@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ |
import os.path |
import sys |
import codecs |
import argparse |
from lark import Lark, InlineTransformer |
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l, js_code, folder_path, includes): |
return rule_defs |
def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path, folder_path): |
def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path, folder_path, es6=False): |
import js2py |
emit_code = [] |
@@ -160,7 +161,10 @@ def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path, folder_path): |
for alias, code in n2l.alias_js_code.items(): |
js_code.append('%s = (%s);' % (alias, code)) |
emit(js2py.translate_js('\n'.join(js_code))) |
if es6: |
emit(js2py.translate_js6('\n'.join(js_code))) |
else: |
emit(js2py.translate_js('\n'.join(js_code))) |
emit('class TransformNearley(Transformer):') |
for alias in n2l.alias_js_code: |
emit(" %s = var.get('%s').to_python()" % (alias, alias)) |
@@ -173,18 +177,20 @@ def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path, folder_path): |
return ''.join(emit_code) |
def main(fn, start, nearley_lib): |
def main(fn, start, nearley_lib, es6=False): |
with codecs.open(fn, encoding='utf8') as f: |
grammar = f.read() |
return create_code_for_nearley_grammar(grammar, start, os.path.join(nearley_lib, 'builtin'), os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fn))) |
return create_code_for_nearley_grammar(grammar, start, os.path.join(nearley_lib, 'builtin'), os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fn)), es6=es6) |
def get_parser(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Reads Nearley grammar (with js functions) outputs an equivalent lark parser.') |
parser.add_argument('nearley_grammar', help='Path to the file containing the nearley grammar') |
parser.add_argument('start_rule', help='Rule within the nearley grammar to make the base rule') |
parser.add_argument('nearley_lib', help='') |
parser.add_argument('--es6', help='Enable experimental ES6 support', action='store_true') |
return parser |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
if len(sys.argv) < 4: |
print("Reads Nearley grammar (with js functions) outputs an equivalent lark parser.") |
print("Usage: %s <nearley_grammar_path> <start_rule> <nearley_lib_path>" % sys.argv[0]) |
sys.exit(1) |
fn, start, nearley_lib = sys.argv[1:] |
print(main(fn, start, nearley_lib)) |
parser = get_parser() |
args = parser.parse_args() |
print(main(fn=args.nearley_grammar, start=args.start_rule, nearley_lib=args.nearley_lib, es6=args.es6)) |