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Merge branch 'lark-parser:master' into master

ornariece hace 3 años
committed by GitHub
No se encontró ninguna clave conocida en la base de datos para esta firma ID de clave GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
Se han modificado 39 ficheros con 716 adiciones y 272 borrados
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.github/workflows/tests.yml Ver fichero

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: [2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.0-rc - 3.9, pypy2, pypy3]
python-version: [2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.0-rc - 3.10, pypy2, pypy3]

- uses: actions/checkout@v2

+ 0
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.travis.yml Ver fichero

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
dist: xenial
language: python
- "2.7"
- "3.4"
- "3.5"
- "3.6"
- "3.7"
- "3.8"
- "3.9-dev"
- "pypy2.7-6.0"
- "pypy3.5-6.0"
install: pip install tox-travis
- tox

+ 6
- 2
README.md Ver fichero

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Most importantly, Lark will save you time and prevent you from getting parsing h

- [Documentation @readthedocs](https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/)
- [Cheatsheet (PDF)](/docs/_static/lark_cheatsheet.pdf)
- [Online IDE (very basic)](https://lark-parser.github.io/lark/ide/app.html)
- [Online IDE](https://lark-parser.github.io/ide)
- [Tutorial](/docs/json_tutorial.md) for writing a JSON parser.
- Blog post: [How to write a DSL with Lark](http://blog.erezsh.com/how-to-write-a-dsl-in-python-with-lark/)
- [Gitter chat](https://gitter.im/lark-parser/Lobby)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Most importantly, Lark will save you time and prevent you from getting parsing h

Lark has no dependencies.

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lark-parser/lark.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lark-parser/lark)

### Syntax Highlighting

@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ Lark provides syntax highlighting for its grammar files (\*.lark):

### Clones

These are implementations of Lark in other languages. They accept Lark grammars, and provide similar utilities.

- [Lerche (Julia)](https://github.com/jamesrhester/Lerche.jl) - an unofficial clone, written entirely in Julia.
- [Lark.js (Javascript)](https://github.com/lark-parser/lark.js) - a port of the stand-alone LALR(1) parser generator to Javascsript.

### Hello World

@@ -143,6 +146,7 @@ Check out the [JSON tutorial](/docs/json_tutorial.md#conclusion) for more detail

### Projects using Lark

- [Poetry](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-core) - A utility for dependency management and packaging
- [tartiflette](https://github.com/dailymotion/tartiflette) - a GraphQL server by Dailymotion
- [Hypothesis](https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis) - Library for property-based testing
- [mappyfile](https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile) - a MapFile parser for working with MapServer configuration

+ 2
- 0
docs/classes.rst Ver fichero

@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ UnexpectedInput

.. autoclass:: lark.exceptions.UnexpectedCharacters

.. autoclass:: lark.exceptions.UnexpectedEOF


+ 4
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docs/grammar.md Ver fichero

@@ -159,14 +159,15 @@ start : (A | B)+
A : "a" | "ab"
B : "b"
We get this behavior:
We get only one possible derivation, instead of two:

>>> p = Lark(g, ambiguity="explicit")
>>> p.parse("ab")
Tree(start, [Token(A, 'a'), Token(B, 'b')])
Tree('start', [Token('A', 'ab')])

This is happening because Python's regex engine always returns the first matching option.
This is happening because Python's regex engine always returns the best matching option. There is no way to access the alternatives.

If you find yourself in this situation, the recommended solution is to use rules instead.

+ 1
- 1
docs/index.rst Ver fichero

@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Resources

.. _Examples: https://github.com/lark-parser/lark/tree/master/examples
.. _Third-party examples: https://github.com/ligurio/lark-grammars
.. _Online IDE: https://lark-parser.github.io/lark/ide/app.html
.. _Online IDE: https://lark-parser.github.io/ide
.. _How to write a DSL: http://blog.erezsh.com/how-to-write-a-dsl-in-python-with-lark/
.. _Program Synthesis is Possible: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asampson/blog/minisynth.html
.. _Cheatsheet (PDF): _static/lark_cheatsheet.pdf

+ 10
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docs/visitors.rst Ver fichero

@@ -103,7 +103,17 @@ v_args

.. autofunction:: lark.visitors.v_args


.. autofunction:: lark.visitors.merge_transformers


.. autoclass:: lark.visitors.Discard


.. autoclass:: lark.exceptions.VisitError

+ 4
- 1
examples/advanced/create_ast.py Ver fichero

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass

from lark import Lark, ast_utils, Transformer, v_args
from lark.tree import Meta

this_module = sys.modules[__name__]

@@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ class _Statement(_Ast):

class Value(_Ast):
class Value(_Ast, ast_utils.WithMeta):
"Uses WithMeta to include line-number metadata in the meta attribute"
meta: Meta
value: object


+ 1
- 1
examples/advanced/extend_python.py Ver fichero

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def name(n):

""", start='file_input')

# Remove the 'python3__' prefix that was add to the implicitely imported rules.
# Remove the 'python3__' prefix that was added to the implicitly imported rules.
for t in tree.iter_subtrees():
t.data = t.data.rsplit('__', 1)[-1]

+ 90
- 57
examples/advanced/python3.lark Ver fichero

@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
// Python 3 grammar for Lark

// NOTE: Work in progress!!! (XXX TODO)
// This grammar should parse all python 3.x code successfully,
// but the resulting parse-tree is still not well-organized.
// This grammar should parse all python 3.x code successfully.

// Adapted from: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/grammar.html
// Adapted by: Erez Shinan
@@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ decorators: decorator+
decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef)

async_funcdef: "async" funcdef
funcdef: "def" NAME "(" parameters? ")" ["->" test] ":" suite
funcdef: "def" NAME "(" [parameters] ")" ["->" test] ":" suite

parameters: paramvalue ("," paramvalue)* ["," SLASH] ["," [starparams | kwparams]]
| starparams
@@ -29,25 +27,36 @@ parameters: paramvalue ("," paramvalue)* ["," SLASH] ["," [starparams | kwparams

SLASH: "/" // Otherwise the it will completely disappear and it will be undisguisable in the result
starparams: "*" typedparam? ("," paramvalue)* ["," kwparams]
kwparams: "**" typedparam
kwparams: "**" typedparam ","?

