- # $FreeBSD$
- PIDFILE=ggatessh.pid
- TESTIMG="test.img"
- TEMPFILE="random.data"
- SFTPSERVER="/usr/libexec/sftp-server"
- PORT=2222
- atf_test_case ggatessh cleanup
- ggatessh_head()
- {
- atf_set "descr" "ggatessh can proxy to sftp"
- atf_set "require.progs" "ggatessh"
- atf_set "require.user" "root"
- atf_set "timeout" 10
- }
- ggatessh_body()
- {
- load_ggate
- us=$(alloc_ggate_dev)
- n1mchunks=3
- secsize=4096
- atf_check -e ignore -o ignore \
- dd if=/dev/random of="$TEMPFILE" bs=1m count=$n1mchunks conv=notrunc
- startup_sshd
- truncate -s ${n1mchunks}m "$TESTIMG"
- # sshd authenticates and switches to USER
- chown "$USER" "$TESTIMG"
- echo 'WARNING: ggatessh error messages goes to syslog' \
- '(aka /var/log/messages)'
- atf_check \
- ggatessh create -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- ggate_dev=/dev/ggate${us}
- wait_for_ggate_device ${ggate_dev}
- # make sure it has correct size and sector size
- read _dev _secsize _size _nsecs _stripesize _stripeoff <<EOF
- $(diskinfo /dev/ggate$us)
- atf_check_equal "$_secsize" $secsize
- atf_check_equal "$_size" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024))
- atf_check_equal "$_nsecs" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024 / $secsize))
- # Test writing
- atf_check -e ignore -o ignore \
- dd if="$TEMPFILE" of=${ggate_dev} bs=1m count=$n1mchunks \
- conv=notrunc
- # Test reading
- atf_check -e ignore -o ignore \
- dd of="$TEMPFILE"2 if=${ggate_dev} bs=1m count=$n1mchunks \
- conv=notrunc
- # Verify that we read what we wrote
- atf_check cmp "$TEMPFILE" "$TEMPFILE"2
- # Verify that the image matches
- atf_check cmp "$TEMPFILE" "$TESTIMG"
- }
- ggatessh_cleanup()
- {
- common_cleanup
- }
- atf_test_case ggatessh_resize cleanup
- ggatessh_resize_head()
- {
- atf_set "descr" "ggatessh will resize the devices"
- atf_set "require.progs" "ggatessh"
- atf_set "require.user" "root"
- atf_set "timeout" 20
- }
- ggatessh_resize_body()
- {
- n1mchunks=4
- secsize=4096
- us=$(alloc_ggate_dev)
- startup_sshd
- truncate -s ${n1mchunks}m "$TESTIMG"
- # sshd authenticates and switches to USER
- chown "$USER" "$TESTIMG"
- echo 'WARNING: ggatessh error messages goes to syslog' \
- '(aka /var/log/messages)'
- atf_check \
- ggatessh create -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- ggate_dev=/dev/ggate${us}
- wait_for_ggate_device ${ggate_dev}
- # make sure it has correct size and sector size
- read _dev _secsize _size _nsecs _stripesize _stripeoff <<EOF
- $(diskinfo /dev/ggate$us)
- atf_check_equal "$_secsize" $secsize
- atf_check_equal "$_size" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024))
- atf_check_equal "$_nsecs" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024 / $secsize))
- # kill off old ggate
- pkill -F "$PIDFILE"
- # Test resizing
- n1mchunks=6
- truncate -s ${n1mchunks}m "$TESTIMG"
- ps auxwww | grep ggatessh
- cat "$PIDFILE"
- sleep 1
- # restart ggate
- atf_check \
- ggatessh rescue -v -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG" &
- sleep 1
- # make sure it has correct size and sector size
- read _dev _secsize _size _nsecs _stripesize _stripeoff <<EOF
- $(diskinfo /dev/ggate$us)
- atf_check_equal "$_secsize" $secsize
- atf_check_equal "$_size" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024))
- atf_check_equal "$_nsecs" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024 / $secsize))
- dd if=/dev/ggate$us of=/dev/null bs=1m
- }
- ggatessh_resize_cleanup()
- {
- common_cleanup
- }
- atf_test_case ggatessh_multises cleanup
- ggatessh_multises_head()
- {
- atf_set "descr" "ggatessh will handle multiple sessions w/o looping"
- atf_set "require.progs" "ggatessh"
- atf_set "require.user" "root"
- atf_set "timeout" 20
- }
- ggatessh_multises_body()
- {
- n1mchunks=1
- secsize=4096
- us=$(alloc_ggate_dev)
- startup_sshd
- set -x
- truncate -s ${n1mchunks}m "$TESTIMG"
- # sshd authenticates and switches to USER
- chown "$USER" "$TESTIMG"
- echo 'WARNING: ggatessh error messages goes to syslog' \
- '(aka /var/log/messages)'
- ggatessh create -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- ggate_dev=/dev/ggate${us}
- wait_for_ggate_device ${ggate_dev}
- # kill off ggate so we can schedule I/O
- pkill -F "$PIDFILE"
- # schedule some IO, to create a second session
- dd if=/dev/ggate$us of=/dev/null bs=1m &
- dd1pid="$!"
