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Merge branch 'master' into master

ehudt 6 lat temu
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Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
24 zmienionych plików z 1538 dodań i 445 usunięć
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  21. +203
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  24. +49

+ 15
- 13 Wyświetl plik

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Lark can:
- Build a parse-tree automagically, no construction code required
- Outperform all other Python libraries when using LALR(1) (Yes, including PLY)
- Run on every Python interpreter (it's pure-python)
- Generate a stand-alone parser (for LALR(1) grammars)

And many more features. Read ahead and find out.

@@ -66,10 +67,11 @@ See more [examples in the wiki](

- Builds a parse-tree (AST) automagically, based on the structure of the grammar
- **Earley** parser
- Can parse *ALL* context-free grammars
- Full support for ambiguity in grammar
- Can parse all context-free grammars
- Full support for ambiguous grammars
- **LALR(1)** parser
- Competitive with PLY
- Fast and light, competitive with PLY
- Can generate a stand-alone parser
- **EBNF** grammar
- **Unicode** fully supported
- **Python 2 & 3** compatible
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ See the full list of [features in the wiki](

#### Performance comparison

Lower is better!
Lark is the fastest and lightest (lower is better)

![Run-time Comparison](docs/comparison_runtime.png)

@@ -99,17 +101,17 @@ Check out the [JSON tutorial](/docs/ for more detail

#### Feature comparison

| Library | Algorithm | Grammar | Builds tree? | Supports ambiguity? | Can handle every CFG?
| **Lark** | Earley/LALR(1) | EBNF | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! |
| [PLY]( | LALR(1) | BNF | No | No | No |
| [PyParsing]( | PEG | Combinators | No | No | No\* |
| [Parsley]( | PEG | EBNF | No | No | No\* |
| [funcparserlib]( | Recursive-Descent | Combinators | No | No | No |
| [Parsimonious]( | PEG | EBNF | Yes | No | No\* |
| Library | Algorithm | Grammar | Builds tree? | Supports ambiguity? | Can handle every CFG? | Line/Column tracking | Generates Stand-alone
| **Lark** | Earley/LALR(1) | EBNF | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! | Yes! (LALR only) |
| [PLY]( | LALR(1) | BNF | No | No | No | No | No |
| [PyParsing]( | PEG | Combinators | No | No | No\* | No | No |
| [Parsley]( | PEG | EBNF | No | No | No\* | No | No |
| [funcparserlib]( | Recursive-Descent | Combinators | No | No | No | No | No |
| [Parsimonious]( | PEG | EBNF | Yes | No | No\* | No | No |

(\* *According to Wikipedia, it remains unanswered whether PEGs can really parse all deterministic CFGs*)
(\* *PEGs cannot handle non-deterministic grammars. Also, according to Wikipedia, it remains unanswered whether PEGs can really parse all deterministic CFGs*)

### Projects using Lark

+ 1
- 0
examples/standalone/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
python -m json.g >

+ 21
- 0
examples/standalone/json.g Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
?start: value

?value: object
| array
| string
| SIGNED_NUMBER -> number
| "true" -> true
| "false" -> false
| "null" -> null

array : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"
object : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}"
pair : string ":" value


%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.WS

%ignore WS

+ 794
- 0
examples/standalone/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
# The file was automatically generated by Lark v0.5.2
# Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool
# ----------------------------------
# Generates a stand-alone LALR(1) parser with a standard lexer
# Git:
# Author: Erez Shinan (
# This tool and its generated code use a separate license from Lark.
# It is licensed under GPLv2 or above.
# If you wish to purchase a commercial license for this tool and its
# generated code, contact me via email.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See <>.

import types
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

Str = type(u'')

def inline_args(f):
# print '@@', f.__name__, type(f), isinstance(f, types.FunctionType), isinstance(f, types.TypeType), isinstance(f, types.BuiltinFunctionType)
if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType):
def _f_func(self, args):
return f(self, *args)
return _f_func
elif isinstance(f, (type, types.BuiltinFunctionType)):
def _f_builtin(_self, args):
return f(*args)
return _f_builtin
elif isinstance(f, types.MethodType):
def _f(self, args):
return f.__func__(self, *args)
return _f
def _f(self, args):
return f.__call__.__func__(self, *args)
return _f

from contextlib import suppress # Python 3
except ImportError:
def suppress(*excs):
'''Catch and dismiss the provided exception

>>> x = 'hello'
>>> with suppress(IndexError):
... x = x[10]
>>> x
except excs:

def is_terminal(sym):
return sym.isupper()

class GrammarError(Exception):

class ParseError(Exception):

class UnexpectedToken(ParseError):
def __init__(self, token, expected, seq, index):
self.token = token
self.expected = expected
self.line = getattr(token, 'line', '?')
self.column = getattr(token, 'column', '?')

context = ' '.join(['%r(%s)' % (t.value, t.type) for t in seq[index:index+5]])
except AttributeError:
context = seq[index:index+5]
except TypeError:
context = "<no context>"
message = ("Unexpected token %r at line %s, column %s.\n"
"Expected: %s\n"
"Context: %s" % (token, self.line, self.column, expected, context))

super(UnexpectedToken, self).__init__(message)

class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, data, children): = data
self.children = list(children)

def __repr__(self):
return 'Tree(%s, %s)' % (, self.children)

def _pretty_label(self):

def _pretty(self, level, indent_str):
if len(self.children) == 1 and not isinstance(self.children[0], Tree):
return [ indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\t', '%s' % self.children[0], '\n']

l = [ indent_str*level, self._pretty_label(), '\n' ]
for n in self.children:
if isinstance(n, Tree):
l += n._pretty(level+1, indent_str)
l += [ indent_str*(level+1), '%s' % n, '\n' ]

return l

def pretty(self, indent_str=' '):
return ''.join(self._pretty(0, indent_str))
class Transformer(object):
def _get_func(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)

def transform(self, tree):
items = []
for c in tree.children:
items.append(self.transform(c) if isinstance(c, Tree) else c)
except Discard:
f = self._get_func(
except AttributeError:
return self.__default__(, items)
return f(items)

def __default__(self, data, children):
return Tree(data, children)

def __mul__(self, other):
return TransformerChain(self, other)

class Discard(Exception):

class TransformerChain(object):
def __init__(self, *transformers):
self.transformers = transformers

def transform(self, tree):
for t in self.transformers:
tree = t.transform(tree)
return tree

def __mul__(self, other):
return TransformerChain(*self.transformers + (other,))

class InlineTransformer(Transformer):
def _get_func(self, name): # use super()._get_func
return inline_args(getattr(self, name)).__get__(self)

class Visitor(object):
def visit(self, tree):
for child in tree.children:
if isinstance(child, Tree):

f = getattr(self,, self.__default__)
return tree

def __default__(self, tree):

class Visitor_NoRecurse(Visitor):
def visit(self, tree):
subtrees = list(tree.iter_subtrees())

for subtree in (subtrees):
getattr(self,, self.__default__)(subtree)
return tree

class Transformer_NoRecurse(Transformer):
def transform(self, tree):
subtrees = list(tree.iter_subtrees())

def _t(t):
# Assumes t is already transformed
f = self._get_func(
except AttributeError:
return self.__default__(t)
return f(t)

for subtree in subtrees:
children = []
for c in subtree.children:
children.append(_t(c) if isinstance(c, Tree) else c)
except Discard:
subtree.children = children

return _t(tree)

def __default__(self, t):
return t

class Indenter:
def __init__(self):
self.paren_level = 0
self.indent_level = [0]

def handle_NL(self, token):
if self.paren_level > 0:

yield token

indent_str = token.rsplit('\n', 1)[1] # Tabs and spaces
indent = indent_str.count(' ') + indent_str.count('\t') * self.tab_len

if indent > self.indent_level[-1]:
yield Token.new_borrow_pos(self.INDENT_type, indent_str, token)
while indent < self.indent_level[-1]:
yield Token.new_borrow_pos(self.DEDENT_type, indent_str, token)

assert indent == self.indent_level[-1], '%s != %s' % (indent, self.indent_level[-1])

def process(self, stream):
for token in stream:
if token.type == self.NL_type:
for t in self.handle_NL(token):
yield t
yield token

if token.type in self.OPEN_PAREN_types:
self.paren_level += 1
elif token.type in self.CLOSE_PAREN_types:
self.paren_level -= 1
assert self.paren_level >= 0

while len(self.indent_level) > 1:
yield Token(self.DEDENT_type, '')

assert self.indent_level == [0], self.indent_level

# XXX Hack for ContextualLexer. Maybe there's a more elegant solution?
def always_accept(self):
return (self.NL_type,)

class LexError(Exception):

class UnexpectedInput(LexError):
def __init__(self, seq, lex_pos, line, column, allowed=None):
context = seq[lex_pos:lex_pos+5]
message = "No token defined for: '%s' in %r at line %d col %d" % (seq[lex_pos], context, line, column)

super(UnexpectedInput, self).__init__(message)

self.line = line
self.column = column
self.context = context
self.allowed = allowed

class Token(Str):
def __new__(cls, type_, value, pos_in_stream=None, line=None, column=None):
inst = Str.__new__(cls, value)
inst.type = type_
inst.pos_in_stream = pos_in_stream
inst.value = value
inst.line = line
inst.column = column
return inst

def new_borrow_pos(cls, type_, value, borrow_t):
return cls(type_, value, borrow_t.pos_in_stream, line=borrow_t.line, column=borrow_t.column)

def __repr__(self):
return 'Token(%s, %r)' % (self.type, self.value)

def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return Token(self.type, self.value, self.pos_in_stream, self.line, self.column)

def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Token) and self.type != other.type:
return False

return Str.__eq__(self, other)

__hash__ = Str.__hash__

class LineCounter:
def __init__(self):
self.newline_char = '\n'
self.char_pos = 0
self.line = 1
self.column = 0
self.line_start_pos = 0

def feed(self, token, test_newline=True):
"""Consume a token and calculate the new line & column.