?paramvalue: typedparam ["=" test]
?typedparam: NAME [":" test]
?paramvalue: typedparam ("=" test)?
?typedparam: NAME (":" test)?

varargslist: (vfpdef ["=" test] ("," vfpdef ["=" test])* ["," [ "*" [vfpdef] ("," vfpdef ["=" test])* ["," ["**" vfpdef [","]]] | "**" vfpdef [","]]]
| "*" [vfpdef] ("," vfpdef ["=" test])* ["," ["**" vfpdef [","]]]
| "**" vfpdef [","])

vfpdef: NAME
lambdef: "lambda" [lambda_params] ":" test
lambdef_nocond: "lambda" [lambda_params] ":" test_nocond
lambda_params: lambda_paramvalue ("," lambda_paramvalue)* ["," [lambda_starparams | lambda_kwparams]]
| lambda_starparams
| lambda_kwparams
?lambda_paramvalue: NAME ("=" test)?
lambda_starparams: "*" [NAME] ("," lambda_paramvalue)* ["," [lambda_kwparams]]
lambda_kwparams: "**" NAME ","?

?stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
?simple_stmt: small_stmt (";" small_stmt)* [";"] _NEWLINE
?small_stmt: (expr_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | nonlocal_stmt | assert_stmt)
?expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (annassign | augassign (yield_expr|testlist)
| ("=" (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
annassign: ":" test ["=" test]
?testlist_star_expr: (test|star_expr) ("," (test|star_expr))* [","]
!augassign: ("+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "@=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "**=" | "//=")
?small_stmt: (expr_stmt | assign_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | nonlocal_stmt | assert_stmt)
expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr
assign_stmt: annassign | augassign | assign

annassign: testlist_star_expr ":" test ["=" test]
assign: testlist_star_expr ("=" (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))+
augassign: testlist_star_expr augassign_op (yield_expr|testlist)
!augassign_op: "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "@=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "**=" | "//="
?testlist_star_expr: test_or_star_expr
| test_or_star_expr ("," test_or_star_expr)+ ","? -> tuple
| test_or_star_expr "," -> tuple

// For normal and annotated assignments, additional restrictions enforced by the interpreter
del_stmt: "del" exprlist
pass_stmt: "pass"
@@ -71,43 +80,52 @@ global_stmt: "global" NAME ("," NAME)*
nonlocal_stmt: "nonlocal" NAME ("," NAME)*
assert_stmt: "assert" test ["," test]

compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated | async_stmt
?compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated | async_stmt
async_stmt: "async" (funcdef | with_stmt | for_stmt)
if_stmt: "if" test ":" suite ("elif" test ":" suite)* ["else" ":" suite]
if_stmt: "if" test ":" suite elifs ["else" ":" suite]
elifs: elif_*
elif_: "elif" test ":" suite
while_stmt: "while" test ":" suite ["else" ":" suite]
for_stmt: "for" exprlist "in" testlist ":" suite ["else" ":" suite]
try_stmt: ("try" ":" suite ((except_clause ":" suite)+ ["else" ":" suite] ["finally" ":" suite] | "finally" ":" suite))
with_stmt: "with" with_item ("," with_item)* ":" suite
try_stmt: "try" ":" suite except_clauses ["else" ":" suite] [finally]
| "try" ":" suite finally -> try_finally
finally: "finally" ":" suite
except_clauses: except_clause+
except_clause: "except" [test ["as" NAME]] ":" suite

with_stmt: "with" with_items ":" suite
with_items: with_item ("," with_item)*
with_item: test ["as" expr]
// NB compile.c makes sure that the default except clause is last
except_clause: "except" [test ["as" NAME]]
suite: simple_stmt | _NEWLINE _INDENT stmt+ _DEDENT

?test: or_test ("if" or_test "else" test)? | lambdef
?test: or_test ("if" or_test "else" test)?
| lambdef
?test_nocond: or_test | lambdef_nocond
lambdef: "lambda" [varargslist] ":" test
lambdef_nocond: "lambda" [varargslist] ":" test_nocond

?or_test: and_test ("or" and_test)*
?and_test: not_test ("and" not_test)*
?not_test: "not" not_test -> not
?and_test: not_test_ ("and" not_test_)*
?not_test_: "not" not_test_ -> not_test
| comparison
?comparison: expr (_comp_op expr)*
?comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
star_expr: "*" expr
?expr: xor_expr ("|" xor_expr)*

?expr: or_expr
?or_expr: xor_expr ("|" xor_expr)*
?xor_expr: and_expr ("^" and_expr)*
?and_expr: shift_expr ("&" shift_expr)*
?shift_expr: arith_expr (_shift_op arith_expr)*
?arith_expr: term (_add_op term)*
?term: factor (_mul_op factor)*
?factor: _factor_op factor | power
?factor: _unary_op factor | power

!_factor_op: "+"|"-"|"~"
!_unary_op: "+"|"-"|"~"
!_add_op: "+"|"-"
!_shift_op: "<<"|">>"
!_mul_op: "*"|"@"|"/"|"%"|"//"
// <> isn't actually a valid comparison operator in Python. It's here for the
// sake of a __future__ import described in PEP 401 (which really works :-)
!_comp_op: "<"|">"|"=="|">="|"<="|"<>"|"!="|"in"|"not" "in"|"is"|"is" "not"
!comp_op: "<"|">"|"=="|">="|"<="|"<>"|"!="|"in"|"not" "in"|"is"|"is" "not"

?power: await_expr ("**" factor)?
?await_expr: AWAIT? atom_expr
@@ -118,61 +136,75 @@ AWAIT: "await"
| atom_expr "." NAME -> getattr
| atom

?atom: "(" [yield_expr|tuplelist_comp] ")" -> tuple
| "[" [testlist_comp] "]" -> list
| "{" [dict_comp] "}" -> dict
| "{" set_comp "}" -> set
?atom: "(" yield_expr ")"
| "(" _tuple_inner? ")" -> tuple
| "(" comprehension{test_or_star_expr} ")" -> tuple_comprehension
| "[" _testlist_comp? "]" -> list
| "[" comprehension{test_or_star_expr} "]" -> list_comprehension
| "{" _dict_exprlist? "}" -> dict
| "{" comprehension{key_value} "}" -> dict_comprehension
| "{" _set_exprlist "}" -> set
| "{" comprehension{test} "}" -> set_comprehension
| NAME -> var
| number | string+
| number
| string_concat
| "(" test ")"
| "..." -> ellipsis
| "None" -> const_none
| "True" -> const_true
| "False" -> const_false

?testlist_comp: test | tuplelist_comp
tuplelist_comp: (test|star_expr) (comp_for | ("," (test|star_expr))+ [","] | ",")

?string_concat: string+

_testlist_comp: test | _tuple_inner
_tuple_inner: test_or_star_expr (("," test_or_star_expr)+ [","] | ",")

