- /* [Screw holes for attaching the Raspberry Pi 4] */
- // Make the screw holes this much bigger than the
- // actual screw for a more comfortable fit
- // (a bigger number here will make the screws fit looser)
- screw_hole_fudge = 0.15; // [0:0.05:0.5]
- /* [Tray width] */
- // Make the tray this much narrower on each side
- // for a more comfortable fit in the frame
- // (a bigger number here will make the fit looser)
- tray_insert_fudge = 0.25; // [0:0.05:0.75]
- /* [Hidden] */
- tray_width = 58;
- tray_length = 85;
- tray_depth = 5;
- tray_lip_overhang = 10;
- inner_wall_thickness = 5;
- spacer_depth = 3;
- spacer_outer_radius = 3;
- screw_radius = 1.25 + screw_hole_fudge;
- screw_head_radius = 3;
- screw_head_depth = 2;
- pcb_depth = 2;
- spacer_center_width = 49;
- spacer_center_length = 58;
- spacer_from_edge = (tray_width - spacer_center_width) / 2;
- sd_window_width = 40;
- floor_window_width = sd_window_width;
- floor_window_border = (tray_width - floor_window_width) / 2;
- floor_window_length = tray_length - floor_window_border*2 - inner_wall_thickness;
- epsilon = 0.001;
- difference() {
- union() {
- // the main tray
- intersection() {
- union() {
- translate([tray_insert_fudge, 0, 0]) {
- cube([ tray_width - 2*tray_insert_fudge,
- tray_length + tray_lip_overhang,
- tray_depth]);
- }
- difference() {
- // the outer part of the curved handle
- translate([ tray_width/2,
- -tray_length*0.5 + 7.5,
- 0]) {
- cylinder(
- h=tray_depth + spacer_depth + pcb_depth,
- r=tray_length*1.5,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- }
- // cut away the inside to make it a shell
- translate([ tray_width/2,
- -tray_length*0.5 + 5.4,
- -epsilon]) {
- cylinder(
- h=tray_depth + spacer_depth + pcb_depth + 2*epsilon,
- r=tray_length*1.5,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- }
- translate([ tray_width,
- -tray_length,
- -epsilon]) {
- cube([ 2*tray_width,
- 3*tray_length,
- tray_depth + spacer_depth + pcb_depth + 2*epsilon]);
- }
- translate([ -2*tray_width,
- -tray_length,
- -epsilon]) {
- cube([ 2*tray_width,
- 3*tray_length,
- tray_depth + spacer_depth + pcb_depth + 2*epsilon]);
- }
- }
- // reinforce the curved handle
- translate([epsilon, tray_length, tray_depth]) {
- rotate([-75, 0, 0]) {
- cube([tray_width - 2*epsilon, 2*sqrt(2), 6]);
- }
- }
- }
- // cut away the ears of the tray
- // where they jut through the curved handle
- translate([ tray_width/2,
- -tray_length*0.5 + 7.5,
- 0]) {
- cylinder(
- h=tray_depth + spacer_depth + pcb_depth,
- r=tray_length*1.5,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- }
- }
- // place the 4 spacers
- for (a=[ [spacer_from_edge,
- spacer_from_edge],
- [spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_width,
- spacer_from_edge],
- [spacer_from_edge,
- spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_length],
- [spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_width,
- spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_length]]) {
- translate([a[0], a[1], tray_depth-epsilon]) {
- // place the spacer
- cylinder(
- h=spacer_depth + epsilon,
- r=spacer_outer_radius,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- // place a small cone around it
- cylinder(
- h=2 + epsilon,
- r1=spacer_outer_radius + 1,
- r2=spacer_outer_radius,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- }
- }
- // the tray insert edge tabs
- for (a=[ tray_insert_fudge,
- tray_width - tray_insert_fudge]) {
- translate([ a,
- 0,
- tray_depth/2]) {
- intersection() {
- rotate([0, 45, 0]) {
- translate([-tray_depth/sqrt(2)/2, 0, -tray_depth/sqrt(2)/2]) {
- cube([ tray_depth/sqrt(2),
- tray_length,
- tray_depth/sqrt(2)]);
- }
- }
- translate([-tray_depth/2+0.5, 0, -tray_depth/2]) {
- cube([ tray_depth-1,
- tray_length,
- tray_depth]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // punch a hole in the bottom
- translate([ floor_window_border,
- floor_window_border,
- -epsilon]) {
- cube([ floor_window_width,
- floor_window_length,
- tray_depth + 2*epsilon]);
- }
- // drill the 4 screw holes
- for (a=[ [spacer_from_edge,
- spacer_from_edge],
- [spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_width,
- spacer_from_edge],
- [spacer_from_edge,
- spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_length],
- [spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_width,
- spacer_from_edge + spacer_center_length]]) {
- translate([a[0], a[1], -epsilon]) {
- // drill the main screw hole
- cylinder(
- h=tray_depth + spacer_depth + 2*epsilon,
- r=screw_radius,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- // drill a recessed hole for the screw head
- cylinder(
- h=screw_head_depth + epsilon,
- r=screw_head_radius,
- center=false,
- $fn=360);
- }
- }
- }