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Completed `GrammarBuilder.check`

MegaIng1 4 years ago
1 changed files with 50 additions and 29 deletions
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@@ -1168,18 +1168,19 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
self.import_paths = import_paths or []

self._definitions = {}
self._extend = {}
self._override = {}
self._ignore_names = []
self._import_set = {}
def _is_term(self, name):
return name.isupper()

def _grammer_error(self, msg, name):
low_type = ("rule", "terminal")[self._is_term(name)]
up_type = low_type.title()
raise GrammarError(msg.format(name=name, type=low_type, Type=up_type))
def _grammar_error(self, msg, *names):
args = {}
for i, name in enumerate(names, start=1):
postfix = '' if i == 1 else str(i)
args['name'+ postfix] = name
args['type' + postfix] = lowercase_type = ("rule", "terminal")[self._is_term(name)]
args['Type' + postfix] = lowercase_type.title()
raise GrammarError(msg.format(**args))
def _check_options(self, name, options):
if self._is_term(name):
@@ -1197,27 +1198,26 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
return options

def define(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None, override=False):
def _define(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None, override=False):
if (name in self._definitions) ^ override:
if override:
self._grammer_error("Cannot override a nonexisting {type} {name}", name)
self._grammar_error("Cannot override a nonexisting {type} {name}", name)
self._grammer_error("{Type} '{name}' defined more than once", name)
self._grammar_error("{Type} '{name}' defined more than once", name)
if name.startswith('__'):
self._grammer_error('Names starting with double-underscore are reserved (Error at {name})', name)
self._grammar_error('Names starting with double-underscore are reserved (Error at {name})', name)
self._definitions[name] = (params, exp, self._check_options(name, options))

def extend(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None):
def _extend(self, name, exp, params=(), options=None):
if name not in self._definitions:
self._grammer_error("Can't extend {type} {name} as it wasn't defined before", name)
self._grammar_error("Can't extend {type} {name} as it wasn't defined before", name)
if tuple(params) != tuple(self._definitions[name][0]):
print(params, self._definitions[name][0])
self._grammer_error("Cannot extend {type} with different parameters: {name}", name)
self._grammar_error("Cannot extend {type} with different parameters: {name}", name)
# TODO: think about what to do with 'options'
old_expansions = self._definitions[name][1]
extend_expansions(old_expansions, exp)

def ignore(self, exp_or_name):
def _ignore(self, exp_or_name):
if isinstance(exp_or_name, str):
@@ -1237,10 +1237,9 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
self._definitions[name] = ((), t, 1)
def declare(self, *names):
def _declare(self, *names):
for name in names:
self.define(name, None)
# TODO: options/priority gets filled by this. We have to make sure that this doesn't break anything
self._define(name, None)
def _mangle_exp(self, exp, mangle):
if mangle is None:
@@ -1309,7 +1308,7 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
actions = [] # Some statements need to be delayed (override and extend) till after imports are handled
for stmt in tree.children:
if in ('term', 'rule'):
self.define(*self._unpack_definition(stmt, mangle))
self._define(*self._unpack_definition(stmt, mangle))
assert == 'statement',
stmt ,= stmt.children
@@ -1324,18 +1323,18 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
elif == 'ignore':
# if mangle is not None, we shouldn't apply ignore, since we aren't in a toplevel grammar
if mangle is None:
elif == 'declare':
if mangle is None:
self.declare(*(t.value for t in stmt.children))
self._declare(*(t.value for t in stmt.children))
self.declare(*(mangle(t.value) for t in stmt.children))
self._declare(*(mangle(t.value) for t in stmt.children))
elif == 'override':
r ,= stmt.children
actions.append((self.define, self._unpack_definition(r, mangle)+ (True,)))
actions.append((self._define, self._unpack_definition(r, mangle) + (True,)))
elif == 'extend':
r ,= stmt.children
actions.append((self.extend, self._unpack_definition(r, mangle)))
actions.append((self._extend, self._unpack_definition(r, mangle)))
assert False, stmt
@@ -1387,10 +1386,31 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
for name, (params, exp, options) in self._definitions.items():
if self._is_term(name):
assert isinstance(options, int)
if exp is not None:
for sym in _find_used_symbols(exp):
if sym not in self._definitions and sym not in params:
self._grammer_error("{Type} '{name}' used but not defined (in rule %s)" % name, sym.value)

for i, p in enumerate(params):
if p in self._definitions:
raise GrammarError("Template Parameter conflicts with rule %s (in template %s)" % (p, name))
if p in params[:i]:
raise GrammarError("Duplicate Template Parameter %s (in template %s)" % (p, name))
if exp is None: # Remaining checks don't work for abstract rules/terminals

for temp in exp.find_data('template_usage'):
sym = temp.children[0]
args = temp.children[1:]
if sym not in params:
if sym not in self._definitions:
self._grammar_error("Template '%s' used but not defined (in {type} {name})" % sym, name)
if len(args) != len(self._definitions[sym][0]):
expected, actual = len(self._definitions[sym][0]), len(args)
self._grammar_error("Wrong number of template arguments used for {name} "
"(expected %s, got %s) (in {type2} {name2})" % (expected, actual), sym, name)
for sym in _find_used_symbols(exp):
if sym not in self._definitions and sym not in params:
self._grammar_error("{Type} '{name}' used but not defined (in {type2} {name2})", sym, name)

if not set(self._definitions).issuperset(self._ignore_names):
raise GrammarError("Terminals %s were marked to ignore but were not defined!" % (set(self._ignore_names) - set(self._definitions)))

@@ -1400,6 +1420,7 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
term_defs = []
for name, (params, exp, options) in self._definitions.items():
if self._is_term(name):
assert len(params) == 0
term_defs.append((name, (exp, options)))
rule_defs.append((name, params, exp, options))