- dd if=/dev/ggate$us of=/dev/null bs=1m &
- dd2pid="$!"
- # restart ggate
- ggatessh rescue -v -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG" > ggatessh.log &
- ggatepid="$!"
- # This test will timeout if ggatessh exits before dd does, dump
- # the log to find out why
- # wait for IO to complete
- wait "$dd1pid"
- echo "dd exit:" $?
- wait "$dd2pid"
- echo "dd exit:" $?
- # kill off ggate
- kill "$ggatepid"
- wait "$ggatepid"
- #echo 'log:'
- #cat ggatessh.log
- #echo 'end of log'
- # make sure the second session was successfully created
- cnt=$(grep "new session created" ggatessh.log | wc -l)
- if [ "$cnt" -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "not the correct number of new sessions: $cnt"
- return 1
- fi
- }
- ggatessh_multises_cleanup()
- {
- common_cleanup
- }
- atf_test_case ggatessh_rowotest cleanup
- ggatessh_rowotest_head()
- {
- atf_set "descr" "ggatessh properly handles the -o flag"
- atf_set "require.progs" "ggatessh"
- atf_set "require.user" "root"
- atf_set "timeout" 10
- }
- ggatessh_rowotest_body()
- {
- n1mchunks=4
- secsize=4096
- us=$(alloc_ggate_dev)
- startup_sshd
- truncate -s ${n1mchunks}m "$TESTIMG"
- # sshd authenticates and switches to USER
- chmod 444 "$TESTIMG"
- echo 'WARNING: ggatessh error messages goes to syslog' \
- '(aka /var/log/messages)'
- # make sure it fails in rw mode
- atf_check -s not-exit:0 \
- ggatessh create -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- # open it in read-only mode
- atf_check \
- ggatessh create -o ro -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- ggate_dev=/dev/ggate${us}
- wait_for_ggate_device ${ggate_dev}
- # make sure it has correct size and sector size
- read _dev _secsize _size _nsecs _stripesize _stripeoff <<EOF
- $(diskinfo /dev/ggate$us)
- atf_check_equal "$_secsize" $secsize
- atf_check_equal "$_size" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024))
- atf_check_equal "$_nsecs" $(($n1mchunks * 1024 * 1024 / $secsize))
- # that we can read a read-only ggate device
- atf_check -e ignore \
- dd if=${ggate_dev} of=/dev/null bs=1m count=$n1mchunks
- # that we can not write a read-only ggate device
- atf_check -e ignore -s not-exit:0 \
- dd of=${ggate_dev} if=/dev/zero bs=1m count=1
- # kill off old ggate
- pkill -F "$PIDFILE"
- ggatessh destroy -f -u $us >/dev/null
- # test write-only
- chmod 222 "$TESTIMG"
- # make sure it fails in rw mode
- atf_check -s not-exit:0 \
- ggatessh create -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" -F "$PIDFILE" \
- -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- # open it in write-only mode
- atf_check \
- ggatessh create -o wo -i "$(pwd)/id_rsa" -p "$PORT" \
- -F "$PIDFILE" -u $us -l "$USER" "$(pwd)/$TESTIMG"
- ggate_dev=/dev/ggate${us}
- wait_for_ggate_device ${ggate_dev}
- # Note: diskinfo opens w/ read, can't verify device info
- # that we can not read a write-only ggate device
- atf_check -e ignore -s not-exit:0 \
- dd if=${ggate_dev} of=/dev/null bs=1m count=$n1mchunks
- # that we can write a write-only ggate device
- atf_check -e ignore \
- dd of=${ggate_dev} if=/dev/zero bs=1m count=1
- }
- ggatessh_rowotest_cleanup()