?test_or_star_expr: test
| star_expr

?subscriptlist: subscript
| subscript (("," subscript)+ [","] | ",") -> subscript_tuple
subscript: test | ([test] ":" [test] [sliceop]) -> slice
?subscript: test | ([test] ":" [test] [sliceop]) -> slice
sliceop: ":" [test]
exprlist: (expr|star_expr)
| (expr|star_expr) (("," (expr|star_expr))+ [","]|",") -> exprlist_tuple
testlist: test | testlist_tuple
?exprlist: (expr|star_expr)
| (expr|star_expr) (("," (expr|star_expr))+ [","]|",")
?testlist: test | testlist_tuple
testlist_tuple: test (("," test)+ [","] | ",")
dict_comp: key_value comp_for
| (key_value | "**" expr) ("," (key_value | "**" expr))* [","]
_dict_exprlist: (key_value | "**" expr) ("," (key_value | "**" expr))* [","]

key_value: test ":" test

set_comp: test comp_for
| (test|star_expr) ("," (test | star_expr))* [","]
_set_exprlist: test_or_star_expr ("," test_or_star_expr)* [","]

classdef: "class" NAME ["(" [arguments] ")"] ":" suite

arguments: argvalue ("," argvalue)* ("," [ starargs | kwargs])?
| starargs
| kwargs
| test comp_for
| comprehension{test}

starargs: "*" test ("," "*" test)* ("," argvalue)* ["," kwargs]
starargs: stararg ("," stararg)* ("," argvalue)* ["," kwargs]
stararg: "*" test
kwargs: "**" test

?argvalue: test ("=" test)?

comp_iter: comp_for | comp_if | async_for
async_for: "async" "for" exprlist "in" or_test [comp_iter]
comp_for: "for" exprlist "in" or_test [comp_iter]
comp_if: "if" test_nocond [comp_iter]
comprehension{comp_result}: comp_result comp_fors [comp_if]
comp_fors: comp_for+
comp_for: [ASYNC] "for" exprlist "in" or_test
ASYNC: "async"
?comp_if: "if" test_nocond

// not used in grammar, but may appear in "node" passed from Parser to Compiler
encoding_decl: NAME

yield_expr: "yield" [yield_arg]
yield_arg: "from" test | testlist

yield_expr: "yield" [testlist]
| "yield" "from" test -> yield_from

@@ -181,6 +213,7 @@ string: STRING | LONG_STRING

// Other terminals

_NEWLINE: ( /\r?\n[\t ]*/ | COMMENT )+

+ 0
- 81
examples/advanced/python_bytecode.py Ver fichero

@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
Compile Python to Bytecode
A toy example that compiles Python directly to bytecode, without generating an AST.
It currently only works for very very simple Python code.

It requires the 'bytecode' library. You can get it using

$ pip install bytecode

from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
from lark.indenter import Indenter

from bytecode import Instr, Bytecode

class PythonIndenter(Indenter):
NL_type = '_NEWLINE'
tab_len = 8

class Compile(Transformer):
def number(self, n):
return [Instr('LOAD_CONST', int(n))]
def string(self, s):
return [Instr('LOAD_CONST', s[1:-1])]
def var(self, n):
return [Instr('LOAD_NAME', n)]

def arith_expr(self, a, op, b):
# TODO support chain arithmetic
assert op == '+'
return a + b + [Instr('BINARY_ADD')]

def arguments(self, args):
return args

def funccall(self, name, args):
return name + args + [Instr('CALL_FUNCTION', 1)]

def file_input(self, stmts):
return sum(stmts, []) + [Instr("RETURN_VALUE")]

def expr_stmt(self, lval, rval):
# TODO more complicated than that
name ,= lval
assert name.name == 'LOAD_NAME' # XXX avoid with another layer of abstraction
return rval + [Instr("STORE_NAME", name.arg)]

def __default__(self, *args):
assert False, args

python_parser3 = Lark.open('python3.lark', rel_to=__file__, start='file_input',
parser='lalr', postlex=PythonIndenter(),
transformer=Compile(), propagate_positions=False)

def compile_python(s):
insts = python_parser3.parse(s+"\n")
return Bytecode(insts).to_code()

code = compile_python("""
a = 3
b = 5
print("Hello World!")
# -- Output --
# Hello World!
# 10
# 10

+ 10
- 0
examples/composition/README.md Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Grammar Composition
This example shows how to do grammar composition in Lark, by creating a new
file format that allows both CSV and JSON to co-exist.
We show how, by using namespaces, Lark grammars and their transformers can be fully reused -
they don't need to care if their grammar is used directly, or being imported, or who is doing the importing.
See [``main.py``](main.py) for more details.

+ 6
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examples/composition/combined_csv_and_json.txt Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{"header": ["this", "is", "json", 1111]}
# file lines author
data.json 12 Robin
data.csv 30 erezsh
compiler.py 123123 Megalng
{"footer": "done"}

+ 14
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examples/composition/csv.lark Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
start: header _NL row+
header: "#" " "? (WORD _SEPARATOR?)+
row: (_anything _SEPARATOR?)+ _NL
NON_SEPARATOR_STRING: /[a-zA-z.;\\\/]+/
_SEPARATOR: /[ ]+/
| "\t"
| ","

%import common.NEWLINE -> _NL
%import common.WORD
%import common.INT
%import common.FLOAT
%import common.SIGNED_FLOAT

+ 26
- 0
examples/composition/eval_csv.py Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"Transformer for evaluating csv.lark"
from lark import Transformer
class CsvTreeToPandasDict(Transformer):
INT = int
FLOAT = float
WORD = str
def row(self, children):
return children
def start(self, children):
data = {}
header = children[0].children
for heading in header:
data[heading] = []
for row in children[1:]:
for i, element in enumerate(row):
return data

+ 17
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examples/composition/eval_json.py Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"Transformer for evaluating json.lark"
from lark import Transformer, v_args
class JsonTreeToJson(Transformer):
def string(self, s):
return s[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"')
array = list
pair = tuple
object = dict
number = v_args(inline=True)(float)
null = lambda self, _: None
true = lambda self, _: True
false = lambda self, _: False

+ 19
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examples/composition/json.lark Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
?start: value

?value: object
| array
| string
| SIGNED_NUMBER -> number
| "true" -> true
| "false" -> false
| "null" -> null

array : "[" _WS? [value ("," _WS? value)*] "]"
object : "{" _WS? [pair ("," _WS? pair)*] "}"
pair : string ":" _WS value


%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.WS -> _WS

+ 51
- 0
examples/composition/main.py Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Grammar Composition

This example shows how to do grammar composition in Lark, by creating a new
file format that allows both CSV and JSON to co-exist.

1) We define ``storage.lark``, which imports both ``csv.lark`` and ``json.lark``,
and allows them to be used one after the other.

In the generated tree, each imported rule/terminal is automatically prefixed (with ``json__`` or ``csv__),
which creates an implicit namespace and allows them to coexist without collisions.

