@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef) |
async_funcdef: "async" funcdef |
funcdef: "def" NAME "(" parameters? ")" ["->" test] ":" suite |
parameters: paramvalue ("," paramvalue)* ["," "/"] ["," [starparams | kwparams]] |
parameters: paramvalue ("," paramvalue)* ["," SLASH] ["," [starparams | kwparams]] |
| starparams |
| kwparams |
SLASH: "/" // Otherwise the it will completely disappear and it will be undisguisable in the result |
starparams: "*" typedparam? ("," paramvalue)* ["," kwparams] |
kwparams: "**" typedparam |
@@ -116,9 +118,10 @@ AWAIT: "await" |
| atom_expr "." NAME -> getattr |
| atom |
?atom: "(" [yield_expr|testlist_comp] ")" -> tuple |
?atom: "(" [yield_expr|tuplelist_comp] ")" -> tuple |
| "[" [testlist_comp] "]" -> list |
| "{" [dictorsetmaker] "}" -> dict |
| "{" [dict_comp] "}" -> dict |
| "{" set_comp "}" -> set |
| NAME -> var |
| number | string+ |
| "(" test ")" |
@@ -127,13 +130,23 @@ AWAIT: "await" |
| "True" -> const_true |
| "False" -> const_false |
?testlist_comp: (test|star_expr) [comp_for | ("," (test|star_expr))+ [","] | ","] |
subscriptlist: subscript ("," subscript)* [","] |
?testlist_comp: test | tuplelist_comp |
tuplelist_comp: (test|star_expr) (comp_for | ("," (test|star_expr))+ [","] | ",") |
?subscriptlist: subscript |
| subscript (("," subscript)+ [","] | ",") -> subscript_tuple |
subscript: test | [test] ":" [test] [sliceop] |
sliceop: ":" [test] |
exprlist: (expr|star_expr) ("," (expr|star_expr))* [","] |
testlist: test ("," test)* [","] |
dictorsetmaker: ( ((test ":" test | "**" expr) (comp_for | ("," (test ":" test | "**" expr))* [","])) | ((test | star_expr) (comp_for | ("," (test | star_expr))* [","])) ) |
exprlist: (expr|star_expr) |
| (expr|star_expr) (("," (expr|star_expr))+ [","]|",") -> exprlist_tuple |
testlist: test | testlist_tuple |
testlist_tuple: test (("," test)+ [","] | ",") |
dict_comp: key_value comp_for |
| (key_value | "**" expr) ("," (key_value | "**" expr))* [","] |
key_value: test ":" test |
set_comp: test comp_for |
| (test|star_expr) ("," (test | star_expr))* [","] |
classdef: "class" NAME ["(" [arguments] ")"] ":" suite |