As an optional optimization, set test_newline=False is token doesn't contain a newline.
if test_newline:
newlines = token.count(self.newline_char)
if newlines:
self.line += newlines
self.line_start_pos = self.char_pos + token.rindex(self.newline_char) + 1

self.char_pos += len(token)
self.column = self.char_pos - self.line_start_pos

class _Lex:
"Built to serve both Lexer and ContextualLexer"
def __init__(self, lexer):
self.lexer = lexer

def lex(self, stream, newline_types, ignore_types):
newline_types = list(newline_types)
newline_types = list(newline_types)
line_ctr = LineCounter()

while True:
lexer = self.lexer
for mre, type_from_index in lexer.mres:
m = mre.match(stream, line_ctr.char_pos)
if m:
value =
type_ = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
if type_ not in ignore_types:
t = Token(type_, value, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)
if t.type in lexer.callback:
t = lexer.callback[t.type](t)
lexer = yield t

line_ctr.feed(value, type_ in newline_types)
if line_ctr.char_pos < len(stream):
raise UnexpectedInput(stream, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)

class UnlessCallback:
def __init__(self, mres):
self.mres = mres

def __call__(self, t):
for mre, type_from_index in self.mres:
m = mre.match(t.value)
if m:
value =
t.type = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
return t

class NodeBuilder:
def __init__(self, tree_class, name):
self.tree_class = tree_class = name

def __call__(self, children):
return self.tree_class(, children)

class Expand1:
def __init__(self, node_builder):
self.node_builder = node_builder

def __call__(self, children):
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
return self.node_builder(children)

class Factory:
def __init__(self, cls, *args):
self.cls = cls
self.args = args

def __call__(self, node_builder):
return self.cls(node_builder, *self.args)

class TokenWrapper:
"Used for fixing the results of scanless parsing"

def __init__(self, node_builder, token_name):
self.node_builder = node_builder
self.token_name = token_name

def __call__(self, children):
return self.node_builder( [Token(self.token_name, ''.join(children))] )

def identity(node_builder):
return node_builder

class ChildFilter:
def __init__(self, node_builder, to_include):
self.node_builder = node_builder
self.to_include = to_include

def __call__(self, children):
filtered = []
for i, to_expand in self.to_include:
if to_expand:
filtered += children[i].children

return self.node_builder(filtered)

def create_rule_handler(expansion, keep_all_tokens, filter_out):
# if not keep_all_tokens:
to_include = [(i, not is_terminal(sym) and sym.startswith('_'))
for i, sym in enumerate(expansion)
if keep_all_tokens
or not ((is_terminal(sym) and sym.startswith('_')) or sym in filter_out)

if len(to_include) < len(expansion) or any(to_expand for i, to_expand in to_include):
return Factory(ChildFilter, to_include)

# else, if no filtering required..
return identity

class PropagatePositions:
def __init__(self, node_builder):
self.node_builder = node_builder

def __call__(self, children):
res = self.node_builder(children)

if children:
for a in children:
with suppress(AttributeError):
res.line = a.line
res.column = a.column

for a in reversed(children):
with suppress(AttributeError):
res.end_line = a.end_line
res.end_col = a.end_col

return res

class Callback(object):

class ParseTreeBuilder:
def __init__(self, rules, tree_class, propagate_positions=False, keep_all_tokens=False):
self.tree_class = tree_class
self.propagate_positions = propagate_positions
self.always_keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens

self.rule_builders = list(self._init_builders(rules))

self.user_aliases = {}

def _init_builders(self, rules):
filter_out = set()
for rule in rules:
if rule.options and rule.options.filter_out:
assert rule.origin.startswith('_') # Just to make sure

for rule in rules:
options = rule.options
keep_all_tokens = self.always_keep_all_tokens or (options.keep_all_tokens if options else False)
expand1 = options.expand1 if options else False
create_token = options.create_token if options else False

wrapper_chain = filter(None, [
(expand1 and not rule.alias) and Expand1,
create_token and Factory(TokenWrapper, create_token),
create_rule_handler(rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens, filter_out),
self.propagate_positions and PropagatePositions,

yield rule, wrapper_chain

def create_callback(self, transformer=None):
callback = Callback()

for rule, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders:
internal_callback_name = '_callback_%s_%s' % (rule.origin, '_'.join(rule.expansion))

user_callback_name = rule.alias or rule.origin
f = transformer._get_func(user_callback_name)
except AttributeError:
f = NodeBuilder(self.tree_class, user_callback_name)

self.user_aliases[rule] = rule.alias
rule.alias = internal_callback_name

for w in wrapper_chain:
f = w(f)

if hasattr(callback, internal_callback_name):
raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' already exists" % (rule,))
setattr(callback, internal_callback_name, f)

return callback

class _Parser:
def __init__(self, parse_table, callbacks):
self.states = parse_table.states
self.start_state = parse_table.start_state
self.end_state = parse_table.end_state
self.callbacks = callbacks

def parse(self, seq, set_state=None):
i = 0
token = None
stream = iter(seq)
states = self.states

state_stack = [self.start_state]
value_stack = []

if set_state: set_state(self.start_state)

def get_action(key):
state = state_stack[-1]
return states[state][key]
except KeyError:
expected = states[state].keys()

raise UnexpectedToken(token, expected, seq, i)

def reduce(rule):
size = len(rule.expansion)
if size:
s = value_stack[-size:]
del state_stack[-size:]
del value_stack[-size:]
s = []

value = self.callbacks[rule](s)

_action, new_state = get_action(rule.origin)
assert _action is Shift

# Main LALR-parser loop
token = next(stream)
i += 1
while True:
action, arg = get_action(token.type)
assert arg != self.end_state

if action is Shift:
if set_state: set_state(arg)
token = next(stream)
i += 1
except StopIteration:

while True:
_action, arg = get_action('$END')
if _action is Shift:
assert arg == self.end_state
val ,= value_stack
return val

class Rule(object):
origin : a symbol
expansion : a list of symbols
def __init__(self, origin, expansion, alias=None, options=None):
self.origin = origin
self.expansion = expansion
self.alias = alias
self.options = options

def __str__(self):
return '<%s : %s>' % (self.origin, ' '.join(map(str,self.expansion)))

def __repr__(self):
return 'Rule(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self.origin, self.expansion, self.alias, self.options)

class RuleOptions:
def __init__(self, keep_all_tokens=False, expand1=False, create_token=None, filter_out=False, priority=None):
self.keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens
self.expand1 = expand1
self.create_token = create_token # used for scanless postprocessing
self.priority = priority

self.filter_out = filter_out # remove this rule from the tree
# used for "token"-rules in scanless

def __repr__(self):
return 'RuleOptions(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (

Shift = 0
Reduce = 1
import re
MRES = (
[('(?P<SIGNED_NUMBER>(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:(?:(?:[0-9])+(?:e|E)(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:[0-9])+|(?:(?:[0-9])+\\.(?:(?:[0-9])+)?|\\.(?:[0-9])+)(?:(?:e|E)(?:(?:\\+|\\-))?(?:[0-9])+)?)|(?:[0-9])+))|(?P<ESCAPED_STRING>\\"(?:(?:\\\\\\"|[^"]))*\\")|(?P<WS>(?:[ \t\x0c'
3: 'WS',
4: '__FALSE1',
5: '__NULL2',
6: '__TRUE0',
7: '__COLON',
8: '__COMMA',
9: '__LBRACE',
10: '__LSQB',
11: '__RBRACE',
12: '__RSQB'})]
class LexerRegexps: pass
lexer_regexps = LexerRegexps()
lexer_regexps.mres = [(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in MRES]
lexer_regexps.callback = {n: UnlessCallback([(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in mres])
for n, mres in LEXER_CALLBACK.items()}
lexer = _Lex(lexer_regexps)
def lex(stream):
return lexer.lex(stream, NEWLINE_TYPES, IGNORE_TYPES)
0: Rule('start', ['value'], None, RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
1: Rule('value', ['object'], None, RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
2: Rule('value', ['array'], None, RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
3: Rule('value', ['string'], None, RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
4: Rule('value', ['SIGNED_NUMBER'], 'number', RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
5: Rule('value', ['__TRUE0'], 'true', RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
6: Rule('value', ['__FALSE1'], 'false', RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
7: Rule('value', ['__NULL2'], 'null', RuleOptions(False, True, None, None, False)),
8: Rule('array', ['__LSQB', 'value', '__anon_star_0', '__RSQB'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
9: Rule('array', ['__LSQB', 'value', '__RSQB'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
10: Rule('array', ['__LSQB', '__RSQB'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
11: Rule('object', ['__LBRACE', 'pair', '__anon_star_1', '__RBRACE'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
12: Rule('object', ['__LBRACE', 'pair', '__RBRACE'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
13: Rule('object', ['__LBRACE', '__RBRACE'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
14: Rule('pair', ['string', '__COLON', 'value'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
15: Rule('string', ['ESCAPED_STRING'], None, RuleOptions(False, False, None, None, False)),
16: Rule('__anon_star_0', ['__COMMA', 'value'], None, None),
17: Rule('__anon_star_0', ['__anon_star_0', '__COMMA', 'value'], None, None),
18: Rule('__anon_star_1', ['__COMMA', 'pair'], None, None),
19: Rule('__anon_star_1', ['__anon_star_1', '__COMMA', 'pair'], None, None),
parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(RULES.values(), Tree)
class ParseTable: pass
parse_table = ParseTable()
0: {0: (0, 1), 1: (0, 2), 2: (0, 3), 3: (0, 4), 4: (0, 5), 5: (0, 6), 6: (0, 7), 7: (0, 8), 8: (0, 9), 9: (0, 10), 10: (0, 11), 11: (0, 12)},
1: {12: (1, 5), 13: (1, 5), 14: (1, 5), 15: (1, 5)},
2: {9: (0, 10), 14: (0, 13), 16: (0, 14), 11: (0, 15)},
3: {12: (1, 2), 13: (1, 2), 14: (1, 2), 15: (1, 2)},
4: {12: (1, 1), 13: (1, 1), 14: (1, 1), 15: (1, 1)},
5: {12: (0, 16)},
6: {7: (0, 17), 0: (0, 1), 1: (0, 2), 2: (0, 3), 3: (0, 4), 5: (0, 6), 6: (0, 7), 8: (0, 9), 9: (0, 10), 15: (0, 18), 10: (0, 11), 11: (0, 12)},
7: {12: (1, 4), 13: (1, 4), 14: (1, 4), 15: (1, 4)},
8: {12: (1, 0)},
9: {12: (1, 7), 13: (1, 7), 14: (1, 7), 15: (1, 7)},
10: {12: (1, 15), 17: (1, 15), 13: (1, 15), 14: (1, 15), 15: (1, 15)},
11: {12: (1, 6), 13: (1, 6), 14: (1, 6), 15: (1, 6)},
12: {12: (1, 3), 13: (1, 3), 14: (1, 3), 15: (1, 3)},
13: {13: (1, 13), 12: (1, 13), 14: (1, 13), 15: (1, 13)},
14: {14: (0, 19), 13: (0, 20), 18: (0, 21)},
15: {17: (0, 22)},
16: {},
17: {19: (0, 23), 15: (0, 24), 13: (0, 25)},
18: {13: (1, 10), 12: (1, 10), 14: (1, 10), 15: (1, 10)},
19: {13: (1, 12), 12: (1, 12), 14: (1, 12), 15: (1, 12)},
20: {9: (0, 10), 11: (0, 15), 16: (0, 26)},
21: {14: (0, 27), 13: (0, 28)},
22: {5: (0, 6), 1: (0, 2), 0: (0, 1), 8: (0, 9), 2: (0, 3), 3: (0, 4), 9: (0, 10), 6: (0, 7), 10: (0, 11), 11: (0, 12), 7: (0, 29)},
23: {15: (0, 30), 13: (0, 31)},
24: {13: (1, 9), 12: (1, 9), 14: (1, 9), 15: (1, 9)},
25: {5: (0, 6), 1: (0, 2), 0: (0, 1), 8: (0, 9), 2: (0, 3), 3: (0, 4), 7: (0, 32), 9: (0, 10), 6: (0, 7), 10: (0, 11), 11: (0, 12)},
26: {13: (1, 18), 14: (1, 18)},
27: {13: (1, 11), 12: (1, 11), 14: (1, 11), 15: (1, 11)},
28: {16: (0, 33), 9: (0, 10), 11: (0, 15)},
29: {13: (1, 14), 14: (1, 14)},
30: {13: (1, 8), 12: (1, 8), 14: (1, 8), 15: (1, 8)},
31: {5: (0, 6), 1: (0, 2), 0: (0, 1), 7: (0, 34), 8: (0, 9), 2: (0, 3), 3: (0, 4), 9: (0, 10), 6: (0, 7), 10: (0, 11), 11: (0, 12)},
32: {15: (1, 16), 13: (1, 16)},
33: {13: (1, 19), 14: (1, 19)},
34: {15: (1, 17), 13: (1, 17)},
{0: '__TRUE0',
1: '__LBRACE',
2: 'array',
3: 'object',
4: 'start',
5: '__LSQB',
7: 'value',
8: '__NULL2',
10: '__FALSE1',
11: 'string',
12: '$END',
13: '__COMMA',
14: '__RBRACE',
15: '__RSQB',
16: 'pair',
17: '__COLON',
18: '__anon_star_1',
19: '__anon_star_0'}
parse_table.states = {s: {TOKEN_TYPES[t]: (a, RULES[x] if a is Reduce else x) for t, (a, x) in acts.items()}
for s, acts in STATES.items()}
parse_table.start_state = 0
parse_table.end_state = 16
class Lark_StandAlone:
def __init__(self, transformer=None, postlex=None):
callback = parse_tree_builder.create_callback(transformer=transformer)
callbacks = {rule: getattr(callback, rule.alias or rule.origin, None) for rule in RULES.values()}
self.parser = _Parser(parse_table, callbacks)
self.postlex = postlex
def parse(self, stream):
tokens = lex(stream)
if self.postlex: tokens = self.postlex.process(tokens)
return self.parser.parse(tokens)

+ 25
- 0
examples/standalone/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import sys

from json_parser import Lark_StandAlone, Transformer, inline_args

class TreeToJson(Transformer):
def string(self, s):
return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"')

array = list
pair = tuple
object = dict
number = inline_args(float)

null = lambda self, _: None
true = lambda self, _: True
false = lambda self, _: False

parser = Lark_StandAlone(transformer=TreeToJson())

if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:

+ 1
- 1
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ from .lexer import UnexpectedInput, LexError
from .lark import Lark
from .utils import inline_args

__version__ = "0.5.1"
__version__ = "0.5.2"

+ 10
- 31
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
import re
import sre_parse
import sys

from .utils import get_regexp_width

Py36 = (sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6))

def is_terminal(sym):
return sym.isupper()

class GrammarError(Exception):

class ParseError(Exception):

class UnexpectedToken(ParseError):
def __init__(self, token, expected, seq, index):
self.token = token
@@ -31,9 +36,8 @@ class UnexpectedToken(ParseError):
super(UnexpectedToken, self).__init__(message)


def is_terminal(sym):
return isinstance(sym, Terminal) or sym.isupper() or sym == '$end'

class LexerConf:
@@ -44,7 +48,6 @@ class LexerConf:

class ParserConf:
def __init__(self, rules, callback, start):
assert all(len(r) == 4 for r in rules)
self.rules = rules
self.callback = callback
self.start = start
@@ -93,10 +96,10 @@ class PatternRE(Pattern):

def min_width(self):
return sre_parse.parse(self.to_regexp()).getwidth()[0]
return get_regexp_width(self.to_regexp())[0]
def max_width(self):
return sre_parse.parse(self.to_regexp()).getwidth()[1]
return get_regexp_width(self.to_regexp())[1]

class TokenDef(object):
def __init__(self, name, pattern, priority=1):
@@ -108,27 +111,3 @@ class TokenDef(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r, %r)' % (type(self).__name__,, self.pattern)

class Terminal:
def __init__(self, data): = data

def __repr__(self):
return '%r' %

def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and ==
def __hash__(self):
return hash(

class Terminal_Regexp(Terminal):
def __init__(self, name, regexp):
Terminal.__init__(self, regexp) = name
self.match = re.compile(regexp).match

class Terminal_Token(Terminal):
def match(self, other):
return == other.type

+ 37
- 0
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@

class Rule(object):
origin : a symbol
expansion : a list of symbols
def __init__(self, origin, expansion, alias=None, options=None):
self.origin = origin
self.expansion = expansion
self.alias = alias
self.options = options

def __str__(self):
return '<%s : %s>' % (self.origin, ' '.join(map(str,self.expansion)))

def __repr__(self):
return 'Rule(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self.origin, self.expansion, self.alias, self.options)

class RuleOptions:
def __init__(self, keep_all_tokens=False, expand1=False, create_token=None, filter_out=False, priority=None):
self.keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens
self.expand1 = expand1
self.create_token = create_token # used for scanless postprocessing
self.priority = priority

self.filter_out = filter_out # remove this rule from the tree
# used for "token"-rules in scanless

def __repr__(self):
return 'RuleOptions(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (

+ 1
- 0
lark/grammars/common.g Wyświetl plik

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ DECIMAL: INT "." INT? | "." INT
// float = /-?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?/
_EXP: ("e"|"E") SIGNED_INT


+ 3
- 0
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

from .lexer import Token

class Indenter:
def __init__(self):
self.paren_level = 0
@@ -50,3 +51,5 @@ class Indenter:
def always_accept(self):
return (self.NL_type,)


+ 5
- 3
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -169,13 +169,15 @@ class Lark:

def _build_parser(self):
self.parser_class = get_frontend(self.options.parser, self.options.lexer)
self.parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(self.rules, self.options.tree_class, self.options.propagate_positions, self.options.keep_all_tokens)
rules, callback = self.parse_tree_builder.apply(self.options.transformer)

self._parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(self.rules, self.options.tree_class, self.options.propagate_positions, self.options.keep_all_tokens)
callback = self._parse_tree_builder.create_callback(self.options.transformer)
if self.profiler:
for f in dir(callback):
if not (f.startswith('__') and f.endswith('__')):
setattr(callback, f, self.profiler.make_wrapper('transformer', getattr(callback, f)))
parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, self.options.start)

parser_conf = ParserConf(self.rules, callback, self.options.start)

return self.parser_class(self.lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=self.options)

+ 74
- 90
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import re
from .utils import Str, classify
from .common import is_terminal, PatternStr, PatternRE, TokenDef

class LexError(Exception):

@@ -48,27 +49,75 @@ class Token(Str):

__hash__ = Str.__hash__

class Regex:
def __init__(self, pattern, flags=()):
self.pattern = pattern
self.flags = flags

def _regexp_has_newline(r):
return '\n' in r or '\\n' in r or ('(?s)' in r and '.' in r)
class LineCounter:
def __init__(self):
self.newline_char = '\n'
self.char_pos = 0
self.line = 1
self.column = 0
self.line_start_pos = 0

def feed(self, token, test_newline=True):
"""Consume a token and calculate the new line & column.