2) We merge their respective transformers (unaware of each other) into a new base transformer.
The resulting transformer can evaluate both JSON and CSV in the parse tree.

The methods of each transformer are renamed into their appropriate namespace, using the given prefix.
This approach allows full re-use: the transformers don't need to care if their grammar is used directly,
or being imported, or who is doing the importing.

from pathlib import Path
from lark import Lark
from json import dumps
from lark.visitors import Transformer, merge_transformers

from eval_csv import CsvTreeToPandasDict
from eval_json import JsonTreeToJson

__dir__ = Path(__file__).parent

class Storage(Transformer):
def start(self, children):
return children

storage_transformer = merge_transformers(Storage(), csv=CsvTreeToPandasDict(), json=JsonTreeToJson())

parser = Lark.open("storage.lark", rel_to=__file__)

def main():
json_tree = parser.parse(dumps({"test": "a", "dict": { "list": [1, 1.2] }}))
res = storage_transformer.transform(json_tree)
print("Just JSON: ", res)

csv_json_tree = parser.parse(open(__dir__ / 'combined_csv_and_json.txt').read())
res = storage_transformer.transform(csv_json_tree)
print("JSON + CSV: ", dumps(res, indent=2))

if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 9
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examples/composition/storage.lark Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
start: (csv__start | json__start _NL?)+

// Renaming of the import variables is required, as they receive the namespace of this file.
// See: https://github.com/lark-parser/lark/pull/973#issuecomment-907287565
%import .csv.start -> csv__start
%import .json.start -> json__start

%import .csv._NL -> _NL

+ 3
- 1
examples/standalone/json_parser_main.py Ver fichero

@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ Standalone Parser

import sys

from json_parser import Lark_StandAlone, Transformer, inline_args
from json_parser import Lark_StandAlone, Transformer, v_args

inline_args = v_args(inline=True)

class TreeToJson(Transformer):

+ 3
- 0
lark-stubs/tree.pyi Ver fichero

@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ class Tree:
def expand_kids_by_index(self, *indices: int) -> None:

def expand_kids_by_data(self, *data_values: str) -> bool:

def scan_values(self, pred: Callable[[Union[str, Tree]], bool]) -> Iterator[str]:

+ 1
- 1
lark/__init__.py Ver fichero

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ from .exceptions import (ParseError, LexError, GrammarError, UnexpectedToken,
from .lexer import Token
from .lark import Lark

__version__ = "0.11.4"
__version__ = "0.12.0"

+ 14
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lark/ast_utils.py Ver fichero

@@ -19,15 +19,17 @@ class AsList(object):
Subclasses will be instanciated with the parse results as a single list, instead of as arguments.

def camel_to_snake(name):
return re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', name).lower()
class WithMeta(object):
"""Abstract class

def _call(func, _data, children, _meta):
return func(*children)
Subclasses will be instanciated with the Meta instance of the tree. (see ``v_args`` for more detail)

inline = v_args(wrapper=_call)
def camel_to_snake(name):
return re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', name).lower()

def create_transformer(ast_module, transformer=None):
def create_transformer(ast_module, transformer=None, decorator_factory=v_args):
"""Collects `Ast` subclasses from the given module, and creates a Lark transformer that builds the AST.

For each class, we create a corresponding rule in the transformer, with a matching name.
@@ -36,17 +38,18 @@ def create_transformer(ast_module, transformer=None):
Classes starting with an underscore (`_`) will be skipped.

ast_module - A Python module containing all the subclasses of `ast_utils.Ast`
transformer (Optional[Transformer]) - An initial transformer. Its attributes may be overwritten.
ast_module: A Python module containing all the subclasses of ``ast_utils.Ast``
transformer (Optional[Transformer]): An initial transformer. Its attributes may be overwritten.
decorator_factory (Callable): An optional callable accepting two booleans, inline, and meta,
and returning a decorator for the methods of ``transformer``. (default: ``v_args``).
t = transformer or Transformer()

for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(ast_module):
if not name.startswith('_') and inspect.isclass(obj):
if issubclass(obj, Ast):
if not issubclass(obj, AsList):
obj = inline(obj).__get__(t)

wrapper = decorator_factory(inline=not issubclass(obj, AsList), meta=issubclass(obj, WithMeta))
obj = wrapper(obj).__get__(t)
setattr(t, camel_to_snake(name), obj)

return t

+ 26
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lark/exceptions.py Ver fichero

@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ class UnexpectedInput(LarkError):

Used as a base class for the following exceptions:

- ``UnexpectedToken``: The parser received an unexpected token
- ``UnexpectedCharacters``: The lexer encountered an unexpected string
- ``UnexpectedToken``: The parser received an unexpected token
- ``UnexpectedEOF``: The parser expected a token, but the input ended

After catching one of these exceptions, you may call the following helper methods to create a nicer error message.
@@ -128,6 +129,9 @@ class UnexpectedInput(LarkError):

class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
"""An exception that is raised by the parser, when the input ends while it still expects a token.

def __init__(self, expected, state=None, terminals_by_name=None):
super(UnexpectedEOF, self).__init__()

@@ -148,6 +152,10 @@ class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):

class UnexpectedCharacters(LexError, UnexpectedInput):
"""An exception that is raised by the lexer, when it cannot match the next
string of characters to any of its terminals.

def __init__(self, seq, lex_pos, line, column, allowed=None, considered_tokens=None, state=None, token_history=None,
terminals_by_name=None, considered_rules=None):
super(UnexpectedCharacters, self).__init__()
@@ -185,10 +193,15 @@ class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
"""An exception that is raised by the parser, when the token it received
doesn't match any valid step forward.

