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Replace ForestToTreeVisitors with ForestToParseTree

Chanic Panic 4 years ago
2 changed files with 94 additions and 162 deletions
  1. +6
  2. +88

+ 6
- 7
lark/parsers/ View File

@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ is better documented here:

from collections import deque

from ..tree import Tree
from ..visitors import Transformer_InPlace, v_args
from ..exceptions import UnexpectedEOF, UnexpectedToken
from ..utils import logger
from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer
from ..grammar import NonTerminal
from .earley_common import Item, TransitiveItem
from .earley_forest import ForestToTreeVisitor, ForestSumVisitor, SymbolNode, CompleteForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor
from .earley_forest import ForestSumVisitor, SymbolNode, ForestToParseTree

class Parser:
def __init__(self, parser_conf, term_matcher, resolve_ambiguity=True, debug=False):
@@ -312,12 +313,10 @@ class Parser:
elif len(solutions) > 1:
assert False, 'Earley should not generate multiple start symbol items!'

# Perform our SPPF -> AST conversion using the right ForestVisitor.
forest_tree_visitor_cls = ForestToTreeVisitor if self.resolve_ambiguity else CompleteForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor
forest_tree_visitor = forest_tree_visitor_cls(self.callbacks, self.forest_sum_visitor and self.forest_sum_visitor())

return forest_tree_visitor.visit(solutions[0])

# Perform our SPPF -> AST
# TODO: Pass the correct tree class to constructor
transformer = ForestToParseTree(Tree, self.callbacks, self.forest_sum_visitor and self.forest_sum_visitor(), self.resolve_ambiguity)
return transformer.transform(solutions[0])

class ApplyCallbacks(Transformer_InPlace):
def __init__(self, postprocess):

+ 88
- 155
lark/parsers/ View File

@@ -391,178 +391,111 @@ class ForestSumVisitor(ForestVisitor):
def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
node.priority = max(child.priority for child in node.children)

class ForestToTreeVisitor(ForestVisitor):
class ForestToParseTree(ForestTransformer):
"""Used by the earley parser when ambiguity equals 'resolve' or
'explicit'. Transforms an SPPF into an (ambiguous) parse tree.

tree_class: The Tree class to use for construction
callbacks: A dictionary of rules to functions that output a tree
prioritizer: A ForestVisitor that manipulates the priorities of
resolve_ambiguity: If True, ambiguities will be resolved based on
priorities. Otherwise, `_ambig` nodes will be in the resulting
A Forest visitor which converts an SPPF forest to an unambiguous AST.

The implementation in this visitor walks only the first ambiguous child
of each symbol node. When it finds an ambiguous symbol node it first
calls the forest_sum_visitor implementation to sort the children
into preference order using the algorithms defined there; so the first
child should always be the highest preference. The forest_sum_visitor
implementation should be another ForestVisitor which sorts the children
according to some priority mechanism.
__slots__ = ['forest_sum_visitor', 'callbacks', 'output_stack']
def __init__(self, callbacks, forest_sum_visitor = None):
assert callbacks
self.forest_sum_visitor = forest_sum_visitor
self.callbacks = callbacks

def visit(self, root):
self.output_stack = deque()
return super(ForestToTreeVisitor, self).visit(root)

def visit_token_node(self, node):

def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
if self.forest_sum_visitor and node.is_ambiguous and isinf(node.priority):
return next(iter(node.children))

def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
return iter([node.left, node.right])

def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
result = self.callbacks[node.rule](self.output_stack.pop())
if self.output_stack:
self.result = result

class ForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor(ForestToTreeVisitor):
A Forest visitor which converts an SPPF forest to an ambiguous AST.

Because of the fundamental disparity between what can be stored in
an SPPF and what can be stored in a Tree; this implementation is not
complete. It correctly deals with ambiguities that occur on symbol nodes only,
and cannot deal with ambiguities that occur on intermediate nodes.

Usually, most parsers can be rewritten to avoid intermediate node
ambiguities. Also, this implementation could be fixed, however
the code to handle intermediate node ambiguities is messy and
would not be performant. It is much better not to use this and
instead to correctly disambiguate the forest and only store unambiguous
parses in Trees. It is here just to provide some parity with the
old ambiguity='explicit'.