As an optional optimization, set test_newline=False is token doesn't contain a newline.
if test_newline:
newlines = token.count(self.newline_char)
if newlines:
self.line += newlines
self.line_start_pos = self.char_pos + token.rindex(self.newline_char) + 1

self.char_pos += len(token)
self.column = self.char_pos - self.line_start_pos

class _Lex:
"Built to serve both Lexer and ContextualLexer"
def __init__(self, lexer):
self.lexer = lexer

def lex(self, stream, newline_types, ignore_types):
newline_types = list(newline_types)
ignore_types = list(ignore_types)
line_ctr = LineCounter()

def _create_unless_callback(strs):
mres = build_mres(strs, match_whole=True)
def unless_callback(t):
# if t in strs:
# t.type = strs[t]
for mre, type_from_index in mres:
while True:
lexer = self.lexer
for mre, type_from_index in lexer.mres:
m = mre.match(stream, line_ctr.char_pos)
if m:
value =
type_ = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
if type_ not in ignore_types:
t = Token(type_, value, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)
if t.type in lexer.callback:
t = lexer.callback[t.type](t)
yield t

line_ctr.feed(value, type_ in newline_types)
if line_ctr.char_pos < len(stream):
raise UnexpectedInput(stream, line_ctr.char_pos, line_ctr.line, line_ctr.column)

class UnlessCallback:
def __init__(self, mres):
self.mres = mres

def __call__(self, t):
for mre, type_from_index in self.mres:
m = mre.match(t.value)
if m:
value =
t.type = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
return t
return unless_callback


def _create_unless(tokens):
tokens_by_type = classify(tokens, lambda t: type(t.pattern))
@@ -85,7 +134,7 @@ def _create_unless(tokens):
if strtok.pattern.flags <= retok.pattern.flags:
if unless:
callback[] = _create_unless_callback(unless)
callback[] = UnlessCallback(build_mres(unless, match_whole=True))

tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in embedded_strs]
return tokens, callback
@@ -110,13 +159,13 @@ def _build_mres(tokens, max_size, match_whole):
def build_mres(tokens, match_whole=False):
return _build_mres(tokens, len(tokens), match_whole)

def _regexp_has_newline(r):
return '\n' in r or '\\n' in r or ('(?s)' in r and '.' in r)

class Lexer(object):
class Lexer:
def __init__(self, tokens, ignore=()):
assert all(isinstance(t, TokenDef) for t in tokens), tokens

self.ignore = ignore
self.newline_char = '\n'
tokens = list(tokens)

# Sanitization
@@ -129,14 +178,11 @@ class Lexer(object):
if t.pattern.min_width == 0:
raise LexError("Lexer does not allow zero-width tokens. (%s: %s)" % (, t.pattern))

token_names = { for t in tokens}
for t in ignore:
if t not in token_names:
raise LexError("Token '%s' was marked to ignore but it is not defined!" % t)
assert set(ignore) <= { for t in tokens}

# Init
self.newline_types = [ for t in tokens if _regexp_has_newline(t.pattern.to_regexp())]
self.ignore_types = [t for t in ignore]
self.ignore_types = list(ignore)

tokens.sort(key=lambda x:(-x.priority, -x.pattern.max_width, -len(x.pattern.value),

@@ -147,46 +193,8 @@ class Lexer(object):

self.mres = build_mres(tokens)

def lex(self, stream):
lex_pos = 0
line = 1
col_start_pos = 0
newline_types = list(self.newline_types)
ignore_types = list(self.ignore_types)
while True:
for mre, type_from_index in self.mres:
m = mre.match(stream, lex_pos)
if m:
value =
type_ = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
to_yield = type_ not in ignore_types

if to_yield:
t = Token(type_, value, lex_pos, line, lex_pos - col_start_pos)
end_col = t.column + len(value)
if t.type in self.callback:
t = self.callback[t.type](t)

if type_ in newline_types:
newlines = value.count(self.newline_char)
if newlines:
line += newlines
last_newline_index = value.rindex(self.newline_char) + 1
col_start_pos = lex_pos + last_newline_index
end_col = len(value) - last_newline_index

if to_yield:
t.end_line = line
t.end_col = end_col
yield t

lex_pos += len(value)
if lex_pos < len(stream):
raise UnexpectedInput(stream, lex_pos, line, lex_pos - col_start_pos)
return _Lex(self).lex(stream, self.newline_types, self.ignore_types)

class ContextualLexer:
@@ -204,7 +212,7 @@ class ContextualLexer:
lexer = lexer_by_tokens[key]
except KeyError:
accepts = set(accepts) | set(ignore) | set(always_accept)
state_tokens = [tokens_by_name[n] for n in accepts if is_terminal(n) and n!='$end']
state_tokens = [tokens_by_name[n] for n in accepts if is_terminal(n) and n!='$END']
lexer = Lexer(state_tokens, ignore=ignore)
lexer_by_tokens[key] = lexer

@@ -218,33 +226,9 @@ class ContextualLexer:
self.parser_state = state

def lex(self, stream):
lex_pos = 0
line = 1
col_start_pos = 0
newline_types = list(self.root_lexer.newline_types)
ignore_types = list(self.root_lexer.ignore_types)
while True:
lexer = self.lexers[self.parser_state]
for mre, type_from_index in lexer.mres:
m = mre.match(stream, lex_pos)
if m:
value =
type_ = type_from_index[m.lastindex]
if type_ not in ignore_types:
t = Token(type_, value, lex_pos, line, lex_pos - col_start_pos)
if t.type in lexer.callback:
t = lexer.callback[t.type](t)
yield t
l = _Lex(self.lexers[self.parser_state])
for x in l.lex(stream, self.root_lexer.newline_types, self.root_lexer.ignore_types):
yield x
l.lexer = self.lexers[self.parser_state]

if type_ in newline_types:
newlines = value.count(lexer.newline_char)
if newlines:
line += newlines
col_start_pos = lex_pos + value.rindex(lexer.newline_char)
lex_pos += len(value)
if lex_pos < len(stream):
raise UnexpectedInput(stream, lex_pos, line, lex_pos - col_start_pos, lexer.tokens)

+ 51
- 51
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from .parse_tree_builder import ParseTreeBuilder
from .parser_frontends import LALR
from .parsers.lalr_parser import UnexpectedToken
from .common import is_terminal, GrammarError, LexerConf, ParserConf, PatternStr, PatternRE, TokenDef
from .grammar import RuleOptions, Rule

from .tree import Tree as T, Transformer, InlineTransformer, Visitor

@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ RULES = {

class EBNF_to_BNF(InlineTransformer):
def __init__(self):
self.new_rules = {}
self.new_rules = []
self.rules_by_expr = {}
self.prefix = 'anon'
self.i = 0
@@ -140,7 +141,8 @@ class EBNF_to_BNF(InlineTransformer):
new_name = '__%s_%s_%d' % (self.prefix, type_, self.i)
self.i += 1
t = Token('RULE', new_name, -1)
self.new_rules[new_name] = T('expansions', [T('expansion', [expr]), T('expansion', [t, expr])]), self.rule_options
tree = T('expansions', [T('expansion', [expr]), T('expansion', [t, expr])])
self.new_rules.append((new_name, tree, self.rule_options))
self.rules_by_expr[expr] = t
return t

@@ -174,7 +176,6 @@ class SimplifyRule_Visitor(Visitor):

def expansion(self, tree):
# rules_list unpacking
# a : b (c|d) e
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ class SimplifyRule_Visitor(Visitor): = 'expansions'
tree.children = [self.visit(T('expansion', [option if i==j else other
for j, other in enumerate(tree.children)]))
for option in child.children]
for option in set(child.children)]
@@ -208,7 +209,10 @@ class SimplifyRule_Visitor(Visitor): = 'expansions'
tree.children = aliases

expansions = _flatten
def expansions(self, tree):
tree.children = list(set(tree.children))

class RuleTreeToText(Transformer):
def expansions(self, x):
@@ -389,12 +393,6 @@ def _interleave(l, item):
def _choice_of_rules(rules):
return T('expansions', [T('expansion', [Token('RULE', name)]) for name in rules])

def dict_update_safe(d1, d2):
for k, v in d2.items():
assert k not in d1
d1[k] = v

class Grammar:
def __init__(self, rule_defs, token_defs, ignore):
self.token_defs = token_defs
@@ -411,6 +409,7 @@ class Grammar:
terms_to_ignore = {name:'__'+name for name in self.ignore}
if terms_to_ignore:
assert set(terms_to_ignore) <= {name for name, _t in term_defs}

term_defs = [(terms_to_ignore.get(name,name),t) for name,t in term_defs]
expr = Token('RULE', '__ignore')
for r, tree, _o in rule_defs:
@@ -466,57 +465,41 @@ class Grammar:
# =================
# Compile Rules
# =================
ebnf_to_bnf = EBNF_to_BNF()
simplify_rule = SimplifyRule_Visitor()