The parser provides an interactive instance through `interactive_parser`,
which is initialized to the point of failture, and can be used for debugging and error handling.
token: The mismatched token
expected: The set of expected tokens
considered_rules: Which rules were considered, to deduce the expected tokens
state: A value representing the parser state. Do not rely on its value or type.
interactive_parser: An instance of ``InteractiveParser``, that is initialized to the point of failture,
and can be used for debugging and error handling.

see: ``InteractiveParser``.
Note: These parameters are available as attributes of the instance.

def __init__(self, token, expected, considered_rules=None, state=None, interactive_parser=None, terminals_by_name=None, token_history=None):
@@ -197,7 +210,7 @@ class UnexpectedToken(ParseError, UnexpectedInput):
# TODO considered_rules and expected can be figured out using state
self.line = getattr(token, 'line', '?')
self.column = getattr(token, 'column', '?')
self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'pos_in_stream', None)
self.pos_in_stream = getattr(token, 'start_pos', None)
self.state = state

self.token = token
@@ -234,14 +247,20 @@ class VisitError(LarkError):
"""VisitError is raised when visitors are interrupted by an exception

It provides the following attributes for inspection:
- obj: the tree node or token it was processing when the exception was raised
- orig_exc: the exception that cause it to fail

rule: the name of the visit rule that failed
obj: the tree-node or token that was being processed
orig_exc: the exception that cause it to fail

Note: These parameters are available as attributes

def __init__(self, rule, obj, orig_exc):
message = 'Error trying to process rule "%s":\n\n%s' % (rule, orig_exc)
super(VisitError, self).__init__(message)

self.rule = rule
self.obj = obj
self.orig_exc = orig_exc

+ 10
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lark/lark.py Ver fichero

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class LarkOptions(Serialize):
A List of either paths or loader functions to specify from where grammars are imported
Override the source of from where the grammar was loaded. Useful for relative imports and unconventional grammar loading
**=== End Options ===**
**=== End of Options ===**
if __doc__:
__doc__ += OPTIONS_DOC
@@ -340,7 +340,9 @@ class Lark(Serialize):
if self.options.ambiguity not in _VALID_AMBIGUITY_OPTIONS:
raise ConfigurationError("invalid ambiguity option: %r. Must be one of %r" % (self.options.ambiguity, _VALID_AMBIGUITY_OPTIONS))

if self.options.postlex is not None:
if self.options.parser is None:
terminals_to_keep = '*'
elif self.options.postlex is not None:
terminals_to_keep = set(self.options.postlex.always_accept)
terminals_to_keep = set()
@@ -527,6 +529,8 @@ class Lark(Serialize):
"""Only lex (and postlex) the text, without parsing it. Only relevant when lexer='standard'

When dont_ignore=True, the lexer will return all tokens, even those marked for %ignore.

:raises UnexpectedCharacters: In case the lexer cannot find a suitable match.
if not hasattr(self, 'lexer') or dont_ignore:
lexer = self._build_lexer(dont_ignore)
@@ -569,6 +573,10 @@ class Lark(Serialize):
If a transformer is supplied to ``__init__``, returns whatever is the
result of the transformation. Otherwise, returns a Tree instance.

:raises UnexpectedInput: On a parse error, one of these sub-exceptions will rise:
``UnexpectedCharacters``, ``UnexpectedToken``, or ``UnexpectedEOF``.
For convenience, these sub-exceptions also inherit from ``ParserError`` and ``LexerError``.

return self.parser.parse(text, start=start, on_error=on_error)

+ 1
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lark/lexer.py Ver fichero

@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class Token(Str):

def pos_in_stream(self):
warn("Attribute Token.pos_in_stream was renamed to Token.start_pos", DeprecationWarning)
warn("Attribute Token.pos_in_stream was renamed to Token.start_pos", DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.start_pos

def update(self, type_=None, value=None):

+ 156
- 36
lark/load_grammar.py Ver fichero

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import pkgutil
from ast import literal_eval
from numbers import Integral

from .utils import bfs, Py36, logger, classify_bool, is_id_continue, is_id_start, bfs_all_unique
from .utils import bfs, Py36, logger, classify_bool, is_id_continue, is_id_start, bfs_all_unique, small_factors
from .lexer import Token, TerminalDef, PatternStr, PatternRE

from .parse_tree_builder import ParseTreeBuilder
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ TERMINALS = {
'STRING': r'"(\\"|\\\\|[^"\n])*?"i?',
'REGEXP': r'/(?!/)(\\/|\\\\|[^/])*?/[%s]*' % _RE_FLAGS,
'_NL': r'(\r?\n)+\s*',
'_NL_OR': r'(\r?\n)+\s*\|',
'WS': r'[ \t]+',
'COMMENT': r'\s*//[^\n]*',
'_TO': '->',
@@ -113,9 +114,10 @@ RULES = {
'_template_params': ['RULE',
'_template_params _COMMA RULE'],
'expansions': ['alias',
'expansions _OR alias',
'expansions _NL _OR alias'],
'expansions': ['_expansions'],
'_expansions': ['alias',
'_expansions _OR alias',
'_expansions _NL_OR alias'],

'?alias': ['expansion _TO RULE', 'expansion'],
'expansion': ['_expansion'],
@@ -175,27 +177,136 @@ RULES = {

# Value 5 keeps the number of states in the lalr parser somewhat minimal
# It isn't optimal, but close to it. See PR #949
# The Threshold whether repeat via ~ are split up into different rules
# 50 is chosen since it keeps the number of states low and therefore lalr analysis time low,
# while not being to overaggressive and unnecessarily creating rules that might create shift/reduce conflicts.
# (See PR #949)

class EBNF_to_BNF(Transformer_InPlace):
def __init__(self):
self.new_rules = []
self.rules_by_expr = {}
self.rules_cache = {}
self.prefix = 'anon'
self.i = 0
self.rule_options = None

def _add_recurse_rule(self, type_, expr):
if expr in self.rules_by_expr:
return self.rules_by_expr[expr]

new_name = '__%s_%s_%d' % (self.prefix, type_, self.i)
def _name_rule(self, inner):
new_name = '__%s_%s_%d' % (self.prefix, inner, self.i)
self.i += 1
t = NonTerminal(new_name)
tree = ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [expr]), ST('expansion', [t, expr])])
self.new_rules.append((new_name, tree, self.rule_options))
self.rules_by_expr[expr] = t
return new_name

def _add_rule(self, key, name, expansions):
t = NonTerminal(name)
self.new_rules.append((name, expansions, self.rule_options))
self.rules_cache[key] = t
return t

def _add_recurse_rule(self, type_, expr):
return self.rules_cache[expr]
except KeyError:
new_name = self._name_rule(type_)
t = NonTerminal(new_name)
tree = ST('expansions', [
ST('expansion', [expr]),
ST('expansion', [t, expr])
return self._add_rule(expr, new_name, tree)

def _add_repeat_rule(self, a, b, target, atom):
"""Generate a rule that repeats target ``a`` times, and repeats atom ``b`` times.

When called recursively (into target), it repeats atom for x(n) times, where:
x(0) = 1
x(n) = a(n) * x(n-1) + b

Example rule when a=3, b=4:

new_rule: target target target atom atom atom atom

key = (a, b, target, atom)
return self.rules_cache[key]
except KeyError:
new_name = self._name_rule('repeat_a%d_b%d' % (a, b))
tree = ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [target] * a + [atom] * b)])
return self._add_rule(key, new_name, tree)

def _add_repeat_opt_rule(self, a, b, target, target_opt, atom):
"""Creates a rule that matches atom 0 to (a*n+b)-1 times.