This is mainly used by the test framework, to make it simpler to write
tests ensuring the SPPF contains the right results.
def __init__(self, callbacks, forest_sum_visitor = ForestSumVisitor):
super(ForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor, self).__init__(callbacks, forest_sum_visitor)

def visit_token_node(self, node):

def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
if node.is_ambiguous:
if self.forest_sum_visitor and isinf(node.priority):
if node.is_intermediate:
# TODO Support ambiguous intermediate nodes!
logger.warning("Ambiguous intermediate node in the SPPF: %s. "
"Lark does not currently process these ambiguities; resolving with the first derivation.", node)
return next(iter(node.children))
self.output_stack.append(Tree('_ambig', []))

return iter(node.children)

def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
if not node.is_intermediate and node.is_ambiguous:
result = self.output_stack.pop()
if self.output_stack:
self.result = result

def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
self.output_stack.append(Tree('drv', []))
return iter([node.left, node.right])

def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
result = self.callbacks[node.rule](self.output_stack.pop().children)
if self.output_stack:
self.result = result

class CompleteForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor(ForestToTreeVisitor):
An augmented version of ForestToAmbiguousTreeVisitor that is designed to
handle ambiguous intermediate nodes as well as ambiguous symbol nodes.

On the way down:

- When an ambiguous intermediate node is encountered, an '_iambig' node
is inserted into the tree.
- Each possible derivation of an ambiguous intermediate node is represented
by an '_inter' node added as a child of the corresponding '_iambig' node.

On the way up, these nodes are propagated up the tree and collapsed
into a single '_ambig' node for the nearest symbol node ancestor.
This is achieved by the AmbiguousIntermediateExpander contained in
the callbacks.
def __init__(self, tree_class=Tree, callbacks=dict(), prioritizer=ForestSumVisitor(), resolve_ambiguity=True):
super(ForestToParseTree, self).__init__()
self.tree_class = tree_class
self.callbacks = callbacks
self.prioritizer = prioritizer
self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
self._on_cycle_retreat = False

def on_cycle(self, node, get_path):
logger.warning("Cycle encountered in the SPPF at node: %s. "
"As infinite ambiguities cannot be represented in a tree, "
"this family of derivations will be discarded.", node)
if self.resolve_ambiguity:
# TODO: choose a different path if cycle is encountered
logger.warning("At this time, using ambiguity resolution for SPPFs "
"with cycles may result in None being returned.")
self._on_cycle_retreat = True

def _check_cycle(self, node):
if self._on_cycle_retreat:
raise Discard

def _collapse_ambig(self, children):
new_children = []
for child in children:
if == '_ambig':
if hasattr(child, 'data') and == '_ambig':
new_children += child.children
return new_children

def visit_token_node(self, node):
def _call_rule_func(self, node, data):
# called when transforming children of symbol nodes
# data is a list of trees or tokens that correspond to the
# symbol's rule expansion
return self.callbacks[node.rule](data)

def _call_ambig_func(self, node, data):
# called when transforming a symbol node
# data is a list of trees where each tree's data is
# equal to the name of the symbol or one of its aliases.
if len(data) > 1:
return self.tree_class('_ambig', data)
elif data:
return data[0]
raise Discard

def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
if node.is_ambiguous:
if self.forest_sum_visitor and isinf(node.priority):
if node.is_intermediate:
self.output_stack.append(Tree('_iambig', []))
self.output_stack.append(Tree('_ambig', []))
return iter(node.children)
def transform_symbol_node(self, node, data):
data = self._collapse_ambig(data)
return self._call_ambig_func(node, data)

def visit_symbol_node_out(self, node):
if node.is_ambiguous:
result = self.output_stack.pop()
if not node.is_intermediate:
result = Tree('_ambig', self._collapse_ambig(result.children))
if self.output_stack:
def transform_intermediate_node(self, node, data):
if len(data) > 1:
children = [self.tree_class('_inter', c) for c in data]
return self.tree_class('_iambig', children)
return data[0]

def transform_packed_node(self, node, data):
children = list()
assert len(data) <= 2
if node.left:
if node.left.is_intermediate and isinstance(data[0], list):
children += data[0]
self.result = result
if len(data) > 1:
elif data:
if node.parent.is_intermediate:
return children
return self._call_rule_func(node, children)

def visit_symbol_node_in(self, node):
self._on_cycle_retreat = False
super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_symbol_node_in(node)
if self.prioritizer and node.is_ambiguous and isinf(node.priority):
if self.resolve_ambiguity:
return node.children[0]
return node.children

def visit_packed_node_in(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
self.output_stack.append(Tree('drv', []))
elif node.parent.is_ambiguous:
self.output_stack.append(Tree('_inter', []))
return iter([node.left, node.right])
self._on_cycle_retreat = False
return super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_packed_node_in(node)

def visit_packed_node_out(self, node):
if not node.parent.is_intermediate:
result = self.callbacks[node.rule](self.output_stack.pop().children)
elif node.parent.is_ambiguous:
result = self.output_stack.pop()
if self.output_stack:
self.result = result
def visit_token_node(self, node):
self._on_cycle_retreat = False
return super(ForestToParseTree, self).visit_token_node(node)

class ForestToPyDotVisitor(ForestVisitor):
