- Implementation notes:
- This is a true OS/400 implementation, not a PASE implementation (for PASE,
- use AIX implementation).
- It uses ASCII as internal character set. This has been accomplished using the
- QADRT library and include files, a C and system procedures ASCII wrapper
- library. See IBM QADRT description for more information.
- This results in libssh2 being an ASCII library: any function string
- argument is taken/returned in ASCII and a C/C++ calling program built around
- QADRT may use libssh2 functions as on any other platform.
- QADRT does not define ASCII wrappers for all C/system procedures: an
- additional module (os400sys.c) define some more of them, that are used by
- libssh2 and that QADRT left out.
- Since standard library entry points expect and return ASCII character strings,
- additional procedures are provided for string transcoding (see below). No
- wrappers to standard procedures are provided: however, nested calls to
- transcoding procedures may be used.
- Crypto API is provided by the IBM QC3 API library. It supports RSA, but not DSA.
- Standard compilation environment does support neither autotools nor make;
- in fact, very few common utilities are available. As a consequence, the
- libssh2_config.h has been coded manually and the compilation scripts are
- a set of shell scripts stored in subdirectory os400.
- The test environment is currently not supported on OS/400.
- Compiling on OS/400:
- These instructions target people who knows about OS/400, compiling, IFS and
- archive extraction. Do not ask questions about these subjects if you're not
- familiar with.
- _ As a prerequisite, QADRT development environment must be installed.
- _ Install the libssh2 sources directory in IFS.
- _ Enter shell (QSH)
- _ Change current directory to the libssh2 sources installation directory
- _ Change current directory to os400
- _ Edit file iniscript.sh. You may want to change tunable configuration
- parameters, like debug info generation, optimisation level, listing option,
- target library, zlib availability and location, etc.
- _ Copy any file in the current directory to makelog (i.e.:
- cp initscript.sh makelog): this is intended to create the makelog file with
- _ Enter the command "sh make.sh > makelog 2>&1'
- _ Examine the makelog file to check for compilation errors.
- Leaving file initscript.sh unchanged, this will produce the following OS/400
- objects:
- _ Library LIBSSH2. All other objects will be stored in this library.
- _ Modules for all libssh2 units.
- _ Binding directory LIBSSH2_A, to be used at calling program link time for
- statically binding the modules (specify BNDSRVPGM(QADRTTS) when creating a
- program using LIBSSH2_A. Also give access to the zlib BNDDIR/SRVPGM if
- libssh2 is compiled with zlib).
- _ Service program LIBSSH2.<soname>, where <soname> is extracted from the
- src/Makefile.am VERSION variable. To be used at calling program run-time
- when this program has dynamically bound libssh2 at link time.
- _ Binding directory LIBSSH2. To be used to dynamically bind libssh2 when
- linking a calling program.
- _ Source file H. It contains all the include members needed to compile a C/C++
- module using libssh2.
- _ LIBSSH2, SSH2_PKEY, SSH2_SFTP members in file H. These are the C/C++ header
- files. Original fames have been mangled to fit member name allowed syntax.
- _ Source file LIBSSH2RPG. It contains all the ILE/RPG /INCLUDE members
- needed to compile an ILE/RPG program calling libssh2 procedures.
- _ LIBSSH2, SSH2_PKEY, SSH2_SFTP members in file LIBSSH2RPG. These are
- ILE/RPG translations of the corresponding C header files.
- Special programming consideration:
- QADRT being used, the following points must be considered:
- _ If static binding is used, service program QADRTTS must be linked too.
- _ Likewise, if libssh2 has been compiled with zlib support, access to the
- zlib objects must be provided at link time.
- _ The EBCDIC CCSID used by QADRT is 37 by default, NOT THE JOB'S CCSID. If
- another EBCDIC CCSID is required, it must be set via a locale through a call
- to setlocale_a (QADRT's setlocale() ASCII wrapper) with category LC_ALL or
- LC_CTYPE, or by setting environment variable QADRT_ENV_LOCALE to the locale
- object path before executing the program.
- _ Do not use original source include files unless you know what you are doing.
- Use the installed members instead (in /QSYS.LIB/LIBSSH2.LIB/H.FILE).
- String transcoding support:
- To help passing arbitrarily encoded string arguments and/or receiving string
- values from/to the libssh2 API, three non-standard additional procedures are
- provided. They use a session pointer and a "string cache" pointer.
- Each time a string is transcoded, it is cached in the given cache. It is
- the responsibility of the caller to release the cache when its associted strings
- are no longer needed. These procedures and the string cache type are defined
- in a new libssh2_ccsid.h header file.
- To create a string cache, use:
- #include <libssh2_ccsid.h>
- libssh2_string_cache * cache = NULL;
- To release all strings in a cache, call:
- libssh2_release_string_cache(session, &cache);
- The transcoding procedures are:
- char * libssh2_from_ccsid(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session,
- libssh2_string_cache **cache,
- unsigned short ccsid,
- const char *string, ssize_t inlen,
- size_t *outlen);
- char * libssh2_to_ccsid(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session,
- libssh2_string_cache **cache,
- unsigned short ccsid,
- const char *string, ssize_t inlen,
- size_t *outlen);
- where:
- session is a libssh2 session used for memory allocation.
- cache is the address of a string cache.
- ccsid is the external (i.e.: non libssh2) coded character set id.
- 65535 means no conversion and 0 means the current job's CCSID.
- string is the string to convert.
- inlen is the source string length in bytes: set to -1 if
- null-terminated.
- outlen if not NULL, is the address of a variable that will receive
- the transcoded string length upon return.
- libssh2_from_ccsid() transcodes the string from the given CCSID to libssh2
- internal encoding (UTF-8). It is intended to be used to convert API input
- parameters.
- libssh2_to_ccsid() transcodes the string from libssh2 internal encoding
- (UTF-8) to the given CCSID. This has been implemented to get standard API
- string results in a program's native encoding.
- Both these functions return a pointer to the null-terminated converted string,
- or NULL if an error occurred. In addition, the variable pointed by outlen
- receives the effective byte length of the (cached) translated string, or -1
- in case of error.
- ILE/RPG support:
- Since 95% of the OS/400 programmers use ILE/RPG exclusively, a definition
- /INCLUDE member is provided for this language. To include libssh2
- definitions in an ILE/RPG module, line
- h bnddir('LIBSSH2/LIBSSH2')
- must figure in the program header, and line
- d/include libssh2/libssh2rpg,libssh2
- in the global data section of the module's source code.
- If required, members ssh2_sftp, ssh2_pkey and ssh2_ccsid may also be included.
- For IFS source compilations, include members are located in directory
- /libssh2/include/libssh2rpg and have their original names retained.
- ILE/RPG lacks a serious macro preprocessor, thus C macros requiring this
- feature have not been translated. However, function-like C macros have been
- implemented as procedures and therefore supported in ILE/RPG.