When target matches n times atom, and target_opt 0 to n-1 times target_opt,

First we generate target * i followed by target_opt, for i from 0 to a-1
These match 0 to n*a - 1 times atom

Then we generate target * a followed by atom * i, for i from 0 to b-1
These match n*a to n*a + b-1 times atom

The created rule will not have any shift/reduce conflicts so that it can be used with lalr

Example rule when a=3, b=4:

new_rule: target_opt
| target target_opt
| target target target_opt

| target target target
| target target target atom
| target target target atom atom
| target target target atom atom atom

key = (a, b, target, atom, "opt")
return self.rules_cache[key]
except KeyError:
new_name = self._name_rule('repeat_a%d_b%d_opt' % (a, b))
tree = ST('expansions', [
ST('expansion', [target]*i + [target_opt]) for i in range(a)
] + [
ST('expansion', [target]*a + [atom]*i) for i in range(b)
return self._add_rule(key, new_name, tree)

def _generate_repeats(self, rule, mn, mx):
"""Generates a rule tree that repeats ``rule`` exactly between ``mn`` to ``mx`` times.
# For a small number of repeats, we can take the naive approach
return ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [rule] * n) for n in range(mn, mx + 1)])

# For large repeat values, we break the repetition into sub-rules.
# We treat ``rule~mn..mx`` as ``rule~mn rule~0..(diff=mx-mn)``.
# We then use small_factors to split up mn and diff up into values [(a, b), ...]
# This values are used with the help of _add_repeat_rule and _add_repeat_rule_opt
# to generate a complete rule/expression that matches the corresponding number of repeats
mn_target = rule
for a, b in small_factors(mn, SMALL_FACTOR_THRESHOLD):
mn_target = self._add_repeat_rule(a, b, mn_target, rule)
if mx == mn:
return mn_target

diff = mx - mn + 1 # We add one because _add_repeat_opt_rule generates rules that match one less
diff_factors = small_factors(diff, SMALL_FACTOR_THRESHOLD)
diff_target = rule # Match rule 1 times
diff_opt_target = ST('expansion', []) # match rule 0 times (e.g. up to 1 -1 times)
for a, b in diff_factors[:-1]:
diff_opt_target = self._add_repeat_opt_rule(a, b, diff_target, diff_opt_target, rule)
diff_target = self._add_repeat_rule(a, b, diff_target, rule)

a, b = diff_factors[-1]
diff_opt_target = self._add_repeat_opt_rule(a, b, diff_target, diff_opt_target, rule)

return ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [mn_target] + [diff_opt_target])])

def expr(self, rule, op, *args):
if op.value == '?':
empty = ST('expansion', [])
@@ -220,7 +331,9 @@ class EBNF_to_BNF(Transformer_InPlace):
mn, mx = map(int, args)
if mx < mn or mn < 0:
raise GrammarError("Bad Range for %s (%d..%d isn't allowed)" % (rule, mn, mx))
return ST('expansions', [ST('expansion', [rule] * n) for n in range(mn, mx+1)])

return self._generate_repeats(rule, mn, mx)

assert False, op

def maybe(self, rule):
@@ -244,12 +357,8 @@ class SimplifyRule_Visitor(Visitor):

def _flatten(tree):
while True:
to_expand = [i for i, child in enumerate(tree.children)
if isinstance(child, Tree) and child.data == tree.data]
if not to_expand:
while tree.expand_kids_by_data(tree.data):

def expansion(self, tree):
# rules_list unpacking
@@ -487,8 +596,7 @@ def _make_joined_pattern(regexp, flags_set):

return PatternRE(regexp, flags)

class TerminalTreeToPattern(Transformer):
class TerminalTreeToPattern(Transformer_NonRecursive):
def pattern(self, ps):
p ,= ps
return p
@@ -505,6 +613,10 @@ class TerminalTreeToPattern(Transformer):
if len(exps) == 1:
return exps[0]

# Do a bit of sorting to make sure that the longest option is returned
# (Python's re module otherwise prefers just 'l' when given (l|ll) and both could match)
exps.sort(key=lambda x: (-x.max_width, -x.min_width, -len(x.value)))

pattern = '(?:%s)' % ('|'.join(i.to_regexp() for i in exps))
return _make_joined_pattern(pattern, {i.flags for i in exps})

@@ -558,8 +670,8 @@ class Grammar:
def compile(self, start, terminals_to_keep):
# We change the trees in-place (to support huge grammars)
# So deepcopy allows calling compile more than once.
term_defs = deepcopy(list(self.term_defs))
rule_defs = [(n,p,nr_deepcopy_tree(t),o) for n,p,t,o in self.rule_defs]
term_defs = [(n, (nr_deepcopy_tree(t), p)) for n, (t, p) in self.term_defs]
rule_defs = [(n, p, nr_deepcopy_tree(t), o) for n, p, t, o in self.rule_defs]

# ===================
# Compile Terminals
@@ -632,7 +744,10 @@ class Grammar:
exp_options = options

assert all(isinstance(x, Symbol) for x in expansion), expansion
for sym in expansion:
assert isinstance(sym, Symbol)
if sym.is_term and exp_options and exp_options.keep_all_tokens:
sym.filter_out = False
rule = Rule(NonTerminal(name), expansion, i, alias, exp_options)

@@ -666,12 +781,13 @@ class Grammar:

# Filter out unused terminals
used_terms = {t.name for r in compiled_rules
for t in r.expansion
if isinstance(t, Terminal)}
terminals, unused = classify_bool(terminals, lambda t: t.name in used_terms or t.name in self.ignore or t.name in terminals_to_keep)
if unused:
logger.debug("Unused terminals: %s", [t.name for t in unused])
if terminals_to_keep != '*':
used_terms = {t.name for r in compiled_rules
for t in r.expansion
if isinstance(t, Terminal)}
terminals, unused = classify_bool(terminals, lambda t: t.name in used_terms or t.name in self.ignore or t.name in terminals_to_keep)
if unused:
logger.debug("Unused terminals: %s", [t.name for t in unused])

return terminals, compiled_rules, self.ignore

@@ -804,7 +920,7 @@ def _get_parser():
parser_conf = ParserConf(rules, callback, ['start'])
lexer_conf.lexer_type = 'standard'
parser_conf.parser_type = 'lalr'
_get_parser.cache = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, {})
_get_parser.cache = ParsingFrontend(lexer_conf, parser_conf, None)
return _get_parser.cache

