
Improved README. Dynamic lexer now generates tokens.

Erez Shinan 7 年前
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README.md 查看文件

@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
# Lark - a modern parsing library
# Lark - a modern parsing library for Python

Lark is a modern general-purpose parsing library for Python.
Parse any context-free grammar, FAST and EASY!

It's intended for everyone, from complete beginners to experts in parsing.
**Beginners**: Forget everything you knew about parsers! Lark's algorithm can quickly parse any grammar you throw at it, no matter how complicated. It also constructs a parse-tree for you.

Lark focuses on simplicity, power, and speed. It lets you choose between two parsing algorithms:
**Experts**: Lark lets you choose between Earley and LALR(1), to trade-off power and speed. It also contains experimental features such as a contextual-lexer.

- Earley : Parses all context-free grammars (even ambiguous ones)! It is the default.
- LALR(1): Only LR grammars. Outperforms PLY and most (if not all) other pure-python parsing libraries.
Lark can:

Both algorithms are written in Python and can be used interchangeably with the same grammar\*. Similarly, the lexer can be turned on/off without changing the grammar. That means you can write your parser without any limitations (just keep it context-free) and optimize it for speed only when you need to.
- Parse all context-free grammars, and handle all ambiguity (using Earley)
- Built a parse-tree automagically, no construction code required
- Outperform PLY (when using LALR(1))
- Run on every Python interpreter (it's pure-python)

Lark can automagically build an AST from your grammar, without any more code on your part.
And many more features. Read ahead and find out.

\* *Both the lexer and the LALR algorithm require certain limitations on the grammar. If you choose to use them, it's better to learn what they are first.*

### Hello World

@@ -152,17 +153,21 @@ You can use the output as a regular python module:

- **Earley** parser
- Can parse *ALL* context-free grammars
- Accepts and resolves ambiguous grammars using a parse forest
- Optional lexer
- Resolves ambiguous grammars using a parse forest
- Automatiic & user-defined rule priority for ambiguity resolution
- Dynamic lexer
- **LALR(1)** parser
- Standard & Contextual lexers
- **EBNF** grammar (with a little extra)
- Standard lexer (like PLY)
- Contextual lexer (can handle some ambiguity and non-determinism)
- **EBNF** grammar (with a few extra features)
- Builds a parse-tree (AST) automagically based on the grammar
- Lexer with regular expressions (regexps)
- Automatic line & column tracking
- Automatic token collision resolution (unless both terminals are regexps)
- **Standard library** of terminals (strings, numbers, names, etc.)
- Automatic reconstruction of input (experimental, see examples)
- Experimental features:
- Automatic reconstruction of input from parse-tree (see examples)
- Import grammars from Nearley.js
- **Unicode** fully supported
- Extensive test suite
- **Python 2 & 3** compatible

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examples/json_parser.py 查看文件

@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ class TreeToJson(Transformer):
true = lambda self, _: True
false = lambda self, _: False

# json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='earley', lexer='standard')
# def parse(x):
# return TreeToJson().transform(json_parser.parse(x))
json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='earley', lexer='standard')
def parse(x):
return TreeToJson().transform(json_parser.parse(x))

json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr', transformer=TreeToJson())
parse = json_parser.parse
# json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser='lalr', transformer=TreeToJson())
# parse = json_parser.parse

def test():
test_json = '''

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lark/common.py 查看文件

@@ -112,9 +112,10 @@ class Terminal:

class Terminal_Regexp(Terminal):
def __init__(self, data):
Terminal.__init__(self, data)
self.match = re.compile(data).match
def __init__(self, name, regexp):
Terminal.__init__(self, regexp)
self.name = name
self.match = re.compile(regexp).match

class Terminal_Token(Terminal):
def match(self, other):

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lark/parser_frontends.py 查看文件

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Earley_NoLex:
width = sre_parse.parse(regexp).getwidth()
if width != (1,1):
raise GrammarError('Scanless parsing (lexer=None) requires all tokens to have a width of 1 (terminal %s: %s is %s)' % (sym, regexp, width))
yield Terminal_Regexp(regexp)
yield Terminal_Regexp(sym, regexp)
yield sym

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class XEarley:
rules = [(n, list(self._prepare_expansion(x)), a, o) for n,x,a,o in parser_conf.rules]

resolve_ambiguity = (options.ambiguity=='resolve') if options else True
ignore = [Terminal_Regexp(self.token_by_name[x].pattern.to_regexp()) for x in lexer_conf.ignore]
ignore = [Terminal_Regexp(x, self.token_by_name[x].pattern.to_regexp()) for x in lexer_conf.ignore]

self.parser = xearley.Parser(rules,
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class XEarley:
regexp = self.token_by_name[sym].pattern.to_regexp()
width = sre_parse.parse(regexp).getwidth()
assert width
yield Terminal_Regexp(regexp)
yield Terminal_Regexp(sym, regexp)
yield sym

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lark/parsers/xearley.py 查看文件

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
from collections import defaultdict

from ..common import ParseError, UnexpectedToken, Terminal
from ..lexer import Token
from ..tree import Tree
from .grammar_analysis import GrammarAnalyzer

@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ class Parser:
self.resolve_ambiguity = resolve_ambiguity
self.ignore = list(ignore)

self.postprocess = {}
self.predictions = {}
for rule in self.analysis.rules:
@@ -46,6 +48,9 @@ class Parser:
start_symbol = start_symbol or self.start_symbol
delayed_matches = defaultdict(list)

text_line = 1
text_column = 0

def predict(nonterm, column):
assert not isinstance(nonterm, Terminal), nonterm
return [Item(rule, 0, column, None) for rule in self.predictions[nonterm]]
@@ -78,7 +83,8 @@ class Parser:
for item in to_scan:
m = item.expect.match(stream, i)
if m:
t = Token(item.expect.name, m.group(0), i, text_line, text_column)

s = m.group(0)
for j in range(1, len(s)):
@@ -98,10 +104,16 @@ class Parser:

column = column0
for i, token in enumerate(stream):

column = scan(i, token, column)

if token == '\n':
text_line += 1
text_column = 0
text_column += 1


# Parse ended. Now build a parse tree