# 1. Pre-process terminals
transformer = PrepareLiterals()
if not lexer:
transformer *= SplitLiterals()
transformer *= ExtractAnonTokens(tokens) # Adds to tokens

rules = {}
# 2. Convert EBNF to BNF (and apply step 1)
ebnf_to_bnf = EBNF_to_BNF()
rules = []
for name, rule_tree, options in rule_defs:
assert name not in rules, name
ebnf_to_bnf.rule_options = RuleOptions(keep_all_tokens=True) if options and options.keep_all_tokens else None
tree = transformer.transform(rule_tree)
rules[name] = ebnf_to_bnf.transform(tree), options
rules.append((name, ebnf_to_bnf.transform(tree), options))
rules += ebnf_to_bnf.new_rules

dict_update_safe(rules, ebnf_to_bnf.new_rules)

for tree, _o in rules.values():
assert len(rules) == len({name for name, _t, _o in rules}), "Whoops, name collision"

# 3. Compile tree to Rule objects
rule_tree_to_text = RuleTreeToText()
rules = {origin: (rule_tree_to_text.transform(tree), options) for origin, (tree, options) in rules.items()}

return tokens, rules, self.ignore

simplify_rule = SimplifyRule_Visitor()
compiled_rules = []
for name, tree, options in rules:
expansions = rule_tree_to_text.transform(tree)

for expansion, alias in expansions:
if alias and name.startswith('_'):
raise Exception("Rule %s is marked for expansion (it starts with an underscore) and isn't allowed to have aliases (alias=%s)" % (name, alias))

class RuleOptions:
def __init__(self, keep_all_tokens=False, expand1=False, create_token=None, filter_out=False, priority=None):
self.keep_all_tokens = keep_all_tokens
self.expand1 = expand1
self.create_token = create_token # used for scanless postprocessing
self.priority = priority

self.filter_out = filter_out # remove this rule from the tree
# used for "token"-rules in scanless
def from_rule(cls, name, *x):
if len(x) > 1:
priority, expansions = x
priority = int(priority)
expansions ,= x
priority = None

keep_all_tokens = name.startswith('!')
name = name.lstrip('!')
expand1 = name.startswith('?')
name = name.lstrip('?')
rule = Rule(name, expansion, alias, options)

return name, expansions, cls(keep_all_tokens, expand1, priority=priority)
return tokens, compiled_rules, self.ignore

@@ -553,15 +536,30 @@ def resolve_token_references(token_defs):
if not changed:

def options_from_rule(name, *x):
if len(x) > 1:
priority, expansions = x
priority = int(priority)
expansions ,= x
priority = None

keep_all_tokens = name.startswith('!')
name = name.lstrip('!')
expand1 = name.startswith('?')
name = name.lstrip('?')

return name, expansions, RuleOptions(keep_all_tokens, expand1, priority=priority)

class GrammarLoader:
def __init__(self):
tokens = [TokenDef(name, PatternRE(value)) for name, value in TOKENS.items()]

rules = [RuleOptions.from_rule(name, x) for name, x in RULES.items()]
d = {r: ([(x.split(), None) for x in xs], o) for r, xs, o in rules}
rules, callback = ParseTreeBuilder(d, T).apply()
rules = [options_from_rule(name, x) for name, x in RULES.items()]
rules = [Rule(r, x.split(), None, o) for r, xs, o in rules for x in xs]
callback = ParseTreeBuilder(rules, T).create_callback()
lexer_conf = LexerConf(tokens, ['WS', 'COMMENT'])

parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, 'start')
self.parser = LALR(lexer_conf, parser_conf)

@@ -636,7 +634,6 @@ class GrammarLoader:
token_defs.append((name, (t, 0)))

# Verify correctness 2
token_names = set()
for name, _ in token_defs:
@@ -644,10 +641,13 @@ class GrammarLoader:
raise GrammarError("Token '%s' defined more than once" % name)

if set(ignore_names) > token_names:
raise GrammarError("Tokens %s were marked to ignore but were not defined!" % (set(ignore_names) - token_names))

# Resolve token references

rules = [RuleOptions.from_rule(*x) for x in rule_defs]
rules = [options_from_rule(*x) for x in rule_defs]

rule_names = set()
for name, _x, _o in rules:

+ 33
- 28
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
from .common import is_terminal, GrammarError
from .utils import suppress
from .lexer import Token
from .grammar import Rule


class NodeBuilder:
def __init__(self, tree_class, name):
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ class Factory:

def __call__(self, node_builder):
return self.cls(node_builder, *self.args)

class TokenWrapper:
"Used for fixing the results of scanless parsing"
@@ -106,51 +109,53 @@ class ParseTreeBuilder:

self.rule_builders = list(self._init_builders(rules))

self.user_aliases = {}

def _init_builders(self, rules):
filter_out = set()
for origin, (expansions, options) in rules.items():
if options and options.filter_out:
assert origin.startswith('_') # Just to make sure
for rule in rules:
if rule.options and rule.options.filter_out:
assert rule.origin.startswith('_') # Just to make sure

for origin, (expansions, options) in rules.items():
for rule in rules:
options = rule.options
keep_all_tokens = self.always_keep_all_tokens or (options.keep_all_tokens if options else False)
expand1 = options.expand1 if options else False
create_token = options.create_token if options else False

for expansion, alias in expansions:
if alias and origin.startswith('_'):
raise Exception("Rule %s is marked for expansion (it starts with an underscore) and isn't allowed to have aliases (alias=%s)" % (origin, alias))
wrapper_chain = filter(None, [
(expand1 and not rule.alias) and Expand1,
create_token and Factory(TokenWrapper, create_token),
create_rule_handler(rule.expansion, keep_all_tokens, filter_out),
self.propagate_positions and PropagatePositions,

wrapper_chain = filter(None, [
(expand1 and not alias) and Expand1,
create_token and Factory(TokenWrapper, create_token),
create_rule_handler(expansion, keep_all_tokens, filter_out),
self.propagate_positions and PropagatePositions,
yield rule, wrapper_chain

yield origin, expansion, options, alias or origin, wrapper_chain

def apply(self, transformer=None):
def create_callback(self, transformer=None):
callback = Callback()

new_rules = []
for origin, expansion, options, alias, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders:
callback_name = '_callback_%s_%s' % (origin, '_'.join(expansion))
for rule, wrapper_chain in self.rule_builders:
internal_callback_name = '_callback_%s_%s' % (rule.origin, '_'.join(rule.expansion))

user_callback_name = rule.alias or rule.origin
f = transformer._get_func(alias)
f = transformer._get_func(user_callback_name)
except AttributeError:
f = NodeBuilder(self.tree_class, alias)
f = NodeBuilder(self.tree_class, user_callback_name)

self.user_aliases[rule] = rule.alias
rule.alias = internal_callback_name

for w in wrapper_chain:
f = w(f)

if hasattr(callback, callback_name):
raise GrammarError("Rule expansion '%s' already exists in rule %s" % (' '.join(expansion), origin))
setattr(callback, callback_name, f)
if hasattr(callback, internal_callback_name):
raise GrammarError("Rule '%s' already exists" % (rule,))
setattr(callback, internal_callback_name, f)

new_rules.append(( origin, expansion, callback_name, options ))
return callback

return new_rules, callback

+ 55
- 63
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import re
import sre_parse
from .utils import get_regexp_width

from parsers.grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
from .lexer import Lexer, ContextualLexer, Token
@@ -9,10 +9,16 @@ from .parsers import lalr_parser, earley, xearley, resolve_ambig, cyk
from .tree import Tree

class WithLexer:
def __init__(self, lexer_conf):
def init_traditional_lexer(self, lexer_conf):
self.lexer_conf = lexer_conf
self.lexer = Lexer(lexer_conf.tokens, ignore=lexer_conf.ignore)

def init_contextual_lexer(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf):
self.lexer_conf = lexer_conf
d = {idx:t.keys() for idx, t in self.parser.analysis.parse_table.states.items()}
always_accept = lexer_conf.postlex.always_accept if lexer_conf.postlex else ()
self.lexer = ContextualLexer(lexer_conf.tokens, d, ignore=lexer_conf.ignore, always_accept=always_accept)

def lex(self, text):
stream = self.lexer.lex(text)
if self.lexer_conf.postlex:
@@ -23,32 +29,22 @@ class WithLexer:

class LALR(WithLexer):
def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
WithLexer.__init__(self, lexer_conf)

self.parser_conf = parser_conf
self.parser = lalr_parser.Parser(parser_conf)

def parse(self, text):
tokens = self.lex(text)
return self.parser.parse(tokens)
token_stream = self.lex(text)
return self.parser.parse(token_stream)

class LALR_ContextualLexer:
class LALR_ContextualLexer(WithLexer):
def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
self.lexer_conf = lexer_conf
self.parser_conf = parser_conf

self.parser = lalr_parser.Parser(parser_conf)

d = {idx:t.keys() for idx, t in self.parser.analysis.states_idx.items()}
always_accept = lexer_conf.postlex.always_accept if lexer_conf.postlex else ()
self.lexer = ContextualLexer(lexer_conf.tokens, d, ignore=lexer_conf.ignore, always_accept=always_accept)
self.init_contextual_lexer(lexer_conf, parser_conf)

def parse(self, text):
tokens = self.lexer.lex(text)
if self.lexer_conf.postlex:
tokens = self.lexer_conf.postlex.process(tokens)
return self.parser.parse(tokens, self.lexer.set_parser_state)
token_stream = self.lex(text)
return self.parser.parse(token_stream, self.lexer.set_parser_state)

def get_ambiguity_resolver(options):
if not options or options.ambiguity == 'resolve':
@@ -60,55 +56,47 @@ def get_ambiguity_resolver(options):
raise ValueError(options)