@@ -981,9 +1097,7 @@ class GrammarBuilder:
# TODO: think about what to do with 'options'
base = self._definitions[name][1]

while len(base.children) == 2:
assert isinstance(base.children[0], Tree) and base.children[0].data == 'expansions', base
base = base.children[0]
assert isinstance(base, Tree) and base.data == 'expansions'
base.children.insert(0, exp)

def _ignore(self, exp_or_name):
@@ -1226,6 +1340,12 @@ def verify_used_files(file_hashes):
return False
return True

def list_grammar_imports(grammar, import_paths=[]):
"Returns a list of paths to the lark grammars imported by the given grammar (recursively)"
builder = GrammarBuilder(False, import_paths)
builder.load_grammar(grammar, '<string>')
return list(builder.used_files.keys())

def load_grammar(grammar, source, import_paths, global_keep_all_tokens):
builder = GrammarBuilder(global_keep_all_tokens, import_paths)
builder.load_grammar(grammar, source)

+ 1
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lark/parse_tree_builder.py Ver fichero

@@ -204,8 +204,7 @@ class AmbiguousExpander:
if i in self.to_expand:

to_expand = [j for j, grandchild in enumerate(child.children) if _is_ambig_tree(grandchild)]

if not ambiguous:
return self.node_builder(children)

+ 1
- 1
lark/parsers/lalr_interactive_parser.py Ver fichero

@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class InteractiveParser(object):
"""Print the output of ``choices()`` in a way that's easier to read."""
out = ["Parser choices:"]
for k, v in self.choices().items():
out.append('\t- %s -> %s' % (k, v))
out.append('\t- %s -> %r' % (k, v))
out.append('stack size: %s' % len(self.parser_state.state_stack))
return '\n'.join(out)

+ 11
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lark/tree.py Ver fichero

@@ -107,6 +107,17 @@ class Tree(object):
kid = self.children[i]
self.children[i:i+1] = kid.children

def expand_kids_by_data(self, *data_values):
"""Expand (inline) children with any of the given data values. Returns True if anything changed"""
changed = False
for i in range(len(self.children)-1, -1, -1):
child = self.children[i]
if isinstance(child, Tree) and child.data in data_values:
self.children[i:i+1] = child.children
changed = True
return changed

def scan_values(self, pred):
"""Return all values in the tree that evaluate pred(value) as true.

+ 29
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lark/utils.py Ver fichero

@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def get_regexp_width(expr):
return 1, sre_constants.MAXREPEAT
return 0, sre_constants.MAXREPEAT

@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ except ImportError:
atomicwrites = None

class FS:
exists = os.path.exists
exists = staticmethod(os.path.exists)
def open(name, mode="r", **kwargs):
if atomicwrites and "w" in mode:
@@ -359,3 +359,29 @@ def _serialize(value, memo):
return {key:_serialize(elem, memo) for key, elem in value.items()}
# assert value is None or isinstance(value, (int, float, str, tuple)), value
return value

def small_factors(n, max_factor):
Splits n up into smaller factors and summands <= max_factor.
Returns a list of [(a, b), ...]
so that the following code returns n:

n = 1
for a, b in values:
n = n * a + b

Currently, we also keep a + b <= max_factor, but that might change
assert n >= 0
assert max_factor > 2
if n <= max_factor:
return [(n, 0)]

for a in range(max_factor, 1, -1):
r, b = divmod(n, a)
if a + b <= max_factor:
return small_factors(r, max_factor) + [(a, b)]
assert False, "Failed to factorize %s" % n

+ 53
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lark/visitors.py Ver fichero

@@ -149,6 +149,59 @@ class Transformer(_Decoratable):
return token

def merge_transformers(base_transformer=None, **transformers_to_merge):
"""Merge a collection of transformers into the base_transformer, each into its own 'namespace'.

When called, it will collect the methods from each transformer, and assign them to base_transformer,
with their name prefixed with the given keyword, as ``prefix__methodname``.

This function is especially useful for processing grammars that import other grammars,
thereby creating some of their rules in a 'namespace'. (i.e with a consistent name prefix).
In this case, the key for the transformer should match the name of the imported grammar.

base_transformer (Transformer, optional): The transformer that all other transformers will be added to.
**transformers_to_merge: Keyword arguments, in the form of ``name_prefix = transformer``.

AttributeError: In case of a name collision in the merged methods


class TBase(Transformer):
def start(self, children):
return children[0] + 'bar'

class TImportedGrammar(Transformer):
def foo(self, children):
return "foo"

composed_transformer = merge_transformers(TBase(), imported=TImportedGrammar())

t = Tree('start', [ Tree('imported__foo', []) ])

assert composed_transformer.transform(t) == 'foobar'

if base_transformer is None:
base_transformer = Transformer()
for prefix, transformer in transformers_to_merge.items():
for method_name in dir(transformer):
method = getattr(transformer, method_name)
if not callable(method):
if method_name.startswith("_") or method_name == "transform":
prefixed_method = prefix + "__" + method_name
if hasattr(base_transformer, prefixed_method):
raise AttributeError("Cannot merge: method '%s' appears more than once" % prefixed_method)

setattr(base_transformer, prefixed_method, method)

return base_transformer

class InlineTransformer(Transformer): # XXX Deprecated
def _call_userfunc(self, tree, new_children=None):
# Assumes tree is already transformed

+ 0
- 2
setup.cfg Ver fichero

@@ -5,6 +5,4 @@ zip_safe=
universal = 1

description-file = README.md
license_file = LICENSE

+ 74
- 3
tests/test_grammar.py Ver fichero

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import os
from unittest import TestCase, main

from lark import Lark, Token, Tree
from lark.load_grammar import GrammarError, GRAMMAR_ERRORS, find_grammar_errors
from lark import Lark, Token, Tree, ParseError, UnexpectedInput
from lark.load_grammar import GrammarError, GRAMMAR_ERRORS, find_grammar_errors, list_grammar_imports
from lark.load_grammar import FromPackageLoader

@@ -198,6 +198,77 @@ class TestGrammar(TestCase):
x = find_grammar_errors(text)
assert [e.line for e, _s in find_grammar_errors(text)] == [2, 6]

def test_ranged_repeat_terms(self):
g = u"""!start: AAA
AAA: "A"~3
l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AAA'), Tree('start', ["AAA"]))
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AA')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAA')

g = u"""!start: AABB CC
AABB: "A"~0..2 "B"~2
CC: "C"~1..2
l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AABBCC'), Tree('start', ['AABB', 'CC']))
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'BBC'), Tree('start', ['BB', 'C']))
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'ABBCC'), Tree('start', ['ABB', 'CC']))
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAABBB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'ABB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAABB')

def test_ranged_repeat_large(self):
g = u"""!start: "A"~60
l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
self.assertGreater(len(l.rules), 1, "Expected that more than one rule will be generated")
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'A' * 60), Tree('start', ["A"] * 60))
self.assertRaises(ParseError, l.parse, u'A' * 59)
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'A' * 61)

g = u"""!start: "A"~15..100
l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
for i in range(0, 110):
if 15 <= i <= 100:
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'A' * i), Tree('start', ['A']*i))
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, u'A' * i)

