geom_gate userland utility improvements
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29 lines
776 B

  1. # $FreeBSD$
  2. SUBDIR= ${_ggatessh} \
  3. tests
  4. _ggatessh= ggatessh
  5. .PHONY: devtest
  6. devtest:
  7. find [gst]* -type f -name '*.c' -o -name 'Makefile*' -o -name '*.sh' -o -name '*.8' | entr sh -c '(set -o pipefail; make -j 4 2>&1 | head -n 30) && make install -j 4 && (kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile sys/geom/class/gate || (cd /usr/tests && kyua report --verbose))'
  8. VERSION!= git tag --points-at
  9. dist:
  10. .if empty(VERSION)
  11. @echo 'Failed to find version tag!' && exit 1
  12. .endif
  13. @mkdir ${VERSION}
  14. @git archive --prefix ${VERSION}/ ${VERSION} | tar -xf -
  15. # run autoreconf
  16. @cd ${VERSION}/libssh2 && autoreconf -fi
  17. @tar -cJf ${VERSION}.tar.xz ${VERSION}
  18. updatelibssh2:
  19. git subtree merge --squash -P libssh2 master
  20. .include <>