def tokenize_text(text):
new_text = []
line = 1
col_start_pos = 0
for i, ch in enumerate(text):
if '\n' in ch:
line += ch.count('\n')
col_start_pos = i + ch.rindex('\n')
new_text.append(Token('CHAR', ch, line=line, column=i - col_start_pos))
return new_text
yield Token('CHAR', ch, line=line, column=i - col_start_pos)

class Earley_NoLex:
def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
self.token_by_name = { for t in lexer_conf.tokens}

rules = [(n, list(self._prepare_expansion(x)), a, o) for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules]

self.parser = earley.Parser(rules,
self.parser = earley.Parser(parser_conf, self.match,

def _prepare_expansion(self, expansion):
for sym in expansion:
if is_terminal(sym):
regexp = self.token_by_name[sym].pattern.to_regexp()
width = sre_parse.parse(regexp).getwidth()
if width != (1,1):
raise GrammarError('Scanless parsing (lexer=None) requires all tokens to have a width of 1 (terminal %s: %s is %s)' % (sym, regexp, width))
yield Terminal_Regexp(sym, regexp)
yield sym

def match(self, term, text, index=0):
return self.regexps[term].match(text, index)

def _prepare_match(self, lexer_conf):
self.regexps = {}
for t in lexer_conf.tokens:
regexp = t.pattern.to_regexp()
width = get_regexp_width(regexp)
if width != (1,1):
raise GrammarError('Scanless parsing (lexer=None) requires all tokens to have a width of 1 (terminal %s: %s is %s)' % (sym, regexp, width))
self.regexps[] = re.compile(regexp)

def parse(self, text):
new_text = tokenize_text(text)
return self.parser.parse(new_text)
token_stream = tokenize_text(text)
return self.parser.parse(token_stream)

class Earley(WithLexer):
def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
WithLexer.__init__(self, lexer_conf)

rules = [(n, self._prepare_expansion(x), a, o) for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules]

self.parser = earley.Parser(rules,
self.parser = earley.Parser(parser_conf, self.match,

def _prepare_expansion(self, expansion):
return [Terminal_Token(sym) if is_terminal(sym) else sym for sym in expansion]
def match(self, term, token):
return term == token.type

def parse(self, text):
tokens = self.lex(text)
@@ -119,27 +107,31 @@ class XEarley:
def __init__(self, lexer_conf, parser_conf, options=None):
self.token_by_name = { for t in lexer_conf.tokens}

rules = [(n, list(self._prepare_expansion(x)), a, o) for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules]

ignore = [Terminal_Regexp(x, self.token_by_name[x].pattern.to_regexp()) for x in lexer_conf.ignore]

self.parser = xearley.Parser(rules,
self.parser = xearley.Parser(parser_conf,

def _prepare_expansion(self, expansion):
for sym in expansion:
if is_terminal(sym):
regexp = self.token_by_name[sym].pattern.to_regexp()
width = sre_parse.parse(regexp).getwidth()
assert width
yield Terminal_Regexp(sym, regexp)
def match(self, term, text, index=0):
return self.regexps[term].match(text, index)

def _prepare_match(self, lexer_conf):
self.regexps = {}
for t in lexer_conf.tokens:
regexp = t.pattern.to_regexp()
width = get_regexp_width(regexp)[0]
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Bad regexp in token %s: %s" % (, regexp))
yield sym
if width == 0:
raise ValueError("Dynamic Earley doesn't allow zero-width regexps")

self.regexps[] = re.compile(regexp)

def parse(self, text):
return self.parser.parse(text)

+ 17
- 48
lark/parsers/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -13,14 +13,11 @@
# Author: Erez Shinan (2017)
# Email :

from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, Terminal
from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, is_terminal
from ..tree import Tree, Visitor_NoRecurse, Transformer_NoRecurse
from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer

class EndToken:
type = '$end'

class Derivation(Tree):
_hash = None

@@ -35,8 +32,6 @@ class Derivation(Tree):
self._hash = Tree.__hash__(self)
return self._hash

END_TOKEN = EndToken()

class Item(object):
"An Earley Item, the atom of the algorithm."

@@ -59,11 +54,8 @@ class Item(object):
new_tree = Derivation(self.rule, self.tree.children + [tree])
return self.__class__(self.rule, self.ptr+1, self.start, new_tree)

def similar(self, other):
return self.start is other.start and self.ptr == other.ptr and self.rule == other.rule

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.similar(other) #and (self.tree == other.tree)
return self.start is other.start and self.ptr == other.ptr and self.rule == other.rule

def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.rule, self.ptr, id(self.start))) # Always runs Derivation.__hash__
@@ -134,7 +126,7 @@ class Column:
self.completed[item_key] = item
if isinstance(item.expect, Terminal):
if is_terminal(item.expect):
k = item_key if self.predict_all else item
@@ -151,31 +143,30 @@ class Column:
__nonzero__ = __bool__ # Py2 backwards-compatibility

class Parser:
def __init__(self, rules, start_symbol, callback, resolve_ambiguity=None):
self.analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(rules, start_symbol)
self.start_symbol = start_symbol
def __init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity=None):
self.analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(parser_conf)
self.parser_conf = parser_conf
self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity

self.FIRST = self.analysis.FIRST
self.postprocess = {}
self.predictions = {}
self.FIRST = {}
for rule in self.analysis.rules:
if rule.origin != '$root': # XXX kinda ugly
a = rule.alias
self.postprocess[rule] = a if callable(a) else (a and getattr(callback, a))
self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in self.analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]
for rule in parser_conf.rules:
self.postprocess[rule] = getattr(parser_conf.callback, rule.alias)
self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in self.analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]

self.FIRST[rule.origin] = self.analysis.FIRST[rule.origin]
self.term_matcher = term_matcher

def parse(self, stream, start_symbol=None):
# Define parser functions
start_symbol = start_symbol or self.start_symbol
start_symbol = start_symbol or self.parser_conf.start

_Item = Item
match = self.term_matcher

def predict(nonterm, column):
assert not isinstance(nonterm, Terminal), nonterm
assert not is_terminal(nonterm), nonterm
return [_Item(rule, 0, column, None) for rule in self.predictions[nonterm]]

def complete(item):
@@ -195,14 +186,13 @@ class Parser:

for item in to_reduce:
new_items = list(complete(item))
for new_item in new_items:
if new_item.similar(item):
raise ParseError('Infinite recursion detected! (rule %s)' % new_item.rule)
if item in new_items:
raise ParseError('Infinite recursion detected! (rule %s)' % item.rule)

def scan(i, token, column):
next_set = Column(i, self.FIRST)
next_set.add(item.advance(token) for item in column.to_scan if item.expect.match(token))
next_set.add(item.advance(token) for item in column.to_scan if match(item.expect, token))

if not next_set:
expect = {i.expect for i in column.to_scan}
@@ -249,24 +239,3 @@ class ApplyCallbacks(Transformer_NoRecurse):
return callback(children)
return Tree(rule.origin, children)

# RULES = [
# ('a', ['d']),
# ('d', ['b']),
# ('b', ['C']),
# ('b', ['b', 'C']),
# ('b', ['C', 'b']),
# ]
# p = Parser(RULES, 'a')
# for x in p.parse('CC'):
# print x.pretty()

# RULES = [
# ('s', ['a', 'a']),
# ('a', ['b', 'b']),
# ('b', ['C'], lambda (x,): x),
# ('b', ['b', 'C']),
# ]
# p = Parser(RULES, 's', {})
# print p.parse('CCCCC').pretty()

+ 19
- 29
lark/parsers/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,20 +1,8 @@

from ..utils import bfs, fzset
from ..common import GrammarError, is_terminal
from ..grammar import Rule

class Rule(object):
origin : a symbol
expansion : a list of symbols
def __init__(self, origin, expansion, alias=None, options=None):
self.origin = origin
self.expansion = expansion
self.alias = alias
self.options = options

def __repr__(self):
return '<%s : %s>' % (self.origin, ' '.join(map(str,self.expansion)))

class RulePtr(object):
def __init__(self, rule, index):
@@ -106,28 +94,30 @@ def calculate_sets(rules):

class GrammarAnalyzer(object):
def __init__(self, rule_tuples, start_symbol, debug=False):
self.start_symbol = start_symbol
def __init__(self, parser_conf, debug=False):
rules = parser_conf.rules
assert len(rules) == len(set(rules))

self.start_symbol = parser_conf.start
self.debug = debug
rule_tuples = list(rule_tuples)
rule_tuples.append(('$root', [start_symbol, '$end']))
rule_tuples = [(t[0], t[1], None, None) if len(t)==2 else t for t in rule_tuples]

self.rules = set()
self.rules_by_origin = {o: [] for o, _x, _a, _opt in rule_tuples}
for origin, exp, alias, options in rule_tuples:
r = Rule( origin, exp, alias, options )

for r in self.rules:

root_rule = Rule('$root', [self.start_symbol, '$END'])

self.rules_by_origin = {r.origin: [] for r in rules}
for r in rules:

self.rules_by_origin[root_rule.origin] = [root_rule]

for r in rules:
for sym in r.expansion:
if not (is_terminal(sym) or sym in self.rules_by_origin):
raise GrammarError("Using an undefined rule: %s" % sym)

self.init_state = self.expand_rule('$root')
self.start_state = self.expand_rule('$root')
self.rules = rules

self.FIRST, self.FOLLOW, self.NULLABLE = calculate_sets(self.rules)
self.FIRST, self.FOLLOW, self.NULLABLE = calculate_sets(rules + [root_rule])

def expand_rule(self, rule):
"Returns all init_ptrs accessible by rule (recursive)"