# 8191 is a Mersenne prime
g = u"""start: "A"~8191
l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'A' * 8191), Tree('start', []))
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, u'A' * 8190)
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, u'A' * 8192)

def test_large_terminal(self):
g = "start: NUMBERS\n"
g += "NUMBERS: " + '|'.join('"%s"' % i for i in range(0, 1000))

l = Lark(g, parser='lalr')
for i in (0, 9, 99, 999):
self.assertEqual(l.parse(str(i)), Tree('start', [str(i)]))
for i in (-1, 1000):
self.assertRaises(UnexpectedInput, l.parse, str(i))

def test_list_grammar_imports(self):
grammar = """
%import .test_templates_import (start, sep)

%override sep{item, delim}: item (delim item)* delim?
%ignore " "

imports = list_grammar_imports(grammar, [os.path.dirname(__file__)])
self.assertEqual({os.path.split(i)[-1] for i in imports}, {'test_templates_import.lark', 'templates.lark'})

imports = list_grammar_imports('%import common.WS', [])
assert len(imports) == 1 and imports[0].pkg_name == 'lark'

if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 2
- 2
tests/test_nearley/test_nearley.py Ver fichero

@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
NEARLEY_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'nearley')
BUILTIN_PATH = os.path.join(NEARLEY_PATH, 'builtin')

if not os.path.exists(NEARLEY_PATH):
logger.warn("Nearley not installed. Skipping Nearley tests!")
if not os.path.exists(BUILTIN_PATH):
logger.warn("Nearley not included. Skipping Nearley tests! (use git submodule to add)")
raise ImportError("Skipping Nearley tests!")

import js2py # Ensures that js2py exists, to avoid failing tests

+ 0
- 20
tests/test_parser.py Ver fichero

@@ -2204,27 +2204,7 @@ def _make_parser_test(LEXER, PARSER):
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAABB')

def test_ranged_repeat_terms(self):
g = u"""!start: AAA
AAA: "A"~3
l = _Lark(g)
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AAA'), Tree('start', ["AAA"]))
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AA')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAA')

g = u"""!start: AABB CC
AABB: "A"~0..2 "B"~2
CC: "C"~1..2
l = _Lark(g)
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'AABBCC'), Tree('start', ['AABB', 'CC']))
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'BBC'), Tree('start', ['BB', 'C']))
self.assertEqual(l.parse(u'ABBCC'), Tree('start', ['ABB', 'CC']))
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAABBB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'ABB')
self.assertRaises((ParseError, UnexpectedInput), l.parse, u'AAAABB')

@unittest.skipIf(PARSER=='earley', "Priority not handled correctly right now") # TODO XXX
def test_priority_vs_embedded(self):

+ 14
- 2
tests/test_reconstructor.py Ver fichero

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import json
import sys
import unittest
from itertools import product
from unittest import TestCase

from lark import Lark
@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ def _remove_ws(s):

class TestReconstructor(TestCase):

def assert_reconstruct(self, grammar, code):
parser = Lark(grammar, parser='lalr', maybe_placeholders=False)
def assert_reconstruct(self, grammar, code, **options):
parser = Lark(grammar, parser='lalr', maybe_placeholders=False, **options)
tree = parser.parse(code)
new = Reconstructor(parser).reconstruct(tree)
self.assertEqual(_remove_ws(code), _remove_ws(new))
@@ -142,6 +143,17 @@ class TestReconstructor(TestCase):
new_json = Reconstructor(json_parser).reconstruct(tree)
self.assertEqual(json.loads(new_json), json.loads(test_json))

def test_keep_all_tokens(self):
g = """
start: "a"? _B? c? _d?
_B: "b"
c: "c"
_d: "d"
examples = list(map(''.join, product(('', 'a'), ('', 'b'), ('', 'c'), ('', 'd'), )))
for code in examples:
self.assert_reconstruct(g, code, keep_all_tokens=True)

@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info < (3, 0), "Python 2 does not play well with Unicode.")
def test_switch_grammar_unicode_terminal(self):

+ 45
- 4
tests/test_trees.py Ver fichero

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import functools
from lark.tree import Tree
from lark.lexer import Token
from lark.visitors import Visitor, Visitor_Recursive, Transformer, Interpreter, visit_children_decor, v_args, Discard, Transformer_InPlace, \
Transformer_InPlaceRecursive, Transformer_NonRecursive
Transformer_InPlaceRecursive, Transformer_NonRecursive, merge_transformers

class TestTrees(TestCase):
@@ -233,21 +233,62 @@ class TestTrees(TestCase):

x = MyTransformer().transform( t )
self.assertEqual(x, t2)
def test_transformer_variants(self):
tree = Tree('start', [Tree('add', [Token('N', '1'), Token('N', '2')]), Tree('add', [Token('N', '3'), Token('N', '4')])])
for base in (Transformer, Transformer_InPlace, Transformer_NonRecursive, Transformer_InPlaceRecursive):
class T(base):
def add(self, children):
return sum(children)
def N(self, token):
return int(token)
copied = copy.deepcopy(tree)
result = T().transform(copied)
self.assertEqual(result, Tree('start', [3, 7]))

def test_merge_transformers(self):
tree = Tree('start', [
Tree('main', [
Token("A", '1'), Token("B", '2')
Tree("module__main", [
Token("A", "2"), Token("B", "3")

class T1(Transformer):
A = int
B = int
main = sum
start = list
def module__main(self, children):
return sum(children)

class T2(Transformer):
A = int
B = int
main = sum
start = list

class T3(Transformer):
def main(self, children):
return sum(children)

class T4(Transformer):
main = sum

t1_res = T1().transform(tree)
composed_res = merge_transformers(T2(), module=T3()).transform(tree)
self.assertEqual(t1_res, composed_res)

composed_res2 = merge_transformers(T2(), module=T4()).transform(tree)
self.assertEqual(t1_res, composed_res2)

with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
merge_transformers(T1(), module=T3())

if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 1
- 12
tox.ini Ver fichero

@@ -1,18 +1,7 @@
envlist = py27, py34, py35, py36, py37, py38, py39, pypy, pypy3
envlist = py27, py34, py35, py36, py37, py38, py39, py310, pypy, pypy3

2.7 = py27
3.4 = py34
3.5 = py35
3.6 = py36
3.7 = py37
3.8 = py38
3.9 = py39
pypy = pypy
pypy3 = pypy3

whitelist_externals = git
deps =
