@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ |
"Parses and creates Grammar objects" |
import os.path |
import sys |
from itertools import chain |
import re |
from ast import literal_eval |
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ TERMINALS = { |
'_RBRA': r'\]', |
'OP': '[+*][?]?|[?](?![a-z])', |
'_COLON': ':', |
'_COMMA': ',', |
'_OR': r'\|', |
'_DOT': r'\.', |
'TILDE': '~', |
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ TERMINALS = { |
'_IGNORE': r'%ignore', |
'_DECLARE': r'%declare', |
'_IMPORT': r'%import', |
'_FROM': r'%from', |
'NUMBER': r'\d+', |
} |
@@ -133,15 +136,20 @@ RULES = { |
'token': ['TERMINAL _COLON expansions _NL', |
'TERMINAL _DOT NUMBER _COLON expansions _NL'], |
'statement': ['ignore', 'import', 'declare'], |
'statement': ['ignore', 'import', 'rel_import', 'from', 'rel_from', 'declare'], |
'ignore': ['_IGNORE expansions _NL'], |
'declare': ['_DECLARE _declare_args _NL'], |
'from': ['_FROM import_args _IMPORT list_name _NL'], |
'rel_from': ['_FROM _DOT import_args _IMPORT list_name _NL'], |
'import': ['_IMPORT import_args _NL', |
'_IMPORT import_args _TO TERMINAL _NL'], |
'rel_import': ['_IMPORT _DOT import_args _NL', |
'_IMPORT _DOT import_args _TO TERMINAL _NL'], |
'import_args': ['_import_args'], |
'list_name': ['_list_name'], |
'_import_args': ['name', '_import_args _DOT name'], |
'_list_name': ['name', '_list_name _COMMA name'], |
'_declare_args': ['name', '_declare_args name'], |
'literal': ['REGEXP', 'STRING'], |
} |
@@ -497,13 +505,25 @@ class Grammar: |
_imported_grammars = {} |
def import_grammar(grammar_path): |
def import_grammar(grammar_path, base_path=None): |
if grammar_path not in _imported_grammars: |
for import_path in IMPORT_PATHS: |
with open(os.path.join(import_path, grammar_path)) as f: |
text = f.read() |
grammar = load_grammar(text, grammar_path) |
_imported_grammars[grammar_path] = grammar |
if base_path is None: |
import_paths = IMPORT_PATHS |
else: |
import_paths = [base_path] + IMPORT_PATHS |
found = False |
for import_path in import_paths: |
try: |
with open(os.path.join(import_path, grammar_path)) as f: |
text = f.read() |
grammar = load_grammar(text, grammar_path) |
_imported_grammars[grammar_path] = grammar |
found = True |
break |
except FileNotFoundError: |
pass |
if not found: |
raise FileNotFoundError(grammar_path) |
return _imported_grammars[grammar_path] |
@@ -572,13 +592,14 @@ class GrammarLoader: |
self.canonize_tree = CanonizeTree() |
def load_grammar(self, grammar_text, name='<?>'): |
def load_grammar(self, grammar_text, grammar_name='<?>'): |
"Parse grammar_text, verify, and create Grammar object. Display nice messages on error." |
try: |
tree = self.canonize_tree.transform( self.parser.parse(grammar_text+'\n') ) |
except UnexpectedCharacters as e: |
raise GrammarError("Unexpected input %r at line %d column %d in %s" % (e.context, e.line, e.column, name)) |
raise GrammarError("Unexpected input %r at line %d column %d in %s" % |
(e.context, e.line, e.column, grammar_name)) |
except UnexpectedToken as e: |
context = e.get_context(grammar_text) |
error = e.match_examples(self.parser.parse, { |
@@ -617,14 +638,39 @@ class GrammarLoader: |
if stmt.data == 'ignore': |
t ,= stmt.children |
ignore.append(t) |
elif stmt.data == 'import': |
elif stmt.data in ['import', 'rel_import']: |
dotted_path = stmt.children[0].children |
name = stmt.children[1] if len(stmt.children)>1 else dotted_path[-1] |
grammar_path = os.path.join(*dotted_path[:-1]) + '.lark' |
g = import_grammar(grammar_path) |
if stmt.data == 'import': |
g = import_grammar(grammar_path) |
else: |
if grammar_name == '<string>': |
base_file = os.path.abspath(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__) |
else: |
base_file = grammar_name |
base_path = os.path.split(base_file)[0] |
g = import_grammar(grammar_path, base_path=base_path) |
token_options = dict(g.token_defs)[dotted_path[-1]] |
assert isinstance(token_options, tuple) and len(token_options)==2 |
token_defs.append([name.value, token_options]) |
elif stmt.data in ['from', 'rel_from']: |
dotted_path = stmt.children[0].children |
names = stmt.children[1].children |
grammar_path = os.path.join(*dotted_path) + '.lark' |
if stmt.data == 'from': |
g = import_grammar(grammar_path) |
else: |
if grammar_name == '<string>': |
base_file = os.path.abspath(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__) |
else: |
base_file = grammar_name |
base_path = os.path.split(base_file)[0] |
g = import_grammar(grammar_path, base_path=base_path) |
for name in names: |
token_options = dict(g.token_defs)[name] |
assert isinstance(token_options, tuple) and len(token_options) == 2 |
token_defs.append([name.value, token_options]) |
elif stmt.data == 'declare': |
for t in stmt.children: |
token_defs.append([t.value, (None, None)]) |