@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ |
import os.path |
import sys |
import js2py |
from lark import Lark, InlineTransformer, Transformer |
@@ -44,29 +43,30 @@ nearley_grammar_parser = Lark(nearley_grammar, parser='earley', lexer='standard' |
def _get_rulename(name): |
name = {'_': '_ws_maybe', '__':'_ws'}.get(name, name) |
return 'n_' + name.replace('$', '__DOLLAR__') |
return 'n_' + name.replace('$', '__DOLLAR__').lower() |
class NearleyToLark(InlineTransformer): |
def __init__(self, context): |
self.context = context |
self.functions = {} |
def __init__(self): |
self._count = 0 |
self.extra_rules = {} |
self.extra_rules_rev = {} |
self.alias_js_code = {} |
def _new_function(self, code): |
n = len(self.functions) |
name = 'alias_%d' % n |
assert name not in self.functions |
code = "%s = (%s);" % (name, code) |
self.context.execute(code) |
f = getattr(self.context, name) |
self.functions[name] = f |
name = 'alias_%d' % self._count |
self._count += 1 |
self.alias_js_code[name] = code |
return name |
def _extra_rule(self, rule): |
if rule in self.extra_rules_rev: |
return self.extra_rules_rev[rule] |
name = 'xrule_%d' % len(self.extra_rules) |
assert name not in self.extra_rules |
self.extra_rules[name] = rule |
self.extra_rules_rev[rule] = name |
return name |
def rule(self, name): |
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class NearleyToLark(InlineTransformer): |
def start(self, *rules): |
return '\n'.join(filter(None, rules)) |
def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l): |
def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l, js_code): |
rule_defs = [] |
tree = nearley_grammar_parser.parse(g) |
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l): |
if directive == 'builtin': |
with open(os.path.join(builtin_path, arg[1:-1])) as f: |
text = f.read() |
rule_defs += _nearley_to_lark(text, builtin_path, n2l) |
rule_defs += _nearley_to_lark(text, builtin_path, n2l, js_code) |
else: |
assert False, directive |
elif statement.data == 'js_code': |
code ,= statement.children |
code = code[2:-2] |
n2l.context.execute(code) |
js_code.append(code) |
elif statement.data == 'macro': |
pass # TODO Add support for macros! |
elif statement.data == 'ruledef': |
@@ -128,19 +128,40 @@ def _nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l): |
return rule_defs |
def nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path): |
context = js2py.EvalJs() |
context.execute('function id(x) {return x[0]; }') |
n2l = NearleyToLark(context) |
lark_g = '\n'.join(_nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l)) |
def create_code_for_nearley_grammar(g, start, builtin_path): |
import js2py |
emit_code = [] |
def emit(x=None): |
if x: |
emit_code.append(x) |
emit_code.append('\n') |
js_code = ['function id(x) {return x[0];}'] |
n2l = NearleyToLark() |
lark_g = '\n'.join(_nearley_to_lark(g, builtin_path, n2l, js_code)) |
lark_g += '\n'+'\n'.join('!%s: %s' % item for item in n2l.extra_rules.items()) |
t = Transformer() |
for fname, fcode in n2l.functions.items(): |
setattr(t, fname, fcode) |
setattr(t, '__default__', lambda n, c: c if c else None) |
return lark_g, t |
emit('from lark import Lark, Transformer') |
emit() |
emit('grammar = ' + repr(lark_g)) |
emit() |
for alias, code in n2l.alias_js_code.items(): |
js_code.append('%s = (%s);' % (alias, code)) |
emit(js2py.translate_js('\n'.join(js_code))) |
emit('class TranformNearley(Transformer):') |
for alias in n2l.alias_js_code: |
emit(" %s = var.get('%s').to_python()" % (alias, alias)) |
emit(" __default__ = lambda self, n, c: c if c else None") |
emit() |
emit('parser = Lark(grammar, start="n_%s")' % start) |
emit('def parse(text):') |
emit(' return TranformNearley().transform(parser.parse(text))') |
return ''.join(emit_code) |
def test(): |
css_example_grammar = """ |
@@ -178,28 +199,27 @@ def test(): |
function(d) {return Math.floor(d[0]*255); } |
%} |
""" |
converted_grammar, t = nearley_to_lark(css_example_grammar, '/home/erez/nearley/builtin') |
# print(converted_grammar) |
code = create_code_for_nearley_grammar(css_example_grammar, 'csscolor', '/home/erez/nearley/builtin') |
d = {} |
exec (code, d) |
parse = d['parse'] |
l = Lark(converted_grammar, start='n_csscolor') |
tree = l.parse('#a199ff') |
print(t.transform(tree)) |
tree = l.parse('rgb(255, 70%, 3)') |
print(t.transform(tree)) |
print(parse('#a199ff')) |
print(parse('rgb(255, 70%, 3)')) |
def main(): |
try: |
nearley_lib = sys.argv[1] |
except IndexError: |
print("Reads Nearley grammar from stdin and outputs a lark grammar.") |
print("Usage: %s <nearley_lib_path>" % sys.argv[0]) |
if len(sys.argv) < 3: |
print("Reads Nearley grammar (with js functions) outputs an equivalent lark parser.") |
print("Usage: %s <nearley_grammar_path> <start_rule> <nearley_lib_path>" % sys.argv[0]) |
return |
grammar = sys.stdin.read() |
print(nearley_to_lark(grammar, os.path.join(nearley_lib, 'builtin'))) |
fn, start, nearley_lib = sys.argv[1:] |
with open(fn) as f: |
grammar = f.read() |
print(create_code_for_nearley_grammar(grammar, start, os.path.join(nearley_lib, 'builtin'))) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
# main() |
test() |
main() |
# test() |