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Merge pull request #971 from lark-parser/MegaIng-fix_recursion_error_terminal_corrections

Erez Shinan hace 3 años
committed by GitHub
No se encontró ninguna clave conocida en la base de datos para esta firma ID de clave GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
Se han modificado 8 ficheros con 42 adiciones y 21 borrados
  1. +1
  2. +3
  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. +12
  6. +1
  7. +11
  8. +12

+ 1
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README.md Ver fichero

@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ Check out the [JSON tutorial](/docs/json_tutorial.md#conclusion) for more detail

### Projects using Lark

- [Poetry](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-core) - A utility for dependency management and packaging
- [tartiflette](https://github.com/dailymotion/tartiflette) - a GraphQL server by Dailymotion
- [Hypothesis](https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis) - Library for property-based testing
- [mappyfile](https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile) - a MapFile parser for working with MapServer configuration

+ 3
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lark-stubs/tree.pyi Ver fichero

@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ class Tree:
def expand_kids_by_index(self, *indices: int) -> None:

def expand_kids_by_data(self, *data_values: str) -> bool:

def scan_values(self, pred: Callable[[Union[str, Tree]], bool]) -> Iterator[str]:

+ 1
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lark/exceptions.py Ver fichero

@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
# TODO considered_rules and expected can be figured out using state
self.line = getattr(token, 'line', '?')
self.column = getattr(token, 'column', '?')
self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'pos_in_stream', None)
self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'start_pos', None)
self.state = state

self.token = token

+ 1
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lark/lexer.py Ver fichero

@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class Token(Str):

def pos_in_stream(self):
warn("Attribute Token.pos_in_stream was renamed to Token.start_pos", DeprecationWarning)
warn("Attribute Token.pos_in_stream was renamed to Token.start_pos", DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.start_pos

def update(self, type_=None, value=None):

+ 12
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lark/load_grammar.py Ver fichero

@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ TERMINALS = {
'STRING': r'"(\\"|\\\\|[^"\n])*?"i?',
'REGEXP': r'/(?!/)(\\/|\\\\|[^/])*?/[%s]*' % _RE_FLAGS,
'_NL': r'(\r?\n)+\s*',
'_NL_OR': r'(\r?\n)+\s*\|',
'WS': r'[ \t]+',
'COMMENT': r'\s*//[^\n]*',
'_TO': '->',
@@ -113,9 +114,10 @@ RULES = {
'_template_params': ['RULE',
'_template_params _COMMA RULE'],
'expansions': ['alias',
'expansions _OR alias',
'expansions _NL _OR alias'],
'expansions': ['_expansions'],
'_expansions': ['alias',
'_expansions _OR alias',
'_expansions _NL_OR alias'],

'?alias': ['expansion _TO RULE', 'expansion'],
'expansion': ['_expansion'],
@@ -356,12 +358,8 @@ class SimplifyRule_Visitor(Visitor):

def _flatten(tree):
while True:
to_expand = [i for i, child in enumerate(tree.children)
if isinstance(child, Tree) and child.data == tree.data]
if not to_expand:
while tree.expand_kids_by_data(tree.data):

def expansion(self, tree):
# rules_list unpacking
@@ -599,8 +597,7 @@ def _make_joined_pattern(regexp, flags_set):

return PatternRE(regexp, flags)

class TerminalTreeToPattern(Transformer):
class TerminalTreeToPattern(Transformer_NonRecursive):
def pattern(self, ps):
p ,= ps
return p
@@ -670,8 +667,8 @@ class Grammar:
def compile(self, start, terminals_to_keep):
# We change the trees in-place (to support huge grammars)
# So deepcopy allows calling compile more than once.
term_defs = deepcopy(list(self.term_defs))
rule_defs = [(n,p,nr_deepcopy_tree(t),o) for n,p,t,o in self.rule_defs]
term_defs = [(n, (nr_deepcopy_tree(t), p)) for n, (t, p) in self.term_defs]
rule_defs = [(n, p, nr_deepcopy_tree(t), o) for n, p, t, o in self.rule_defs]

# ===================
# Compile Terminals
@@ -919,7 +916,7 @@ def _get_parser():
parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, ['start'])
lexer_conf.lexer_type = 'standard'
parser_conf.parser_type = 'lalr'
_get_parser.cache = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, {})
_get_parser.cache = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, None)
return _get_parser.cache

@@ -1096,9 +1093,7 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
# TODO: think about what to do with 'options'
base = self._definitions[name][1]

while len(base.children) == 2:
assert isinstance(base.children[0], Tree) and base.children[0].data == 'expansions', base
base = base.children[0]
assert isinstance(base, Tree) and base.data == 'expansions'
base.children.insert(0, exp)

def _ignore(self, exp_or_name):

+ 1
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lark/parse_tree_builder.py Ver fichero

@@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ class AmbiguousExpander:
if i in self.to_expand:

to_expand = [j for j, grandchild in enumerate(child.children) if _is_ambig_tree(grandchild)]

if not ambiguous:
return self.node_builder(children)

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lark/tree.py Ver fichero

@@ -107,6 +107,17 @@ class Tree(object):
kid = self.children[i]
self.children[i:i+1] = kid.children

def expand_kids_by_data(self, *data_values):
"""Expand (inline) children with any of the given data values. Returns True if anything changed"""
changed = False
for i in range(len(self.children)-1, -1, -1):
child = self.children[i]
if isinstance(child, Tree) and child.data in data_values:
self.children[i:i+1] = child.children
changed = True
return changed

def scan_values(self, pred):
"""Return all values in the tree that evaluate pred(value) as true.

+ 12
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tests/test_grammar.py Ver fichero

@@ -246,6 +246,18 @@ class TestGrammar(TestCase):
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, u'A' * 8190)
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, u'A' * 8192)

def test_large_terminal(self):
# TODO: The `reversed` below is required because otherwise the regex engine is happy
# with just parsing 9 from the string 999 instead of consuming the longest
g = "start: NUMBERS\n"
g += "NUMBERS: " + '|'.join('"%s"' % i for i in reversed(range(0, 1000)))

l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
for i in (0, 9, 99, 999):
self.assertEqual(l.parse(str(i)), Tree('start', [str(i)]))
for i in (-1, 1000):
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, str(i))

if __name__ == '__main__':
