- #ifndef CCDEBUGGER_H
- #define CCDEBUGGER_H
- #define CC_ERROR_NONE 0
- #define CC_ERROR_NOT_WIRED 3
- // defaĆltaj valoroj por pingloj
- // por restarigi al pinglo 35, DC al pinglo 36, DD al pinglo 38
- #define PIN_RST 24
- #define PIN_DC 27
- #define PIN_DD 28
- // alternativaj valoroj por pingloj
- // por restarigi al pinglo 3, DC al pinglo 11, DD al pinglo 13
- // Utila por pi 1.
- //#define PIN_RST 8
- //#define PIN_DC 0
- //#define PIN_DD 2
- int cc_init( int pinRST, int pinDC, int pinDD );
- void cc_delay( unsigned int d );
- void cc_setmult(int mult);
- uint8_t cc_error();
- void cc_reset();
- ////////////////////////////
- // High-Level interaction
- ////////////////////////////
- void cc_setActive( uint8_t on );
- /**
- * Enter debug mode
- */
- uint8_t cc_enter();
- /**
- * Exit from debug mode
- */
- uint8_t cc_exit();
- /**
- * Execute a CPU instructuion
- */
- uint8_t cc_exec( uint8_t oc0 );
- uint8_t cc_execi( uint8_t oc0, unsigned short c0 );
- uint8_t cc_exec2( uint8_t oc0, uint8_t oc1 );
- uint8_t cc_exec3( uint8_t oc0, uint8_t oc1, uint8_t oc2 );
- /**
- * Return chip ID
- */
- unsigned short cc_getChipID();
- /**
- * Return PC
- */
- unsigned short cc_getPC();
- /**
- * Return debug status
- */
- uint8_t cc_getStatus();
- /**
- * resume program exec
- */
- uint8_t cc_resume();
- /**
- * halt program exec
- */
- uint8_t cc_halt();
- /**
- * Step a single instruction
- */
- uint8_t cc_step();
- /**
- * Get debug configuration
- */
- uint8_t cc_getConfig();
- /**
- * Set debug configuration
- */
- uint8_t cc_setConfig( uint8_t config );
- /**
- * Massive erasure on the chip
- */
- uint8_t cc_chipErase();
- ////////////////////////////
- // Low-level interaction
- ////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Write to the debugger
- */
- uint8_t cc_write( uint8_t data );
- /**
- * Wait until we are ready to read & Switch to read mode
- */
- uint8_t cc_switchRead( uint8_t maxWaitCycles );
- /**
- * Switch to write mode
- */
- uint8_t cc_switchWrite();
- /**
- * Read from the debugger
- */
- uint8_t cc_read();
- /**
- * Update the debug instruction table
- */
- uint8_t cc_updateInstructionTable( uint8_t newTable[16] );
- /**
- * Get the instruction table version
- */
- uint8_t cc_getInstructionTableVersion();
- #endif