geom_gate userland utility improvements
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31 lines
516 B

  1. !include "win32/"
  2. !include "win32/"
  4. AR = lib
  5. ARFLAGS = -nologo /LTCG
  6. RESOURCE=$(INTDIR)\libssh2.res
  7. DLL=libssh2$(SUFFIX).dll
  8. STATICLIB=$(INTDIR)\libssh2.lib
  9. !if "$(BUILD_STATIC_LIB)" == ""
  10. all: $(DLL)
  11. !else
  12. all: $(STATICLIB)
  13. !endif
  14. $(DLL): $(OBJECTS) $(RESOURCE)
  15. $(CC) -o $(DLL) $(DLLFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(RESOURCE) $(LIBS)
  17. $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJECTS)
  18. $(RESOURCE): win32\libssh2.rc
  19. $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) /Fo"$@" $?
  20. !include "win32/"