+ 47
- 18
lark/parsers/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -14,7 +14,43 @@ from ..common import GrammarError, is_terminal

from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer

class Action:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)

Shift = Action('Shift')
Reduce = Action('Reduce')

class ParseTable:
def __init__(self, states, start_state, end_state):
self.states = states
self.start_state = start_state
self.end_state = end_state

class IntParseTable(ParseTable):

def from_ParseTable(cls, parse_table):
enum = list(parse_table.states)
state_to_idx = {s:i for i,s in enumerate(enum)}
int_states = {}

for s, la in parse_table.states.items():
la = {k:(v[0], state_to_idx[v[1]]) if v[0] is Shift else v
for k,v in la.items()}
int_states[ state_to_idx[s] ] = la

start_state = state_to_idx[parse_table.start_state]
end_state = state_to_idx[parse_table.end_state]
return cls(int_states, start_state, end_state)

class LALR_Analyzer(GrammarAnalyzer):

@@ -27,7 +63,7 @@ class LALR_Analyzer(GrammarAnalyzer):
sat, unsat = classify_bool(state, lambda rp: rp.is_satisfied)
for rp in sat:
for term in self.FOLLOW.get(rp.rule.origin, ()):
lookahead[term].append(('reduce', rp.rule))
lookahead[term].append((Reduce, rp.rule))

d = classify(unsat, lambda rp:
for sym, rps in d.items():
@@ -38,8 +74,8 @@ class LALR_Analyzer(GrammarAnalyzer):
rps |= self.expand_rule(

new_state = fzset(rps)
lookahead[sym].append(('shift', new_state))
if sym == '$end':
lookahead[sym].append((Shift, new_state))
if sym == '$END':
self.end_states.append( new_state )
yield fzset(rps)

@@ -50,7 +86,7 @@ class LALR_Analyzer(GrammarAnalyzer):
for x in v:
# XXX resolving shift/reduce into shift, like PLY
# Give a proper warning
if x[0] == 'shift':
if x[0] is Shift:
lookahead[k] = [x]

for k, v in lookahead.items():
@@ -59,22 +95,15 @@ class LALR_Analyzer(GrammarAnalyzer):

self.states[state] = {k:v[0] for k, v in lookahead.items()}

for _ in bfs([self.init_state], step):
for _ in bfs([self.start_state], step):

self.end_state ,= self.end_states

# --
self.enum = list(self.states)
self.enum_rev = {s:i for i,s in enumerate(self.enum)}
self.states_idx = {}

for s, la in self.states.items():
la = {k:(ACTION_SHIFT, self.enum_rev[v[1]]) if v[0]=='shift'
else (v[0], (v[1], len(v[1].expansion))) # Reduce
for k,v in la.items()}
self.states_idx[ self.enum_rev[s] ] = la
self._parse_table = ParseTable(self.states, self.start_state, self.end_state)

if self.debug:
self.parse_table = self._parse_table
self.parse_table = IntParseTable.from_ParseTable(self._parse_table)

self.init_state_idx = self.enum_rev[self.init_state]
self.end_state_idx = self.enum_rev[self.end_state]

+ 25
- 22
lark/parsers/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
# Author: Erez Shinan (2017)
# Email :

from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken
from ..common import UnexpectedToken

from .lalr_analysis import LALR_Analyzer, ACTION_SHIFT

class FinalReduce:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
from .lalr_analysis import LALR_Analyzer, Shift

class Parser:
def __init__(self, parser_conf):
assert all(o is None or o.priority is None for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules), "LALR doesn't yet support prioritization"
self.analysis = analysis = LALR_Analyzer(parser_conf.rules, parser_conf.start)
assert all(r.options is None or r.options.priority is None
for r in parser_conf.rules), "LALR doesn't yet support prioritization"
self.analysis = analysis = LALR_Analyzer(parser_conf)
callbacks = {rule: getattr(parser_conf.callback, rule.alias or rule.origin, None)
for rule in analysis.rules}

self.parser = _Parser(analysis.states_idx, analysis.init_state_idx, analysis.end_state_idx, callbacks)
self.parser_conf = parser_conf
self.parser = _Parser(analysis.parse_table, callbacks)
self.parse = self.parser.parse


class _Parser:
def __init__(self, states, init_state, end_state, callbacks):
self.states = states
self.init_state = init_state
self.end_state = end_state
def __init__(self, parse_table, callbacks):
self.states = parse_table.states
self.start_state = parse_table.start_state
self.end_state = parse_table.end_state
self.callbacks = callbacks

def parse(self, seq, set_state=None):
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ class _Parser:
stream = iter(seq)
states = self.states

state_stack = [self.init_state]
state_stack = [self.start_state]
value_stack = []

if set_state: set_state(self.init_state)
if set_state: set_state(self.start_state)

def get_action(key):
state = state_stack[-1]
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ class _Parser:

raise UnexpectedToken(token, expected, seq, i)

def reduce(rule, size):
def reduce(rule):
size = len(rule.expansion)
if size:
s = value_stack[-size:]
del state_stack[-size:]
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ class _Parser:
value = self.callbacks[rule](s)

_action, new_state = get_action(rule.origin)
assert _action == ACTION_SHIFT
assert _action is Shift

@@ -72,22 +73,24 @@ class _Parser:
action, arg = get_action(token.type)
assert arg != self.end_state

if action == ACTION_SHIFT:
if action is Shift:
if set_state: set_state(arg)
token = next(stream)
i += 1
except StopIteration:

while True:
_action, arg = get_action('$end')
if _action == ACTION_SHIFT:
_action, arg = get_action('$END')
if _action is Shift:
assert arg == self.end_state
val ,= value_stack
return val


+ 21
- 25
lark/parsers/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

from collections import defaultdict

from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, Terminal
from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, is_terminal
from ..lexer import Token, UnexpectedInput
from ..tree import Tree
from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
@@ -28,37 +28,34 @@ from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
from .earley import ApplyCallbacks, Item, Column

class Parser:
def __init__(self, rules, start_symbol, callback, resolve_ambiguity=None, ignore=(), predict_all=False):
self.analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(rules, start_symbol)
self.start_symbol = start_symbol
def __init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity=None, ignore=(), predict_all=False):
self.analysis = GrammarAnalyzer(parser_conf)
self.parser_conf = parser_conf
self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
self.ignore = list(ignore)
self.predict_all = predict_all

self.FIRST = self.analysis.FIRST
self.postprocess = {}
self.predictions = {}
self.FIRST = {}

for rule in self.analysis.rules:
if rule.origin != '$root': # XXX kinda ugly
a = rule.alias
self.postprocess[rule] = a if callable(a) else (a and getattr(callback, a))
self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in self.analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]
for rule in parser_conf.rules:
self.postprocess[rule] = getattr(parser_conf.callback, rule.alias)
self.predictions[rule.origin] = [x.rule for x in self.analysis.expand_rule(rule.origin)]

self.FIRST[rule.origin] = self.analysis.FIRST[rule.origin]
self.term_matcher = term_matcher

def parse(self, stream, start_symbol=None):
# Define parser functions
start_symbol = start_symbol or self.start_symbol
start_symbol = start_symbol or self.parser_conf.start
delayed_matches = defaultdict(list)
match = self.term_matcher

text_line = 1
text_column = 0

def predict(nonterm, column):
assert not isinstance(nonterm, Terminal), nonterm
assert not is_terminal(nonterm), nonterm
return [Item(rule, 0, column, None) for rule in self.predictions[nonterm]]

def complete(item):
@@ -77,16 +74,15 @@ class Parser:
column.add( predict(nonterm, column) )
for item in to_reduce:
new_items = list(complete(item))
for new_item in new_items:
if new_item.similar(item):
raise ParseError('Infinite recursion detected! (rule %s)' % new_item.rule)
if item in new_items:
raise ParseError('Infinite recursion detected! (rule %s)' % item.rule)

def scan(i, token, column):
to_scan = column.to_scan

for x in self.ignore:
m = x.match(stream, i)
m = match(x, stream, i)
if m:
delayed_matches[m.end()] += set(to_scan)
delayed_matches[m.end()] += set(column.to_reduce)
@@ -99,16 +95,16 @@ class Parser:
# delayed_matches[m.end()] += to_scan

for item in to_scan:
m = item.expect.match(stream, i)
m = match(item.expect, stream, i)
if m:
t = Token(,, i, text_line, text_column)
t = Token(item.expect,, i, text_line, text_column)

s =
for j in range(1, len(s)):
m = item.expect.match(s[:-j])
m = match(item.expect, s[:-j])
if m:
t = Token(,, i, text_line, text_column)
t = Token(item.expect,, i, text_line, text_column)

next_set = Column(i+1, self.FIRST, predict_all=self.predict_all)
@@ -131,7 +127,7 @@ class Parser:

if token == '\n':
text_line += 1
text_column = 1
text_column = 0
text_column += 1

@@ -143,7 +139,7 @@ class Parser:
if n.rule.origin==start_symbol and n.start is column0]

if not solutions:
expected_tokens = [ for t in column.to_scan]
expected_tokens = [t.expect for t in column.to_scan]
raise ParseError('Unexpected end of input! Expecting a terminal of: %s' % expected_tokens)

elif len(solutions) == 1:

+ 203
- 0
lark/tools/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
# Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool
# ----------------------------------
# Generates a stand-alone LALR(1) parser with a standard lexer
# Git:
# Author: Erez Shinan (
# This tool and its generated code use a separate license from Lark.
# It is licensed under GPLv2 or above.
# If you wish to purchase a commercial license for this tool and its
# generated code, contact me via email.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See <>.