- {
- common_cleanup
- }
- atf_init_test_cases()
- {
- atf_add_test_case ggatessh
- atf_add_test_case ggatessh_resize
- atf_add_test_case ggatessh_multises
- atf_add_test_case ggatessh_rowotest
- }
- alloc_ggate_dev()
- {
- local us
- us=0
- while [ -c /dev/ggate${us} ]; do
- : $(( us += 1 ))
- done
- echo ${us} > ggate.devs
- echo ${us}
- }
- alloc_md()
- {
- local md
- md=$(mdconfig -a -t malloc -s 1M) || \
- atf_fail "failed to allocate md device"
- echo ${md} >> md.devs
- echo ${md}
- }
- # slightly modified from:
- # https://serverfault.com/questions/344295/is-it-possible-to-run-sshd-as-a-normal-user
- startup_sshd()
- {
- # ===============================================================
- # Note: using shorter keys to speed up tests, these are insecure.
- # ===============================================================
- # Host keys
- ssh-keygen -f ssh_host_rsa_key -b 1024 -N '' -t rsa > /dev/null
- # user key
- ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -b 1024 -N '' -t rsa > /dev/null
- (echo -n 'command="/usr/libexec/sftp-server" '; cat id_rsa.pub) > authorized_keys
- cat > sshd_config <<EOF
- ListenAddress$PORT
- HostKey /home/freebsd/custom_ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
- AuthorizedKeysFile $(pwd)/authorized_keys
- ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
- PasswordAuthentication no
- # to allow writable tmp w/ sticky bit
- StrictModes no
- UsePAM no
- Subsystem sftp ${SFTPSERVER}
- PidFile $(pwd)/sshd.pid
- if ! :; then
- /usr/sbin/sshd -dD -f $(pwd)/sshd_config &
- sleep .2
- else
- /usr/sbin/sshd -f $(pwd)/sshd_config
- while ! [ -f sshd.pid ]; do
- sleep .2
- done
- fi
- }
- checksum()
- {
- local src work
- src=$1
- work=$2
- src_checksum=$(md5 -q $src)
- work_checksum=$(md5 -q $work)
- if [ "$work_checksum" != "$src_checksum" ]; then
- atf_fail "work md5 checksum didn't match"
- fi
- ggate_checksum=$(md5 -q /dev/ggate${us})
- if [ "$ggate_checksum" != "$src_checksum" ]; then
- atf_fail "ggate md5 checksum didn't match"
- fi
- }
- common_cleanup()
- {
- if [ -f "ggate.devs" ]; then
- while read test_ggate; do
- ggatessh destroy -f -u $test_ggate >/dev/null
- done < ggate.devs
- rm ggate.devs
- fi
- if [ -f "sshd.pid" ]; then
- pkill -F sshd.pid
- # clean up after startup_sshd
- rm ssh_host_rsa_key
- rm id_rsa id_rsa.pub
- rm authorized_keys
- fi
- if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
- pkill -F "$PIDFILE"
- fi
- if [ -f "PLAINFILES" ]; then
- while read f; do
- rm -f ${f}
- done < ${PLAINFILES}
- fi
- if [ -f "md.devs" ]; then
- while read test_md; do
- mdconfig -d -u $test_md 2>/dev/null
- done < md.devs
- rm md.devs
- fi
- true
- }
- load_ggate()
- {
- local class=gate
- # If the geom class isn't already loaded, try loading it.
- if ! kldstat -q -m g_${class}; then
- if ! geom ${class} load; then
- atf_skip "could not load module for geom class=${class}"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # Bug 204616: ggatel(8) creates /dev/ggate* asynchronously if `ggatel create`
- # isn't called with `-v`.
- wait_for_ggate_device()
- {
- ggate_device=$1
- while [ ! -c $ggate_device ]; do
- sleep 0.5
- done
- }