(open('examples/lark.lark'), parser="lalr")

+ 6
- 1
examples/ View File

@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# This example implements a LOGO-like toy language for Python's turtle, with interpreter.
Turtle DSL

Implements a LOGO-like toy language for Python’s turtle, with interpreter.

input = raw_input # For Python2 compatibility