import codecs
import sys
import os
from pprint import pprint
from os import path
from collections import defaultdict

import lark
from lark import Lark
from lark.parsers.lalr_analysis import Shift, Reduce

from ..grammar import Rule

__dir__ = path.dirname(__file__)
__larkdir__ = path.join(__dir__, path.pardir)


def extract_sections(lines):
section = None
text = []
sections = defaultdict(list)
for l in lines:
if l.startswith('###'):
if l[3] == '{':
section = l[4:].strip()
elif l[3] == '}':
sections[section] += text
section = None
text = []
raise ValueError(l)
elif section:

return {name:''.join(text) for name, text in sections.items()}

class LexerAtoms:
def __init__(self, lexer):
self.mres = [(p.pattern,d) for p,d in lexer.mres]
self.newline_types = lexer.newline_types
self.ignore_types = lexer.ignore_types
self.callback = {name:[(p.pattern,d) for p,d in c.mres]
for name, c in lexer.callback.items()}

def print_python(self):
print('import re')
print('MRES = (')
print('LEXER_CALLBACK = (')
print('NEWLINE_TYPES = %s' % self.newline_types)
print('IGNORE_TYPES = %s' % self.ignore_types)
print('class LexerRegexps: pass')
print('lexer_regexps = LexerRegexps()')
print('lexer_regexps.mres = [(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in MRES]')
print('lexer_regexps.callback = {n: UnlessCallback([(re.compile(p), d) for p, d in mres])')
print(' for n, mres in LEXER_CALLBACK.items()}')
print('lexer = _Lex(lexer_regexps)')
print('def lex(stream):')
print(' return lexer.lex(stream, NEWLINE_TYPES, IGNORE_TYPES)')

class GetRule:
def __init__(self, rule_id):
self.rule_id = rule_id

def __repr__(self):
return 'RULES[%d]' % self.rule_id

rule_ids = {}
token_types = {}

def _get_token_type(token_type):
if token_type not in token_types:
token_types[token_type] = len(token_types)
return token_types[token_type]

class ParserAtoms:
def __init__(self, parser):
self.parse_table = parser.analysis.parse_table

def print_python(self):
print('class ParseTable: pass')
print('parse_table = ParseTable()')
print('STATES = {')
for state, actions in self.parse_table.states.items():
print(' %r: %r,' % (state, {_get_token_type(token): ((1, rule_ids[arg]) if action is Reduce else (0, arg))
for token, (action, arg) in actions.items()}))
print('TOKEN_TYPES = (')
pprint({v:k for k, v in token_types.items()})
print('parse_table.states = {s: {TOKEN_TYPES[t]: (a, RULES[x] if a is Reduce else x) for t, (a, x) in acts.items()}')
print(' for s, acts in STATES.items()}')
print('parse_table.start_state = %s' % self.parse_table.start_state)
print('parse_table.end_state = %s' % self.parse_table.end_state)
print('class Lark_StandAlone:')
print(' def __init__(self, transformer=None, postlex=None):')
print(' callback = parse_tree_builder.create_callback(transformer=transformer)')
print(' callbacks = {rule: getattr(callback, rule.alias or rule.origin, None) for rule in RULES.values()}')
print(' self.parser = _Parser(parse_table, callbacks)')
print(' self.postlex = postlex')
print(' def parse(self, stream):')
print(' tokens = lex(stream)')
print(' if self.postlex: tokens = self.postlex.process(tokens)')
print(' return self.parser.parse(tokens)')

class TreeBuilderAtoms:
def __init__(self, lark):
self.rules = lark.rules
self.ptb = lark._parse_tree_builder

def print_python(self):
print('RULES = {')
for i, r in enumerate(self.rules):
rule_ids[r] = i
print(' %d: Rule(%r, %r, %r, %r),' % (i, r.origin, r.expansion, self.ptb.user_aliases[r], r.options ))
print('parse_tree_builder = ParseTreeBuilder(RULES.values(), Tree)')

def main(fn, start):
with, encoding='utf8') as f:
lark_inst = Lark(f, parser="lalr", start=start)

lexer_atoms = LexerAtoms(lark_inst.parser.lexer)
parser_atoms = ParserAtoms(lark_inst.parser.parser)
tree_builder_atoms = TreeBuilderAtoms(lark_inst)

print('# The file was automatically generated by Lark v%s' % lark.__version__)

print (extract_sections(open(os.path.join(__larkdir__, pyfile)))['standalone'])

print(open(os.path.join(__larkdir__, '')).read())
print('Shift = 0')
print('Reduce = 1')

if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Lark Stand-alone Generator Tool")
print("Usage: python -m <grammar-file> [<start>]")

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
fn, start = sys.argv[1:]
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
fn, start = sys.argv[1], 'start'
assert False, sys.argv

main(fn, start)

+ 5
- 1
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from copy import deepcopy

from .utils import inline_args

class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, data, children, rule=None): = data
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ class Tree(object):

def pretty(self, indent_str=' '):
return ''.join(self._pretty(0, indent_str))

def expand_kids_by_index(self, *indices):
for i in sorted(indices, reverse=True): # reverse so that changing tail won't affect indices
@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ class Tree(object):

class Transformer(object):
def _get_func(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ class TransformerChain(object):

def __mul__(self, other):
return TransformerChain(*self.transformers + (other,))

class InlineTransformer(Transformer):
@@ -196,6 +199,7 @@ class Transformer_NoRecurse(Transformer):

def __default__(self, t):
return t

def pydot__tree_to_png(tree, filename):

+ 26
- 17
lark/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
import functools
import types
from collections import deque
from contextlib import contextmanager

class fzset(frozenset):
def __repr__(self):
@@ -49,8 +46,13 @@ try:
except NameError: # Python 3

Str = type(u'')

import types
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

Str = type(u'')

def inline_args(f):
# print '@@', f.__name__, type(f), isinstance(f, types.FunctionType), isinstance(f, types.TypeType), isinstance(f, types.BuiltinFunctionType)
@@ -76,19 +78,6 @@ def inline_args(f):
return _f

compare = cmp
except NameError:
def compare(a, b):
if a == b:
return 0
elif a > b:
return 1
return -1

from contextlib import suppress # Python 3
except ImportError:
@@ -107,6 +96,26 @@ except ImportError:
except excs:


compare = cmp
except NameError:
def compare(a, b):
if a == b:
return 0
elif a > b:
return 1
return -1

import sre_parse
import sre_constants
def get_regexp_width(regexp):
return sre_parse.parse(regexp).getwidth()
except sre_constants.error:
raise ValueError(regexp)

+ 49
- 5
tests/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class TestParsers(unittest.TestCase):
r = T().transform(g.parse("x"))
self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<b>"] )

g = Lark("""start: a
?a : b
b : "x"
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ class TestParsers(unittest.TestCase):
r = T().transform(g.parse("xx"))
self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<c>"] )

g = Lark("""start: a
?a : b b -> c
b : "x"
""", parser='lalr', transformer=T())
r = g.parse("xx")
self.assertEqual( r.children, ["<c>"] )

@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ def _make_full_earley_test(LEXER):
# Fails an Earley implementation without special handling for empty rules,
# or re-processing of already completed rules.
g = Lark(r"""start: B
B: ("ab"|/[^b]/)*
B: ("ab"|/[^b]/)+
""", lexer=LEXER)

self.assertEqual( g.parse('abc').children[0], 'abc')
@@ -796,6 +796,49 @@ def _make_parser_test(LEXER, PARSER):
self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['a', 'A'])

def test_twice_empty(self):
g = """!start: [["A"]]
l = _Lark(g)
tree = l.parse('A')
self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['A'])

tree = l.parse('')
self.assertEqual(tree.children, [])

def test_undefined_ignore(self):
g = """!start: "A"

%ignore B
self.assertRaises( GrammarError, _Lark, g)

@unittest.skipIf(LEXER==None, "TODO: Fix scanless parsing or get rid of it") # TODO
def test_line_and_column(self):
g = r"""!start: "A" bc "D"
!bc: "B\nC"
l = _Lark(g)
a, bc, d = l.parse("AB\nCD").children
self.assertEqual(a.line, 1)
self.assertEqual(a.column, 0)

bc ,= bc.children
self.assertEqual(bc.line, 1)
self.assertEqual(bc.column, 1)

self.assertEqual(d.line, 2)
self.assertEqual(d.column, 1)

# self.assertEqual(a.end_line, 1)
# self.assertEqual(a.end_col, 1)
# self.assertEqual(bc.end_line, 2)
# self.assertEqual(bc.end_col, 1)
# self.assertEqual(d.end_line, 2)
# self.assertEqual(d.end_col, 2)

def test_reduce_cycle(self):
"""Tests an edge-condition in the LALR parser, in which a transition state looks exactly like the end state.
It seems that the correct solution is to explicitely distinguish finalization in the reduce() function.
@@ -969,7 +1012,7 @@ def _make_parser_test(LEXER, PARSER):

parser = _Lark(grammar)

tree = parser.parse("int 1 ! This is a comment\n")
tree = parser.parse("int 1 ! This is a comment\n")
self.assertEqual(tree.children, ['1'])

tree = parser.parse("int 1 ! This is a comment") # A trailing ignore token can be tricky!
@@ -983,6 +1026,7 @@ def _make_parser_test(LEXER, PARSER):
self.assertEqual(tree.children, [])

@unittest.skipIf(LEXER==None, "Scanless doesn't support regular expressions")
def test_regex_escaping(self):
g = _Lark("start: /[ab]/")
